Rebirth of the Nephilim

Chapter 355: Date with a Guardswoman

Chapter 355: Date with a Guardswoman

“Gods, you really do have a perfect ass.”

Thea jumped, startled by Syd’s crude compliment. She straightened up, giving her a look halfway between offended and amused. The washcloth and soap in her hands went ignored as she took a moment to decide on how to respond. She seemed to settle on mock indignity as she waggled one finger towards Syd, a sparkle in her warm brown eyes.

“Y—you shouldn’t be so crude in a p—public bath. Besides. You’re b—butt is much nicer than mine.”

“Maybe,” Syd shrugged, willing to concede the second point. “I was god-made to be beautiful. But I promise you, Thea, your ass is the mold Lyssandria was thinking of when she was designing Nephilim posteriors.”

Thea let out a disbelieving laugh, a rare grin flashing across her blushing face. She looked away, dismissing the claim and resuming her scrubbing, though Jadis noticed that her shy lover put a little extra effort into soaping up the swell of her hips and buttocks. An effort that Jadis greatly appreciated with her multi-angled viewpoint.

“Also,” Dys murmured quietly, making sure her words were just for Thea’s ears, “Are you really sure you should be calling me ‘crude’ when you’re the one always coming to this bath so you can ogle the priestesses?”

“I am n—not ogling them!” Thea barely restrained her yelp, her eyes not quite meeting Dys’ gaze. “I—I just p—prefer this bath. It’s nice and has g—good facilities.”

“Has a nice view, too,” Dys grinned as she glanced at the cluster of naked priestesses talking quietly amongst themselves while perched on the edge of one of the pools. “Very stimulating.”

Thea frowned crossly at Dys, but she couldn’t keep the act up for long. After a moment, her scowl cracked and she looked away.

“It’s… a very nice, um, view.”

Jadis couldn’t fault her shy little voyeur for indulging in her passion while she had the opportunity to. The suite of rooms Jadis and her companions had been given had a luxurious bathroom intended for the occupant of honor, and a second bathroom that was perfectly serviceable and was likely intended for servants. There was no real need to use the public bathhouse in the temple. And yet, Thea had used the public bath at every opportunity during their stay in the temple so far.

The view really was stimulating. It was late afternoon, so there weren’t many priestesses using the baths at the moment. In fact, the baths had looked empty when they had returned from their day about town. However, as soon as Jadis and Thea had made their way into the bath, a group of priestesses had shown up to join them. Of course, all seven of the women were young and beautiful, with bodies that practically begged for the attention of a wandering eye, or other parts of a bystander’s body…

Not that the priestesses tried to interfere in Jadis and Thea’s private conversation. They kept their distance, talking amongst themselves and beyond a smile and a wave, made no attempt to approach. They did, however, always seem to angle themselves in just the right way to show off their tantalizing assets whenever any of Jadis’ selves glanced in their direction.

Looking at it from a certain perspective, Jadis’ presences really was a boon to Thea. She was getting her secretly perverted lover some prime ogling material.

Once they were done washing themselves off, Jadis and Thea made their way into one of the large warm bathing pools to relax. While they shared the same one as the group of priestesses, Jadis made sure that they settled on a spot far enough away that they weren’t in easy hearing range, just to keep a bit of distance between them. Fortunately, they were still in a good position where Thea could easily keep her eye on them whenever she wanted to look. The priestesses, for their part, seemed to perk up and rearrange their display for better viewing.

Settling in the water, Jadis took a moment to just close her eyes and soak. Her time with Thea had gone exactly as she had hoped it would. Her shy lover wasn’t the type to enjoy extravagant events or big displays that focused on her. She was a quiet person, one who preferred to not be in the spotlight. Thea was happy watching from the sidelines, supporting others and letting those with bigger, brasher personalities lead while she followed. She was also a commoner, through and through, and shied away from large expenses. Doing something too involved for their date would have just made her uncomfortable.

That’s why Jadis had suggested they just spend time walking through Eldingholt and visiting some of the parks. There were landmarks that they could have gone to, as well as some rather famous spots like the market circle and the restaurant row where many highly extoled chefs had set up their businesses, but those would have involved a lot of crowds which Jadis wanted to avoid. So instead they had wandered some of the less-travelled places where they could be alone.

Well, not completely alone. There were still the guards following them. Roy had been their escort along with several of his knights, but there had been an additional member added to the normal retinue. Severina had also accompanied them, to Jadis’ surprise. She would have thought the Seraphim had been scared off after the last date, but she supposed Thea came across as a far safer option than Kerr.

The constant glare Severina had focused on one or another of Jadis’ bodies had been a little uncomfortable at times, but once Jadis started staring back, Severina had backed off and returned to her more rigid and professional demeanor.

When Thea was alone with Jadis she didn’t magically start talking more. She was as quiet in private as she was in public. But she stuttered less, and conversation came easier for her. While Jadis did most of the talking, she was able to learn a few things about her lover’s life.

Much like Sabina, Thea had been raised by a single parent. Her father had died when she was ten in a fire barn fire, as had her older brother, so her mother had raised her all on her own. They hadn’t had any family in the farming village that she’d grown up in, but the neighbors had all been kind and supportive so she’d lived a happy, if somewhat frugal, life before joining the military. That had been her main reason for joining the army, in fact. All her expenses were taken care of while she was enlisted and almost all of her monthly pay was sent to her mother to help support her.

Jadis wanted to meet Vera, Thea’s mother, but it didn’t seem likely that she would come to the capital to visit them. The village she lived in was far, far away from Eldingholt, to the northwest. It turned out it wasn’t actually all that far from the town where Sabina had been raised, only a week or so by horseback, but that was still a very long way for one woman with little savings to travel.

Thea hadn’t asked, but Jadis made a mental promise to directly visit Thea’s home village. Mostly because she wanted to meet Thea’s mother and treat her with the same respect as her other lovers’ parents, but also because she wanted to make sure the woman was financially secure. From Thea’s explanation, it seemed that she was doing fine now, especially with Thea’s increased pay from becoming a mercenary, but Jadis wanted to make sure Vera never had to worry about having enough coin saved up again.

There had been plenty of other, less serious topics for Jadis and Thea to discuss, though. Mostly they’d talked about things like the upcoming ball Eir’s parents were hosting, what clothes everyone would wear, and what they would do when they inevitably had to talk with various nobles who had been invited. Like Jadis, Thea wasn’t thrilled by the idea of having to rub shoulders with nobility, but Thea at least was nice enough to say that at least some of the nobles had to be alright. After all, Eir had turned out wonderful. She couldn’t be the only one.

All that walking and talking had made for a lovely date. With a warm bath to soak in and Thea cuddled up under Jay’s arm, Jadis felt like she should be about as relaxed as she could possibly be. Except, there was a persistent and growing pressure rising in her lower stomach that had started when Thea had bent over and exposed her perfect bottom and it had only gotten worse every time she glanced over at those naked priestesses that were pretending as though they weren’t trying to attract her attention.

The breaking point came when she felt a hand drift across Jay’s lower back, the innocent touch turning less innocent as it dipped low to slide across her left cheek.

“Do you want to go back to our room?” Jay asked, cracking one eye open to look down at Thea as that one hand continued to drift across sensitive skin.

“Mm, soon,” Thea replied idly, not looking back as her gaze continued to wander over the bodies of the priestesses.

Jadis suppressed a grin. Clearly, her little voyeur was having too much fun spying on other women to pay her the proper amount of attention. That one wandering hand was definitely not enough for Jadis. She’d have to come up with some way to entice Thea back to their chambers, otherwise Jadis would likely end up putting on a show for the gaggle of priestesses that Thea would cause Thea to die of embarrassment.

That thought sparked an idea. Not the embarrassing Thea part, but the putting on a show bit.

“Hey, do you see that one girl there with the curly brown hair?”

“Ah, yes?” Thea replied. “In the middle?”

“Yeah, that one,” Syd confirmed. “I’m pretty sure she’s one of the priestess’ who lent me a book the other day. I’ve been reading it and it’s been a lot of fun. Lots of interesting ideas, some of which I’d like to try sometime. I’m going to go thank her real quick. You mind?”

“N—no,” Thea shook her head, though she did seem a little confused and curious about the abrupt topic change.

Without further explanation, Syd slipped forward and made her way across the pool, causing all of the beautiful priestesses to freeze midmotion. Dys slid into Syd’s place, purposefully pressing her body against Thea so that she was firmly sandwiched between two of Jadis’ naked forms. One hand settled on Thea’s thigh, while another on her lower back, but her touch remanded otherwise innocuous, at least compared to what Thea had been doing.

“Hey,” Syd smiled at the group of women as she approached, though she focused on the priestess with curly hair. “You’re the one who gave me that book the other day, right? The one titled The Elf Ranger and the Orc Queen?”

“Yes!” the brunette replied after a brief pause to find her voice. “Yes, I did! I hope it was to your tastes? If not, I will take it back and perhaps I can find you another book—”

“Oh, no, it’s good!” Syd assured her as she swam to a stop near the cluster. “I haven’t read it all yet, but chapter four was very spicy. I didn’t think the orc queen would fall for the elf’s ‘foot massage’ ploy, but the way it was written really made it seem appealing.”

One of the other women gasped, putting a hand to her mouth as she whispered at the curly-haired priestess.

“You gave her that book?”

“Yes, I did,” the priestess replied quickly, though she kept her gaze on Syd. “I am so very gratified that you are enjoying the story, Lady Jadis. I, too, greatly enjoyed that chapter. It’s one of my favorites.”

“Oh, please, just call me Syd,” Syd requested as she rose from the water and stood with one hand on her bare hip. “What was your name?”

“S—sibyl,” the pretty priestess stuttered as her gaze was drawn down Syd’s body. “Sibyl, Lady Syd.”

“And your friends?”

The introduction and conversation continued as Jadis made sure to maneuver her Syd self in just the right position so that she was cattycornered towards Thea. That way, she was able to give Thea a view of her profile while also letting her little voyeur see the priestesses and how they were reacting to Jadis’ proximity.

With her height, Syd was able to stand so that her lower body was just barely above the surface of the water, meaning that the upper swell of her partially engorged cock was visible. The rest of her member was below the surface and obscured by the rippling water, but that small stretch of flesh seemed enough to send the whole group of women into utter distraction. To their credit, the priestesses were doing their best to keep their gazes on Syd’s eyes, but Jadis wasn’t making it easy for them.

Syd kept the conversation going, occasionally shifting in ways to draw attention to her exposed breasts or her barely concealed cock. The longer the talk went on, the more hot and bothered the women grew. It became a sort of game for Jadis to see what reactions she could get out of them without doing anything explicit. The peak tease came when Jadis shifted the conversation topic to exercise. When Jadis admitted that the only exercise she ever did involved weapon drills or actual fighting, the priestesses couldn’t believe it. Her form was too perfect for that to be true.

“It’s true!” Syd grinned as she leaned forward while flexing her bicep. “Here, feel. This is just how I am, no exercises needed.”

Jumping at the opportunity, the women ran their hands over Syd’s upper arm, feeling her muscle in ways that were probably a hair over the edge of appropriate. Of course, in the process of doing so, they were all rubbing against each other, their nude and nubile bodies sliding pressed close, wet and slick flesh creating an unforgettable visual.

Jadis felt Thea’s fingers abruptly tighten, almost clawlike, on Jay’s ass as her breathing quickened.

In a bold move that Jadis hadn’t anticipated, the curly-haired Sibyl leaned forward and ran her hands across Syd’s stomach.

“And your abdominals are so defined. You simply look smooth when you’re standing still, but when you move or take a deep breath, your muscles stand out so sharply.”

Syd didn’t pull back as a couple more of the priestesses gained the courage to follow Sibyl’s lead and touch her abs, their finger running across her pale flesh.

“We need to go b—back to the bedroom,” Thea said abruptly.

Dys looked down, observing the way Thea was panting, the way her thighs were unconsciously rubbing together, and the way her eyes were dilated. Her gaze was locked onto Syd and the beautiful priestesses, her whole demeanor exuding arousal and lust.

“Are you sure?” Dys asked, one eyebrow raised.

“Now,” Thea confirmed, her voice raspy.

“I mean, I could probably get them to put on more of a show for you,” Jay teased from Thea’s other side.

“No,” Thea shook her head. “I d—don’t want them to put on a show. I want you to.”

“Me?” Jay asked.

“Yes,” Thea nodded. “All of you. Alone. In bed. P—please.”

“At your command,” Jay and Dys purred together while Syd worked on excusing herself from the cluster of fawning priestesses.

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