Rebirth: A Cat with a System

Chapter 72 Overwhelming.

Chapter 72  Overwhelming.

Elyon was in disbelief as his father spoke against Nova, the ruler of the mighty forest. He had always believed that his father would trust and believe every word that came out of Nova's mouth, but here he was, contradicting the great ruler. Elyon had  listening to stories about Nova's wisdom and leadership all in one day, and he had always been in awe of the forest and its creatures. He couldn't fathom why his father would question the authority of someone so revered and respected. Despite his confusion and surprise.

Elyon was taken aback by his father's statement and could not believe his ears. He felt like he must have misheard, so he nervously asked his father to repeat himself. Stuttering slightly, he said, "Father, can you please repeat what you just said? I am not sure if I heard it correctly, but it sounded like you said that Nova, the all-mighty ruler of this forest, was wrong." Elyon's voice trailed off, and he looked at his father with a mix of confusion and disbelief.

"He was wrong" he father Repeated, only response that Elyon could muster was a face of disbelieve, however his father ignored that and continued to speak,

Elyon listened intently as his father spoke, his mind racing with confusion and curiosity. His father's words were contradicting everything he had thought about his father.

As his father finished speaking, Elyon couldn't help but voice his thoughts. "But father, how can you say that? Aren't you afraid that Nova might punish you."

"He's not that kind of ruler, I believe he won't do such a thing"

His father smiled softly, "Son, the truth is that ruling is not just about power and authority. It is about understanding your subjects, and being able to connect with them on a personal level. How can you do that if you are nothing more than a cold, emotionless figure?"

Elyon pondered his father's words, realizing that he had never thought about ruling in such a way before.

"When will you know when to show your emotions and when to hide them" Elyon asked,

"That is the art of ruling, my son. It takes time and practice to master, but the key is to always stay true to yourself and your beliefs, while still being aware of how your emotions may affect those around you."

Elyon nodded, feeling a newfound respect and admiration for his father. Despite Elyon's father's reasoning, Elyon still couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had settled inside him. He wondered if he could ever truly master the art of controlling his emotions like his father seemed to have done. Would it allow him to live a normal life without the constant fear and trauma from his past?

As he gazed at his father, he couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment.

These thoughts swirled in Elyon's mind as he struggled to come to terms with his own emotions. Could he learn to control them like his father had, or was it simply not in his nature? The uncertainty of it all made him want to run away from his own father, but he knew that he couldn't. He had to confront his feelings head-on and figure out his own path forward.

Rephrased: Elyon spent a few hours sparring with his father, but the experience felt like it lasted for years due to the weight of his thoughts. When they were finished, he retreated to his room, located at the highest point of the castle. He needed time alone to process everything that had transpired and consider his own thoughts and feelings.

As he came into his room, he closed the room behind him, there was a big bed in the room, and Elyon didn't hesitate to lay down onto with as soon as he came in.

He rolled around in the bed for a while, hoover after that he stared at the sealing of the room, which had beautiful patterns carver onto it. He couldn't help but let his mind wander as he stared at the intricate designs on the ceiling. He wondered how long it took for the artists to create such a masterpiece, and how much effort and patience they had to put in to achieve it. As he gazed at the patterns, he began to feel a sense of calm wash over him, and his mind gradually started to settle down.

But as he lay there, his thoughts began to drift back to the conversation he had with his Mother, Sister and most of all his father. He couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had been haunting him since their talk.

Lost in thought, he realized that he had spent several hours lying in bed, lost in his own musings. The room was now shrouded in darkness, and the only sound was the soft breathing coming from his own body. Elyon knew that he needed to get some sleep, but his mind was still racing with thoughts and questions. He closed his eyes, hoping to calm his mind and fall asleep.

Despite the luxurious setting of his room, Elyon couldn't shake off the feeling of being overwhelmed by his new life. It was a stark contrast to his previous existence confined to a hospital bed. The thought of his past life brought back memories of the countless nights spent in pain and the constant beeping of machines. He couldn't believe that he had finally escaped that life, but it all felt too good to be true.

As Elyon gazed up at the ceiling, his mind wandered to the numerous revelations he had encountered in a single day: the intricate details of his family's oath and the enigmatic ruler of the forest. It all seemed so surreal and detached, as if it were beyond his grasp. Having spent the majority of his previous life confined to a hospital room, this new existence felt entirely foreign and overwhelming.

He tried to calm his racing thoughts by focusing on his breathing, but it only seemed to make things worse. His mind was a labyrinth, and he felt lost in it. He knew he had to sort out his feelings and beast could perform miracles and rule over the forest like a king just seemed too fantastical to be true. It was as if he was living in a dream, and he was afraid that at any moment, he would wake up find a way to deal with them. But for now, all he could do was lay there, watching the patterns on the ceiling, and hope that sleep would come eventually.

The name Nova had etched itself deeply into Elyon's mind. He couldn't help but feel a sense of disbelief and unreality when he thought about the idea of a talking beast ruling over the forest. The mere concept of such a creature was beyond his wildest imagination. To add to this, he found it hard to comprehend how everyone around him seemed to have spent time with Nova and even worshipped him as if he were a deity.

Despite the awe and reverence that Nova commanded, Elyon couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss. It was as if there was an underlying sense of unease and uncertainty. Elyon couldn't quite put his finger on it, but there was something about the situation that just didn't sit right with him. Perhaps it was his past experiences that had made him skeptical and distrustful, or maybe it was something else entirely.

Regardless of the reason, Elyon couldn't help but question the validity of it all. The fact that a talking beast could perform miracles and rule over the forest like a king just seemed too fantastical to be true. It was as if he was living in a dream, and he was afraid that at any moment, he would wake up and find that none of it was real.

As he pondered over all of these thoughts, Elyon gradually drifted off to sleep, something he desperately needed. As the room descended into darkness, the only illumination came from the light of the two moons outside, casting a breathtaking view. The slow, steady breathing of a blond elf with long, luscious hair tied back and adorned in luxurious robes added to the serene scene as he slept soundly on the spacious bed, which could easily accommodate four to five people.

As he drifted off to sleep, Elyon's face contorted with various expressions, causing anyone who might have seen him to wonder if the handsome elf was having a nightmare. Despite his peaceful surroundings, he seemed to be caught up in a tumultuous inner world, filled with doubts and fears about the new life he had been thrust into.

As he lay there, his long blonde hair fell haphazardly across the pillow, and his luxurious robes rustled with each subtle movement. The room was almost pitch-black, with only the pale light of the twin moons illuminating the space.


Author's note: there will be one more chapter out tomorrow, i did some research and found a software for editing, it might take some time because i am still getting use to it, i hope you enjoyed the chapter, and sorry for the delay.


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