Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 103: The Conquest Phase part 1

Chapter 103: The Conquest Phase part 1

The northern side of Red Iron Island encampment is a fort built block by block from masoned stone. The twelve meter high walls are spartan and cold even in the middle of the day. It is cold to the touch the turquoise stone is seamless to the eye but as she runs her hands on it she can feel the cracks she cant see. The chill is inviting to her, Tyr was right north is made for the beings who enjoy cold. Not because the temperature is cold but rather the plants absorb heat to the point they cool the environment.    Her army behind her quickly absorbing the lessons she is imparting commanding is really fun. This is the great thing about new people absorbing the basics is easy refining it is a whole another thing. Now she will sharpen them on this encampment. Lifting up her arm a player lifts their crossbow!

The bolt is notched the purple Blister Grass dances in the gentle breeze. The crackle of the crossbow announcing the flight of the bolt. It strides through the air. The feather flickering as they twist the bolt towards the target. Standing in the vision of the Sentinal Recluse is a man who has fur running all over his back. This lion gold coat and desert red mane match his natural environment. This is an Imulkunkani half lion and half man. The bipedal monsters are powerful and proud hunters of the Northern Wilds. In the common parlance, they are called The Imakandi after a legendary Imulkunkani. 

The sneak attack on the level fourteen Imakandi Watcher. The bolt nested in his head makes him fall over the wall on the outside. Another player with a large wooden compact bow takes aim. Tequila Sunrise pulls the string on her bow tight waiting for her captain Azula. Azula given command by Tatiana makes sure there is no other nearby Imakandi on the wall. Azula lowers her hand an arrow made of song wood borrows through the heart of the watch Pinning him to his chair. A trickle of blood falling from his dying body. This happens several times all over the forward-facing wall. Under the order of Tatiana, they are slowly removing the biggest obstacle to taking the front gate. The Watchers on the wall fall one by one silently only the fresh scent of blood in the air an indicator of what is going on. 

At the foot of the gate where Boa-bob, Omnicornlyre and Lelo are ready to force the get open. another one of Koraa squadmates is called forward a gunpowder weapon on her back. A sleek long flintlock rifle Insomnia is a vanquisher an advanced class from the artificer base. She parallels with her rifle which is resting on her left knee. On top of this is a special leather knee stand. She takes a deep breath unlike before this will announce them to the Imakandi. 

BANG! The gunshot landing in between the back of the ear entering the spine rubbernecking the last Imakandi into the fort on their side. A loud roar can be heard a thin muscular feminine figure rushes up onto the walls holding a short sword.

BANG! She drops like a puppet whose strings have been suddenly cut. Her body slumped over the walls her blood drips down. A nearby lance of Imakandi ring the alarm. The forward gates are opened. 

"Charge!" A blue babe, as tall as she is powerful shouts, a [Forst Prison] appearing before her. Tatian had cast it at the leader of the lance. The lance formation is the typical formation the Imakandi use. Three female Gozen lead by a single male Remnant. Imakadi society is strict is extremely rigid. There are several castes within the Imakandi that determine who can lead, breed, fight or farm. The Gozen are all young women who have undergone the change. The change is a personal and profoundly difficult rite for women determine unfit for breeding. Equally the Remnant in charge is also unfit for breeding and can only lead those below his station. 

Tatiana didn't pluck her strategy from thin air. She read up on the Imakandi as soon as they identified one. The forum gave many clues to the society and behaviours in particular their isolationst pride. A lance is the weakest type of unit in the Imkandi army. They are prone to throwing themselves onto the battlefield as that is the only way to raise their stock.   

The half-Mtimkhulu leaves his spot rooting himself familiar in the middle of the open gate. His great Branchwood armour imposing. He is flanked by two more tanks more nimble than he meant to push forward their line. The Lance is peppered with long-range attacks forcing the Remnant and his single surviving Gosen to quickly retreat. 

The buildings are built close to one another barely enough space to fight one on one. At max, three people can stand shoulder to shoulder. This means they have to fight through these narrow streets. 

Lelo says, "This is going to be hell." She casts [PUSH] a wave of energy hitting Imakandi Boen coming from the left. Tatiana can see three paths the main road, a dark path to the left and an even thinner path to the right. She quickly thinks and starts issuing new orders. 

"Omnicronlyre you guys and Lelo will follow me also Azula will provide us surpport. Boa-bob please go to the left it is the most dangerous. Koraa and most of our ranged fighters will go the right." The right path is most probably the path onto the upper walls. The fat moving hunters, rangers, vanquishers, sentinels and others will best be used spreading over the closely knitted roofs. Everyone quickly moves a few players bumping into one another as all squads rearrange themselves. Koraa is now in charge of a full team of range players. 

Koraa is a half-tano means and having the advanced class Titan means she has to walk sideways into the right path. This also means that her more soft armoured teammates cannot be targeted unless the enemy is directly above them. 

Boa-bob is a defence heavy team with some off healers to sustainability. The support is minimal as they to can take advantage of the narrow left path. fighting side by side should be doable. For the first time, Boa-bob laments his big bulk. The teams move out each has to clear all the lances they come across to trigger the conquest phase. Durig this phase the leaders will be in the battle and they have to kill them and then hold the central square for twenty minutes. 

Omnicronlyre and her gaggle of peacocks are Tatianas' front line, that follows directly behind her. She leads from the front her close combat skills are compliments her CNC class skills well. Lelo the Forceblade is in charge of the rear. Azula the warlock has the weakest team in terms of defence as most of the support and magically classes are in the middle of the formation meant to provide fire support and logistics. In each squad is a team member that relays what is happening to her squad. This will allow them to react to any dynamic scenarios that pop up. This is one of the standard tactics taught in the beginners manual. 

Sounds of fighting go off in all parts of the fort. The invading enemy has already secured the main gate and The Claws' path is being led by what the Imankadi scout described as a moving tree. The king claws' are fighting in this path. The Imankandi her are individually strong and difficult to contend with.  While it limits the number of Imakandi who can engage at the same time. There honoured bond and rigid system. This means that on the claws path players are being challenged to duels. 

This middle state of Imakandi society has some upward mobility based around duels. Boa-bob immediately allowed that this happens. It may slow them down but it also mean he can train his men. As they are allowed to fight two on one.  Claws are well trained and well armoured in a suit of medium leather. 

The duels follow the format the Imakandi are used to honourable combat to the death, the handicap is to make it fair. Boa-bob was not of the same mind every tank was p[aried with an off healer. The attack orientated Claws' only managed on a few occasions to break through and kill a player. Some rose to the challenge and were better off for others died and were knocked out of this instance of the Encampment. 

Koraas' path was more eventful as soon as they made their way onto the roof and walls. They were plunged into a wack the sniper rooftop extravaganza. Bolts, Bullets and arrows are matched against darts, marbles and long spears. The rooves are arranged in such a way that every player has to fight to secure a birds nest. There are three on either side of six in the middle. Getting to those six is the key to securing the rooftops. 

  1. She has been changed to a Titan from Hunter.artificer +rogue = hunterartificer + guardian =titan rogue + artificer = ForgerGuardian + artificer = Juggernaut

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