Rebirth of the Heavenly Demon

Chapter 73

Chapter 73 – At the End of the Branch of Fate (1)

I sat facing Baek Pyo at the Wind Tavern.

It was before the tavern opened, and at this moment, we were facing each other not as owner and customer, but as lord and vassal.

When I took in new subordinates, I treated them according to their age. Even with Jeong Yeo and Gong Su-chan, I didn’t speak down to them.

But with Baek Pyo, I wanted to treat him like the Baek Pyo of the past. So I told him in advance that I would speak to him comfortably. Of course, Baek Pyo readily accepted.

“What happened with the tavern?”

Now I could freely ask questions I hadn’t been able to before. In truth, I was happy just looking at him.

“I often came here with the former Alliance Leader. He liked this place. As I came here frequently, I gradually grew fond of it. Then, when the Alliance Leader passed away, I couldn’t stay in the Alliance anymore. It felt like his death was entirely my fault.”

Baek Pyo bowed his head deeply.

My heart ached thinking about how much he had cared for me.

But Baek Pyo, as if realizing his mistake, quickly added,

“I’m sorry. I should refrain from talking about the former Alliance Leader as much as possible.”

He was probably worried that mentioning his previous master might upset me, but my dear man, that story is about me too.

“It’s alright. Isn’t our current enemy the Martial Righteous Alliance Leader? It would be strange not to mention the former Alliance Leader in this situation. Feel free to mention him in the future. Moreover, wasn’t he someone you liked?”

“I’m grateful that you think that way.”

“Since we’re on the topic of the Alliance Leader, I think there’s someone behind Ma Bonggi. He’s not capable of becoming the Alliance Leader on his own.”

Baek Pyo wasn’t very surprised.

“I think that’s entirely possible.”

The White Tiger Regiment Commander was the position closest to the Alliance Leader. Having shared in what the Alliance Leader saw and heard, he naturally knew a lot about the Martial Righteous Alliance and the martial world.

How could someone like him not have doubts about Ma Bonggi becoming the Alliance Leader? It’s just that the White Tiger Regiment was an organization for protection, the most apolitical in nature, so he hadn’t mentioned anything.

“If there’s a greater enemy, there’s someone we absolutely need.”

“Who might that be?”

“The former Commander-in-Chief, Gal Saryang.”

I pretended not to know, but I had expected Gal Saryang to be the answer.

Baek Pyo told me various things about Gal Saryang. Of course, it was all information I already knew, and the conclusion was that we should recruit him because he has tremendous abilities.

“If I have to leave this place, I need to meet Commander Gal before that.”

He needed to inform him about serving me as his new master and offering me the Asura Bright King Sword.

If he left without informing him of these facts, Gal Saryang would be very worried. Moreover, it was an even bigger issue because Baek Pyo had been in possession of the Asura Bright King Sword.

“But now it’s not easy to meet him. I don’t know for sure, but Commander Gal is probably under Sima Cheon’s surveillance.”

“Let him know when the time comes, slowly. If we move hastily, not only us but Commander Gal will also be in danger.”

“You’re right.”

At least Sima Cheon believed that I had destroyed the Asura Bright King Sword, so he wouldn’t harass Gal Saryang because of the sword.

“You must never forget. To achieve our great goal, we must definitely gain Commander Gal.”

However, gaining Gal Saryang would be as difficult as gaining Baek Pyo.

The reason I was able to gain Baek Pyo this time was because Gwang-du caused trouble and the Asura Bright King Sword resonated. It was truly a stroke of heavenly luck.

We’ll need great luck with Gal Saryang too. At least now that Baek Pyo is on my side, it might be a little easier if Baek Pyo persuades him.

But for now, I plan to leave him be.

I know Gal Saryang better than anyone. If he stayed in the Martial Righteous Alliance, it means he has something he must do there.

If fate led me to Baek Pyo, it will someday lead me to Gal Saryang too. I will wait for that time.

This time, I told him in detail about our Byeok Clan Sword Manor. About my father and mother, the Sword Squad and the Minor Sword Squad, and even that Faction Leader Jeong Yeo of Yang Minor Faction had sworn loyalty to me.

“My first goal is to completely dominate Shandong.”

In fact, Yang Minor Faction, the number one sect in Shandong, was already under me, and the Song Clan, which could be considered the second, was in an absolute friendly relationship with us.

“In this situation, if we can grow the Byeok Clan Sword Manor into the number one sect in Shandong, we could be said to have dominated more than half of Shandong. This is what you’ll need to help me with in the future.”

Baek Pyo listened to my words with sparkling eyes.

“If you’ve lived behind the scenes as a guard martial artist until now, from now on, become someone who fights at the very front.”


One fortunate thing was that because he was a guard martial artist who didn’t reveal himself, not many people knew Baek Pyo. Even among the high-ranking officials of the Martial Righteous Alliance, there were those who didn’t know Baek Pyo.

So even if he goes to Shandong, almost no one will recognize him. Even if someone does recognize him, it wouldn’t be strange. It was common for retired high-level experts from the Martial Righteous Alliance to join ordinary sects.

“What are you currently working on in Wuhan?”

“I’m creating a small merchant group.”

“Then what should I do?”

“Before I tell you what you should do, there’s an urgent matter I need to discuss.”

“What is it?”

“It will probably take at least a month or two for us to finish our work in Wuhan and return to Shandong. How about your family stays at our home during that time?”

Baek Pyo was surprised, as if he hadn’t expected this.

It wasn’t an easy suggestion to make. The couple would have to be separated, and he would have to part from his young son.

“Not just for this time, but I’d like your family to live with our family in the future. As one family.”

That would be safer in many ways. Moreover, for the various tasks we’ll need to do in the future, Baek Pyo needs to be able to move freely.

“I think you won’t have to worry about the two of them if my parents look after them.”

“I’m grateful, but I’m worried about causing trouble.”

Probably, family was what concerned Baek Pyo the most.

“My friend, what trouble? Your family is the same as my family.”

Baek Pyo’s eyes wavered slightly as he looked at me. His emotion was understandable. I was telling the truth.

“Will you do that?”

“Yes, I will. Thank you, Young Master.”

“Hahaha. Good. You’ve thought very well.”

I was so pleased. After all, I was someone who wanted Baek Pyo’s family to be safe more than anyone.

“Keep running the Wind Tavern for now. We’ll decide what to do with this place just before we return to Shandong.”

“Yes, understood.”

I judged that it would be better to continue operating the tavern for now, as there were still things to do in Wuhan, especially the issue with Gal Saryang.

“I’m thinking of visiting home briefly in a few days. I’ll take your family with me then, so spend some good time with your family until then.”

“Yes. Understood.”

I raised my cup and toasted with Baek Pyo.

Although I didn’t particularly like alcohol, today’s drink was delicious. It made me understand why people drink.

“Martial Artist Baek.”

I called him softly and familiarly.


“You don’t need to fight for the peace of the martial world. Fight for your family. That’s what I’m doing too.”

I knew that sometimes, this can be a stronger force than any great cause. Baek Pyo would also understand well the meaning behind my words.

“I’ll keep that in mind, Young Master.”

That day, I drank with Baek Pyo until very late.

It was the most drunk I had been since I started drinking.


Two days later.

This time, Baek Pyo and Gwang-du sat facing each other at the Wind Tavern.

Baek Pyo had called for Gwang-du.

“Thank you for coming that day. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have formed a connection with the Young Master.”

“Thank you.”

Gwang-du smiled happily. In fact, Gwang-du had agonized a lot before visiting that day. To be honest, he was afraid of being pushed aside.

But then he thought:

Truly caring for someone means being able to put aside your own selfishness for their happiness.

Now that he thought about it, he felt he had done the right thing. The good result made him feel proud.

“Have a drink.”


In fact, Gwang-du liked Baek Pyo. He felt an inexplicable sense of reassurance. How should I put it? Like having a big brother.

Indeed, if he hadn’t liked him, he wouldn’t have visited that day.

“I look forward to working with you!”

Baek Pyo clinked his cup vigorously against Gwang-du’s raised cup.

“Likewise, I look forward to working with you.”


The next day, I headed to Shandong with Jeong Yeong and Myeong-i.

Since we were traveling with a seven-year-old child, I rented a large and comfortable carriage.

We rested frequently if Myeong-i showed even the slightest sign of fatigue, and we made a relaxed schedule of always staying at an inn in the afternoon.

At the inns, I treated them to good rooms and delicious food.

With all these efforts, Jeong Yeong was touched, although she felt burdened.

In fact, although she doesn’t know it, I was the one who read the congratulatory speech at their wedding. That was already nine years ago.

As I got closer to the two of them, one day Jeong Yeong said this to me:

“My husband used to have nightmares constantly. But strangely, he’s been sleeping well since meeting you. Thank you so much.”

This was also the reason why she had a great liking for me from the moment we first met.

“I’m glad to hear that.”

“Please take good care of my husband in the future.”

“I should be the one saying that. I’ll be in your care from now on.”

After more than ten days of travel like this, we returned home.

“Father, Mother. I’m back.”

My father and mother welcomed us warmly. I had sent a message before departure to let them know I was coming with Jeong Yeong and her son.

The two of them warmly welcomed Jeong Yeong.

“Welcome, Lady Jeong.”


Jeong Yeong greeted them politely.

“I’m Jeong Yeong. Please take care of us. Myeong-ah, you should greet the elders.”

Myeong-i greeted my father and mother.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Myeong-i.”

How clearly the seven-year-old boy spoke.

Mother sat down in front of Myeong-i and made eye contact with the child.

“So you’re Myeong-i. Who do you take after to be so handsome?”

“My mom.”

He turned to look at Jeong Yeong.

Mother laughed and said,

“Looking at your social skills, I don’t think we need to worry about you in the future.”


Everyone laughed at Mother’s joke.

“Let’s get along well from now on.”

Mother hugged Myeong-i tightly. Jeong Yeong had a touched expression seeing her son being genuinely cherished.

Father said to Jeong Yeong,

“Please consider this your home and stay comfortably from now on.”

“Thank you.”

Father asked me,

“How were things in Hubei?”

“It went very well. I accomplished everything I had planned, and especially, I met an excellent martial artist named Baek Pyo. He will be a great strength for our clan’s future.”

“That’s good.”

Father smiled with satisfaction.

“Always remember to consider the other person’s position when making any decision.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

Mother took Jeong Yeong’s hand.

“Being a martial arts family, it’s always bustling with men. All they talk about is fighting. So I’ve been quite lonely, but now I’m happy to have someone to talk to. Let’s get along well.”

Jeong Yeong was inwardly flustered by Mother’s warm welcome. She hadn’t expected to be welcomed so warmly and without formality.

Strictly speaking, these were the parents of the person her husband had decided to serve. It was a very difficult relationship. But they were treating her both comfortably and preciously.

“Come, I’ve prepared a room, let’s go see it together.”

The room Mother introduced was in a building not far from Father and Mother’s bedroom. It was the largest and best among the guest rooms.

The interior was well-furnished and clean.

“You can stay here from now on.”

Myeong-i excitedly climbed onto a small bed at the side.

“Wow! I have my own bed!”

Clean bedding was prepared on the beds for Jeong Yeong and Myeong-i.

That wasn’t all. Mother had meticulously prepared new clothes and various items needed for women and children for Jeong Yeong, who was newly settling in.

Jeong Yeong was very flustered.

“We don’t need such a good room.”

She probably thought she would get a corner room in some annex and live helping with household chores.

“Do you not like the room?”

“No, that’s not it…”

“This is the worst room we have, what should we do? If you want a better room…”

“No, no. We’ll use this room.”

With that, Jeong Yeong couldn’t refuse anymore.

Of course, as she would find out later, this was actually the best room.

When I sent word home, I had asked Mother separately to take special care of them, as they were the family of someone precious to me. It was beyond what I had imagined.

Mother’s expression as she looked at me showed pride, as if saying, “How’s that? Your mother is at least this good.”

When Jeong Yeong wasn’t looking, I gave Mother a thumbs up.

Mother, you’re the best.

If you’re clumsily strong, family becomes a burden and a weakness.

But I know. For truly strong people, family becomes genuine strength.

Today, my family grew, and so did my strength.

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