Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 585: Returning to earth

Chapter 585: Returning to earth

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"I doubt it, as he had been with us until he jumped in to follow those Asgardians." Tony stated then decided that he is not going to waste his time here anymore. "I am going back, of you have anything else to talk about them come to me"

Tony flies away in his armour before Coulson could speak anything else and could only shake his head helplessly.

"I don't think we need to stay here anymore, so if you could follow me I would like to tell you about the procedure you have to follow and make sure that you don't tell anyone about the incident today" stated Coulson as he ushered Jane, Darcy and Erik towards one of their cars.



Kenichi was sitting in the mess hall along with the warrior three and Sif, after showing him around Asgard she brought him here only to see that the warrior three were already there drinking and eating.

"Oh you are here our midgardian warrior, come sit with us." Volstagg called out to Kenichi to which he could only comply.

"I have to say, you are really strong for a midgardian! What is your secret?" Fandral asked

"I am ki practicionar, it helps by strengthening my martial arts." Kenichi explained

"Ki!" Hogun said

"Yes ki, well it has different names in different places and in simple words you can call it internal energy. I harness my internal energy that makes my hits stronger" Kenichi stated as he didn't think that it amttered if they knew or not, as their is no way that they would pick it up even if he personally tried to teach them, their Asgardian pride wouldn't allow them even if it's helpful for them.

After hearing Kenichi's explanation the warrior understood and started to praise Kenichi for his inenguity to which he honestly told them that he wasn't the one to invent it and it has been on Earth for a long time, maybe even before they descended on Earth for the first time.

As they started to talk about their our battles trying to impress Kenichi, he also told them about some of his fights, mainly those with the demons that he fought with Ancient One.

As they continued to talk and forgot about time, Thor also entered the mess hall finally stopping them from talking about their fight.

"Thor! Come here and listen about the glorious battles that our midgardian warrior friend has gone through." Volstagg said

Thor smiled but all of them knew that he really wasn't happy.

"What happened was Loki punished severely?" Kenichi asked

Thor shook his head "No, our father is still in Odin sleep so mother has just put him in house arrest, though I am pretty sure that when father wakes up he will put Loki in prison for the crimes he committed are pretty big"

"Ooohh, looks like you will be busy cleaning his shit" Kenichi said

Hearing which Volstagg burst out laughing "Hahaha that's right I pity you Thor!"

"What are you talking? You will be there with me every step of the way to help me in it." Thor said then looked at so his friends and added "You so will be"

Volstagg and Fandral groaned while Hogun and Sif nodded their head.

"Well it looks like you will be busy for dinner time, so I will go back for now and come back when you have time." Kenichi said

"I am sorry my friend for not being able to show you the Asgardian hospitality you deserve, if there is anything I could do for you please tell me." Thor said

"Well I am quite interested in the Asgardian runes, especially the healing runes so if you could give me some books on it that it would be helpful." Kenichi's said to which Thor smiled and nodded his head.

"Of course that's nothing compared to what you have done for us." Thor said with a smile


The next day Thor along with warrior three and Sif were standing in Hemidall's observatory with Hemidall perfectly fit after a day in healing room standing there.

Kenichi had a bag on his shoulder which were filled with books on runes.

"My friend please tell lady Jane that I will be busy for some time and won't be able to meet with her." Thor said to which Kenichi nodded his head.

"Okay, I will make sure that no one troubles her" Kenichi promised Thor after which he walks towards Hemidall and stands in front of him.

"I will drop you at the same place from where I picked Thor and you" Hemidall said to which Kenichi nodded his head after which Heimdall inserts his sword into the control panel, and the apparatus of the Observatory starts up.

The Bifrost energy quickens along the Bridge, feeding into the Observatory.

Heimdall turns his sword in the control panel. The Observatory's giant turret swings around, aims toward a section of space. As a final step, Heimdall plunges his sword deeper into the control panel. The great turret FIRES, the RAINBOW LIGHT of Bifrost energy blasts out of it. The Bifrost opens at the end of the platform upon which Kenichi stands.

"All is ready. You may pass." Hemidall said

"Let's meet again at a better time" Kenichi said as he steps towards the bifrost maelstrom, changing shape, as if every atom of their being is being elongated by the pull of it. In an instant, they're jerked off the platform and inside the vortex.

A hole in the sky rips open, and the Bifrost comes shooting out of it. Sands fly everywhere as Kenichi looks around to see that he is back in Mexico and starts to walk towards the town where he has been staying for last two months.

After getting into the town he first went to meet Jane and the others to pass on Thor's message to her but when he reached there he was surprised to see that Coulson was still there talking with them.

"What the heck!? Coulson don't you have anything else to do?" Kenichi said as he looked at Coulson.

"Mr Kenichi you are back" Coulson said in surprise.

"Of course I am back, did you think I will stay in Asgard" Kenichi said with a shake of his head.

"No, I just didn't think that you would come back so quickly." Coulson stated to which Kenichi also nodded his head.

"I didn't think so as well but the Thor has to deal with his brothers shit so he couldn't entertain me, he also sent a message for you Jane, he says that he will be busy for some time and won't be able to come for now."

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