Rebirth of the Nephilim

Chapter 35: Testing Attributes

Chapter 35: Testing Attributes

“Well, that’s all we’re going to learn about that one,” Syd called out in frustration, tossing her maul down on the ground in mild disgust. “What are we on and what do we have left, anyway?”

“Resilience now, just will left,” Jay said from inside the warehouse. “It’s the last one. Switch out.”

“Okay, switching out,” Syd said, leaving the side of the mining pond and heading into the warehouse, changing out places with Jay.

Ever since she had reviewed and selected her new skills for her secondary class around noon, Jadis had been experimenting with using her Eldritch Overlay ritual to increase the score of the various different attributes that she had no clue on what they did. Eldritch Overlay’s ritual was, blessedly, much shorter than Debauched Duplication’s. Performing the ritual once took a single hour, a third of the time her only other ritual spell took, though still far too long to use at any time other than when she was in a safe and secure location. That being said, it was no less of a perverted mess.

Walking back into warehouse as Jay walked out, Syd approached Dys who was sitting on top of a stack of crates, set up so that she almost looked like she was seated on a throne. Not that Dys’ current appearance looked like anything that could be described as royal.

Being naked was almost an afterthought to the lewd mess Dys had become. Jay and Syd’s cum was plastered all through Dys’ hair, sticky ropes dripping down onto her chest and shoulders. Her face, despite being washed and wiped clean, still had traces of white seed smeared across it.

“After today, I am not going to be the focal point of any more rituals for a long ass time,” Dys said sternly to Syd as she approached.

Syd laughed as she pulled out her quickly hardening member. “Stop acting like you don’t love it.”

“I didn’t say I didn’t love it, I’m just starting to feel like we’re picking on me at this point.”

“I can’t pick on myself,” Syd shook her head.

Dys leaned forward on her seat, getting her face in the optimal position. “Pretty sure we are.”

“Shut up and put your mouth to better use.”

With a quick thrust, Syd shoved the head of her cock into Dys’ mouth, silencing any more verbal banter as the two began the ritual.

Outside, Jay shuddered as the sensations distracted her for a moment. Jadis could multitask well enough that Jay could continue experimenting with her current overlaid attribute, but she was still fucking her own face. Quite the distraction.

While the ritual proceeded, Jadis reviewed what she had learned about her attributes so far, focusing more on what Jay was doing and letting Syd and Dys’ perverse actions become background noise in her mind, at least for the time being. Since the ritual took so long, Jadis had taken to experimenting with the effects of an increased attribute to learn what it did with one of her selves while the other two went about performing the ritual for the next attribute. It was the most efficient use of her time.

Jadis hadn’t bothered overlaying her strength attribute. It was her highest stat now at seventy-three, plus she knew exactly what the attribute did.

Her first test had been to increase dexterity, which had initially been a disappointment. Nothing had changed so far as Jadis could tell once the stat’s score had gone up to seventy, she felt completely normal. That was, until she had grabbed her maul and done a few test swings. Her massively increased dexterity had made her attack movements incredibly precise. Not just smoother, but far, far more accurate. Jadis hadn’t thought she’d had any problems hitting her marks before, but once she’d boosted dexterity and saw the difference, she was amazed.

She also noticed that her ranged accuracy was greatly increased. Before, if she threw a rock, she was satisfied if it landed in the general vicinity of her target. After the overlay, she could pitch a rock at a target on the other side of the pond and hit it dead center.

Switching out dexterity for agility had been a particularly bizarre experience, as she suddenly lost the accuracy she’d been enjoying. It wasn’t an uncomfortable sensation, but it did make her feel like she’d lost something important.

Agility, as it turned out, controlled her speed. With the boost, she was able to sprint at speeds that felt superhuman, running from the village and back again in a fraction of the time it took her before. The attribute made her attacks faster, too, not just her foot speed, though not more accurate the way dexterity did, and despite the increased speed, her blows didn’t seem to hit harder than they already did with her massive strength.

“However the fuck that makes sense,” Jay grumbled.

Vitality Jadis knew, but still overlayed to test a theory. Bringing her health pool up to seven hundred had been a glorious sight, but the overall results had been a huge disappointment. Her current health had gone up by two hundred and eighty points, dramatically lessening the severity of Dys’ wounds, but as soon as she switched her overlay to the next attribute, her health went back to the way it was before she’d boosted her vitality. Unfortunately, Jadis couldn’t use the skill as a quick way to heal herself up to full. The huge bonus to her health was still a consideration, though.

Fortitude and Endurance were both known, so Jadis didn’t waste her time checking them, though they were both still in the running for a final decision on where Jadis would be putting her overlay on a day-to-day basis.

Jadis had been excited to boost her non-physical stats to see what they would do. Since she now knew eldritch was one hundred percent an attribute used for spells, she started calling that column in her menu her magic stats. Sadly, her results were mostly frustrating.

Overlaying arcane and divine did nothing, at least so far as Jadis could tell. She tried multiple different exercises, attacks, and even praying to D to see if something would happen. Nothing did. Jadis supposed it wasn’t too big of a shock, since she didn’t have any spells that mentioned either arcane or divine in their descriptions. She only had the two spells, really, and one of those didn’t even mention eldritch.

Focus, however, Jadis did figure out. With another application of her ritual, her magic pool jumped from ten to seven hundred. If she ever wanted to start selecting the various illusion-based spells she was being offered on her main class, she now had a viable way of giving herself more than enough magic power to cast the spells freely. Nothing else could be gleaned from increasing the attribute, though, and so far as Jadis could tell, her magic pool was the only aspect of her self the focus stat affected.

“Following the logic demonstrated so far,” Jay murmured, trying hard not to think about the lewd sounds and lewder sensations coming from inside the warehouse, “resilience is probably a defense attribute the same way fortitude is. But since it’s in the magic column, it probably defends against magical attacks.”

Jadis felt fairly proud about her reasoning, feeling quite logical and scientific, like a scholar that had come to a well-researched conclusion.

“So… how do I test magical defense?”

Drawing a blank, Jay tossed her hands in the air and walked back inside the warehouse, seeing no point in standing around doing nothing outside.

Once Jay was inside, the almost mechanical way Jadis had been able to continue the ritual slipped and the full affect of what her two other selves were doing was forced to the forefront of Jadis’ attention.

Syd’s cock was shoved down Dys’ throat, Dys’ nose pressed up against the smooth skin of her mons Venus. Syd had stopped her rapid thrusting, holding the position as Dys’ throat twitched and gagged around the huge invader.

Before coming to Oros, Jadis had never had a dick in her mouth, much less deepthroated it. Now, here she was, swallowing a flesh pillar as long as her forearm.

Skills were amazing.

Experiencing both the discomfort of Dys as she gagged around the cock and the overwhelming pleasure of Syd having her cock gagged on, Jadis had to struggle to not let her lust get the better of her and simply start thrusting away to a quick and longed-for release. The ritual required more discipline than that.

Jay walked over as Syd slowly pulled back from Dys’, the bulge in her neck shrinking as an impossibly long and thick shaft was extracted. Putting her hand around Dys’ neck, she marveled at the feeling.

“Fuck, if I keep doing that I’m going to have trouble holding on,” Syd groaned, Jadis temporarily forgetting to use the right pronouns as she talked about her own actions with herself.

Letting go, Jay sat back and went about preparing dinner for the three of her. The sun was setting by that point and Jadis was exhausted enough from the day’s activities that she wanted to get to sleep early.

Not before finishing the perverted ritual, though.

For the next hour, Syd edged herself, switching between slow and methodical thrusts of her dick down Dys’ gullet to rapid, almost violent pounding motions as she would briefly lose control and have to give in to her impulses. To stop herself from going over the edge, she’d occasionally cease all movement, simply holding her throbbing member inside the wet and tight tunnel that was Dys’ mouth and throat.

Dys was, frankly, feeling more than a little sore. She’d had her mouth and throat used and abused all afternoon for hours at a time thanks to the requirements of the ritual. Her jaw ached and while the Anatomical Adaptation made deepthroating far easier now than her previous attempts, it still wasn’t exactly easy.

Still, as Jadis looked up at her mirrored self through Dys’ perspective, face pressed up against her groin, gaze travelling up her tight abs and perfect breasts, all the way to lock violet eyes with violet eyes, she couldn’t help the thrum of lust and excitement that vibrated within her.

As the ritual neared completion, Jadis mentally sighed in anticipation of relief. The steps required her to only reach her peak at the end of the hour, maintaining a constant oral penetration without the use of hands. It was a pleasurable torture and having gone through it seven times in a day, Jadis was more than exhausted with the task, her wellspring of lust nearly depleted.

“Almost,” Syd hissed, her slow thrusts increasing in pace as she felt the tingle of the spell begin to coalesce. Having done the steps so often now, she could feel when the magic was taking effect.

Trying to make sure the timing was just right, Dys ceased to be passive and began actively sucking on Syd’s cock, bobbing her head up and down, carrying Syd along closer to her climax as the tension she’d been feeling in the core of her stomach reached unbearable heights.

With a cry, Syd pulled back, her release sudden but coming exactly when it needed to. Hot seen sprayed out across Dys’ face, ropes of sticky cum painting her panting visage with lewd adornments. Still following the ritual, no hands were used, Syd’s wet shaft pulsing and throbbing with each unguided shot of cum that coated Dys’ face and much of the area surrounding her.

“Should have called this one the bukkake overlay,” Jay said, watching the show from the sidelines.

Jadis laughed at her own joke, perhaps feeling a bit loopy, causing more of Syd’s shots to miss, but it didn’t matter. By then, she’d given herself more than enough to be called a facial.

As her orgasm slowed, Syd collapsed forward onto Dys’ lap, sitting on her thighs and wrapping her arms around her. As they both caught their breath, Syd began licking the cum from Dys’ face.

Jadis didn’t need to do so for the ritual, she just liked how it felt.

As the effects of the ritual settled in, Jadis mentally switched the attribute she wanted to overlay, boosting her Will up to seventy.

“No immediate, obvious difference,” Jay observed while Dys and Syd were occupied. “But it’s a magic stat, so who knows how the heck we’re supposed to test it.”

“Just come over here and help me clean up,” Dys commanded, tilting her head back to let Syd get at her neck.

“Can do,” Jay said with a smile, worming her way into the pair, turning it into something of a three-way.

“I think,” Syd pronounced between mouthfuls, “We should do this ritual one more time in the morning, set it to vitality. Getting that extra three hundred health should be plenty to put Dys in good enough condition to leave.”

Jay nodded along, at least when her tongue wasn’t running across Dys’ shoulder. “We can’t hide all those bones and I feel like those dumb demons are going to just keep coming. Time to pack up and head south like we planned.”

“What if the mother demon came from the south?” Dys asked, leaning back and enjoying the feel of two eager mouths cleaning her up. “Do we still want to head in that direction?”

“I’m not keen on climbing over mountains, especially when we don’t even have enough armor and clothes to fully cover all three of us,” Jay pointed out.

“We can handle any bone thieves we come across out in the forest,” Syd said with assurance. “What we can’t handle is freezing cold.” Indeed, most of the surrounding mountain peaks were capped with snow.

“Then it’s settled. We head south.”

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