Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 574: Thor 8

Chapter 574: Thor 8

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"Stay here. Once I have Mjolnir, I will return what they stole from you." He looks to her, already knowing that Jane may disobey his request. "Deal?"

"No! Look what's down there! You can't just walk in, grab our stuff, and walk out!" Jane warned him.

"No." Thor said to which Jane looks relieved.

'I'm going to fly out." Thor added and Before she can react, he starts heading towards the crater.The first drops of rain begin to patter into the dust.

"Wait..." Jane called out But Thor is already headed towards the crater.


A NEEDLE spikes on a handheld SENSOR DEVICE. The TECHNICIAN holding it looks over at the hammer. Mjolnir begins to give off a subtle glow. A bolt of lightning CRACKS across the sky above.


A younger SHIELD agent, a TECHIE in a headset, monitors security. AGENT SITWELL, humorless, just this side of junior, looks on, none-too-pleased.

"Feed from the keyhole. Can barely penetrate the cloud cover." The Techie hikes a thumb at another monitor, SQUELCHING with static. It shows an SAR shot of the area, laid over a terrain map.

"Tech's barely working as it is, with all the interference that thing's giving off." He gestures towards the hammer. He checks a computer. "Hey, we've got a commercial aircraft coming in right over us, Southwest Airlines Flight 5434."

"Reroute it, like all the others." Sitwell ordered

"Right. Can I get the passengers some free drinks for the trouble?" Techie asked to which Sitwell glares at him. "It'd be a nice gesture."

The Techie types into the computer, when he notices something on another screen, holds up a hand.

"Hold a sec... we got something outside the fence, west side..." He points at the screen. Through the haze, it shows a THERMAL IMAGE huddled beside the fence.

"DeLancey, Jackson -- check it out." Sitwell radioed

A pair of SHIELD AGENTS (DELANCEY and JACKSON) take off in a jeep to investigate.


Sitwell looks out the window, something strange catching hid attention. We see in the window's reflection that a glow is coming from the hammer containment area.


The jeep pulls up as the Agents scan the fence with a flashlight, see nothing unusual.

"Looks like we're good here. Must have been another coyote." One of the Agents radio's back.

Just then, the Agents notice a section of the fence has been bent up from the ground, leaving a gap.

Before they can call it in, a massive CRACK OF LIGHTNING illuminates the night sky -- revealing the silhouette of a large man standing outside the driver's (Jackson's) side of the jeep. DeLancey looks over, notices.

"Jackson?" Agent DeLancey called out but got no reply.The Agents reach for their weapons. Thor elbows the driver across the jaw, causing him to drop his weapon. Jackson slumps over the steering wheel, as DeLancey starts to raise a shotgun at Thor. Thor grabs the barrel, yanks it out of DeLancey's hands and thrusts the hilt back, smashing the Agent's jaw.Thor reaches into the jeep to grab a rain slicker.

Sitwell talks into his radio, starting to look worried. "DeLancey, Jackson -- report."

Thor, now wearing a SHIELD rain slicker, makes his way across the base.

Another SHIELD AGENT approaches the jeep, spots the unconscious DeLancey and Jackson. He quickly calls into his radio.

"Agents down! We've got a perimeter breach!"

The security monitors SQUELCH with static and interference. Sitwell holds his PDA -- even it's on the fritz. Sitwell and the Techie watch the monitors warily.

On the monitor showing the hammer containment area, Mjolnir starts to crackle with energy.

"Get Coulson." Sitwell orders the techie as he.punches an alarm.

As Thor makes his way towards the crater, an alarm sounds and SECURITY LIGHTS explode to life.

Ridge above the crater.

A spotlight fires out from the base and sweeps across the ridge towards Jane. She ducks down, out of sight.

She pulls out her cellphone and dials. We hear Selvig's recorded message.

"You've reached Dr. Erik Selvig. Please leave me a message." His voicemail BEEPS. She talks quietly, urgently.

"Erik, okay, first of all, don't worry. I'm perfectly fine, really."

More sounds of MAYHEM come from the base.

"But if you don't hear from me again, you might want to come out to the crater site and look for me. I kind of did what you said I shouldn't do. Thanks. Bye." She hangs up.


Coulson emerges from the SHIELD command trailer and marches across the mud, radio to his ear. He looks out across the lit up site uneasily.

"Agent Coulson, what is going on? Is this your way to trap me?" Kenichi asked as he walked towards Coulson

Coulson understood what Kenichi was talking about dining fake crimes in someone is a way that agencies get some high profile target that they usually can't touch so he tried to reassure him. "No, there is really has been a breach in our base"

"So you are saying it's not for me! I find that hard to believe, so would be okay if I stick close to you to see if what you are saying it's the truth."

Coulson didn't say anything to him as it's not like he could really stop him if Kenichi wanted to follow so he just turned back to look towards the lights.

A Shield Guard moves through the base, rifle in hand. From the shadows behind a trailer, a figure looks out at him.

As the Guard raises his radio to check in, Thor quickly rushes towards him and chokes him out. He falls to the ground.

Thor notices the AR-15 rifle lying on the ground beside the fallen Guard. He stares down at the weapon quizzically. As more GUARDS approach, Thor snatches up the weapon and takes cover in the shadows of the trailer. The Guards pass by.Thor peers around the corner, sees the well-guarded main entrance tube to the center of the site.

A bright light suddenly illuminates his face. He looks to see an ATV moving across the site, shining its spotlight right on him.

Thor sees that the ATV DRIVER has spotted him. The Driver raises his radio to report. Thor knows he has to act fact.He raises the rifle -- then flips it over in the air and catches it by the barrel. He rears the weapon back, then hurls it like a hammer. It flies through the air, smashing the ATV's spotlight.

Glass and debris shower the driver, who takes his hands off the wheel to protect himself. The ATV roars out of control past the Guards near the tube entrance. The Guards notice and chase after it. Thor emerges from the shadows, watches the Guards abandoning the site entrance.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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