Rebirth of the Nephilim

Chapter 32: Ritual

Chapter 32: Ritual

“This is so fucked up,” Jay mumbled breathlessly, staring down at Dys.

“Just—just shut up and do it,” Dys responded through gritted teeth.

When Jadis had focused on the idea of performing the ritual spell Debauched Duplication, ideas she knew were alien to her flowed into her head. They weren’t exactly instructions, per say, no glowing list appeared in her vision as the menu screens did. Instead, it was more a like a memory that wasn’t hers popped into her mind, training she’d never done trying to guide her. It was an odd sensation, one of the weirder experiences she’d had since coming to Oros, which was saying something in her opinion.

The steps of the ritual that came to her mind were simple enough, though predictably perverted just as Jadis had expected. The requirements were a step beyond in terms of depravity when compared to anything Jadis had done with herself over the past month, but honestly wasn’t anything she hadn’t been thinking about trying already. The problem was with executing those lewd acts when one of her participating selves was an injured mess. Something about stab wounds and broken bones really broke the mood for Jadis…

Still, she wanted to make use of her new class and ritual spell right away. Having one of her bodies down and out for an extended period of time was too much of a liability, especially if there were more bone thieves running around, something Jadis was certain had to be the case.

Jadis’ determination to get the ritual done was what led her to the position she’d put her two selves in that was giving her pause. Per the system-prompted memories that were guiding her along, Jadis needed to, clinically speaking, start with insertion. Insertion of the not-oral kind. Once that was achieved, she had to bring herself to full climax, inside, without spilling a drop.

Not a difficult task in of itself, barring certain obvious hangups she had with the idea. The far more challenging aspect of the ritual was the repetition of it. To fulfill the requirements completely, she had to do the deed twice. An hour. For three hours.

Jadis had noticed from extensive use over the past month that her male member didn’t have much, if any, of a refractory period. She’d stay erect and good to go for as long as she was horny. She still got tired, though, and the idea of going for six orgasms over three hours felt like a high mountain to climb, especially considering her already exhausting morning.

To aid her in her deviant endeavor, Jadis had used her five free attribute points she’d gotten from level twenty and put them all into her vitality, pumping her max health pool to three hundred and fifty, simultaneously increasing her current health to eighty-six. Fifty more points of health had definitely had an effect, healing up some of the injuries on Dys so that she looked like she’d been recovering for a week or more. The last point, the one she’d gotten from level eighteen, she put into endurance. She wasn’t sure how much of a difference a single point would make, but Jadis had a feeling she was going to need all the energy she could get.

Once her decision had been made and her preparations completed, Jay and Dys had gotten into position, the one Jadis had her selves paused in, a small amount of hesitation stilling her movements.

Dys was naked and lying face down, blankets bunched up under her stomach and groin so her ass was angled up into the air. She was about as comfortable as she could get in that position, considering her injuries.

Jay, on the other hand, was fully clothed in her makeshift leather armor, excepting her undergarments. If Jadis’ suspicions on how her Mirrored Body skill worked when activated, she wanted to be prepared.

So, wearing her armor but with her hardening erection sticking through the leather tassets of her skirt and held firmly in hand, Jay kneeled behind Dys. Face pressed into the fur rug, Dys reached behind her with her right hand, pulling on her ass cheek while Jay reached with her left hand and did the same on the other side, exposing the small backdoor entrance that was Jadis’ target.

“We don’t have to do it this way,” Jay murmured, the dark of the closed-off warehouse not obscuring the sight of Dys’ asshole from Jay’s eyes at all. “We could go the conventional route.”

“No, not risking pregnancy, not here,” Dys shook her head a little, words muffled by the fur her face was buried in.

Not here? Jadis wasn’t sure where the qualifier had come from. She’d never been much interested in having children in her past life and the idea of accidentally knocking herself up was both twisted and scary.

Looking down, Jay noticed that her semi-hard member had gone to full mast just from the few seconds of thinking about the possibility of mistakenly breeding her own self.

“I’ve got some serious fucking issues…”

“Stop stalling and just do it already!”

With a final voiced admonishment to get the deed over with, Jadis focused on relaxing Dys’ backdoor while Jay slowly eased forward, the bulbous tip of her cock already starting to drip from excitement.

“Crap! Uh—Oh that’s weird,” Jadis exclaimed in two voices. The bizarre feeling of penetrating her own ass, even with just the tip of her cockhead, was so utterly distracting that she lost track of which mouth to speak out of. Dropping all pretenses of being two people, Jadis just concentrated on the moment.

Jadis had never done much anal play in her old life on Earth. The furthest she’d ever gone beyond general research had been a girlfriend who’d been willing to slide her tongue along the surface of her rear entrance, a teasing tickle that had excited her at the time but not prompted any further explorations down that path.

Jay’s turgid cock was a far cry more intense than a few swipes of a tongue.

Even with just the tip in, Jadis felt stretched. The sensation wasn’t painful, not exactly. In fact, it almost felt good in a way that sent a shiver up both her spines. However, it also wasn’t comfortable, and the harder Jay pressed forward, the more towards the pain end of the spectrum the feeling teetered.

After a few tense moments, Jay pulled back, easing off the pressure she’d been applying to Dys’ backdoor. Brute forcing things wasn’t going to work.

In an attempt to relax and loosen the muscles guarding Dys’ never before used entrance, Jay began a twisting, rocking motion, slowly working the tip of her cock in and out, rubbing up against Dys’ asshole with persistent pressure. The copious amounts of precum leaking from Jay seemed to help, adding much needed lubrication to the process.  At the same time, Dys pushed back against Jay’s member, exerting force her own side, creating a synchronized effort.

Deeper and deeper Jay’s cockhead reached, small motions feeling like miles traveled. The tightness around Jay’s tip was unlike anything she’d felt before. A hot, squeezing sensation that lacked the slipperiness of a mouth but was just so incredibly tight.

Suddenly, without warning, the full head of Jay’s cock popped inside Dys’ ass, causing both to freeze in place.

“Holy shit,” they shouted in unison, voiced raised higher than Jadis had intended.

Jadis remained perfectly still for several long seconds, adjusting to both the intense feeling of fullness as well as the unbelievable constricting feeling.

“Okay, just— go slow. Go very, very slow,” Dys finally said, feeling as though she was as adjusted to the new sensation as she was going to get.

Without a word, Jay edged forward, pressing in just the smallest bit further into Dys.

“No! Nope, not happening,” Dys cried out, her hand letting go of her ass to grab a fistful of the fur rug.

Jay swallowed around a dry throat. “Yeah, okay, that’s too advanced for us right now.” She pulled back just a little so that only the head of her cock was inside, the base around the crown held snuggly in place. “Don’t actually need to thrust for the ritual, anyway. Let’s do this the easy way.”

Licking her hand to add a little lubrication, Jay proceeded to jerk herself off, rubbing away at the sensitive flesh of her steel hard shaft.

The experience was… unique. With the intense warmth and snugness around the head contrasting against the cool air of the warehouse, Jay’s dick felt exposed in a way that paled when compared to Jadis’ other experiences, even though there wasn’t functionally much of a difference. Closing her eyes and just focusing on the feeling, she ran her hand up and down her member in a slow, steady rhythm.

As minutes passed and Jay’s breathing grew quicker, Jadis could feel Dys loosening up, growing used to the sizeable invader. Still, she didn’t try to press forward. There was no need. Just the idea of what she was doing, having anal sex with herself, was ramping her up far faster than anything previous.

Tension in her stomach twisting tight in a familiar warning, Jay opened her eyes, looking down at where her cock connected to the beautiful globes of Dys’ rear, perfect in their shape and divine to the touch. The sight was overwhelming.

Jadis was fucking her own ass.

She came, hard, as the realization swept over her. Her climax was so abrupt her breath caught in her throat at the sudden intense wave that crashed into her. She stared, transfixed, at the sight of her thick member throbbing with each pulse of cum as it delivered it’s load directly into Dys’ ass.

From Dys’ body, Jadis felt Jay’s cum pour inside her, melting her insides. It was a bizarre, alien feeling, one she’d never experienced before in her life. The warmth diffused through her, making her stomach tingle and her pussy clench with each pulse.

It wasn’t until her climax began to fade that Jadis realized she’d been inadvertently moaning with each throb of her cock pouring Jay’s seed into Dys. She shook her heads, trying to clear them of the haze that had overwhelmed them both.

She also realized that Dys was rock hard and dripping after the ordeal.

“That’s one,” Jay said breathily. “Think it’s working?”

“It’s doing something alright,” Dys answered, worming her right hand under herself to give her dick a brief squeeze, before shifting her hand lower to feel the wetness that was slowly spreading from her pussy.

“I’m going to build up to the next one,” Jay said, her own fingers playing with Dys’ pussy, smearing the slick wetness she found there onto her shaft. “We have to do two an hour, no more and no less, or it won’t work.”

“If it works at all,” Dys mumbled into the floor.

Not that Jadis was complaining. Just the one orgasm alone had made the whole experience worth it for her, in a releasing tension kind of way. She was feeling so much better after the one climax.

Working slowly towards her next peak, Jadis continued the same pattern, keeping just the head of Jay’s cock inside Dys, stroking herself to near release, but keeping herself just on the edge. She kept as aware of the time as she could, despite the incredibly distracting actions she was taking and the lack of a time keeping device of any kind. Still, she was a good judge of time and kept herself on edge until she knew enough time had passed.

Once again bring herself to full climax inside of Dys, Jay realized just how insidiously difficult the ritual actually was. She couldn’t take her cock out from where it plugged Dys’ asshole, since now with a second of her copious loads pumped inside, she knew if she pulled out she’d spill some of her cum, which was expressly forbidden by the rules of the ritual. That meant she couldn’t change positions, Jay stuck kneeling where she was and Dys stuck lying with her ass in the air and her face in the fur rug.

Still, Jadis persevered. She’d started the ritual, and she aimed to finish it.

By the third climax, Jadis saw signs that the ritual was working. Her artificial memories hadn’t informed her of what to expect exactly, but as sweat dripped from Jay’s brow onto Dys’ slick back and ass, she saw a faint inner glow suffusing Dys’ body. If they weren’t in the low light of the warehouse, she probably wouldn’t have been able to see the difference, but with no sun to obscure it, she could see the slight shine coming from within.

Working on the fourth climax, nearly two hours into the ritual, both Jay and Dys were breathing hard, sweat dripping off them from the effort. Jay had started little thrusts by that point, her hips dipping only a few inches at a time, but earnestly fucking Dys’ ass. Dys, on the other hand, stroked slowly at herself, her own orgasm having come twice already from the constant stimulation.

By the time the third hour had come and the fifth climax had too, Jay was feeling exhausted but thrilled at what she saw as her senses regained themselves. Dys’ skin was glowing with an inner white light, a light bright enough to actually illuminate the dark warehouse, at least partially.

“Just one more,” Jay said through panting breaths, fingers dipping into her own pussy from behind to stimulate herself that way, if for no other reason that to give her sore shaft a rest. Her cock was now extremely sensitive from being over stimulated and erect for so long.

“I thought this sort of ritual sex thing would be more fun,” Dys complained, her stomach now feeling uncomfortably full from how much cum Jay had been pumping into her.

“It’s still pretty fun,” Jay said, thrusting a few inches into Dys, enjoying the sight. “Just, next time we do this, we’ve gotta get some lube.”

“Definitely,” Dys agreed, her ass clenching around the large invader she’d only partially gotten used to.

Getting back to business, Jadis resumed her sexual ministrations, aiming to get the final climax over with as quickly as she could. With how raw her member was feeling, the sensation was almost painful.

Eventually, though, Jay reached her sixth peak, releasing one final load into Dys’ backdoor. As her cock pulsed and the numbing pleasure unfocused her thoughts, a white light blinded Jadis, both physically and mentally. Jadis was immediately reminded of the flash of light she’d experienced when she’d accepted her primary class and her first skill had taken effect.

A moment passed and the light cleared. As both Jay and Dys blinked, the warehouse suddenly much darker than it had been for the past hour or so, Jadis realized with amazement that she was seeing herself with her dick stuck in her other self’s ass from an angle off to the side.

Slowly, Jay and Dys turned their heads in unison to the right, locking eyes with a third Jadis sitting on the floor a couple of feet away, naked except for a white loincloth around her waist.

“Hi?” the new half— er, third? Third. The new third of Jadis waved at her other selves.

“Well, shit,” Jay said, leaning back, her dick finally popping free of Dys’ much abused ass.

“I guess we can’t use this skill to duplicate our stuff, too, huh…” Dys groaned, a deep frown creasing her brow from where she still lay on the ground.

“Well fuck, me, you’re acting like I’m not happy to see me,” the new third Jadis said, getting to her feet.

“Well, no, clearly I am pretty happy to see me,” Jay said, pointing at the erection poking out from under the third Jadis’ simple loincloth.

Third Jadis looked down, then crossed her arms and shrugged. “It was a pretty hot first thing to see upon creation, what can I say?”

All three paused for a moment before sighing in unison.

“We are so fucked in the head.”

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