Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 608: Teaching Hulk

Chapter 608: Teaching Hulk

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Fury is at his command center watching the news footage. Hill approaches Fury.

"Sir. The council is on."

Manhattan, On top of a building

Barton atop a building, fires relentlessly at Chitauri.

Stark. You gotta lot of strays on

your tail." Barton said

A troop of Chitauri warriors are following Iron Man as he flies above the streets.

"Just trying to keep them off the

streets." Tony said from inside his Iron man helmet

"Well they can't bank worth a damn." Barton said as Barton shoots at crafts. He misses, shooting behind his back without looking -- but the arrow hits another craft, causing it to explode.

"I will roger that." Tony said

Iron Man flies by Hawkeye who fires at the crafts, blowing them up. Iron Man swerves behind two crafts and fires at them. He continues taking a series of quick turns as the chitauri quickly drop, crash, or follow.

"Oh- boy." Tony said as he found out that Chitauri really couldn't turn fast.

Iron Man goes flying through a tunnel and

turns tightly at the end, sending the last few crafts crashing into a building.

"Nice call. What else you got?" Tony asked

"Well, Thor's taking out a squadron down on 6th." Hawkeye said over the radio

"And he didn't invite me!" Tony said and flew straight towards Thor.

Elsewhere, a Leviathan approaches an office building and the inhabitants look on, scared. We hear fast & heavy footsteps.

It's Hulk charging through the building, jumping through the window and pulling the creature away. from the building.

Natasha is going to town as she fights a warrior. She is thrown upon of a car but she flips and lands on her feet. As the warrior is about to attack, Natasha uses her Widow's Bite on it, shocking him out. She grabs the Chitauri gun and shoots him back. Someone lands behind her so she quickly turns and aims BUT it's Cap. She stands down and leans against a car.

"Captain, none of this is gonna mean a damn thing if we don't close that portal. Hopefully Kenichi is right and Dr. Selvig really knows how to shut it off." Natasha stated

"I know, as none of our big guns could breach the shield around it so only subtleness is left" Captain America said.

Another Leviathan gets through the portal and comes down to lay waste on New York. On the creature is the Hulk who is fighting off warriors. Thor then lands on the same creature and takes on warriors with Hulk. When Hulk breaks a piece of the creature's armor off, Thor uses Mjolnir to summon lightening and drive the metal into its head. The creature crashes to the ground, landing in.... GRAND CENTRAL STATION.

Thor and Hulk dismount the creature and stand together, breathing heavily. Suddenly, Hulk punches Thor out in joy while the god of thunder wasn't paying attention.

"Come on Hulk he is friend" Hulk hears the voice of Banner in his head.

"Hulk punches friend" Hulk said as he always tries to punch Apachai and Sakaki who were friends of Hulk so Hulk wasn't lie.

"Just don't punch Tony, Captain Hawkeye or Natasha. I don't think they will be able to take it." Banner said in Hulks head.

Selvig, having been knocked out when Tony tried to stop the Tesseract -- awakens. He looks around, he's free from Loki's control.

"Oh good you are awake doctor Selvig so let's get to it, tell me how do I close this portal" asked Kenichi as he appeared in front of doctor Selvig.

Hulk was punching the Chitauri when Elder Hayato in his Garyu X mask landed beside him and said "You aren't properly using your strength follow through your punch and don't just using use the action behind the punch as well."

Garyu X then showed a proper punch to Hulk, as the punch blew the Chitauri away from the wind generated by the punch alone.

"Now do you understand?" Garyu X asked

Hulk clenched his fist and punched forward following the method of Garyu X and glass windows were blown away by the wind pressure of his punch.

"Hahaha you get it now don't forget it again." Garyu X said and he jumped in a different direction to deal with the Chitauri. It wasn't the first time Hulk was taught something but he always forgets them in the heat of the battle and only use what he instinctively remembers.

Army Tanks, and soldiers begin to arrive on scene. They shoot at the Chitauri, a little amazed of what is going on.

Cap is on the ground, holding off a Chitauri's weapon. He pushes the warrior off and onto sharp debris. As he stands he hears Barton's voice in his earpiece

"Captain, the bank on 42nd, past Madison. They cornered a lot of civilians in there.

"I'm on it." Captain America said and he walks off.

In the bank, a crown of civilians are surrounded by three armed warriors. Cap jumps through a window and begins to fight. He snaps the neck of one and throws him into the pit.

"Everyone clear out!" Captain America said

He is then grabbed by a warrior, who he fights and breaks free. A grenade-like device goes off and it blasts Cap out a window and onto a car after his mask is pulled back from his face. He stands silently while police lead the civilians from the building.

"Hello everyone cam hear me, Slevig knows how to close the portal 5 minutes at most just hang in there for 5 minutes as Slevig needs to set up." Kenichi's voice was heard in their earpiece.

"Fuck yeah" Tony cursed in joy.

"Language!" Captain America said

"Finally" Hawkeye and Natasha mumbled out.

The Masters of Ryozanpaku also heard it but their expression didn't change as they continued to focus on the fight.

"Wait wait wait, are we ignoring Captain saying 'Language'" Tony asked

"Forget about it" Captain America said in embarrassment as he knew that wasn't the time and place for that.

While the Avengers were celebrating and relieved that the fight was going to end soon, they didn't know that Fury had an argument with the Security Council over the fact of whether they should nuke Manhattan or not and even though Fury said no, the Security Council couldn't lose the chance of taking out the Aliens, Avengers and the Ryozanpaku in one full swoop hence they went over his head and ordered a nuke to be launched on Manhattan.

Thor is aboard a craft, fighting Chitauri. The craft swerves when a Leviathan crashes through a building, followed closely by Stark, who is shooting at it with lasers.

Sir, we will lose power before we penetrate that shell. Iron Man pulls away from the Leviathan. He flies fast.

"JARVIS, you ever hear the tale of Jonah?" Tony asked

"I wouldn't consider him a role model." Jarvis said

Iron Man's knee plates open, pushing out

blades. He is heading directly toward the creature's mouth. He flies through it. Blowing up the creature's insides and out the tail end. He crashes to the ground but gets to his feet, only to be shot down again by warriors.

Thankfully another one of his armour came flying shooting down the warriors.

"The Next armour is here sir"

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