Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 101: Dungeon part 17: Bout

Chapter 101: Dungeon part 17: Bout

A soul severing dragon claw swipe swings sharply. Creating several echoes slashes, Rena is forced to cower behind her shield as the echoes bash her backwards. Even in her weakened state Chias is still a master of unarmed combat. Her aura alone boosts her attack by twenty per cent. 

Nineth Immortal says, "What did she say to you?" Even if Nineth immortal knows its possible to pick up a language in-game in mere moments. It is still hard for her to believe that Tyr has yet another ability. She shouldn't be jealous she isn't jealous exactly just curious no matter how she looks at it. Tyr got his best friends God Tier classes. Even Though Styx is one who mostly pushed for Red Iron island without Tyr is SKY Ocean Hunter would have gone with Silver Grass Island.

Tyr says, " It's not important" After moving into the fight proper why does she want to speak about this now. Tyr would rather have every one of us in the fight. Chais is a martial prowess if formidable. The dragon is holding her own against all four of them. In fact, they are being pushed if not for the reasonable coordination between Rena, Lucinda and Amalya they would have died already. Fighting Chais is more physically draining it is mentally taxing. 

For every move, he makes she has a counter move. Even Nineth Immortal who usually enjoys a high perch somewhat removed from direct assaults is not safe. 

Nineth Immortal says, "just tell me!" Losing forward a bunch of arrows and spinning and the dodge echos and cascading wind threw her direction by the Dragons' punch. 

Tyr locks his jaw throwing spell forward as fast as he can. The dragons' fury allowing him to pretend he needs to focus on the fight. Raising Nineth Immortals' ire. Cannons pop of mid tumble, the sisters are quickly improving they can't even rely on potions. They have to move while blocking, block while firing and still keeping the presence of mind enough to watch for the meaning tail.

The tail sweep had disrupted the flow of the fight and put them on the back foot in move CHais had turned the fight around. 

Nineth Immortal says, "Spill the beans Tyr." The language he had spoken also unsettles her when she heard her skin crawled like someone speaking with a mouth full of food truly disgusting. 

Tyr shakes his head and says, "I told her you are the Dragon God and she should submit to you." he had actually said in a much more threatening manner. It took a while but Tyr remembers now similar to how the Infinity witch has multiple elements due to a certain tattoo. The dragon scales her tattoo is collecting will serve a similar function but are filled with dragon abilities. He also hoped to skip a fight after the third. The magic power Nineth Immortal radiates is distinctly that of the Dragon Beast God. 

Nineth Immortal says, "why would she do that?" So far none of the dragons has even shown a hint of submissions to her. Why would Tyr suddenly believe that it is different now she can see there is something he is not telling her. 

Tyr says, "Don't look at me like you should your own research have you ever looked up what you are. I already told you that much at least use your brain and figure some stuff out yourself." He was too harsh but he doesn't care right now it's a raging dragon. THey are fighting tooth and nail and she is just going through the motions. If he didn't know better her would that Nineth Immortals' power might not have activated. 

Nineth Immortal tries to think what he is speaking about, 'he had called her something before they entered the cave. Did he do research after they log off yesterday? What did he find out? How did he find out? Does he really have today it like that? Stupid dumb dumb.' She sticks out her tongue at him while firing bolts and spells at the dragon they have passed the one-quarter mark. Only three more to go before she is dead. 

Nineth Immortal says, "Just tell me I think it will help in this fight." She just has a feeling about it. Tyr doesn't do anything for reason. Even his outburst yesterday still rings true in her ears. 'He just said wrong and that makes him wrong. He needs to apologise!' 

Rena lunges her body out of the way shouting, "TAIL!" The large swooping tail is ducked, leapt over and crawled under. No one wanted to hit with it again. Tyr is in the sand a mouth full of dirt. He spits while getting on his feet. He looks like a toddler who got caught in a mud pit. Chais goes through her attack pattern to her they are not even worth the effect. 

For a bit of fun, Chias rolls her body following the tail. This places the whole team in the middle of the cave perfectly under her control. She leaps up slamming onto the ground using her power to create a shockwave similar to the skill. That is what she has been doing by putting in a little extra effort she can replicate skills as feats of strength. Well, that and the endless amount of experience she has gathered over the hundreds of thousands of years that have passed. 

The team has the rush to dodge, to heal themselves, find time to counter whatever hell the dragon thinks of next. Where the other dragons were difficult to fighting. The pressure Chais exerts on the team has stymied their natural ability to adapt making it difficult for them to catch a rhythm or even coordinate properly amongst themselves. The only not affected is distracted by other things which is good for her. In this weekend state Chais can use this roundabout method to kill them without having to risk too much in the exchange. 

Tyr says, "Fine your a Raconi." Chais starts to fight a little harder trying to keep the focus on her and them on the back foot. 

Rena says, "So what?" She is getting fed up with these two talking all the time they are not even coordinating anything everyone is just doing what they think is right. lucky for them like Tyr said Sunken Reef only gets the best players like them. 

Nineth Immortal says, "What she said." Tyr raises an eyebrow in a bout of hidden frustration he isn't an encyclopedia.

Tyr says, "You are Raconi of the dragon but not a dragon the seven sentinel sigils are yours." This is the word the 'Grek toma!' Better known to Slayers as the Breath of the world. The creation myth of Dragons and the world. Each of the races has its version placing them at the centre of it. Each of them has similar essence but are recorded in as many ways are the races and interpreted as in as many ways as there are people. 

Nineth Immortal looks more confused than enlightened she knows the story of how the world came to be it is in the damn trailer. The rest is just fluff for the NPCs it has no real bearing on the game at all. Even people who have never played the game have seen the Supreme take a piece of herself forming all life in the universe. This name he just called is more lore stuff. To hear it sounds like someone bastardised the idea for complete domination. In Dragon speak the words are an expression of the idea. Plus what in the cloud cities are these seven sentinel sigils even her gamer sense can feel the work of the developer behind that. It is one of the tell tale signs when something rhythms for no reason it is usually a clue. Nineth Immortal looks at him again Tyr throws his hands up and sends a forum page. 

It details the Specialised class, the ultra-rare variant of the tamer. It is used on the Dragon Isle first to help broker the Dragons Peace by binding Dragon Slayers and Dragon together. Yet some dragons were jealous and the mad dragon worst of all hated the thought of link with a slayer. So he by borrowing the powers of the elder god Nancy, he broke the world corrupted and twisted it and created The Raconi, Dragon God Tamers. The mad dragon grew happy with what he had made only Nancy had tricked into creating the only thing that god stop. Without Aleria, Nancy didn't trust her children and thus help in the creation of a method to control them. The mad dragon vowed vengeance on the elder gods and vanished from the world.

Nineth Immortal finally understands what is happening to her somewhat. Knowing is half the power. the tattoo on her body fills out some more binding itself to her body proper. The scale glistens with new power. Nineth Immortal opens her character window to see... 

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