Rebirth of the Nephilim

Chapter 70 POV: Lover

Chapter 70 POV: Lover

Aila was so nervous she didn’t know what to do with her hands, her feet, or any part of her at all. Her romantic encounters heretofore had been woefully lacking, her first experience just fumbling hands in the dark of a hayloft with a boy from her village when they were teens, the second a more intimate but brief affair with Hartwin, a slightly older man who joined the army only six months after their relationship became physical. Her experiences were few, only with humans, and only with men. She didn’t have the least idea how she was supposed to approach something carnal with a fellow woman.

Except, Jadis wasn’t a woman, was she? She was achingly beautiful, her features perfect in such a way that inspired envy, with a stunning figure that was apt to turn heads no matter how tall she was. And yet, she wasn’t human, she was a Nephilim. And, apparently, Nephilim meant she was at least partially masculine, at least in the quarters that counted for such things. Aila had seen the evidence well enough after the dance ritual and had at least caught a glimpse of something imposing when she saw whichever Jadis naked in the door that morning. So yes, she knew for a fact that for purposes of—well, of sex, Jadis had the one part she was familiar with well enough to know what to do.

However, even if Aila knew what to do with a partner who possessed the right equipment, she didn’t know what she was supposed to do with three partners. What, were they going to take turns with her? Based on what Jadis had asked her a moment ago, she doubted it. Even so, what was she supposed to do? Just lay back and let them have their way? What level of participation was required from her?

As Jay’s face hovered inches away from hers, the size of Jadis making Aila feel small and delicate in a way she hadn’t ever felt before when with someone, she rushed to ask a question.

“What ritual are we doing right now? The one that’ll empower me, or the one that’ll empower you?”

Jay’s gaze focused on Aila’s lips as she spoke, her eyes heavy-lidded. “Dunno. How about both at the same time? There’s some overlap in the requirements.”

Aila shook her head as her breath quickened with the proximity of Jadis’ two other bodies leaning in close on either side of her. She was suddenly feeling far warmer than she was moments ago.

“No, that won’t work. You can’t perform two rituals at once. You have to choose one or the spell won’t take hold.”

Jay hummed contemplatively, not drawing her face back in the slightest. With how close she was, Aila couldn’t help but notice how sweet she smelled, like some fruit she’d never tasted before.

“Not very efficient,” Dys murmured next to her ear, sending a thrill up her spine. “We’d be done faster if we could do two at once.”

“Not that I’m disappointed,” Syd whispered in her other ear. “Just means more time to explore and have fun with you.”

“You pick,” Jay said, licking her own lips, drawing Aila’s gaze to her soft, attractive, shockingly kissable mouth.

Aila had to think for a moment about what Jay, or rather, Jadis, was telling her. Her thoughts seemed to be moving a lot slower than normal.

“Um, I don’t know what’s involved in either,” she finally got out, finding it hard to meet Jadis’ piercing gaze now. “Maybe the one that isn’t as, um, intense? Just to ease into things.”

All three of Jadis’ bodies chuckled around her, the throaty sound sending more shivers up Aila’s spine in a pleasing way.

“So, the one that’ll empower you will take an hour—” Syd started to explain.

“An hour!?” Aila squeaked. “Of sex?”

“Yup,” Dys said, grin blooming across her face. “No specific number of climaxes in that timeframe, but we’ll have to work out at least one to satisfy the other needed aspects.”

“Should probably start with that one if an hour seems daunting,” Syd said, her tone teasing. “Lascivious Empowerment, the ritual that increases in power per number of participants, requires two hours of non-stop fucking. Should probably work our way up to that.”

Aila’s mouth fell open at the explanation Jadis was giving her. How was she meant to go for a total of three hours of sex? Her experiences with Hartwin had only gone for about fifteen minutes including the foreplay, never mind her clumsy encounter in the hayloft! How was she, or Jadis for that matter, meant to last for so long?

“I’d really like to kiss you right now,” Jay intoned, voice low and intense. “We’ll have to for the ritual later, but I want to do it now.”

The earnest, almost desperate request kickstarted Aila’s brain. She didn’t know how she and Jadis were supposed to go for multiple hours, nor did she know what she was supposed to do with a woman, carnally. But she did know how to handle a kiss.

Taking the initiative, she closed her eyes and leaned forward, pressing her lips up against Jay’s own.

Much as she expected, Jay’s lips were soft and warm. Her firm pressure was reciprocated in a gentle way, as she could tell that Jadis was holding her strength back. She knew how strong the absurdly tall giant was and even disregarding what had to be a significant attribute boost, the Nephilim had muscle to spare. Still, Jadis’ kiss was tender, almost caressing.

The idea came to Aila’s mind that Jadis might be letting her set the pace when after a short while the kiss lingered with no further advancement. Since she had already taken the initiative once, she decided to continue the trend. Aila parted her lips, letting her tongue slip out and flick against Jay’s, seeking admittance.

Jadis parted her lips and allowed her entrance. Aila was pleased to find that the giant tasted as sweet as she smelled. But after only a second of exploration, Aila was reminded of the extreme size difference between them.

Jay’s questing tongue played with hers, the fleshy muscle dwarfing hers in what was likely an unconscious act of dominance that thrilled Aila in a peculiar way. Letting Jadis push her own tongue into her mouth, she was almost overwhelmed by the powerful length invading her. She lost track of time as the kiss persisted, but by the time Jadis pulled away, Aila was breathless and dizzy.

“You have no fucking idea how hot it is to watch us making out,” Dys said from the side, making Aila jump.

She’d honestly forgotten for a moment that their kiss had an audience. Sort of. By the Gods Jadis’ class and skills made this whole thing confusing.

“Wish you could see, actually,” Syd said before planting a wet kiss on Aila’s neck, making her breath quicken. “It’s a real experience.”

“You could put on a show for me,” Aila pointed out, the words springing forth before she’d properly thought them through. The passionate kiss had truly melted her brain.

“Ah, wait, I didn’t mean—”

“Sure,” Dys grinned, cutting Aila off. “I don’t mind at all.”

“How do you think we do all these rituals alone anyway?” Syd teased, giving her a wink.

Before Aila could say a word more, Syd and Dys closed the distance between themselves and began to kiss inches in front of her face. There was no chaste start to the kiss this time though, the two immediately sucking on each other’s tongues in an erotic display that made Aila’s heart beat near out of her chest.

As she watched the impassioned exhibition, Jay’s hands stroked up and down Aila’s sides, never quite going anywhere indecent, always staying above her tunic, but managing to light a fire in her belly that burned stronger than any time she’d been with another before.

“You know, I’ve never kissed myself before now,” Syd commented as she and Dys briefly separated, giving Aila a smoldering look. “It’s nice, but I always know what I’m about to do so it doesn’t have the same pleasure as when I kissed you.”

“Want to join us?” Dys asked, bringing her face closer to Aila’s in anticipation of her answer, the answer that Aila herself knew she was going to give.

“Yes,” she breathed out, leaning forward in her seat and joining lips with Dys.

As their tongues met in an erotic battle, a third entered the fray from the side. Syd’s kiss quickly joined Dys in a synchronized attack clearly meant to tear down all her defenses and leave her a breathless, moaning mess. Being on the receiving end of the more pleasurable version, she could well see just how Jadis’ enemies would fall so quickly to her coordinated assault.

While the three-way kiss continued, Jadis’ hands were not idle. More than just two were running along her sides now. Multiple pairs of hands were stroking her arms, shoulders, stomach, thighs, and calves, still avoiding the spots that were feeling the most needy. Aila was starting to suspect that Jadis was doing it on purpose, drawing the petting out.

Was that how they were meant to last an hour? Slowly tease one another for an extended period, edging each other along until enough time had passed that the ritual would be satisfied? The plan made sense, logically. Aila could appreciate the entirely reasonable solution to the problem.

In that moment, however, she did not want to be logical or reasonable.

“We’re wearing too many clothes,” Aila panted, briefly breaking away from the kiss before diving back in.

While Jadis made no verbal acknowledgement, she must have agreed because suddenly the hands that were upon her were pulling and tugging, unbuckling her belt and pulling her tunic over her head and her pants off of her legs. Faster than she could ever have accomplished on her own, Aila was naked and she hadn’t even left her seat on the chair.

Jadis had stopped moving then, her two— what, extra bodies? Spares? Additions? —were no longer kissing. All three were staring at her with longing gazes, making Aila feel extremely self-conscious all of a sudden.

“What?” she asked, her previously unused hands moving to cover herself.

One hand each from Dys and Syd moved to catch her limbs, firmly holding her back from covering her chest or groin.

“Sorry Blue,” Jay whispered in that deep, intense, odd accent of hers. “You’re just so beautiful. I couldn’t help but stare.”

Aila flushed, both at the compliment and at the pet name Jadis had bestowed on her.

“You don’t need to flatter me. I know I’m too thin to be—”

Her self-deprecations were abruptly silenced by Jay leaning in and stealing her breath away with another kiss. A short eternity later, after their lips parted, Jadis practically purred in a trio of tones.

“You’re lovely. Petite and delicate and absolutely stunning. Now don’t say anything else negative about your looks because I’ll be forced to persuade you otherwise and I really want to use my mouths in other ways right now.”

“What other ways?” Aila asked, twisting nervously under Jadis’ continued penetrating stare.

“Like this,” Syd answered, planting another kiss on her neck, making Aila arch her back and curl her toes at the pleasantly ticklish sensation.

“And this,” Dys continued, her lips and tongue brushing softly against the swell of Aila’s modest left breast, just barely avoiding her pink nipple.

“And like this,” Jay finished, her mouth hover mere inches over the V where Aila’s legs met and her burning core lay hidden between tightly closed thighs.

Jay gently eased Aila’s legs apart with a strength that she couldn’t hope to resist, even if she wanted to, which she most fervently didn’t. Not that she’d ever experienced anything like Jadis seemed to be intending to do before. Aila wasn’t a prude and she heard more than a few bawdy tales told around the campfire about the kinds of things the more adventurous sort got up to in between the bedsheets. She just hadn’t ever had the opportunity, not with her past lovers at any rate.

Well, it seemed Jadis was eager to help her make up for lost time.

Jay’s lips pressed gingerly against Aila’s slick folds with an almost reverent touch, making her gasp involuntarily. Before she could quite catch her breath from that first gasp, Dys had latched onto breast with full vigor while Syd captured her mouth with her own, large tongue diving deep.

Aila found herself being lavished upon from all angles, Jadis’ multiple hands and lips and tongues treating her like an instrument, doing everything in their power to draw out every moan and groan from her they could. Jay’s ministrations were particularly devastating. It seemed Jadis knew exactly where to put her tongue to both please her and at the same time leave her whimpering for more. Never quite penetrating, never quite putting enough pressure on her sensitive nub, just slipping and licking and tasting, leading her on and on but never satisfying.

“Stop teasing me,” Aila finally broke the kiss with Syd to desperately command Jadis, her hands coming up to wrap Jay’s white hair.

Syd grinned and kissed Aila’s forehead. “At your command, Blue.”

Suddenly a long, thick, wriggling mass was thrust deep inside of Aila’s core. It went so far that for a moment, she thought Jadis had inserted her manhood—was that the right word, her hazy mind asked—and looked down past Dys’ head still latched to her chest only to see Jay’s face between her thighs, her violet eyes twinkling up at her.

“Oh,” she moaned out breathlessly. Jadis’ tongue was so long it was comparable to the last man she’d been with…

That thought was flung from her head as Jay actually began to move her tongue, putting her earlier lascivious attentions to shame. They way she moved and stroked and sucked, practically devouring her burning hot and slick core made Aila’s brain float off into a sea of warm carnal delights, all thoughts and worries scattered to the winds as her cries of pleasure were let out full force with no needy kiss to muffle her.

A second mouth found its way down between her legs, a strong tongue licking against her wet pearl at just the right moment to wring a choking gasp from Aila as she climaxed unexpectedly, so caught up in the pleasure of the moment she hadn’t even realized how close she was to her peak.

Her fingers dug into Jay’s scalp as she felt strong hands lift her up partially out of her chair, lifting her hips high as Jadis continued to draw her orgasm out, lavishing her core with attention as she shuddered and writhed. A mouth was suddenly on hers and she couldn’t even begin to say which Jadis it was as she desperately kissed her between pants and moans.

Either moments or an eternity later, Aila came down from her climax, exhausted and quivering. She stared bleary eyed up at the grinning, gorgeous face of Jadis. It was a face that looked immensely pleased with herself. It was also a face that seemed to shine from within with an inner light, and not in a metaphorical sense.

“…Are you glowing?” Aila asked dumbly, finding it a little hard to focus.

Jadis nodded, leaning down and giving Aila a quick kiss before answering.

“Yup. It’s how I know the ritual is working. We start to glow as it takes effect.”

“Huh,” was all Aila could think of to say in response at that moment.

“Don’t conk out on us just yet,” another Jadis said, leaning into view on her right and giving Aila another quick and sweet kiss. “It’s only been like, what, twenty minutes?”

Aila quailed at the assessment. “That’s all?”

“Yeah,” a third voice said, this one from lower and, breath brushing against her slick folds and reminding Aila of exactly what kind of compromising position she was currently being held in by Jadis, seemingly without any effort at all.

“And I have to tell you, with how you were moaning just now,” Jadis said, placing a kiss on Aila’s core and making her already flushed face burn brighter, “I’m fucking rock hard right now.”

Blinking, Aila remembered what exactly she had signed herself up for. She tilted her head and looked at the Jadis on her right, the one she was pretty sure was Syd. She was still wearing her poorly stitched tunic, but her skirt was gone, revealing the odd sight of what Aila at first thought was an oddly proportioned leg sticking out at a strange angle.

The full realization stuck her only after her shaky hand reached out and touched the pale, throbbing appendage and it jumped hotly in her grasp.

“Valtar save me…”

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