Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 525: Breaking out

Chapter 525: Breaking out

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"Just one day, just one more day" Kenichi said and decided to stay quiet for one more day.


Tony is hammering the helmet of the suit to shape it. He cools it in water before setting it on the table in front of Yinsen.

Next day Tony is wrapping his hands up and Yinsen lifting the suit up. Yinsen helps Tony suit up.

"Okay? Can you move? Okay, say it again." Yinsen asked Tony

"41 steps straight ahead. Then 16 steps, that's from the door, fork right, 33 steps, turn right." Tony replied

Raza notices on the security screens that Stark cannot be seen.

"Where is Stark?" Raza asks in Arabic

"He was here a moment ago." one of the terrorists replied in Arabic.

"Go look for him" Raza ordered in Arabic

The men rush to the cell.

"Yinsen! Yinsen! Stark!" the Terrorists shouted from behind the door.

" Say something. Say something back to him." Tony said hurriedly to Yinsen

"He's speaking Hungarian. I don't..." Yinsen tried to explain that he can't speak hungarian but Tony didn't listen

"Then speak Hungarian." Tony said

"Okay. I know." Yinsen said deciding to try his luck

"What do you know?" asked Tony

The men are shouting through the door while Yinsen is shouting something back at them. The door is rigged with explosives Tony made with the things he had left exactly for this moment. The men try to open the door, only for it to explode. Raza watches this all on camera and orders his men down there.

"How'd that work?" asked Tony

"Oh, my goodness. It worked all right."

" That's what I do." stated Tony with a proud voice

"Let me finish this." Yinsen said as he went to the laptop to start the Mark 0 armour as Tony had dubbed it.

"Initialize the power sequence." Tony said

"Okay." Yinsen said but he didn't know what to do.

"Now!" shouted Tony as the urgency in his voice could be heard.

"Tell me. Tell me." Yinsen said to Tony asking him to tell him what to do.

" Function 11. Tell me when you see a progress bar. It should be up right now." Tony explained

" Yes." Yinsen said and presses Function 11.

"Talk to me. Tell me when you see it." Tony said

" I have it." Yinsen replied

" Press Control "l"." Tony ordered

""I."" asked Yinsen to be sure.

"'I.' 'Enter.'" Tony replied

"Got it." Yinsen

" "l" and "Enter." Come over here and button me up." Tony said once more.

"Okay. All right." Yinsen said and came towards Tony to button him up.

" Every other hex bolt." Tony said making sure Yinsen doesn't forget one.

"They're coming!" Yinsen stated

"Nothing pretty, just get it done. Just get it done." Tony said hurriedly

" They're coming." Yinsen said once again with a little bit of resignation in his voice

"Make sure the checkpoints are clear before you follow me out, okay?" Tony stated as he tried to control his emotions.

"We need more time. Hey, I'm gonna go buy you some time." Yinsen said as he walked towards the door.

"Stick to the plan! Stick to the plan! Yinsen! Yinsen!" Tony shouted trying to stop Yinsen but he didn't listen to Tony.

Moving towards the gate he picked the automatic gun from one of the dead men and tries to run out but before he could do that Kenichi appears in front of him snatching the gun from his hand and pushing him back into the cave.

"Tch, I told you to stay out of trouble Stark? It hasn't even been an year since we last met and you are in a bigger mess than last time." Kenichi said as he also stepped inside.

"You! Kenichi Shirahama! How are you here?" asked Tony in surprise as he couldn't believe how Kenichi was able to get here.

"I was taking a walk when I heard the blast so I came to take a look" Kenichi shrugged his shoulders.

If Stark was not wearing the helmet Kenichi would have seen the deadpan look Stark was giving him.

"Do you hear yourself?" asked Tony

"Everyday" Kenichi replied sarcastically, "Anyway since I am here do you want me to help you like last time?"

"Tch, No need I can help myself" Tony said

"Is that why the good doctor was running out of the cave with a gun in his hand" Kenichi pointed out.

Yinsen who was still in shock that someone stopped his Death march regained his bearing and said "Tony you still need time"

Tony grumbles internally but still asks for Kenichi's help as he doesn't want Yinsen to sacrifice himself for him.

"Just buy me some time and stop those guys coming here until Mark 0 is ready" Tony said

"Mark 0!" Kenichi mumbled understanding that since Tony already made an Armor before he would have named that one as Mark 1 while this one could only go down to Mark 0.

"What are you doing hurry and stop them?" Tony asked

"Stop shouting I already knocked out some guys on my way inside how else do you think I came here?" Kenichi said stumping Stark and Yinsen

Seeing his nonchalant behaviour they forgot that the only way to come inside was to fight his way in but he didn't looked like he had to fight his way in so they forgot about it.

The progress bar finishes loading, causing the lights to dim, and the suit to be powered. More men arrive in the cave to get Tony. Tony attacks them using the suit. On his way out of the cave, he attacks more of the men. Kenichi is walking behind him with the Doctor right beside him.

"Don't run around doctor since Stark is on a rampage I don't want you to get shot by a stray bullet" Kenichi warned Yinsen.

Raza waits at the mouth of the cave. He tries to shoot at Tony but misses. Tony shoots back, hitting the wall behind Raza, causing a mini explosion and knocking Raza out.

As Tony continues to move. There are men waiting outside of the mouth of the cave. They all shoot at Tony in the suit, but don't do any damage.

"My turn." Tony says and shoots fire at the men and their camp from his suit. The men continue to shoot at Tony, beginning to cause damage to the suit.

"Do you need help Stark?" asked Kenichi

"Just get Yinsen out of here!" Tony shouted through the gun fight.

"Ok" Kenichi said and grabbed Yinsen putting him on his left shoulder and jumps out of the cave and then out of the Terrorists camp so fast that none of them could react. Ofcourse since they were busy fighting Stark they weren't even paying attention to them that much.

After seeing that they got out Tony flips a suit and shoots up in the air. He screams as he falls into the sand on the other side of the mountains. The suit breaks when he lands.

"Not bad." Tony said

"Yeah, not bad at all" Kenichi said as he along with Yinsen appeared beside Stark. "Now let's move I don't want to stay in this desert any longer"

Yinsen helped Tony get out of his broken suit and the trio walked for few minutes before a private helicopter appeared up in the air.

"Well our ride is here Stark"

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