Rebirth of the Nephilim

Chapter 123: Too Much of a Good Thing

Chapter 123: Too Much of a Good Thing

“How is she still going? I feel like I’d have worn a hole in my pussy by now,” Kerr mused as she idly watched Syd continue to pound Eir. “It’s fucking impressive.”

“Lovely imagery,” Aila drawled, giving the therion a sidelong glance. “I imagine she has probably been a bit pent up.”

“Don’t give me that dirty look,” Kerr warned Aila, using her finger to flick the redhead’s shoulder. “Or I’ll dive back down into your pussy and see if I can wear your hole out myself.”

Dys’ hand landed on Kerr’s shaggy head and gave her a little shake.

“Don’t threaten my girlfriend with a good time unless I’m invited. Also, I’ve been going at it for even longer than Eir. Don’t I get any credit?”

“No,” Kerr denied, leaning back into Dys, “You’re some kind of sex avatar of a goddess or some bullshit like that. Fucking four women for a few hours should be easy as breathing for you. Going to need at least a dozen sluts before it’s some kind of challenge for you.”

Kerr emphasized her point by giving Dys’ still partially erect cock a meaty slap, making her jump a little.

Jadis supposed Kerr could have a point. She did have a massive advantage over the elf priestess in terms of both natural strength and vigor, plus her absurdly high stats. So it was more impressive, at least by comparison, that Eir was still eagerly enjoying Syd’s turgid member with the same passion and energy as she had when they’d started an hour and a half ago. In fact, Jadis was starting to worry that the little elf might be able to outlast her.

“Yes, yes! More! Fuck your good girl! I love it! I love having your giant Nephilim dick in my pussy!”

Eir had kept up her litany of vulgar cries the whole time, too, the dam of her generally polite and, apparently, repressed speech having been broken down. Jadis had come across new surprises every day in Oros but Eir’s potty mouth was definitely one of the more shocking. That the almost nun-like woman had been holding back a little due to her vocation? To be expected, Jadis supposed. That the prim and proper priestess would start using phrases like “Nephilim dick” to describe her? Frankly, Jadis was surprised the woman even knew the words could be combined in that manner.

The Lewd Lover’s Bond ritual was nearly complete, though, and even if Eir was still ready for more when it was completed, Jadis needed a rest. She’d been at it for hours with the beautiful women and in all honesty, she had no idea how she’d been able to pump out so much cum in and on all four of them without shriveling up like a raisin.

Nephilim biology was bizarre.

While Syd and Eir neared the end of their ritual, their latest sex position something like what Jadis would have called “Missionary” back on Earth except Eir’s ankles were up by her ears, the rest of them were chilling out while watching the show. Dys was lying stretched out on her side parallel to her other self and the priestess, her head facing the same direction. Aila and Kerr were both sitting in front of her, leaning against her torso like it was the backrest on a sofa. The two weren’t exactly cuddling, not in Jadis’ opinion, but they were sharing some closeness as their bare arms and legs rubbed against each other. Jadis guessed Aila was probably feeling a little awkward about the fact that she had both given and received oral sex with Kerr while caught up in the whole lewd whirlwind they’d been in, but she didn’t seem upset, just a little pensive. Kerr, on the other hand, looked like a cat that had gotten both the canary and the cream.

That they were all still very naked made for an exciting image every time one of her other selves looked in that direction.

Positioned at an angle to the others, Jay sat cross-legged near both Dys and Syd’s heads, her left elbow propped on her knee while her chin rested on her fist. She had a pretty interesting view of her other self laying into Eir and, combined with Dys’ view, she was adjusting her strokes and penetrating angles into the elf to maximize her plush companion’s pleasure. She was also stroking Thea’s back as she lay in the fetal position in her lap, curled up in a blanket cocoon with her hands pressed to her beet-red face.

Thea was, without doubt, definitely the most embarrassed of them all about the whole orgy thing. Jadis guessed having her voyeurism fetish exposed as well as getting fucked raw in front of multiple witness was a lot for the shy guard to handle. Still, despite her obvious trepidation with what she’d participated in, Thea’s eyes were still peeking out from between her fingers, watching the rough fucking Syd was treating Eir to with more than a passing interest.

It took a few more minutes of wet slaps of flesh on flesh coupled with dirty moans and dirtier words of passion before the ritual completed. Syd glowed brightly and Eir’s dark purple eyes lit up as well as they messily kissed around a mouthful of Nephilim seed and Elf Nectar. Feeling a bit tired and perhaps not thinking completely straight, Jadis regretted not tasting Eir’s soaked snatch before she’d pumped several loads of her cum into her. The elf’s flavor was definitely the most alien of them all and had a mix of sweetness and spiciness, almost like cinnamon. She looked forward to getting a chance to experience her taste later. And there would definitely be a later, that was a fact Jadis was certain of.

“Make sure you pick what attribute you want to be boosted,” Syd huffed out as she pulled away from Eir’s lips.

“Then… more… sex?” Eir panted out, her chest heaving and her body drenched in cum and sweat.

“No, my good girl needs to rest,” Syd ordered, tapping the elf on the tip of her nose with her finger. “Now be good and choose your stat.”

“Okay,” Eir said and a moment later, the glow in her eyes dissipated as the ritual was fully completed.

A moment after that, the elf’s eyes closed and she passed out, a beatific smile on her beautiful face that almost made Jadis forget about how much raunchy sex they’d just had for almost two hours. With her passionate perverted priestess out like a light, Syd withdrew from her much-abused tunnel and a flood of thick white seed began pouring out of her. She quickly put her hand over her pussy to stop the flow from spilling out all over the blanket they’d been using.

“Well, going to get in there and clean her up?” Kerr prodded Aila, leaning in close to her freckled face with another toothy grin.

“No,” Aila said, pushing Kerr’s face back with her hand. “I’ve already fully recovered my magic reserves; I don’t need more.”

Aila quickly withdrew her hand from Kerr’s face as the wicked therion licked her palm with her rough tongue.

“Pssh,” Kerr hissed. “Like you need to worry about excuses after all this. Just get in there and eat her cunt like you know you want to.”

“I think I’ll just clean her up normally,” Syd interrupted their debate. “Just hand me my shirt. I’ll wash it out later.”

As Syd cleaned up the happily dreaming Eir, Jay and Dys both tilted their heads in surprised confusion. All three of Jadis looked up and met each other’s eyes, drawing Aila’s attention.

“Did something happen?” she asked, glancing between the different faces of Jadis.

“Yeah,” Jay nodded, a confused grin on her face. “My ritualist class leveled up.”

Level Up!

Perverted Ritualist of D has Reached Level 17.

1 New Skill Available for Selection.

“I didn’t know it could do that without combat experience…”

“Of course it can,” Kerr scoffed. “I’m surprised you didn’t get twenty levels from all the fucking you just did.”

“You do get experience for successfully completing actions directly related to your class,” Aila agreed, her expression thoughtful. “You just performed three successful rituals in a row. I suppose that would give some experience, though I doubt it would be a large amount. You were probably already close to leveling.”

“Eh, or she got some kind of bonus for how she did the rituals or who was participating or gods knows what other criteria goes into calculations like that.” Kerr stretched and put her hands behind her head as she spoke, wiggling into a more comfortable spot as she leaned back into Dys’ body. She seemed to look extra comfortable using Dys for a pillow.

“What skills have you been offered?” Aila asked.

“Let’s see,” Dys murmured, pulling up the first description.

Ritual Time Reduction

Active Skill. Decrease the amount of time a single ritual takes to complete by 0.5 of the base casting time. All other requirements of the ritual must be met. Cost – 150 magic.

“Oh, I know that one,” Aila said as Dys read the description aloud. “It’s a not uncommon skill offered to mages that have one class that casts active spells and another class that specializes in rituals. Pure ritualists don’t need magic so they don’t usually have much, if any, magic reserves and so they don’t meet the requirements to get that skill. Those who also have a class that cast active spells will often have the magic resources to meet the criteria and will get that skill. It’s a good choice if you have the magic to spare for it.”

Aila frowned as she thought about it, then gave Dys a look with her brows furrowed.

“I thought you didn’t have any magic points because you only have one point in Focus?”

Dys shrugged.

“Did I not tell you about my latest Mirror Knight skill I got at level twenty-three?”

When Aila shook her head in the negative, Jadis silently scolded herself for not telling her girlfriend about the important development.

“I got a skill called Mirror Knight’s Capacity. In summary, it boosted my health, magic, and stamina points by three hundred points each.”

While Aila stared dumbstruck at Jadis, Kerr just rolled her eyes and sighed.

“I’m not even surprised anymore,” the archer said as she shifted to lie on her side, her body partially draped over Dys’ hip as she curled her legs up under her. “Your insane classes are too much.”

“Well,” Aila said as she composed herself, “that would mean you meet the requirements, for certain. I would say you should take that skill because its an extremely useful one, but I reserve judgement until I hear what your second skill on offer is.”

Nodding, Jadis checked her second option and read it aloud for the others to hear.

Ritual Privacy Barrier

Ritual Spell. Create an illusory dome with a thirty-foot circumference around the point of casting. The dome blocks light and sound that comes from within from escaping but can be broken if excessive light, noise, or other actions are taken within. From the outside, the dome will automatically mimic the surrounding terrain, creating a compatible illusion. From within, the dome will look like fogged glass. The privacy barrier will remain until the illusion is broken, the spell is dismissed, or the ritual is cast a second time in a new location.

“That’s… not bad either,” Aila nodded upon hearing the spell’s description. "It would be quite useful for setting up camp when we need to remain hidden. Illusion spells are hard to see through unless the person or demon has a skill for it or has a high Resilience attribute to counter your casting attribute.”

“Um,” a soft voice from Jay’s lap spoke up, drawing Jadis’ attention. “I wouldn’t recommend it.”

Aila, Kerr, and the different Jadis bodies turned to look at Thea, the woman still wrapped up in her blanket. She didn’t exactly shrink under the combined attention, but Jay could feel her shift uncomfortably as she didn’t exactly meet anyone’s eyes.

“Just—just my opinion,” she said, looking at the cave floor, “but the army actually discourages its mages from getting spells like that, so it’s probably not a good idea.”

“Why would they tell their mages not to get an illusion spell that provides cover?” Jay asked, her hand still stroking Thea’s side like she was a cat curled up in her lap. “I guess I can see that a thirty-foot dome wouldn’t hold a lot of soldiers, but it seems like it would be useful for scouts or small detachments.”

“It’s because animals break them,” Thea replied, her body seeming to relax as she addressed Jay. “If birds or a goat or something like that try to land on or climb the illusion, they can disrupt or even dispel them. I’ve heard stories of demons walking right into illusions like that while the soldiers inside were sleeping. A—awful endings to those kinds of stories…”

That was a good point in Jadis’ opinion. If the illusion lacked any substance, then random creatures assuming it was real would walk right into it, causing all kinds of problems. There were probably ways of getting around that kind of problem, but considering Jadis was only getting the one spell, she could see differing to the wisdom of a military that had been successfully repelling demon invasions for millennia.

“The first skill would make Lascivious Empowerment a lot easier,” Syd pointed out as she finished wiping down the still sleeping Eir. Her shirt was a soiled mess, but at least the elf was reasonably cleaned off. As she stretched out on her side next to Eir and pulled the passed-out priestess in close to her, she nodded at Aila with a raised eyebrow. “Remember how it took us several tries to get it right when it was just us? It’s going to be a real fucking challenge coordinating concurrent climaxes across all of us even once. Two hours of that is, well, hard to imagine.”

Two hours?” both Kerr and Thea exclaimed at the same time.

“Yeah,” Jay sighed. “Just, don’t worry about it right now. We’ll talk about it later.”

Jadis never thought too much sex would be a problem she’d have to face, and yet…

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