Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler

Chapter 119 - Who Were Taking Risks (I)

Chapter 119: Who Were Taking Risks (I)

Translator: Storm in a Teacup

Two days later, when Long and Shi were sleeping at night, the Shadow Guardians came and awoke them.

Here was what happened. The Shadow Guardians who went to help Fang Shuoyang and Xu You arrived first and were attacked by the assassins. At that time, Qiu Ming’s army had not arrived. The Shadow Guardians and the guards from the Tianyin Post fought back against the assassins. At last, the assassins failed, but Fang was slightly injured.

Half a day later, Qiu Ming arrived with his army.

With the protection of more than a thousand troops, Fang and his people should have been very safe.

Unexpectedly, many assassins suddenly came out from their own people when they were near the imperial city and dozens of the assassins even came from Qiu Ming’s troops!

No one expected that to happen. Soon, Xu and Fang’s carriage was overturned.

It happened so fast that the Shadow Guardians didn’t even have time to rescue them. Fortunately, Fang protected Xu at the critical moment, but Fang got seriously injured in the back and Xu’s foot was also hurt by the carriage.

For this round of attack, although the Shadow Guardians and the soldiers finally killed all the assassins, they also suffered great losses.

Three Shadow Guardians who used to work for Long lost their lives. More than twenty soldiers died and several of them were seriously injured. There were still hundreds of soldiers who were slightly injured!

It happened almost at the gate of the imperial city. Besides, Fang and Xu were in urgent need of the doctor’s treatment and it would be safe for them to stay in the palace.

Therefore, the Shadow Guardians went to report it to Long and Shi in the middle of the night.

Long and Shi were awakened. After hearing the Shadow Guardians’ words, they immediately sent someone to pick up Fang and Xu.

Shi said, “It will take them some time to come here and the imperial doctors will treat them. You can have a rest. I’ll have a check.”

Long immediately shook his head. “How can I still sleep when you’re leaving?”

Shi didn’t know whether he should feel worried or moved.

Maybe he felt the both way. Then, Long got up from the bed.

Seeing Long’s reaction, Shi stopped saying anything.

Both Long and Shi got up. Before long, Fang and Xu were taken to the imperial palace and placed in the palace where Xu used to stay.

Long and Shi directly went there. By the time they arrived, the imperial doctors had given them treatment.

Fang’s back was hurt badly. Plus, his leg injury had not fully recovered. So, instead of lying on his back, he could only lie on his stomach on the bed.

Xu’s ankle was injured and it was very red and swollen.

Luckily, the doctors had already applied some ointment for them. If they didn’t move or exert much strength in three days, there wouldn’t be any big problem. That was really good news for them.

When Long and Shi arrived, Xu’s ankle had been dealt with. Xu was sitting on the chair and his eyes were a little red. That must be because he worried about Fang too much.

Long went over. “You’re here.”

When Xu saw Long, his eyes, which were full of grievance and resentment, brightened slightly. “Elder brother, those people went too far!”

“Alas.” Long sighed. “I already know. Don’t worry. Your injuries won’t be in vain.”

“Mhmm.” Xu nodded.

Although Fang was lying on the bed and couldn’t move, he still greeted the emperor and the empress.

“Greetings, Your Majesty, Your Grace. I can’t get out of bed and kneel down to greet you. Please forgive me.”

Long waved. “Don’t say that right now.”

Then, Long asked the two doctors about Fang and Xu’s conditions.

The doctors reported it to Long, and then Long ordered them to decoct the herbal medicine in person. After driving away the outsiders in the room, Long asked, “What did you find that made them hunt you so crazily?”

Fang smiled bitterly. “In fact, I don’t know what the things are.”

As he spoke, Fang took out two things from his pocket.

One was a jade pendant, which was crystal clear. Obviously, it was the top-quality white jade.

The other thing was a letter written in someone’s blood...

There were three lines in the letter. “On the ninth day of March in the year of Yinyou. A posthumous child. Woman, Lian Xiang’er.”

What did those words mean?

The year of Yinyou... That was 24 years ago, right? A posthumous child? What did that mean?

And who was Lian Xiang’er?

“Do you know the woman called Lian Xiang’er in this letter ?” Long asked Fang.

Fang shook his head. “I don’t know. I’ve never heard of that name.”

Long frowned and gave the letter to Shi. A frown gradually appeared on Shi’s face, because Shi did not know what the letter meant, either.

Long said, “You think these two things are important, so you sent them here?”

“Mhmm.” Fang nodded. “My father hid them in a very secret box in the study and there were two mechanisms on the box. If they were not something very important, my father would never do that. I thought these two things might have something to do with the people who manipulated my father in the dark, so I decided to send them to Your Majesty, who may know what they are. However, we didn’t expect that so many people tried to assassinate us on the way. Those people... also wanted to take our lives, apart from just taking the things back.”

“It seems that these two mysterious things are very important to those people.” Long looked at the letter while thinking.

He found that what was happening was totally different from that in the novel.

So, he didn’t know what was going on.

As a man who survived, must he pay the price for having changed the ending of the novel?

Thinking about that, Long gradually fell into a trance.

Shi looked at Long and found that Long was in a trance. Shi was worried and asked softly, “Your Majesty, are you alright?”

Long shook his head and came to his senses. He smiled at Shi. “I’m fine.”

Shi got closer to Long. Long touched Shi’s hand and then turned to Xu You.

“Xu You, you and Fang Shuoyang can rest here. This is the imperial palace. No one will try to assassinate you, but you need to pay more attention to the food. I will order an imperial doctor to take care of you. Don’t worry too much,” Long said.

Xu nodded. “Okay, I know, elder brother.”

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