Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 540: 540

Chapter 540: 540

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David Jenkins


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"Anthony. Is that you?" Justin Hammer said

"My least favourite person on Earth." Tony mumbled to Pepper

"Hey, pal." Justin said

"Justin Hammer." Tony said

"How you doing? You're not the only rich guy here with a fancy car. You know Christine Everhart from Vanity Fair. You guys know each other?" Justin said as Christine walked beside him.

"Hi. Yes." Christine said

"Yes." Pepper and Tony said

"We do." Pepper said

"BTW, big story. The new CEO of Stark Industries." Justin said

"I know, I know." Christine said

"Congratulations." Justin congratulated Pepper

"My editor will kill me if I don't grab a quote for our Powerful Women issue." Christine said

"Oh" Pepper voiced

"Can I?" asked Christine

"Sure." Pepper replied

"She's actually doing a big spread on me for Vanity Fair. I thought I'd throw her a bone, you know. Right?" Justin stated

"Right. Well, she did quite a spread on Tony last year." Pepper said

"And she wrote a story as well." Tony said

"That was good." Tony said

"It was very well done." Pepper added

"Thank you." Christine thanks then

"I'm gonna go wash." Pepper said

"Don't leave me." Tony said, but Pepper didn't stop.

"Hey, buddy. How you doing?" asked Justin trying to cosy up Stark

"I'm all right." Tony said

"Looking gorgeous." Justin Complemented

"Please, this is tough." Tony said as he didn't want to stay close to Hammer

"Can I ask you Is this the first time" Christine asks as Justin is posing for a Camera while Tony replaces sunglasses and tries to escape and says "Fromage" French for cheese.

" that you guys have seen each other?" Christine continues her line of question

"God, that's so awful." Tony said as he looks at the photo.

"Listen, is it the first time you've seen each other since the Senate?" Christine asks her question again

"Since he got his contract revoked" Tony said when Justin interrupted him saying "Actually, it's on hold."

"when you were attempting toThat's not what I heard. What's the difference between "hold and "cancelled"? The truth?" Tony completed his piece.

"Yes, what is it?" Christine said

" No. The truth is Why don't we put that away? The truth is, I'm actually hoping to present something at your Expo." Justin said

" Well, if you invent something that works, I'll make sure I get you a slot." Tony said

"I actually have a slot this year. Yes, I do." Justin said

"Hammer needs a slot, Christine." Tony said

"We kid, yeah. We kid. We're kidders." Justin said to Christine as Tony walked away

Tony is doing another test. It reads Blood toxicity 53%. He's in a bathroom. He remembers what Ma Kensei stated that the operation will be longer if the toxicity crosses 50% and couldn't help but curse at his situation.

Not wanting to die on the operation table he decides to do something ridiculous before it.

And now he's in a racing suit, jumping over the barrier towards a car.

Justin Still inside, talking to Christine. " Tony and I Tony I love Tony Stark. Tony loves me. We're not competitors. Him being out of the picture created tremendous opportunities for Hammer Industries, you know? Everything that Tony and I do"

"Well, what's the use of having" came Tony's voice from behind

"is a petition" Justin completed slowly as he turned to look at Tony on the Tv

"and owning a race car if you don't drive it?" Tony said

" Is he driving?" asked Hammer in surprise

Pepper was sitting at her table, probably waiting for Tony. She notices the television.

"Mary! Mary!" Pepper called

"Yes, Ms Potts?" Mary asked

"What do you know about this?" Pepper asked as she pointed as the telivision

"This is the first that I have known of it." Mary stated

"This, this cannot happen." Pepper said

"Absolutely. I understand. How can I help you?" Mary asked

"Where's Happy?" Pepper asked

"He's waiting outside." Mary said

"Okay, get him. I need Happy." Pepper said

"Right away." Mary said as she walked out to call Happy

"Tony's You know, he We're not competitive. You know what I mean?" Justin said to Christine

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, can you excuse me just one second?" Christine said as she stood up ready to go to the race track

"Just read me what you wrote." Justin said

"I will. I will, after." Christine said as she took out her cell phone

"Just read it back to me." Justin said indignantly

"But I have to make one quick phone call." said Christine as she walked away. Justin tried to stop her but she didn't wait at all.

As the engines revving, set, go! The race takes off. A man dressed in orange as pit crew walks beside the track. He is none other than Ivan Vanko, interestingly he was still able to come here even though Kenichi used various contacts of his to find him but couldn't. Tony's surprisingly not bad at this race car driving. Ivan Vank is on the track. More French words. Few people say "Mon Dieu". Ivan takes off his jacket showing a crude exoskeleton powered by an arc reactor with The lightning whips coming out from both of his hands. The lightning whips strike a car. Pepper looks terrified. For Tony. Another "Mon Dieu" from the French commentator. Means "My God" by the way. Happy appears at the door and holds up the briefcase. Pepper goes with him to the car and gets in the back.

"Go, go." Pepper shouts

"Hang on." Happy says as he crashes through a barrier onto the track heading the opposite way to the race cars.

Tony's car gets hit and he goes flying, loosing the front. Ivan heads forward. Another car gets hit. Bit of fire. Dripping petrol. Never a good sign.

"Give me the case." Pepper says

"Here, take it." Happy says while passing the briefcase

"Where's the key?" asks Pepper

" It's in my pocket." Happy says and strata trying to get it out but he stops looking infront so Pepper warns him, "CAR!"

Ivan slices more of Tony's car, but he's gone. Tony comes up from behind him and whacks him around the head with a sheet of metal. Fighting. Tony is knocked on the floor. Sees dripping petrol. Ivan begins to swings the whips. Tony moves, hits petrol and the car bursts into flames. Happy appears, driving and runs Ivan into the fence. Tony is up the fence

"Are you okay?"

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