Rebirth of the Nephilim

Chapter 350: Private Show

Chapter 350: Private Show

There wasn’t much of an introduction. As soon as Kerr and Jadis’ three selves had repositioned so that they were facing towards the right-hand side of the private room, the two dancers began their show. While their movements down on the main stage had certainly been sexual, there had been a certain distance from the act that had made their dances more of a titillating work of art than anything too erotic. Now that they were only a few feet in front of Jadis, the experience took on a whole new level of sexiness that had her pants feeling entirely too constrictive.

Quel genre de danse veux-tu voir?” the blue elf asked, her voice soft and sultry.

De quoi allumer un feu dans le cœur de mon amoureux,” Kerr replied in a tone that matched.

Jadis didn’t have to wonder long what those words meant as the nature of the dance shifted from lewd to obscene.

While at the start the two women had merely been brushing against each other as they moved and swayed, after Kerr’s request they began to truly rub against each other in an erotic display. Hands swept across the swell of breasts, the curve of hips, and the flat plains of trim abs. Legs ground against legs in just the right way to make Jadis’ mouth water, and fingers found the right spots to teasingly reveal hidden treasures before the cloth was slipped back into place.

“I bet you’d like to see me and Aila doing that, wouldn’t you?” Kerr murmured as she breathed in deeply, practically moaning as she watched the two dancers. “We’d put on such a good show for you.”

“You would,” Jay whispered in response, her hands idly stroking Kerr’s stomach and thighs. “Though I don’t think I could hold back for very long if any of you put on a show like this for me.”

“I want to see you dancing like that,” Kerr continued as she glanced up at Dys on her right. “All three of you, nothing on but maybe a shirt. Your perfect bodies on display, your cocks swinging between your knees. Touching each other. Grinding on each other. Would you do that for me?”

“Whenever you want,” Dys replied as she leaned down to kiss Kerr. “As often you like.”

Kerr smiled against Dys’ lips as she reciprocated the kiss. She nipped at her with her fangs before breaking away and admonishing Dys.

“Then you better focus on them. You’ll need to remember those moves so you can show them to me later.”

Jadis did just that, having never really looked away since she had three sets of eyes to keep the erotic pair under constant observation. As focused as she was on the two, there was a third woman in the room that Jadis couldn’t help glancing at.

Severina looked like was about to either explode or shrivel up into a raisin and die from embarrassment. The light pink blush had bloomed into a full-on red-faced flush and her body was even stiffer than it had been before.

Kerr caught the direction of Syd’s eyes and, glancing at the Seraphim, her face lit up with a wicked grin. Without breaking eye contact with the paladin, Kerr’s hand began firmly rubbing the bulge in Dys’ pants.

“Hey,” Dys began, concerned that her lover might be taking things too far considering both their audience and their location. “I don’t think—”

“Shush,” Kerr quieted her as her one hand firmly squeezed her cock through the thin, black material of her pants. “Eyes on the dancers.”

Jadis was glad she had reminded her, as her three selves shifted their focus back onto the lewd display, she found that the dancers had upped the lewdness factor by a huge margin.

The taller, tomboyish therion with black hair was behind the elf now, the two of them swaying in a synchronized rhythm to the beat of the music. The blue elf’s silver eyes were locked onto Dys as she smiled seductively, her arms raised over her head and her chest pushed out. The therion woman had been running her hands up and down the elf dancer’s exposed bits, never lingering any one place for long, but now that she saw that Dys’ attention was focused on the duo, she began to fondle the elf’s small, pert breasts through the material of her purple top.

The moves were still elegant, still timed to the rhythm of the beat, still a part of the show. But the therion was absolutely groping the elf for the purpose of sex. Even as Jadis had the thought that maybe it was just a passing moment, the elf let out a lustful moan as the therion slipped her hands under the flimsy top and push it out of the way to expose her tight nipples, squeezing and pulling on them with obvious delight.

While Jadis was distracted by the enticing vision of erotic beauty, Kerr worked magic of her own. In record speed she had the lacing of Dys’ pants untied and, with one swift move, she fished Dys’ cock out and had it standing tall in the dim light of the cloistered room.

Dys couldn’t help but let out a slight gasp as her aching erection met the open air. Having Kerr’s hand firmly gripped around the base of her cock was heavenly, but she was exposed, her shaft fully visible to complete strangers.

She wasn’t the only one to gasp, though.

Both of the dancers had let out their own little gasps at the sight of Dys’ massive member. They kept dancing, their movements still in time to the beat, but both of them were staring at the huge cock with looks of wonder and, Jadis hoped, some measure of lust. However, a fourth gasp had been made at the same time. The dancers weren’t the only spectators to the show Kerr was putting on.

Severina was staring with slack-jawed horror at the beast gripped in Kerr’s hand. The look on her face was priceless, and the red blush of embarrassment coloring her skin had to extend across her whole body, Jadis was sure. The Seraphim’s gaze was locked onto the throbbing shaft with such a look of intensity that Jadis was slightly worried that the woman’s eyes were going to fall out of her head. It took a moment, but her gaze flickered up to meet Syd’s eyes. Giving her a smirk and a raised eyebrow, Syd wondered what the winged woman would do next.

The answer to that question was apparently to shut her gaping mouth and lock her gaze Forward as she took a parade stance. There was no hiding the fact that her focus was continually being drawn to Dys’ exposed dick, but Jadis had to admire the attempt at professionalism. Maybe Jadis should have felt bad for Severina, but in the moment, she couldn’t bring herself to do so. The paladin had brought this on herself. She could have waited outside. In fact, she still could leave. Nothing was stopping her. But there she continued to stand, eyes occasionally darting to watch Kerr’s hand stroke up and down the absurd length of Dys’ twitching cock while she tried to pretend like she wasn’t watching.

The two dancers whispered a few words to each other as they continued to sway, their eyes shining with interest and their smiles wide. Kerr continued to stroke Dys, her touch fueling the fire in her veins, but her lover kept her eyes on the dancers for the most part, only occasionally glancing towards the Seraphim to grin or send her a saucy wink. The blue elf and tomboyish therion were still the ones putting on an actual show, after all.

As the two continued to grind against each other, the elf’s top was fully removed and dropped to the ground. When the therion dancer moved around from behind the elf, somehow her top had disappeared as well without Jadis noticing. Her large breasts were amazing, easily a match in size for Eir and Bridget, yet she didn’t show them off for long. The dark-haired woman spun away from Jadis’ view, keeping her front pressed against the elf.

With an over-the-shoulder grin at her audience, the therion slid down the elf’s front, her knees spreading wide as she balanced in a crouch on the balls of her feet in a way that perfectly showed off her still-clothed ass. As the blue elf continued to gyrate, her arms raised high overhead and her sultry smile wide, the therion dancer lifted the front of the other woman’s skirt and let it fall over her head.

The length of purple cloth that made up the front of the elf’s skirt fell perfectly between the therion’s horns, draping across her smooth back. With how the tomboy was position, Jadis couldn’t see any of what was happening between the elf’s legs, only the delightful expanse of the dancer’s thighs that the rest of the elf’s slitted skirt couldn’t hide. Jadis’ imagination ran wild as she watched the blue dancer continue to gyrate her hips, this time directly into the face of her partner.

A soft sigh escaped the elf’s lips, a sigh that was echoed by Dys. Kerr had leaned to the side, both hands now working her exposed shaft as she planted small kisses around the head of Dys’ cock. When Dys looked down and met her lover’s gaze, Kerr raised one eyebrow and motioned with a hand.

“Do you mind leaning back? I still want to watch the show.”

With a shrug, Dys leaned back on her hands, giving her bonded slut more room to do as she pleased.

Kerr kept stroking as she leaned so that her mouth could perform its magic along the top side of Dys’ cock. For all the effort she was putting into pleasuring her partner, she did just as she had said and continued to watch the dancers as their act progressed.

And the dancers had definitely stepped up their game. The elf had raised her right leg to set it on top of the therion’s shoulder, balancing on her other leg as she continued to sway and dance in place. Jadis couldn’t hear much over the beat of the drums and lilting melody of the exotic flute, but occasionally, if she strained her hearing, she could make out the sound wet flesh on flesh coming from under the elf’s skirt where the tomboy’s head was firmly pressed.

On the other hand, that might have just been Kerr, as she was not being quiet or subtle about her treatment of Dys’ dick.

Jadis couldn’t help glancing once more to see what Severina was doing. With how they were positioned, Dys leaning back and Kerr bent over from the side, the Seraphim had a perfect view of everything the incorrigible archer was up to.

Severina looked so red in the face she was actually giving Aila a run for her money. She was still doing her best to maintain her parade stance professionalism, but was Jay watched out of the corner of her eye, she saw the woman’s legs start to rub together, the absurdly lewd scene affecting even her. Jadis didn’t focus on her for long, though. Both the dancer’s show and Kerr’s ministrations were ramping up, capturing all of the attention she had to spare.

The lithe elf was openly moaning, her flat stomach heaving as she panted in pleasure. Her hands, which had up to that point been moving as part of the sensual dance, moved to caress her own small breasts as whatever the therion was doing under her skirt had clearly reached a peak. The leg she had balanced on the other woman’s shoulder hooked around the tomboy’s back, pulling her in closer while also unintentionally causing the skirt cloth to bunch up higher, exposing just a little more of what was happening. The therion’s hands were cupped under the elf, holding up her ass as she continued to work under the cover of the infuriating, tantalizing skirt.

Kerr’s tongue found the underside of Dys’ cockhead, teasing and nipping at the edge of her crown as her hands worked faster and faster along the shaft. Precum was practically pouring out of Dys’s tip, the overwhelming lewdness of the situation making it a struggle not to grab hold of Kerr’s horns and shove her mouth down onto her cock and filling her gullet with a load of sticky seed right then.

Just as Jadis’ restraint was reaching its limit, the blue elf tipped over her own edge.

With a cry of pleasure, the elf grabbed hold of the therion’s short horns, pressing her hard against her crotch as she doubled over. Despite the trembling shudders running through her heaving body, the dancer continued to maintain her balance on one leg, while also keeping her lust-hooded eyes locked onto Dys.

That was too much. With a barely contained grunt of her own, Dys climaxed, her cock throbbing with release. Kerr must have anticipated the moment as she managed to get her mouth over Dys’ tip a split second before the flood of cum could spray into the air. With a loud, continuous gulping noise, Kerr swallowed every powerful burst of seed, with only a few small rivulets of pearlescent liquid dribbling out of the corners of her mouth and down Dys’ shaft. When Dys’ orgasm finally subsided, Kerr’s mouth popped off of her cockhead with a gasp before she quickly moved to lick up the remnants of seed that had escaped her lips.

With a grace that almost felt at odds with what they’d just done, the two dancers parted, their show over. The therion stood back to her full height, picking up the women’s discarded tops as she did so. The elf was still breathing heavily, her chest rising and falling deeply as she caught her breath, but the sultry smile was still on her face as she watched Kerr clean Dys up. The therion looked somehow more composed, though she was also licking her lips, a liquid sheen visible on her mouth and chin. She looked like the cat who had just gotten cream as she said something to Kerr in that same language that Jadis couldn’t understand.

“We loved it,” Kerr replied as she pulled away from Dys’ cock. “Absolutely magnifique, as always. Here, a tip for you both.”

The two dancers approached, taking the large sum of coins Kerr offered while unabashedly eying Dys’ still very exposed, very erect member. They didn’t try to make any moves on her, simply taking their tips with wide grins, but the blue elf quietly whispered an invitation with a thick accent.

“Please, come visit again,” she said, her silver eyes shining. “We would love to perform another dance for you. And maybe next time, you three will give us all a treat, not just your naughty friend, no?”

The last was said with a wink towards Jay and Syd, making it clear exactly what she meant.

With that, the two dancers departed, not bothering to put their tops back on. With her eyes following the two beautiful women, Jadis couldn’t help but look at Severina, who looked very much like she wanted to melt through the floor.

“Come on, we better go,” Jay pulled Kerr to her feet. “We need to get back to our room. Now.”

“Damn right we do,” Kerr agreed with heat in her voice as she helped Dys tuck herself back in.

The walk out of the Bounding Buck was a more than a little awkward since Jadis was still fairly aroused, which made the tight pants she wore a challenge to walk in. There was also the fact that a still red-faced Severina was walking behind them, along with her three subordinate knights who had to have all kinds of ideas about what had gone on inside the private room. Jadis didn’t think they could have heard anything, not with how enclosed the room had been combined with the pervasive thrumming music, but they couldn’t have missed the two topless women coming out of the door.

Once they were outside in the cool, winter’s night air, Jadis took a deep breath, feeling her own tension ease just a little bit as the heat left her body. Of course, she was still going to fuck Kerr’s brains out as soon as they got somewhere private, but it was no longer an imminent threat. Before she could start heading back to the temple district, Severina’s voice rang out in a clear order.

“You three,” she pointed at the armored knights. “Escort them back to the temple. Make sure you arrive before the midnight bell tolls.”

“Where are you going?” Kerr asked innocently as the Seraphim spread her wings in preparation to take flight.

Severina didn’t look back as her big, white wings flapped and she lifted up off the ground. However, as she started flying away, she passed by Syd’s head just close enough that she could overhear a few mumbled words that probably weren’t meant for anyone else’s ears.

“I’m going to go wash my pants.”

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