Rebirth of an Idle Noblewoman

Chapter 319 - Even I Get Worried When I Go Berserk

Chapter 319: Even I Get Worried When I Go Berserk

Gu Xiqiao dismantled the Cyberspace and erected a barrier that completely isolated the Huangfu manor from the outside world.

However, the bloody stench that filled the air had already spread around the rest of Mingzhou.

A new group of people had arrived at the Wei family’s doorstep.

There was a bald monk with a flowing white beard, an enigmatic Taoist priest, and a Taoist priestess with a tranquil expression...

These were the almighty hermits of the ancient martial arts world. Their strength might not be on par with the Great Elder or his second-in-command but underestimating them would be a deadly mistake.

The Taoist priest specialized in slaying demons, exorcisms, casting spells, metaphysics, and an array of seemingly other-worldly subjects. The highest plane one could get in this realm was the perfect unity of heaven and man. Thus, they possessed knowledge of everything that existed between heaven and earth.

Since its conception, Buddhism was a way for humans to open up their third eye, to be able to see life’s greatest mysteries. However, these people were not fighters, for they believed that it is their duty to save the masses and eliminate bad karma once and for all. One of their ancient scriptures described the power of Buddhism as being boundless, and that those who knew the “way” would be liberated from the eternal cycle of reincarnation.

However, after so many centuries, only a handful of Buddist and Taoist concepts have been successfully passed down and preserved. A couple of larger families in the ancient martial arts world managed to do this but it was hard to deny that these two religions have been on a steady decline over the centuries. A similarly small number of people were struggling to keep the movement alive.

They sensed a calamity that had befallen Mingzhou and had gathered here in Zhuge Yan’s courtyard today upon being invited by the Great Elder of the ancient martial arts world. The abbot, who was clutching onto a string of beads, was continuously driven into a corner on the chessboard. He exclaimed, “Never would I have expected to be playing chess with a descendant of Zhuge. When it comes to the secrets of heaven, no one in the world can compare with you lot...hmm? What a strong aura!”

The second elder, who was strolling around the courtyard froze up. He then smiled to himself. “That must be Young Master Murong reaching a new level?”

“Young Master Murong? He must be at the level of Houtian for there to be such a strong radiance, no?” asked the priestess. “If my memory serves me right, he was given the 70th place and below on the annual ranking list. It seems like yet another prodigy is rising up in the ancient martial arts world.”

“He only achieved what he did after that battle he fought alongside Miss Gu. I wouldn’t go so far as to call him a prodigy though,” said the second elder, despite his surprise at the rate Murong Feiye was advancing. He was good. But when compared to Gu Xiqiao and her Peacekeepers, that boy’s skill was average at best.

They looked at each other the moment they heard the second elder’s comment. Murong Feiye could not be considered a prodigy?

The ground beneath their feet suddenly started to tremble. Shortly after, a strong aura of bloodshed swept over the courtyard like a tidal wave.

The abbot shot up from his seat and it was precisely that moment that his string of beads snapped in half, sending little beads rolling in every direction on the floor.

The masters all peered in the same direction from which the aura was coming from.

The abbot slowed down his pace and turned towards Zhuge Yan as well as the second elder. “You two should know what’s happening right?”

Both of their expressions remained largely the same. The second elder grinned at the abbot while nodding. “That’s right, master.”


The abbot started doubting his senses. Did something go wrong with his hearing, or perhaps did the second elder’s mind go haywire, or did his ears go bad?!

Of course, this wasn’t the time to be having such thoughts. He had forgotten to even ask them what happened before he said his goodbyes and left the compound.

Gu Xiqiao, with her hands behind her back, watched as the Peacekeepers unleashed a pit-massacre formation against their enemies. She did not teach them this trick. Instead, it was developed by Yao Jiamu and Wu Hongwen for such situations. It was this trick that propelled Yao Jiamu’s little team up the ranks during the selection competition and the Peacekeepers were gaining the upper hand using this very trick!

Her expression was peaceful as she watched Shura’s purgatory play out in front of her, like a scene out of a TV show.

The great masters, who were able to get through her barrier were shocked when they saw that look on her face. “Miss Gu? What is the meaning of this?”

They were deeply impressed by Gu Xiqiao during their last trip to the caves and it was also why they recognized her instantly.

The Peacekeepers were too focused on carrying out the massacre that they weren’t surprised by the sudden arrival of the great masters. They had trained so hard for this and the fluidity of the group as a functioning killing machine shocked the great masters. Good god! Where did these prodigies come from! And just how many of them are there?!

It was a total bloodbath. Such violence, such power!

Even the great masters, who have endured countless beatings and ordeals over the years trembled at the sight of the massacre. However, what Guy Xiqiao said next further intensified the fear and bafflement in their hearts.

“O respected masters, I am doing nothing. I am merely—” Gu Xiqiao directed a humble smile at them. “Doing my brothers and sisters a favor by finding them a suitable punching bag. They focus too much on theoretical skills and I was afraid that they still lack real-world combat experience. Do you have any objections to my training regime, great masters?”

A punching bag?

Any objections?

Be great if you answered no, but if otherwise—

You better hold your tongues!

Her words were respectful but it was clear that a monster was hiding behind that facade!

The masters looked at each other silently. Gu Xiqiao had made an incredible sacrifice for the ancient martial arts world once; they knew she wasn’t the sort of person who would kill for fun. There must be some justification for this massacre. Although they found it hard to stomach such a dreadful scene, it wasn’t like they couldn’t read between the lines. Do not interfere! As if they had the power to do so to begin with!

No matter how difficult it was for them to bear with the truth, they had to hold back their emotions!

Huangfu Xuan, who was standing at the edge of the battlefield was elated when she saw these great masters. She immediately got down on her knees and pleaded for mercy. Blood on her face was mixed with tears that rolled down her cheeks. “These people are cruel and vicious. We, the Huangfu family have always respected the rules, and yet here they are, slaughtering us. At this rate, our entire family will be wiped out in no time. Please, I beg for your help, great masters!”

Yao Jiamu, who was inspecting his troops overheard Huangfu Xuan’s words and he sneered in response. “I see, you’re still as cunning as ever, despite death already looming over your shoulder.”

The young Taoist priestess shook her horsetail whisk when she saw how desperate the situation had become for Huangfu Xuan. She chanted a couple of Taoist lines before walking over to help Huangfu Xuan get back on her feet.

“Miss Gu, please spare her some forgiveness.”

Huangfu Xuan’s face lit up and she immediately reached up to grab the priestess’ helping hand.

It was at this moment that a cold voice boomed. “Great Master, I advise you against making such rash decisions.”

Although the voice sounded gentle, it was enough to burn itself into the mind of the people on the battlefield. The priestess, in particular, was so surprised that she turned around instantly.

All she saw, however, was a bright smile on Gu Xiqiao’s face, which was the complete opposite of the voice she heard in her mind. There was nothing cold about her smile. Her pencil-thin lips then started moving. “After all, even I get slightly scared when I go berserk. What about you?”

Eight golden needles, wrapped in purple sparks appeared around her body right after she said that.

Simultaneously, her immensely strong consciousness enveloped the area. The facial expressions of the great masters changed for the worse immediately. They peered anxiously at Gu Xiqiao as their hearts hammered against their ribcage. She was no doubt, much stronger than when they met previously. She must’ve climbed up another level!

They looked at the young lady who was at most, twenty years old, at how calm her expression was and how little it has changed throughout the entire process. They, on the other hand, had already been swallowed up by fear.

The hands of the Taoist priestess trembled. As the words Gu Xiqiao spoke were directed specifically towards her, she felt for a moment that she might just drop dead on the spot! It was that moment that she realized how futile her attempt to save Huangfu Xuan was. With a face as pale as a sheet of paper, she returned to her group. The fear in her heart fluctuated when she saw the side of Gu Xiqiao’s profile.

Now, with no more obstacles in her way, Gu Xiqiao shifted her gaze over to Huangfu Xuan, then onto her Peacekeepers.

The Peacekeepers continued their massacre but this time around, there was no one there to hinder their progress. The same could be said on Gu Xiqiao’s side.

Although they did not enjoy the idea of completely annihilating their enemy, they did not dare object to Gu Xiqiao’s will.

Gu Xiqiao was on a whole other level of angry. In fact, she might not even be appeased after the elimination of the Huangfu family!

Her mental strength wasn’t stable, to say the least. It felt as if a single misstep might turn this entire place into rubble. And so, none of the Peacekeepers dared to protest against her decision.

The Taoist priestess had almost lost her life right in front of their eyes after all!

Not far away, Murong Feiye, who had just leveled up, rushed over. Amidst his urgent staggering, he almost lost his balance and fell over. “This girl’s up to no good again!” It seems more and more likely that the people of the supernatural world were under an existential threat. Gu Xiqiao on her own was already insanely strong. However, with the addition of the Peacekeepers, who were pretty much elite fighters on their own, God knows what they’re capable of.

In the face of such an undefeatable force, only a fool would dare to object to their will.

Murong Feiye gasped. In the grander scheme of things, however, the Huangfu family was not the first to capitulate to Gu Xiqiao. Back then, such scenes were common but instead of a bloodbath, it was the complete financial destruction of two rich and influential families in the imperial capital.

Although there was more bloodshed now, nothing significant has changed in regards to her personality or her rule of conduct since her arrival at the ancient martial arts world.

“Miss Gu!”

One of the Peacekeepers came running over to report the success of their mission after they had annihilated every single foe.

“Now remember, we will retaliate in the very same manner against whoever that dares to challenge the Peace Manor. Total war shall be waged and I will have your backs no matter what,” announced Gu Xiqiao in a dead serious manner.

What the f*ck! Murong Feiye and the great masters were stupefied by her statement!

The more they looked at it, the more it seemed like Gu Xiqiao was the person who conditioned the Peacekeepers into bloodthirsty monsters!

Challenge you guys? As if they weren’t the ones doing that towards others in the first place! The corner of Murong Feiye’s mouth twitched. He recalled how badly the previous situation turned out when someone messed with the Peace Manor. But in comparison to what they have done this time, that previous instance was completely incomparable in its scale of destruction!

“Understood, Miss Gu!” replied the inhabitants of Peace Manor with boiling blood!

Upon receiving fresh blood from the massacre, their auras had become much stronger than before. In the past, these people were said to be half-baked in comparison to what Xixi was capable of. Now, they had already fulfilled the requirements one needed in order to become an Übermensch.

They did not question Gu Xiqiao’s decision to wipe out their enemy. This was because, from the very start of the engagement, they had already felt a sort of evil aura coming forth from the Huangfu family members. This aura that they detected was somewhat similar to the one they sensed from the berserker they had fought —in the imperial capital.

The only difference perhaps was that the people of the Huangfu family managed to retain their memories and their human consciousness, something which the berserkers of the imperial capital did not possess.

This means only one thing—the inventor of such an unethical method has once again, achieved some sort of breakthrough in his research.

Gu Xiqiao nodded before marching right up to Huangfu Xuan’s side. She reached down and grabbed her jaw. A malicious smile then broke across Gu Xiqiao’s face. “Do you know why I deliberately spared your life?” Her smile was warm, sweet, and reassuring while the look in her eyes was so dreamy that it was intoxicating. If this action of hers was done in a completely different context, no doubt, the other party would fall head over heels for her.


There was only fear in Huangfu Xuan’s eyes.

“Miss Gu, I myself, have never had any grievances against you.” Huangfu Xuan was still desperately holding onto whatever that might ensure her survival. That’s right, technically, nobody should know what she did!

“No grievances against me?” Gu Xiqiao loosened her grip. She then pulled out a snow-white napkin from her pocket and wiped her fingers clean. “What you did towards the Hua family is none of my concern. However, the problem came into existence the moment you decided you lay your filthy hands on Little Hua. Oh, right, I’m talking about Hua Youlin, whom your men have tortured till the brink of death. Do you have any idea who he is? He’s my little brother.”

Boom! Huangfu Xuan’s mind went blank.

“Also, it appears that you are assisting evil beings in their quest to harm innocent lives.” Gu Xiqiao threw the dirty napkin aside and pointed her pearl white finger at the ground. “I believe that there’s a laboratory underneath our feet? Were you planning to get the Hua family into your laboratory, turn them into monsters, and lead us into the trap that is your laboratory?”

Huangfu Xuan’s face was drained of its color. Up until this point, she had been operating under the notion that everyone was completely oblivious about her plans. The truth has now been revealed and her assumption was dead wrong. She had been dancing on Gu Xiqiao’s palm the entire time!

It was this moment that she’s all over for her.

Judging by how little mercy Gu Xiqiao had for her men, there was no doubt that she’d receive the same treatment. And she thought she had been blessed with abnormal power that made her invincible. The truth could never have been further than this. From the very start, she had never been a match for Gu Xiqiao!

Gu Xiqiao shot Huangfu Xuan a look as she whipped out a phone to send a text message.

“Little Mu, get your men to help transport her back to the Imperial Capital. Hand her over to Dr. Zhu Yuan, he’ll know how to teach her a good lesson on being a decent human being.” Upon completing her text message, Gu Xiqiao tucked her phone back in her pocket and left the scene.

Nevermind bloodstains, there was not even a single wrinkle on her coat.

“Miss Gu, so we’re just going to ship her off to the Imperial Capital just like that? Aren’t you afraid that someone will come and take her away mid-journey?” questioned Murong Feiye as he glanced at Huangfu Xuan from time to time.

Gu Xiqiao paused for a moment and chuckled to herself. “If they aren’t afraid that I’ll sniff them out from the clues that they’ll inevitably leave behind then...sure, they’re welcome to intercept the convoy.”

The air then started warping before she vanished from this realm.

“Great Masters,” said Yao Jiamu with an apologetic look on his face. “Miss Gu did not mean what she said just now. Please know that she still has much respect for you people.”

The Great Masters were momentarily taken aback but they quickly reacted to the situation with a bitter smile. Respect? From which part of their exchange did she ever show respect to them?

“Follow me and you’ll understand what I’m talking about.” Yao Jiamu couldn’t bear to see these well-respected great masters misunderstand Gu Xiqiao. And so, he waved them in to break the truth to them.

The Great Masters looked at each other with puzzled expressions before they did as told by Yao Jiamu.

Murong Feiye clicked his tongue in disdain but in the end, for some inexplicable reason, he too, walked over as he was also curious about just what pissed off Gu Xiqiao so much that she did not hesitate to carry out a massacre.

Her rage was so great that it shook the entire Mingzhou.

It was the same moment when Wu Hongwen emerged from beneath the ground. His face was storming. If the people lying next to his feet weren’t dead, he’d definitely grab them onto their feet and kill them again. “Everyone, follow me.”

Wu Hongwen brought them to a hidden entrance which led to an underground chamber.

Back when the battle was still raging on, he heard Gu Xiqiao’s voice telling him that something big was to be found underground.

And so, Wu Hongwen came rushing over the moment the battle ceased. As expected, he found a secret chamber underground, just as Gu Xiqiao had told him!

The heavy steel door groaned open and what followed shocked the people who were present. Even Yao Jiamu, who had been told about the room’s contents beforehand was so appalled by the scenery that he was fuming afterward.

The underground laboratory must’ve been cleared of important material by someone before they left. However, whatever that was deemed unimportant was left behind, an example being... test subjects.

Most of the test subjects weren’t physically whole; there were severed body parts strewn all around the laboratory.

It was difficult, if not impossible, to describe how miserable the situation was inside this laboratory.

Yao Jiamu peered down at a palm lying next to his foot. It was small, and judging from its bone structure, the child must’ve been no older than 10!

“The Huangfu family have been assisting those bastards in collecting test subjects. They’ve succeeded, but at the cost of countless innocent lives. In return, the members of the Huangfu family have gained immense power. So many lives lost, so many families destroyed, just to get them where they are today,” he said while pointing down at the pieces of raw flesh. He then looked up at the great masters with bloodshot eyes. “You sympathize with the Huangfu family, but what about these people?!”

“Great Masters, you should thank your lucky stars that Miss Gu still has respect for you people.” Yao Jiamu turned away. “If not for that, God knows how many times you would’ve died in your attempts to save Huangfu Xuan’s ass.”

The great masters were shocked beyond words. Finally, they understood what fuelled Gu Xiqiao’s murderous rampage. Though, that also resulted in every one of them trembling in fear.

The young priestess who intended to save Huangfu Xuan stared at the corpse of an infant lying atop an operating table. In an instant, she was struck by a sense of guilt for doubting Gu Xiqiao and anger at herself for committing such a stupid mistake. Now, she truly felt the same pain that compelled Gu Xiqiao to let loose her wrath on the Huangfu family!

What a cruel sight. What the Huangfu family did was outrageous!

The abbot’s lips remained shut. He shut his eyes and started thinking about how much worse the scene down here was compared to the one above ground. It was enough to send him into a state of shock!

He took a good look at the carnage that had occurred down here and proceeded to sit down on the floor cross-legged and placed his palms together. Word by word, he recited a sutra for these poor souls to pass onto to the afterlife. Golden texts flowed out from his lips and swept towards the desecrated corpses, soothing their relentless souls.

The teachings of Buddha liberate all beings from suffering.

On the next day, Hua Youlin’s eyelids fluttered as his mind gradually regained consciousness. A moment later, he shot up from his bed and turned towards Jiji, who was standing guard next to him.

“Sister Gu! Where is she?” he asked with urgency in his voice.

“Beauty Qiao’s safe and sound. Never mind her, you should worry about yourself first,” replied Jiji while chewing on an apple. It directed a look of sympathy at Hua Youlin. “The plan you came up with this time wasn’t clever at all. Although you were doing things for her own good, you missed out on one key factor. Judging by her personality, do you seriously think that the prospect of death would deter her from chasing after her goal?”

“That’s right, that’s right!” Xixi joined in as it swooped in through the window. “Little Hua, Beauty Qiao’s arrived!”

“Why are you being so happy?” Jiji flung the apple core at Xixi. “You better worry about your own safety, you feather ball! Eight Brother? That lion-looking dude called you his eight brother! I advise you to come up with a good excuse before Beauty Qiao returns.”

‘Weren’t they here to care for me? Why were these two fighting again?’

What a bunch of posers! Hua Youlin looked down at his injuries which appeared to be more or less completely healed. It must’ve been Gu Xiqiao’s work. If so, she should be fine herself. Hua Youlin silently put on his shoes and left the room in search of Gu Xiqiao.

Gu Xiqiao walked out of the room next to his as soon as he opened the door. However, it seemed like she did not see him yet.

Hua Youlin opened his mouth, about to say something when he noticed a Taoist priestess enter through the front door. Great, he confirmed that Gu Xiqiao really was deliberately ignoring him this time!

An awkward look surfaced on his face.

“Miss Gu, I am here to apologize for my actions from yesterday.” The priestess looked like she was going through a roller coaster of emotions. She must’ve seen something that utterly shattered her morale last night. “I am terribly sorry for my overly impulsive reaction.”

If she knew about such matters going on, her reaction would undoubtedly be no better than Gu Xiqiao’s.

Gu Xiqiao bowed respectfully in response and flashed her a smile. “Great Master, there is no need for you to apologize. I have to admit, I myself, am not a saint. Your Taoist philosophy advocates for conforming to nature’s will, action in inaction, and complete faith in heavens’ will. I, on the other hand, rebelled against this deterministic world.”

Gu Xiqiao’s words stunned the priestess. After a brief pause, she got back on her feet and her tense expression loosened up into a smile. “This incident is not the end. It is merely the start of a long, arduous journey.” This was just their first step on this blood-filled road.

In response to such fanatical words, the priestess felt that it should have been her responsibility to persuade such a young person with limitless talent against having such cynical thoughts but at this very moment, she found it impossible to come up with a constructive argument to do so. On the contrary, her own emotions had been riled up by Gu Xiqiao’s words.

Instead of apologizing, had she come here just to get brainwashed?!

Gu Xiqiao then made her way to Zhuge Yan’s place. On her way there, she had bumped into a couple of familiar faces.

“Now that you’ve leveled up, this technique should suit you rather nicely,” Gu Xiqiao told Murong Feiya. She rubbed her chin and started talking to herself. “To level up twice within a month, as expected of someone who has earned the respect of the leader of Great Britain.”


‘Sh*t! If we’re talking about who’s the most horrifying person of all, no one should be able to even challenge you for that position! I mean, you guys went ahead and crushed the Huangfu family without much pre-planning. In comparison to you, I’m weak as sh*t! So stop talking as if I’m that good!’ complained Murong Feiye to himself.

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