Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 567: Thor

Chapter 567: Thor

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A main street extends before us in this one-horse town, set amid endless flat, arid scrubland. A large SUV slowly moves down the street and heads out of town.

The SUV sits parked in the desert. Suddenly, the roof panels of the SUV FOLD OPEN. The underside of the panels house a variety of hand-built ASTRONOMICAL DEVICES, which now point at the sky.

JANE FOSTER (late 20's) pops her head through the roof. She positions a MAGNETOMETER, so its monitor calibrates with the constellations above. It appears to be cobbled together from spare parts of other devices.

"Hurry!" Jane called out then a loud BANG followed by muffled CURSING from below.

Jane offers a hand down to ERIK SELVIG (60) who emerges as well, rubbing his head.

"Oh-- watch your head." Jane warns belatedly

"Thanks. So what's this "anomaly" of yours supposed to look like?" Erik asked

" It's a little different each time. Once it looked like, I don't know, melted stars, pooling in a corner of the sky. But last week it was a rolling rainbow ribbon--" Jane stated

Selvig said GENTLY TEASING Jane

""Racing "round Orion?" I've always said you should have been a poet."

Jane reigns in her excitement. She tries for dignity.

"Hey, Darcy. Pass up the bubbly and my gloves, will you?" Jane said

Intern DARCY LEWIS hands Jane a bottle of Champagne and a pair of gloves through the window. Jane passes it to Selvig to hold while she pulls on the old gloves -- too large

and masculine for her small hands. He starts to unwrap the foil, and she stops his hand with an excited grin.

"Not until you see it!" Jane said to Selvig excitedly

"I recognize those. Think how proud he'd be to see you now." Selvig said

Jane's grin fades to a sad smile "Thank you."

"For what?" Selvig asked

"The benefit of the doubt." Jane stated

The two stare out at the sky expectantly. A long beat while they scan the skies and there is Nothing which make Jane's worried.

"I can't believe I am here instead of being with Kenichi" Darcy said

"*sigh* I understand you are happy Darcy but this is important. And didn't he ask us to inform us if anything big happened isn't that the reason he started funding our research." Jane said

"I beleive it's more to the fact that he gets to spend time with me with this."

Jane ignores Darcy and look out at the sky again and said "It's never taken this long before.

Darcy calls up from the front seat. "Can I turn on the radio?"

Jane said with an edge to her voice. " Sure, if you like rocking out to KFRM, "All agriculture, all the time.""

Worried, Jane heads back down into the vehicle. The SUV is bathed in the glow of high-tech monitoring equipment and laptops, some looking like they're held together with duct tape. Jane opens a well-worn NOTEBOOK of handwritten notes and calculations. Selvig watches the frustrated Jane with sympathy.

"The anomalies are always precipitated by geomagnetic storms." Jane said as She shows him a complicated CHART she's drawn in the book, tracking occurrences and patterns. "The last seventeen occurrences have been predictable to the minute... I just don't understand."

Something catches Darcy's eye out the driver's side mirror. She adjusts it. In the distance, ODD GLOWING CLOUDS form in

the skies over the Northeastern end of the desert.

" Jane?" Darcy calls out but Jane shushes her, while she leafs through her notes. The bottle of champagne begins to vibrate.

There's got to be some new variable... Or an equipment malfunction..." Jane mumbled

The lights and equipment in the SUV begin to FLICKER around them. The computer monitors SQUELCH with static

"I don't think there's anything wrong with your equipment..." Jane continued to mumble

The champagne bottle starts to RATTLE noisily now as it shakes more violently. Jane and Selvig notice.

They watch it curiously, pressure building up inside it, when the cork EXPLODES out of it. Champagne goes spewing everywhere -- over equipment, over Jane.

"Jane?" Darcy called out again

"What?!" Jane shouted frustratedly

" I think you want to see this." Darcy said slowly as she points out the window. Jane and Selvig look out. Over the desert

MASSIVE CLOUDS OF RAINBOW LIGHT Churn in the sky. The three stare, dumbfounded.

"Holy. Shatner." Jane exclaimed

"That's your "subtle" aurora?!" asked Selvig in disbelief

" No-- yes! Let's go!" Jane said after not being ble to give Selvig a proper answer

The roof panels still open, the SUV races towards the strange event, Jane, amazed by the sight, stands with half her body out the roof, taking video of the light storm before them. The SUV hits a bump. Jane nearly flies out. Selvig grabs her, yanks her back in.

Jane grins, thrilled, pumped with adrenaline. "Isn't this great?!" A thought strikes her

"You're seeing it too, right? I'm not crazy?

"That's debateable. Put your seat belt on" Selvig said

The SUV lurches. Winds HOWL around the SUV now. Up ahead, spiraling down from out of the clouds comes --

AN ENORMOUS TORNADO Suffuse with the strange rainbow light, ROARING like a thousand freight trains as it touches down.

Selvig looks up through the still-open sunroof at the enormous glowing funnel cloud with wonder. Jane clambers into the front seat, beside Darcy. She leans way out the window, TAPING the storm.

"You've gotta get us closer so I can take a magnetic reading."

Darcy laughs thinking that Jane was Joking

"Yeah, right! Good one!" then, realizing that Jane won't joke about it. "Oh God, you're serious..."

" You want those college credits or not?"

The SUV tears across a field towards the tornado, Jane leaning out the window, taping the event. The SUV disturbs two RAVENS perched on a cactus as they race past. The birds take flight, when -- KRAKABOOM! A huge BOLT OF LIGHTNING strikes down through the center of the funnel cloud before them with a terrifying intensity.

The SUV rocks from the blast. Darcy's had enough. She turns the wheel, starts to head away.

"Keep the credits. I'll intern at Burger King."

" What are you doing?!"

"Saving our lives!"

Jane grabs the wheel, jerks it hard the other way. They struggle for control, when the headlights fall on --A MAN

Directly in their path, stumbling through the winds. Darcy slams on the brakes, Jane turns the wheel hard to avoid him. The SUV swerves -- but too late.

The side of the SUV slams into the man with a THUD, sending him flying. The car SKIDS to a stop.

Jane, Darcy, and Selvig trade shocked looks, breathing hard. They peer through the dust clouds, unable to see through.A paralyzed moment, then they all leap out of the car.

The three race from the SUV with flashlights. Jane spots the man lying on the ground. He's dressed in tattered clothing, charred and blackened.

" I think that was legally your fault."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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