Rebirth of the Heavenly Demon

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 – The Yang Minor Faction (1)

Gwang-du sighed as he looked at the pile of snow he had pushed to one side.

“It’s much more than the snow piled up here.”

And the consequences of that debt were incomparable to the inconvenience of piled-up snow.

“We originally had three sword squads. As we gradually reduced in size, they’ve now been consolidated into one. The number of servants and maids has also been cut by more than half. From what I’ve heard, even now our finances are quite difficult. Really, one mudfish…”

Gwang-du couldn’t finish his sentence and just sighed.

In the end, Seo Jung’s statement that “the entire clan is struggling because of me” referred to very realistic and direct consequences.

“The monthly wages must be delayed then.”

“The monthly wages haven’t been delayed yet. The clan head has made sure to prioritize our wages above all else.”

Even so, wages that should have increased probably didn’t, and as our clan declined, the advantages of being from here would have diminished. In the end, I had been eating away at their future.

“Alright, let’s say I muddied the waters. But why are you making such a fuss in the evening?”

“We have to clean up when the person who lent us money is coming. I’m busy, so let’s talk later.”

Gwang-du ran off. I felt something odd about how hastily he ended the conversation.

Just then, someone spoke from behind.

“The young master of the Yang Minor Faction beat up Brother Gwang-du.”

I turned around to see a maid standing there. Was her name Song-hee? Gwang-du had once told me she was a very kind girl.

“That bastard beat Gwang-du?”

The unpleasant face from yesterday came to mind. That bastard dared to hit Gwang-du?

“Yes. He couldn’t do anything before. But now that our clan has declined, he’s throwing his weight around in all sorts of ways.”

“Why did he hit Gwang-du?”

“He said there was trash left in the courtyard. He said lazy servants should be beaten. But that trash was thrown by the young master himself! He just wanted to beat our Brother Gwang-du!”

I could understand why Gwang-du was making such a fuss about cleaning so late in the evening.

Song-hee’s eyes were filled with tears as she spoke indignantly. I could feel that she liked Gwang-du a lot.

“Was I there too by any chance?”

At that, Song-hee looked at me almost glaring. Her action was already an answer.

“You were drunk… and giggling.”

Damn it. Fucking idiot bastard. I felt more anger towards Byeok Ri-dan than towards Yang Gi-gang who had done the beating.

“Why are you telling me this?”

“Yesterday, Brother Gwang-du said that young master is changing for the better. That he thinks he can trust you now. I still… can’t trust you yet. But I believe in Brother Gwang-du’s words.”

With those final words, Song-hee’s courage, displayed for the first time, seemed to run out.

With a reddened face, she bowed her head and ran off. Tears must have blurred her vision as she almost fell, but fortunately, she didn’t.

When I turned my head, I could see Gwang-du busily sweeping in the distance.

Suddenly, I felt a lump in my throat.

“Even after suffering such a thing, you’ve been treating me so well.”


That night, people from the Yang Minor Faction visited.

With over twenty people including guards barging in all at once, everyone was busy receiving them.

Originally, visiting another clan late at night was a major breach of etiquette. It would never happen unless one had contempt for the other party or was deliberately disrespecting them. Moreover, if one had to come late unavoidably, it was common sense to come with minimal personnel.

Yang Gi-cheol walked in leisurely and greeted my father.

“Hahaha, have you been well, Clan Leader Byeok?”

“You must have had a hard journey in the night, Faction Leader Yang.”

My father greeted him with a pleasant expression.

I heard that in the past, he used to call my father ‘Great Hero Byeok’ and come running barefoot, but now his form of address had changed, and he walked with his hands behind his back, swaggering.

The simplest way to judge someone in relationships is to see them in difficult situations.

Yang Gi-gang was among the group following Yang Gi-cheol.

When he spotted me, he pointed to his eyes and shook his fist. It seemed to mean I should stop glaring.

I can tolerate disrespect towards me, but… this bastard hit Gwang-du?

Yang Gi-cheol spoke to my father without being asked.

“You know Great Hero Peng Mun-do[1] of the Peng Family from Hebei, don’t you?”

“Of course, I do.”

“This time, I’ve joined hands with the Peng Family to start a new venture. I was on my way back from meeting him. Hahaha.”

“Oh! Is that so?”

“I put in a good word about our Clan Leader Byeok to Great Hero Peng.”

Did he really? I doubt it.

Faction Leader Yang Gi-cheol, like his son, didn’t make a good first impression.

In my previous life, I met all sorts of leaders in the martial world. From leaders of huge factions as cold and smooth as marble to leaders of small, obscure factions frantically trying to get noticed. Therefore, I can pride myself on knowing more than anyone about those close to power.

Among them, those who gave a bad first impression invariably acted in ways that explained that feeling, and I had a premonition that Faction Leader Yang would be exactly that type.

“Thank you for your consideration.”

“Hahaha. Don’t you know? I’m the only one looking out for our Clan Leader Byeok.”

In every glance and action of his showing off, I could sense an undisguisable vulgar arrogance.

“Well, let’s discuss the details inside.”

“Let’s do that.”

My father and Yang Gi-cheol went inside the building.

Several of us, including me, had come out to greet Yang Gi-cheol, but he went inside without even glancing in our direction.

Well, this is better actually.

If someone like that tried to act like an elder, it would really be annoying.

Seo Jung, the Sword Squad Chief, received the martial artists from the Yang Minor Faction.

Fortunately, the leader of their martial artists wasn’t disrespectful to Seo Jung. Rather, he treated him with respect and courtesy.

I had heard the reason for this from Gwang-du.

There had been various incidents in the process of the three sword squads being reduced to one.

When the family fortunes declined, the other two sword squad chiefs left for other factions that offered more money. But Seo Jung never left and remained loyal to my father.

At that time, Seo Jung was reportedly the person most wanted by other factions. They offered him amounts he couldn’t earn in a lifetime, but Seo Jung rejected them all and stayed with our family.

Everyone knew this fact, which was why they respected him.

“Hey, we meet again.”

Yesterday’s unpleasant fellow sauntered over to me. Not knowing that my feelings towards him had changed to anger.

The internal energy in my danjeon stirred.

The desire to beat him like a dog welled up. If I were at my peak, I would have started by smashing his jaw first.

But for the sake of my father and the family, I decided to endure it once. If the reason for beating him came to light, it might circle back and harm Gwang-du.

Gwang-du, I’m sorry. Let’s just endure it this one time.

Not knowing my thoughts, Gwang-du was trying hard not to make eye contact with the guy, keeping his head bowed to one side.

Seeing that sight, my anger flared up again.

Damn it.

If I stay any longer, I’ll really cause trouble.

“Since you’re here, eat and go.”

I spoke as gently as I could to Yang Gi-gang and just turned away. Then I heard sneering from behind.

“These beggar bastards sure have strong pride. Listen, kid, cut the crap and pay back the money. How long do you think it’ll take to pay back twenty thousand nyang?”

Twenty thousand nyang. An amount sufficient to bring a small to medium-sized faction to financial ruin.

What kind of trouble did he cause to need to borrow such a large sum of twenty thousand nyang?

“Maybe I should just sell you off to the ronin market. Well, I doubt I’d even get ten nyang for you.”

Since everyone was present, the martial artists of our main house hardened their expressions. But they couldn’t step in to stop or reprimand him. The one they served was no better than him.

Without turning back, I asked:

“The debt isn’t to you personally, is it?”

“What the fuck? Do you still think you’re the heir of Shandong’s top faction?”

“I know I’m not.”


“I know I’m trash.”

Seo Jung, who was watching, had his eyes sparkle. It was a moment when my uncertain change gained a bit more strength. He must have seen me admitting this to someone for the first time.

I didn’t exchange any more words and started walking away briskly when I heard a pitiful scream from behind.


I turned around to see Yang Gi-gang forcibly trying to embrace Song-hee, who was standing to one side.

“If your trash master won’t play with me, at least you should.”

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