Rebirth of the Heavenly Demon

Chapter 65

Chapter 65 – Asura Bright King (4)

Ban Seo-jeong was guided to a well-furnished guest room deep within the Martial Righteous Alliance’s inner courtyard.

Elder Bing, who had accompanied her, couldn’t enter this far and had to wait outside for her.

The person waiting in the guest room was Sima Cheon.

“Welcome, Head Ban.”

“It’s an honor to meet you, Commander Sima.”

“Please, have a seat.”

A table with alcohol was already set up. It could be considered rude to prepare alcohol in advance for a first meeting, especially knowing the guest was a woman.

Regardless of gender, for an official first meeting, it was customary to start with tea and then ask if the guest would like some alcohol.

“Thank you so much for accepting my invitation.”

“Not at all. It’s only natural that I should come and pay my respects.”

“Haha, I feel much more at ease hearing you say that. Here, have a drink.”

She could happily have a drink at a first meeting if the other person was good, even as a woman. As someone living in the martial world, she had long since moved past gender distinctions.

But she knew Sima Cheon in front of her better than anyone else.

He was a figure who had been involved in all sorts of corrupt activities while attached to the Heavenly Blade Sect faction. He wasn’t suited for the high position of Martial Righteous Alliance Commander-in-Chief, nor did he have the ability for it. He was more of a politician skilled in scheming rather than a military commander.

Regardless of her inner thoughts, Ban Seo-jeong’s expression showed no sign of discomfort.

Her tactic was to maintain a smile especially towards unfavorable individuals.

With good people, one could convey emotions as they were. If angry, one could say why they were angry. At least they wouldn’t misinterpret it and hold a grudge.

But honestly revealing one’s emotions to someone considered an enemy is truly foolish. Especially if it’s anger. It might feel like venting at the moment, but in the end, it only hurts oneself.

At that moment, someone entered.

“You called for me?”

The person who arrived at Sima Cheon’s call was Gal Sa-ryang.

Gal Sa-ryang was startled to see Ban Seo-jeong there. Ban Seo-jeong was equally surprised. She never dreamed she would see Gal Sa-ryang here.

“Ah, come to think of it, you two must know each other.”

He pretended as if he hadn’t known when he called.

But both Gal Sa-ryang and Ban Seo-jeong could sense that Sima Cheon had intentionally orchestrated this meeting.

“It’s been a long time. Have you been well?”

As Ban Seo-jeong greeted him first, Gal Sa-ryang also bowed politely.

“Yes. I’ve been well, thanks to you.”

Ban Seo-jeong felt a sad emotion in that response. To her, it sounded like:

How could I be well after losing my lord?

Gal Sa-ryang handed the documents he had brought to Sima Cheon.

“Here are the documents you requested.”

“Haha, thank you. Since you’re here, have a drink before you go.”

“I’m still on duty, so I’ll accept it in spirit. Then, I’ll take my leave.”

“You’ve worked hard.”

Sima Cheon didn’t realize there were subtle emotions between the two.

The reason he called Gal Sa-ryang to this meeting today was to humiliate him in front of her.

It would be sufficiently humiliating just to show him doing miscellaneous errands as a mere soldier now.

Sima Cheon was constantly trying to destroy Gal Sa-ryang’s spirit and bring him to rock bottom. He was enjoying this vicious hobby.

Gal Sa-ryang left the room. Before the door closed completely, Sima Cheon said,

“He was truly a capable person.”

He deliberately used the past tense for Gal Sa-ryang to hear, and at the same time, it was a way to gauge Ban Seo-jeong’s attitude towards him.

Ban Seo-jeong smiled and said,

“There are many capable people in the martial world. But there aren’t many that the times demand.”

Although it wasn’t sincere, to Sima Cheon’s ears, it sounded like sweet words implying that he was the one the times demanded.

Sima Cheon smiled contentedly.

‘Yes, this is the taste.’

This was the taste of power. If he weren’t the Commander-in-Chief, how could he drink alcohol served by the head of the Heaven’s Net Association, and how could he hear such sweet words sweeter than alcohol?

Before becoming the Martial Righteous Alliance Commander-in-Chief, he wouldn’t have even been able to meet the head of the Heaven’s Net Association easily.

He was thoroughly enjoying the rewards of diligently cleaning the Heavenly Blade Sect’s behind. Of course, he was also working hard not to fall from this position.

Various conversations were exchanged, and it was time for her to leave.

“Then, I’ll see you next time.”

“Let’s do that.”

Before standing up, Ban Seo-jeong took something out from her bosom.

“This is information that recently came into our association. I brought it as a gift to commemorate our meeting today, Commander.”

Sima Cheon unfolded it and read.

After reading the contents, Sima Cheon was shocked.

“Is this really a writing left by the former Alliance Leader?”

“Yes. We have already confirmed that it’s in his handwriting.”

“How did you obtain this writing?”

Ban Seo-jeong smiled and said,

“As you well know, information in the martial world flows naturally like the laws of nature. Just as no one asks how summer came, it’s the same.”

Sima Cheon couldn’t ask further. He knew well that it was an unwritten rule not to ask about the source of information among information organizations. Moreover, this information was brought as a gift.

In fact, Ban Seo-jeong had been contemplating whether to leak this information or not. It seemed better to leak it for Gal Sa-ryang’s sake, but given the nature of the matter, there were various burdens.

However, after seeing Sima Cheon call Gal Sa-ryang here to humiliate him, she decided to leak the information.

She left the guest room first, and Sima Cheon also hurriedly left the place.


“Something is suspicious.”

Cho Byeok, who had rushed at Sima Cheon’s call, immediately expressed doubt after hearing about the conversation with Ban Seo-jeong.

“Moreover, the timing is too coincidental.”

“Wasn’t it confirmed to be written by the Alliance Leader himself?”

“Handwriting can be forged.”

“There was content about the Soul-Chasing Asura Sword Arts that only the Alliance Leader would know. How do you explain that?”

“That also means it can’t be accurately verified unless it’s the Alliance Leader himself.”

“Let’s wait for now. Our side is also analyzing the handwriting.”

He had entrusted it to the most skilled analyst in the Martial Righteous Alliance.

“If, as you suspect, it’s forged, does that mean the head of the Heaven’s Net Association is opposing me?”

He still couldn’t understand. Opposing him meant opposing the Martial Righteous Alliance, in other words, risking the life of the organization.

“Would the Heaven’s Net Association risk their lives over something like this?”

Sima Cheon tilted his head. No matter how he thought about it, it didn’t seem likely.

“Someone might be using them.”

“Who? That former Alliance Protection Regiment Leader?”

The first person that came to mind was Baek Pyo. He was currently under suspicion of possibly having the sword.

“From my impression of him that day, and judging by his past record, he doesn’t seem like someone who would plot such a thing.”

Cho Byeok agreed with this opinion.

“Gal Sa-ryang might have plotted it.”

“That’s possible too.”

Gal Sa-ryang was under surveillance. If he had contacted the Heaven’s Net Association, he would have been notified. Of course, being a seasoned veteran, he might have evaded surveillance and met with the head of the Heaven’s Net Association.

But seeing the two earlier, it didn’t seem likely. When they first met, they were genuinely surprised to see each other. He could tell it wasn’t feigned surprise, and he could also sense that they hadn’t met for a very long time.

At that moment, a subordinate entered the office to report.

“The handwriting analysis confirms it’s definitely written by the former Alliance Leader.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, they’re certain.”

“Any possibility of forgery?”

“None at all. The analyst says it appears to have been written a few months before the former Alliance Leader passed away. The part mentioning martial arts was also confirmed by the elder masters in the Council of Elders to seem like it was written by the Alliance Leader.”

“I see. You may go now.”

After the subordinate left, Sima Cheon looked at Cho Byeok.

Cho Byeok still couldn’t shake off his doubts.

“Even if this is real, we should be suspicious of it being released at this particular time.”

“If someone intentionally released it, it would be either Baek Pyo or Gal Sa-ryang. They’re the only two who might have kept the Alliance Leader’s belongings. But what meaning does it have now? The important thing is that the Asura Bright King Sword no longer exists in this world.”

The reason Sima Cheon had wanted to obtain the Asura Bright King Sword was to present it to Ma Bong-gi and gain his trust.

But once it was revealed that the sword didn’t exist, his interest disappeared along with it.

“Stop the investigation on Baek Pyo. We have more important things to do.”

Sima Cheon wasn’t interested in what martial artists wanted. As he had lived his whole life, he was still looking for what Ma Bong-gi wanted.


That evening, I was able to briefly meet Baek Pyo’s son, Myeong-i, who came on an errand for his mother.

“Say hello. This is Young Master Byeok.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Myeong-i.”

He was Baek Pyo’s seven-year-old son. With intelligent eyes, he was well-mannered for his age. Well, whose son wouldn’t be well-mannered?

“Who does he take after to be so handsome? Your wife must be very beautiful.”

Baek Pyo was flustered at the word “sister-in-law.” After all, he was just the owner of a tavern, while I was a customer and the heir of the Byeok Clan Sword Manor.

When I gave a friendly smile, Baek Pyo soon relaxed. A look of appreciation flashed in his eyes towards me. He was more touched because he hadn’t expected it.

It should have been like this in my past life. A single word, a small consideration like this moves people’s hearts. Why did I live so rigidly, thinking that the authority of the Alliance Leader was so important?

“Myeong-i, always listen to your parents.”

When I handed the child a coin, he looked at Baek Pyo, asking if it was okay to accept it.

When Baek Pyo nodded, the child thanked me with a bow and ran off through the back door.

Baek Pyo’s gaze towards Myeong-i deepened.

“These days, I live for the joy of raising that boy.”

Baek Pyo spent his youth protecting me.

He wandered through all sorts of battlefields with me, fighting like mad.

In the process, he lost countless comrades. The wounds in his heart must be deeper than the dozens of scars on his body. Wounds that will never fade.

And now, after leaving the Martial Righteous Alliance, Baek Pyo is guarding my sword.

He has spent his entire life protecting me and things related to me.

Considering his life… what was so important about the life of an old man full of authority? What was that sword worth?

So, Baek Pyo, you can be happy now. Enjoy happiness to your heart’s content.

Now, I will protect you.


Three men entered a manor on the outskirts of Wuhan.

They had different body types and ages, each with their own characteristics.

The older-looking man was hairy. His sideburns covered his face, and hair was thick on the backs of his hands and arms. Another man was an enormous figure, with forearms that seemed as thick as an ordinary person’s waist. The last man had an incredibly ugly face, like smashed soybeans.

While they each had distinct features, one thing was similar.

Their eyes were full of killing intent, a chronic bloodlust that made it seem like they could casually kill someone and then eat a meal next to the body.

These were the Three Shadows, Cho Byeok’s three shadows.

The person waiting for them was Cho Byeok.

“You’ve come.”

“You called all three of us. What’s the matter?”

“Unfortunately, the mission that required you has been canceled.”

The Three Shadows showed disappointment.

Then Cho Byeok took out three or four 100-nyang notes and gave them to them.

“Rest for a while, enjoying women’s company.”

The Three Shadows’ expressions immediately brightened.

“Don’t leave Wuhan until I give orders.”

Cho Byeok didn’t send them away. While Sima Cheon had dropped this matter, he still felt uneasy. He had a feeling there was something more, something hidden.

So he planned to secretly find out more from Baek Pyo. Of course, he didn’t intend to report the results to Sima Cheon. He wanted to prove to himself that his intuition wasn’t wrong.

As the Three Shadows were about to leave, one of them casually asked,

“By the way, who was our original target?”

“The former Alliance Protection Regiment Leader.”

“He must be quite strong.”

“Strong is an understatement. Even if the three of you attack together, you won’t be able to kill him.”

“Is he that powerful?”

“What do you think the Martial Righteous Alliance’s Alliance Protection Regiment is? They’re the ones who protect the Alliance Leader. The Alliance Protection Regiment Leader is the head of such people. Even I can’t win in a direct confrontation. But don’t worry. He has a wife and son. We can make him kneel anytime.”

A vile expression crossed the faces of all four men simultaneously. This was how they had lived so far, and how they had survived.

“Once someone’s on your kill list, brother, whether it’s the Alliance Protection Regiment Leader or his grandfather, the result would be the same, right?”

After all, no one who got involved with them had survived. No matter how skilled, they always found a weakness and killed them.

After they left, I revealed myself.

I had been keeping a close eye on the Three Shadows’ movements as they were coming to Wuhan.

I heard their entire conversation while concealing my presence.

When I heard that the order had been canceled, I realized my plan had succeeded.

But it was only half a success. That Cho Byeok hadn’t completely let go of his suspicions. The evidence was that he didn’t send the Three Shadows away.

The moment he mentioned Baek Pyo’s family, I made up my mind.

To eliminate all four of them completely.

It’s the act I hate the most. Messing with family and harming people who don’t know martial arts. And if it’s Baek Pyo’s family?

I wanted to eliminate them all right here, but I didn’t.

I had gone to great lengths to make them believe I had gotten rid of the Asura Bright King Sword, so there was no need to create another reason for Sima Cheon to be suspicious.

I will eliminate them with a time delay, entangling them in a completely different matter.

You’ve been added to my kill list.

Leave your last words on your own kill list.

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