Rebirth of the Nephilim

Chapter 15: No Excuse Needed

Chapter 15: No Excuse Needed

Rain started falling in the night, bringing with it a sharp drop in temperature that cooled the pine forest valley and chilled Jadis’ stone hut. Wrapped up in two of the much too small blankets she’d salvaged, Jay and Dys huddled together for warmth and thanked D that the hut’s roof had no serious leaks.

Jadis had half a mind to curse herself an idiot for cannibalizing the third blanket she’d found as lining for her janky leather armor. The cold damp was awful, freezing every bit of her that wasn’t under blankets or pressed up against her own double. She’d needed the padding, though, and the lack of blankets wasn’t the true problem.

The fault lay in her own complacency. Her first couple nights on Oros had been tolerable, temperature-wise at least. She knew that all the survival guides she’d ever watched or read emphasized the extreme importance of making a shelter, which she had done. But part of that shelter should have been the creation of a fire. Jadis hadn’t bothered, and now she was suffering for it.

Not that Jadis was certain a fire was a good idea when horrible skeletal monsters were prowling around with the intent to rip her bones from her flesh. She had no idea if the demons could smell smoke, but the light would probably give her away. Now that she was shivering in the dark, though, Jadis found that she didn’t really care if demons might possibly find her hut, she wanted a damned fire to keep her tits from freezing off.

The long, cold night was a miserable experience, made barely tolerable by Jadis’ twin bodies wrapping around each other. She kept watch the whole night as well, keeping one self awake at all times, trading off between the two every few hours. The hazy torpor that came with keeping one body conscious while the other slept wasn’t as restful as fully going under, but Jadis wasn’t going to risk a nighttime ambush. She doubted the bone thieves cared much about cold rain.

Jadis could barely tell when the morning came, the steady rain not letting up in the slightest. Gray light filtered in through the gaps in shuttered windows and roof eaves, but hardly enough to see by.

The lack of light was a problem. Jadis hadn’t finished her armor project and she needed to be able to clearly see to work with thread and needle. She wanted to finish her armor for both bodies before starting on her plan to purposefully hunt down the skeletal demons in the valley. If she was going to head into combat, she wanted to be as prepared as she possibly could be.

Sighing heavily from two pairs of lips, Jadis checked her status menu to see how much her health had gone up. Before settling in for the night, she’d decided to put her level six attribute point into vitality, not quite willing to experiment blindly just yet. The point had brought her health pool up to two hundred and thirty and she’d gone to bed with one hundred and sixty-five health points.

Jadis Ahlstrom

Race: Nephilim

Primary Class: Mirror Knight (6)

Secondary Class: None

Tertiary Class: None

Combined Level Rating: 6

Health: 188/230

Magic: 10/10


Strength: 33

Dexterity: 10

Agility: 10

Vitality: 23

Fortitude: 15

Endurance: 15

Arcane: 0

Divine: 0

Eldritch: 70

Focus: 1

Resilience: 10

Will: 5


“So, twenty-three health points healed? That’s three more recovered compared to yesterday,” Jay mused, looking over her stats.

“What’s with the difference? The only thing that’s changed is we have a, well, not bed exactly, but we’ve got blankets and a fur rug.”

“No,” she shook her head, “that’s not the only thing that’s changed. We upped our vitality. That might have a direct impact on health recovery, not just the total health pool.”

“Eh, maybe,” Dys shrugged her shoulders. “Either way, we don’t have full health yet. Probably best we wait on bone-boy hunting until we’re at full strength.”

“Fair enough,” Jay agreed.

The two sat across from each other on the gray pelt, cross legged. Two more jars of preserves were shared between them, one jar containing something similar in taste to carrots and the other filled with an apple-like fruit that had dark green flesh. It was an acceptable breakfast, but after every meal Jadis was craving meat more and more.

“So, what do we do today,” Dys asked, chewing on the last of the green fruits. “It’s still raining, so we aren’t hunting for demons or looting the village.”

Jay took a long gulp of water before answering. “Too dark to try and sew right now, too.”

“It’s too cold to sew. My fingers are freezing! I could stick a needle through my thumb and I probably wouldn’t feel it,” Dys blew into her cupped hands, trying to keep them warm.

“Wish we had a fire,” Jay lamented, staring at the cold and empty hearth of the little fireplace the hut had. A small sooty puddle had formed in the base of it from where rain water had found its way inside the chimney.

A short silence dragged out between the two as Jadis thought over her options.

“I can think of another way to keep warm,” Dys finally spoke up, violet eyes trailing over Jay’s pale curves still dimly visible in the gloom of her stone shelter.

Jay quirked an eyebrow, her eyes doing much the same to Dys’ barely clothed form. “We didn’t have morning wood today, so we don’t have that as an excuse.”

“Who needs excuses?” Dys said as she crawled to her knees and closed the distance to Jay, walking on all fours.

“Someone who at least pretends to not be a complete degenerate?” Jay murmured, enjoying the deliciously sexy sight of Dys on all fours, back arched and eyes hooded with lust.

As the two stared each other down, dual hearts thumping and bodies heating with arousal, both suddenly started giggling madly. Jadis couldn’t help herself. Pretending to be two people was fun and felt natural, but the illusion wasn’t perfect. She was still basically making sexy poses at herself in a mirror, eyeing up her own body with excited desire. Jadis couldn’t help but laugh at the silliness of it.

“I’m still fucking horny,” Dys said between fits of giggles, one hand moving to stroke Jay’s muscled thigh.

“Better get to work, then,” Jay said with a smile and leaned back on her hands. Her half-hard member was already lifting her loincloth high.

Dys needed no convincing, being on literally the same wavelength as Jay. Tossing the cloth aside, Dys eyed the rising pillar of pale flesh with a mix of growing lust and trepidation. The cock was, frankly, a daunting size. She loved how lewd it looked jutting up from between her hips, loved how powerful it made her feel. She especially loved how sensitive her dick was up and down the whole great length of it.

Practically speaking though? She couldn’t imagine fitting the whole monstrous thing inside any intended orifice. It was too big.

“Not that I’m using anything but my hands and mouth right now,” Dys said as her lips hovered over the head, hot breath washing over the sensitive tip. “I don’t know if pregnancy is a possibility, but I’m not risking knocking myself up.”

“Stop talking already and get to it,” Jay said a bit impatiently, her eyes dilated and breath coming out heavy.

Dys complied and crossed the small distance to plant a wet kiss on the leaking tip of Jay’s cock. Pulling back, she licked her lips at the still surprising sweetness of her body’s precum.

Jay’s dick had jumped with the contact, sending a sympathetic throb through Dys’ own fully erect member.

“I wonder if I’ll come just from getting you off?” Dys said huskily, wrapping a hand around the base of Jay’s cock while planting another kiss on it, this time further down the shaft.

“That’s an experiment I’m willing to try,” Jay answered, another giddy laugh welling up in her chest, mingling with the rising lust burning in her stomach.

“Laughing later, dick sucking now,” Dys said with mock sternness, resisting all feelings of mirth that were trying to grow inside her.

Being two people at once was weird, Jadis mused.

Putting word to action, Dys wrapped her mouth around Jay’s pulsing head, sucking on it with gentle pressure while her tongue rubbed up and down the underside. Even just the head was a lot to have in her mouth, so Dys didn’t press too far down. Instead, she wrapped both hands around Jay’s burning hot shaft and stroked firmly, her strong hands moving across the delightfully smooth and velvety flesh.

Jay was in heaven. The feel of having her dickhead sucked while hands stroked her was intense. Not quite as intense as when the two of them had been going at each other at the same time, but still immensely pleasurable.

“There’s no way blowjob’s feel this good for guys. There’s no way they’d ever get anything else done…” Jay said breathlessly, a small moan escaping her lips as Dys started twisting her hands in a corkscrew fashion as she rubbed up and down Jay’s shaft. The more she pleasured her, the better she got at figuring out what felt best.

Jay reached up to Dys’ head with a hand as her twin sucked away. She brushed her snow white hair out of the way to better see her beautiful face, plush lips wrapped around her dick, violet eyes half-closed and lost in the act. Jadis loved the feeling, but just as much she loved seeing. The sight of Dys wetly sucking on her dick, of herself feverishly tonguing and stroking her own cock, it was doing things to her lust-addled brain.

As the hot tightness inside Jay increased, Dys stepped up the pace, stroking faster and harder, her head bobbing up and down. She was only able to go a few inches deeper before Jay’s cockhead bumped the back of her throat, but she kept at it. Sticky saliva dripped sloppily from between where her lips pressed tightly against Jay’s flesh, lubricating her throbbing member.

Dys breathed heavily through her nose as she worked hard to bring her alter self off, her sweet aroma of sex filling her senses and making her mind turn to mush. All she could think about was the coming climax as Jay’s insides wound tighter and tighter, more and more precum spilling out onto Dys’ tongue and down her throat.

Jay’s hand on Dys’ hair went from a gentle pressure to a tight fist, fingers grasping the white locks as she came closer still to her peak. Desperately she tried to drag Dys’ mouth further down her shaft, pulling in tandem with Dys’ own needy movements.

For a brief moment, Jay’s cockhead popped past the resistant entrance to Dys’ throat and went a few inches deeper.

Gagging, Dys quickly pulled back, unable to handle the large intrusion. She didn’t stop her ministrations, though.

Head coming off Jay’s wet dick for the first time in many long minutes, Dys gasped as wet strings of spit and precum bridged the gap between her lips and Jay’s cock. She looked up at Jay, hands still moving and stroking, and rubbed the wet and dripping head against her cheek in an almost worshipful manner, face flushed with desire.

The sight was enough to push Jay over the edge. The building tightness in the pit of her stomach suddenly erupted, long ropes of pearly white cum pulsing out of her in an endless torrent. The first shot went high, arching over Dys’ head to land in a splatter across the small of her back. The rest of her cum was aimed with a bit more care as Dys angled Jay’s cockhead directly at her face, letting her coat her double in a wash of thick and sticky fluid.

Before Jay’s climax was done, Dys was a dripping mess. Her forehead, cheeks, nose, and lips were all liberally coated in cum, glazing her features in pearlescent lewdness. Her hair had not escaped the deluge, the sticky fluid blending in with her already white and shaggy mane. Dys’ eyes were closed, having been plastered shut, but Jay was unhindered in her ability to soak in the vulgar sight of her first given, and first received, facial.

“I’m a one woman bukkake,” Jay voiced the absurd thought, unwinding her fingers from where they had still been clenched in Dys’ sticky hair.  

“Mmm,” Dys, agreed, still breathing heavily. “Help me out here, before stupid jokes.”

“My pleasure,” Jay said, ignoring Dys’ prohibition against jokes, dumb or otherwise.

Eagerly, Jay started licking Dys clean, running her long tongue over her twin’s face, lapping up her own cum. The taste was, as she’d already experienced, amazingly sweet. If she thought about it, maybe it was weird that she was so into eating her own jizz, but what was the difference between that and drinking Dys’ cum, something she’d done already?

As Jay cleaned up the worst of her mess from Dys, Jadis realized that Dys had not actually climaxed, despite Jay having come.

“I guess now we know,” Jay said, swallowing a mouthful. “We’ve got enough bodily autonomy to not necessarily cum together.”

“Yeah, guess so,” Dys said, eyelids finally cleaned off enough to open. She leaned back, settling in a more upright kneeling position. Doing so revealed the steel hard erection that Jadis knew had still been there, precum leaking in a stream from the tip.

Jadis had discovered that one body could climax without the other following suit, but the arousal and pleasure she felt was still being experienced by one consciousness. The Dys half of her felt like she was about to pop at any moment.

“Well,” Jay said, staring at Dys’ member with lascivious smile on her lips, “I guess if we want to be scientific about this experiment, we have to show we can duplicate our initial results.”

“I don’t think duplication is anything we’ll have trouble with,” Dys said, her own husky voice sending a heated thrill up both of Jadis’ spines. “This time, though, I want to try something a little different.”

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