Rebirth of the Heavenly Demon

Chapter 53

Chapter 53 – Closer (2)

The headquarters of the Night Merchants was in an uproar.

It was belatedly discovered that the identity tag of the man Gu-cheol had killed revealed him to be Si-gon of the Heavenly Blade Sect.

“You crazy bastard! How could you have killed him?”

Ya-cheon thundered, and Gu-cheol pleaded his innocence.

“I didn’t intend to kill him either. But what could I do when he came at us with his eyes rolled back? Ask the boys.”

“Even so, you son of a bitch!”

Gu-cheol quickly stepped back, fearing he might get slapped.

Ya-cheon sighed and worried.

“Of all people, it had to be the Heavenly Blade Sect!”

“Don’t worry. No one witnessed it. Besides, didn’t we completely dispose of his corpse?”

“Someone knows about this fact.”

“What? Who on earth saw it?”

“The one who informed us of that man’s whereabouts!”


That was why Ya-cheon was so serious. The fact that someone knows about this. That was an even more serious problem than killing Si-gon.

“We’ve been properly caught by him.”

“I’m sorry.”

Gu-cheol, finally realizing the seriousness of the situation, lowered his head deeply.

Ya-cheon didn’t scold him any further. This incident wasn’t Gu-cheol’s responsibility. It was his own responsibility for sending him to a place he shouldn’t have sent him to in the first place.

The person who informed about Si-gon’s whereabouts used his hand to eliminate him.

‘Why on earth?’

The fact that a bundle of promissory notes was found on Si-gon meant that the one who contacted them was the very person who stole the notes in the first place.

‘If it’s someone capable of intercepting Shandong Merchant Association’s money and setting up such a trap?’

Couldn’t they have eliminated Si-gon without borrowing his hand? But why?

Gu-cheol quickly asked, as if he had suddenly thought of something.

“Could it be that they’re targeting us?”

“You bastard, you finally thought of it. Of course that’s the case.”

“I’ll destroy whoever it is.”

“To do that, you need to find out who it is first. Something must have happened related to Ma Jeongsu. Investigate Ma Jeongsu discreetly.”

“But is it okay to mess with them?”

“Given the situation, we need to take active measures. If we just stay put, we’ll end up getting beaten like idiots without even knowing who did it. Anyway, start with Ma Jeongsu.”

“Yes, leave it to me.”

Gu-cheol went outside.

Ya-cheon walked to the window. Something he didn’t know about was definitely happening.

For the first time in a long while, his heart was racing and his flesh was trembling. But it didn’t feel so bad.

There was always a great reward when resolving dangerous situations.


Ma Jeongsu was pacing back and forth in his room frantically.

Even the next day, Si-gon didn’t return. At first, he was angry at him.

How could he leave over such a trivial matter? What a childish rebellion? It was truly pathetic.

Even by the afternoon, he hadn’t returned. That’s when he started to worry a bit.

He tried to shake off his anxiety, telling himself that Si-gon wasn’t someone who could be easily dealt with. In the process, another innocent desk was broken. He couldn’t even remember how many times it had been broken.

When Si-gon didn’t return even by evening, Ma Jeongsu thought he must be dead. After all, he wasn’t the type to leave without a word just because he was angry.

Ma Jeongsu felt the blood in his entire body turn cold.

“I’ll wring their necks! No matter what you bastards do, I won’t back down.”

The targets of his anger were his siblings. He firmly believed it was the doing of one of them. The motive, the ability, he couldn’t think of anyone else.

He didn’t want to lose to those bastards since childhood. They were siblings who had tormented him terribly since he was young because his mother was a concubine. No, they weren’t siblings, they were sons of bitches.

“You’ll see how I take my revenge.”

At that moment, someone was watching him from the half-open door. It was that mysterious woman.


Despite Ma Jeongsu’s angry shout, the woman remained expressionless as usual.

“Report everything. Every single thing without missing anything. How I turn this situation around by myself. Understand?”

When the woman didn’t answer, he yelled angrily.

“Do you understand?!”

In the end, the woman left without giving any answer.

“Arrogant bitch! Emotionless wooden bitch. When I become the successor, I’ll wring your neck first.”

All those words were heard by the woman walking down the corridor through the open door.

At least the part about her being an emotionless wooden block was wrong.

Because coldness was added to the woman’s expressionless face after hearing those words.


The next day, as soon as he opened his eyes, Ma Jeongsu went to find Jeong Yeo.

He couldn’t just stay put after even Si-gon was taken out.

“What brings you here?”

“I have an urgent matter to discuss with my Alliance Leader.”

Despite being inwardly tense at his sudden visit, Jeong Yeo greeted him as calmly as possible.

“Please speak.”

“I think you’ve already heard the rumors. The alliance with the Shandong Merchant Association has fallen through.”

“Several unfortunate events overlapped. But I believe Young Master Ma will overcome this well.”

“That’s why I’m here. Faction Leader Jeong needs to help me.”

“What do you mean?”

“I can’t stop the martial arts academy establishment plan like this. Please help me, Alliance Leader.”

Jeong Yeo couldn’t answer readily. What could ‘help’ mean? First, it would mean asking for money, and also asking to borrow the power of Yang Minor Faction.

“I’m worried that our insignificant sect might only cause trouble if we get involved in Young Master Ma’s great undertaking.”

Although he politely refused, Ma Jeongsu didn’t back down.

“Isn’t Yang Minor Faction truly the number one sect in Shandong? If Faction Leader Jeong helps me this time, I will never forget this favor.”

Ma Jeongsu was in a position where he had to establish the martial arts academy to lay the foundation for the Heavenly Blade Sect in Shandong. If he couldn’t accomplish this, he would beautifully fail the successor test.

He just needed to get over this hurdle.

Although the contract for establishing the martial arts academy was canceled, if he could raise the money, he could proceed again. It was canceled because of the rumor that he went bankrupt, so there would be no problem if he had the money.

The reason he didn’t touch Yang Minor Faction at first was because there was no need to. It was also because of Flower Fan Elder’s advice that it wouldn’t look good to outsiders if he asked for help while staying at Yang Minor Faction.

But now the situation had changed.

If Yang Minor Faction helped him get over this hurdle, he would pass the first test.

So when a new test is given, he will do it more splendidly. He will gather new subordinates. He was hit this time, so next time he will backstab his competitors. Not just make them stagger, but a backstab so hard their heads will fly off.

“I understand what you’re saying. Would you give me some time to think?”

“Alright. But don’t keep me waiting too long.”

“I’ll come see you soon.”

As he was leaving the room, Ma Jeongsu inwardly sneered.

‘Hah! You might want to pull out somehow, but it won’t be easy.’

He intended to use everything he could use. When all the juice is squeezed out, he plans to chew even the shell and throw it away.

‘Just wait and see, I won’t just die. How do you think I’ve come this far?’


After sending Ma Jeongsu away, Jeong Yeo came to my room.

He relayed Ma Jeongsu’s request and then said worriedly:

“What should we do?”

It was certainly a worrying matter. Once we start helping that greedy bastard, he will squander Yang Minor Faction’s assets like a sponge absorbing water.

“He intends to sacrifice Yang Minor Faction for his own greed.”

“It seems so.”

Jeong Yeo looked like he wanted to curse out loud. So I did it for him.

“That dirty, petty bastard, you want to slap him and then destroy him, don’t you?”

“I want to stomp him into the ground.”

Only then did he look like his anger was subsiding.

“Don’t worry, his end is not far off.”

I’ve already made a big plan to eliminate him by entangling him with the Night Merchants. There are just a few detailed issues remaining. One of them was the mysterious woman.

“This actually turned out well.”

“What are you planning to do?”

I said with a knowing smile:

“If he wants to gather his own firewood, we should light the fire for him.”


The next day, I went to see Ma Jeongsu together with Jeong Yeo.

Jeong Yeo calmly brought up the prepared words.

“As you know, it hasn’t been long since I became the Faction Leader. Shamefully, I haven’t yet fully taken control of this faction just yet. So I can’t completely step away from various affairs of the faction. Therefore, I’d like to introduce someone who can assist you in my place.”

Ma Jeongsu scrutinized me carefully.

But because I was wearing a human skin mask and had completely changed my voice, he couldn’t recognize me.

I had changed to a top-grade mask. Unless one was a mask expert, it was impossible to recognize. It was very expensive, but considering the importance of the task, it was an aspect that couldn’t be neglected.

“He’s my most cherished warrior. He’s skilled and intelligent, so he’ll be of great help to Young Master Ma.”

At Jeong Yeo’s introduction, I bowed my head and greeted:

“Pleased to meet you. My name is Gal Pyo.”

It was an alias combining Gal Sa-ryang’s surname and Baek Pyo’s name.

I thought this was an excellent opportunity to learn about that woman.

There’s a saying in the martial world:

Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.

As displeasure flashed across Ma Jeongsu’s face, Jeong Yeo quickly said:

“Of course, our faction will also provide active financial support. Don’t worry.”

Only after hearing that money would be actively supported did Ma Jeongsu’s expression soften.

“Fine. If Faction Leader Jeong recommends someone this highly, I can trust him.”

“Thank you for your trust.”

Jeong Yeo looked at me and said sternly:

“He’s a valuable person, so serve him well. There must be absolutely no mistakes.”

I bowed my head respectfully to Jeong Yeo and answered:

“Yes, I will obey your command.”


I was to stay in the room where Flower Fan Elder had stayed.

After unpacking briefly and going out, I met that woman in the corridor.

She was walking towards this direction from the end of the corridor.

I stood in front of the door and watched her approach.

I was quite tense, but I didn’t hide that tension.

It would be strange not to be too tense when meeting someone for the first time. I was controlling my body perfectly. I was showing just the right amount of tension that a person named Gal Pyo would show.

Seen up close, her face wasn’t cute or glamorous. Was it because of the cold feeling without any makeup? She gave off a somewhat androgynous impression, which rather emitted a strange charm.

Our eyes met.

Eyes without any emotion.

I had seen such eyes a long time ago.

The elites raised in organizations of the demonic path, or in cult organizations. They are raised from infancy to carry out missions without any emotion.

The eyes of those terrible killing machines I saw back then looked like that.

Could this woman be of that kind?

Ma Bong-gi raised this woman? If so, when on earth did he start planning this? Judging by the woman’s age, he must have started raising her at least twenty years ago. Considering Ma Bong-gi’s past appearance, it was hard to believe.

Or is it just eyes that give such an impression? I couldn’t know everything about a person just from their eyes. It could be eyes that coincidentally gave a similar impression.

When she came close enough, I greeted her first.

“I am Gal Pyo.”

She turned her head slightly to look at me. But that was all. She didn’t stop walking and just passed by silently.

“Hey! When someone greets you, you should greet back. What’s your name?”

The woman disappeared around the corner.

I saw her again that night.

I went out for a walk because I couldn’t sleep, and she was standing by the pond.

Was it because of the moonlight overflowing green around the pond? Or was it because she was looking down at the pond so vacantly?

I felt loneliness from her.

The loneliness I felt from her wasn’t the kind of wholesome loneliness that made my heart ache just by looking at it and made me want to embrace her.

An empty loneliness.

It was a hollow loneliness that couldn’t even be comforted because there was nothing there.

I watched that scene for a long time from a distance before going inside. I couldn’t tell whether she noticed that I was watching her or not.

I started observing her from the next day.

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