Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 604: Getting Help

Chapter 604: Getting Help

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"The algorithm is running and if we focus on only these cities instead of the whole world than we may only need few minutes at most" Banner said and then he and Tony started to work.

While Stark and Banner were busy, they heard Natasha's voice in their comm.

"Stark, Clint said that they may use your Arc Reactor for powering the Tesseract to open the gate."

"Yeah, we already guessed that and the city from which they would do it is...." Stark paused for a second just in time for the algorithm to complete running and finding the city on the screen, "New York, Stark Tower"

Natasha who heard the answers was a little surprised by how Stark found out but it didn't matter as the finally knew the place.

Helicarrier Medical Room

Kenichi entered the room seeing Clint and Natasha standing up and getting ready to move.

"Make sure to bring this we may need it to bring doctor Selvig back." Kenichi said as he throwed the Sceptre towards Natasha who caught it then turned towards Clint and added "Get ready you need to pilot the jet, me, Tony and Thor will go first while you four colour through the quinjet "

Clint nodded his head and went straight towards the Armoury while Natasha stayed back to talk with Kenichi.

"Are you going to get the masters?" Natasha asked

"I don't know Natasha, I will ask them but whether I bring them will depend on their answers." Kenichi said and Natasha understood that he was worried about their no killing rule also applying on aliens.


"Sir, those Cards were in Agent Coulson's locker not his jacket" Agent Hill said

"Those guys needed a push and I gave them that." Fury stated

"Does Agent Coulson know about you destroying his cards like this, he has been collecting them for years and when he finally collected all you destroyed them." Agent Hill stated

Fury paused for a while as he knew that those cards were Coulson's treasure just like his car. "We will just say that someone raided the locker room and that's how his cards were damaged"

"We've got unauthorized departure from Bay Six." Came a voice from the intercom.

"They found it. Get our communications back up. I want eyes on everything." Fury said

"Yes, sir." Maria Hill replied.

Barton , Banner and Natasha walk side-by-side behind Captain America, who is leading them through the lower hangar bay. They're all ready to kick butt.

Cap, Barton, and Natasha walk onto the jet.

"Hey, you guys aren't authorized to be in here" said a Young pilot

When Captain America just said "Son just don't " and walked into the quinjet followed by the other three.

Tony, Thor and Kenichi flew on their own ahead of them just so they could get their faster.


Ryozanpaku Dojo

A portal opens and Kenichi walks out of it, all the masters sensed his presence though they were surprised as to how he was able to come here so fast.

Entering the dojo hall, Kenichi looked at Koetsuji Akisame and Ma Kensei sitting there.

"Kenichi you are looking quite somber, what is it that you are worried about." Akisame asked

Kenichi knew that all other Masters were already listening to their conversation so he decided to tell everything.

"We are on the brink of a war but it's not a war any of us have ever participated or even thought of," Kenichi said and as the others listen to him talk.

"You may know about SHIELD, Master Sakaki used to work for them while he was in America, They had something that they couldn't understand and decided to mess with it because of which an Alien came to Earth and now we will be facing his alien armada." Kenichi stated

"Alien Armada!?" Sakaki asked as he entered the room as he couldn't listen just by standing on the door beside Apachai and Elder

"Yes," Kenichi nodded his head, "The thing SHIELD was messing with was called a Tesseract and it has the power to open portal now the Alien Armada will come through the portal and destroy everything they can "

"When and where?" asked Elder Hayato as he walked in the room followed by Apachai and Shigure also came down from the Celing.

"10 minutes New York" Kenichi stated

"We can't get to New York in 10 minutes" Sakaki grumbles.

"No, it's possible for me to get us to New York. But that's not important right now what I want to know is whether your rules will also apply on these Aliens" Kenichi asked

"You are asking whether we will kill them or not." Kensei asked

"Yes, these Aliens are called Chitauri. The Chitauri are a powerful, reptilian warrior race, a hybrid between organic beings and machines. They have a caste-like society, with each caste (nearly a different species in itself) fulfilling a different role in Chitauri society. They are controlled by a Mother Ship which never shows on the battlefield and act as one during the war. They have superhuman physical attributes, superior strategy, energy-based rifles and flying vehicles, but their main strength is in their great numbers. The Chitauri, as well as their sister species, have no sense of self-preservation, as they will attack their opponents regardless of how strong they may be." Kenichi explained everything he knew about the Chitauri to his masters just so that they can make a decision.

After hearing so much about Chitauri they became silent finally the Elder spoke, "Let's go, we will help anyway we can Ken-chan. If they really are like you describe than we will not hold back."

"Great then you better wear a mask or something so as to not get recognised." Kenichi said after which there eyes glowed scaring the shit out of him.


New York, Stark Tower

Iron Man is flying toward the city, his suit is full of power. He continues to make his way to Stark Tower.


Selvig still under control of Ebony Maw was following his last order, ready to

activate the device he created with the Tesseract. Iron Man slowly reaches.

"Sir, I turned off the arc reactor. The device is already self-sustaining" JARVIS said

"Shut it down, Dr. Selvig." Iron Man sais

'It's too late! She can't stop now. She wants to show us something! A new universe." Dr. Selvig stated with a fanatical face

"Okay" said an annoyed Iron Man and he fires at the barrier around the device, but the Tesseract deflects it, sending the energy outwards, knocking Selvig out and Iron Man back.

"The barrier is pure energy. It's unbreachable." JARVIS stated in an untimely manner

"Yeah, I got that."

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