Rebirth of the Nephilim

Chapter 2: Arrival on Oros

Chapter 2: Arrival on Oros

A tight compression wrapped around Jadis, uncomfortable in its restriction but not painful. The sensation was not unlike being rolled inside a blanket from top to bottom. She had to wonder if the full body constriction was what burritos felt like. Aside from the pressure, no other sensations reached Jadis and her head was swimming in a morass of utter nothingness.

Just as the compaction was growing too much to bear, everything around Jadis released in a wave of light and sound as all her senses came back to her in full force at once. The sudden emersion in the corporal world was immensely disorienting after having gotten somewhat used to being a semi-formless soul, but after a few nauseating seconds of confusion, the world came into focus around her and she was able to get her bearings.

The first thing Jadis noticed was that she was outside. She was standing in a forest clearing, a small meadow, surrounded by tall pine trees. The sun was just cresting the tops of the pines, bringing with it a pleasant warmth that warred with a cooling breeze that rustled the tall grass around her knees.

The second thing Jadis noticed was her knees. She had them. Knees. Feet, too. In fact, she had all the constituent parts necessary to form legs, much to her relief. As she quickly examined herself, she found that she was whole and healthy of body, everything in apparent working order. Actually, she felt better than she ever had before in her life. She took a deep, sweet breath of the forest glade air and grinned widely as she fully took in the body her god, D, had given her.

A funny thought, calling D her god, but she supposed she could live with the oddness. It was hard to deny his godhood though when he had so obviously displayed his power. After all, this form she now had was not anything close to what her old body had been.

Jadis was naked, except for a single piece square cut loincloth that wrapped around her waist and dangled down to her knees. With almost all her body uncovered, she was able to see the huge differences between what she remembered having in her old life and what body she had now.

Her skin was pale, lily white even. So white it looked less like skin and more like marble to her, but as Jadis ran her long fingers over her smooth arms she found that the unearthly pale flesh was her own and could feel touch just as normally as her old skin could.

Speaking of flesh, Jadis flexed her arms and found that she had muscle. Nothing that got in the way of her feminine curves, but for the first time in her life she had a honest to goodness six pack. She couldn’t help but run her hands over the defined muscles of her stomach, marveling at the toned definition.

Running her hands upwards, her fingers rested on her chest, the beautiful swell of her bare breasts generously filling her hands as she hefted them. They weren’t D cups, but they were perfectly shaped C cups which was a lot more than what she had been sporting under her shirt before her reincarnation. Less the size, Jadis had to admire how perfectly shaped they were. If she had seen another woman with breasts like she had now, she would have assumed they had been bought and paid for in a plastic surgeon’s office. But these curves were all natural, and all hers.

Running her hands up and down her chest, sides, stomach and arms, Jadis remembered the one thing that should most make the difference between her old and new body. Looking at the loincloth covering her groin, Jadis moved her hand towards it with some trepidation. She could tell by feel alone that there was something hanging between her legs that she wasn’t used to feeling hanging there, but the sensation was so alien to her she couldn’t really imagine what that new part of her looked like.

Slowly moving her hand beneath the gray cloth, Jadis’ fingers lightly touched something soft and smooth that sent a small electric thrill up her spine.

She instantly pulled her fingers away, heart beating like a jackhammer. Her eyes darted around the open clearing, just now registering the fact that she was standing out in an open field, nearly naked, and was touching herself in what was most certainly not appropriate ways.

No judgmental eyes were around to see Jadis, though, and she breathed a sigh of relief that she hadn’t been caught in a compromising position.

Her eyes were drawn back down to her crotch, though. She needed to explore her new form. Urgently. Looking around, Jadis saw that on the far side of the clearing she was in she could hear the quiet burble of running water. She walked towards the sound, again admiring her body as she felt light and strong as she moved, far more than she had ever felt before.

She didn’t know how long she would be alone, D had said that he’d put her near one of his temples, so she wanted to get a good look at exactly what she looked like before any priests or whoever came to greet her.

Approaching the sound of running water, Jadis found a slowly running brook just on the edge of the clearing, acting as a sort of demarcation between the open space and the towering pines that shadowed the land beyond. The water moved slowly and Jadis was able to easily find a small pool in the shade that acted as a decently reflective surface. She stared down at her slightly wobbly image in wonder.

She was hauntingly beautiful and, at the same time, vaguely unnerving. Her skin was even paler than she thought as she looked at her own unfamiliar reflection, seeing a stranger's face stare back at her. Her eyes were a bright violet, the only real color on her otherwise unblemished face. Even her hair, an unkempt mane that didn’t reach her shoulders, was stark white.

“Did D make me an albino?” Jadis wondered aloud, startling herself. Her voice was far smoother, deeper even, than what she had expected. “Woah, I have a way more, er, dominant? Yeah, dominant voice now, huh.”

Vocal distraction lasting only a moment, Jadis resumed her inspection of her reflection, taking in the details of her face and body.

“I know I told D I liked white hair, but I wasn’t really expecting the full ghost color palette treatment. Then again, I guess I am kind of like a ghost?” Jadis mused, once again gently running her fingers along her toned abs. She couldn’t get enough of how good they looked.

Jadis had always been both attracted to fit women, as well as envious of them. While no slacker, she’d never quite achieved the same results as what she longed for when working out at the gym, never having either the time or motivation to buckle down and make the physical improvements to her body she wanted happen. Now that she had the looks, though, Jadis vowed to do whatever it took to keep the looks.

Maybe she was being a bit vain and narcissistic, but she was absolutely in love with her looks. She was honestly having a hard time associating the beauty in the reflection with herself. The tall, strikingly athletic, attractive woman she was looking at was everything Jadis had ever wanted to be or be with. She was getting more than a little turned on at seeing the nearly naked woman stroke her stomach and breasts. Jadis had to remind herself again and again that she was looking at herself, not some hot stranger. Those were her fingers trailing along her skin, dipping lower towards her pelvis…

Jadis’ breath caught as she noticed the bulge under the loincloth.

She had forgotten about her new appendage, lost in the moment of self-admiration. There was no ignoring that bulge, though. The image in the water rippled slightly as Jadis sank down to her knees on the edge, still looking at her reflection, but now focusing on the gray cloth tenting upwards and away from her groin.

With shaky fingers, Jadis wrapped both hands around the obscenely large object protruding under the loincloth. She gasped involuntarily. The pressure she felt coming from between her legs increased ten-fold as she grasped the solid piece of flesh hiding beneath the thin cloth.

The lust and excitement rolled around in Jadis’ stomach, clouding her mind in a haze of aching need. The feeling wasn’t at all what she was used to when she had indulged herself in the past, the sensation far sharper and demanding. It wasn’t just the thrilling touch of her hands around her member, though, that was turning Jadis on.

“How big am I?” She whispered, her low voice almost growling. With one hand wrapped fully around, her fingers couldn’t touch. Lengthwise, she had to compare herself with her forearm.

Unable to wait a moment longer, Jadis tossed the loincloth aside and gazed upon the naked flesh of her dick.

Jadis had never been attracted to men. All of her lascivious attentions had always been focused on fellow women. However, the one thing that she had always secretly turned her on had been futanari. Ever since she’d discovered the wonderful world of hentai on the internet, futa had been her special, private fetish that she hadn’t shared with any of her lovers. Futanari were a fantasy; just like her love of magic and adventure, they were relegated solely to the realm of imagination and were nothing she felt she’d ever be able to experience in any meaningful way.

But now here she was, stroking her very own cock.

Jadis lost herself in the pleasure, moving both hands slowly up and down the massive member, relishing the feel of velvet on steel. The pleasure was intense and made her want to close her eyes and simply revel in the sensations but she couldn't look away from the water, staring at the hot, lewd woman rubbing herself.

Pearly liquid began to accumulate at the tip and Jadis quickly worked the slippery substance into her increasingly eager ministrations. One hand rubbed against the bulbous head of her dick as the other continued to pump away at the shaft. Jadis found the head gave a far sharper pleasure as she rubbed at it, closer in nature to what she experienced with her clit. The main pole of her mast was too needy to stop stroking though and she kept at it, her pace increasing faster and faster.

Eventually the rapid sound of wet flesh on flesh was echoing in Jadis’ ears as she reached a crescendo, her slick hands and dick coated in precum. Before she could even prepare herself for what was coming, Jadis climaxed like a lightning bolt, sudden and blinding. Her whole body tensed as she felt the bizarre, alien, damningly wonderful feeling of her groin clenching as a huge rope of white cum spurted forth from the tip of her cock.

Jadis’ load splashed into the water, spoiling her view as she continued to cum, a lustful groan pulled out of her throat with each pulse of hot cream. The climax went on for a while, robbing Jadis of all coherent thought, but eventually the constant stream of ejaculate slowed to a dribble and Jadis sat back on her heels, the last few drops leaking over the hand that still grasped tightly onto her dick.

A wave of satisfaction washed through Jadis as she smiled dreamily down at her twitching member.

“I’m going to have a lot of fun with you, buddy,” she said, a somewhat delirious giggle welling up and out of her.

Jadis’ amusement was cut short as a sudden bell-like sound resounded in her head, a transparent screen partially obscuring her vison.


New Class Options Available.

Please Choose Primary Class.

Jadis stared at the words in dumb confusion for a few minutes before finally releasing her right hand from her dick.

“Oh, right, D said this was going to be some kind of fantasy world with a leveling system. I guess I should probably take a look into that rather than just, uh, masturbate in an entirely open and public space, huh…”

Embarrassment at the realization of what she had just done washed over Jadis as she quickly dipped her hands into the water to wash them off before readjusting her loincloth to cover her still partially erect member.

“Right then! Totally normal, not at all awkward start to my new life. Fucking hell I hope no one saw that.”

Jadis stood and walked away from the now sullied pool of water, putting some distance between her and the scene of her shameful lack of self-control. Focusing on the text screen that was still centered in the middle of her vision, she found that with a small conscious effort, she was able to will the screen away.

“Okay, it said I needed to choose a primary class. How do I do that?”

Jadis asked her questions aloud, not really expecting an answer since as far as she could tell, she was still alone in the quite pine forest. Glad no one had been around to witness her self-indulgence, Jadis still wished one of those priests D had told her about would show up and give her some much-needed instruction on what she should be doing to choose her class.

“Hope they bring some clothes with them.”

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