Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 109: Missions

Chapter 109: Missions

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "let spread out and look for some missions." 

Tyr says, " I just hope it's not fetch quests..." As the boys walk around the Ironside village they manage to find their mission from an older woman selling grapes.

Lady Bran says, "Please help me fetch ten bags of grapes from the farm. My husband should have been here with them an hour ago." Tyr hangs his head low as they have to accept the quest. it is the beginning of a chain quest. On the map, the farm is back the way they came. Past the western gate towards the Hachi cliff. 

Styx says, "Next time I'm bringing the my chapter with me." They left them behind for two reasons first none of them is not strong enough and second There in-game sister is coming. 

Tyr says, "Next time this is the last time." he too wants to be around the others. He feels better being around his people. 

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "You just want to see Lydia." Like himself, Tyr has women after him however since Tyr and Nineth Immortal has not progressed. Pushing him to other women might help him figure out what he wants. Plus it's a nice distraction from his own home problems. Unlike Styx and Tyr, SKY Ocean Hunter lives with Lux and that is more complicated than they know.

Styx clicks accept on the quest window he likes the traditional setting, not every NPC needs his personal touch. The boys start making their way out west. The walk is even shorter than before taking them only a few minutes to make it out the gate and towards the Vineyard where Lady Brans' husband should be. 

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "What kind of quest do you think this is? Ah Tyr?" Chain quests tend to go in weird ways sometimes. He bumps into his friend who has his head in the clouds at the mention of the alluring Lydia.

Tyr says, "It could be anything lets just hope it's not a domestic dispute there is little to do on  farmlands like this." The calm salty breeze makes SKY Ocean Hunter happy and revitalised. Arriving at the Farm they find it is deserted. 

Styx says, "Let's look around for clues about the whereabouts of the old man."  They all take their weapons out. The last thing they want to do is to be caught in an ambush with weapons in their inventory. The vineyard is a large sweet-smelling place. There are three out buildings and a house it is simple iron. A stiff beauty the walls engraved with festivals and people drinking wine from four fountains in the style of the apex. 

SKY Ocean Hunter, "We will start at the house. You will follow where I lead." The boys follow keeping their eyes searching and head nodding. They don't want to repeat the fiasco of that happened during the rank 1 dungeon. 

Tyr says, hiding the irritation in his voice. "You don't have to remind us." SKY Ocean Hunter lunges at him his huge hand on his test meet beating chest firmly held against cold iron walls.

SKY Ocean Hunter growls forgoing common and speaking in Nasgal. The gargling waters hidden in throat pop as words escape SKY Ocean Hunter,  Moon touched of House Ocean. He challenges Tyr to take the mantle of leadership from him, to lead from the front and the shadow. To make all those who rely on us to be bound together as one body.  Tyr looks at his friend the strain of leading showing, in the past few weeks some unsavoury are starting to show and he must weather this storm too. Tyr can't lead as he has to take the most dangerous ones. IF he is ever incapacitated it would lead to ruin.

He licks his hand and rubs it on SKY Ocean Hunters' chest Styx says, "You could have just said it." He didn't need to pretend to be a roleplayer yet. SKY Ocean Hunter lets him down accepting his contrition.

SKY Ocean Hunter says, " Follow where I lead?" It is actually a command but they all know what he is doing even as friends some things must be said. Something must be done a leader must be above his those he leads and they must show him the respect of First. Even if it is first amongst equals. SKY Ocean Hunter cannot be soft, Lux has warned him more is happening than he knows. They have a chance to become rulers of mars and "I Will not let your weakness ruin this."

She has always coveted power and now he knows how truly desperate she is for it. It hurts him to know this side of her which he is yet to accept but deep down in his heart, it speaks to that she sees him as weak and that he will not abide. Styx forms up behind SKY Ocean Hunter, Tyr in front of him with his magic shield and Shooter are in hand. 

SKY Ocean Hunter eyes the shooter it is a weapon for magicians. A type of long wang made from steel, iron or other basic materials. They are then forged in the shape of a simple weapon allowing for it to be both Spear and wand. His trident is but a placeholder soon he will get the Liquid Life and quest for his Reseviour of Life. A weapon of unimaginable strength. 

Tyr Kicks the door and they are pulled into a vision, it's their sister Death. She does this sometimes just to remind them. She still has an offer for them and they must respond to her soon other celestial are being born. SKY Ocean HUnter and Tyr and Styx each are afraid of her. Unlike the Monarch of Magic who can only challenge SKY Ocean Hunter. Death can challenge all of them for the Celestial Crown. 

Styx says, "GODS DAMMIT PENDEJA! Stay out of my head." Being part of the same Pantheon means he is connected to his brothers' but also the menace that is Death. She had actually hijacked the Monarch of Magic assault to spread it to all of them. Only when Styx got connect by his challenger did they realise her rouse. 

Tyr rubs his heads, having found the final Death by tracking her using his particular set of skills. To narrow down where she is and this gave them enough to establish their own connection to her. 

The house is dark an odd thing as it is still the morning. They venture forth finding an old man drench in alcohol on his dinner table three plates set out. SKY Ocean Hunter points at the old commanding Tyr to initiate contact. 

Tyr says, " Sir Bran!" The old man shutters in his seat his metal goblet shaking about in his hand. he managers to juggle it and catch all the wine that spills out. Clearly a high-level individual. Tyr tries to bring up the mans information only to be barred. This confirms that he is at least twenty levels higher than him. 

Sir Bran, "Shit boy! you nearly shocked the sweet nectar out of me..." He touches his crouch checking to make sure he did not in fact piss his pants..."Shit your a big one." He wipes his wet hand on SKY Ocean Hunter, he is fast and fat..."She must have sent otherwise the wards would have kept you out. She was soo lovely." He rubs a stone face of a young woman, Tyr thinks it is probably a young version of lady Bran. 

Tyr says, "She did send sir, to get the berries and wine that you are supposed to bring to market." The old man takes another sip of the goblet. Shaking his head kissing the cheek of the statue. 

Sir Bran says, "That old woman is too much work all day AH! Piss and fucking shit boys what is work after what we have lost she is too much. Here follows this it will take you the carriage that you will have to bring to market. " He hands him leather reigns which mark a carriage in the north of village well beyond the safety perimeter.

The boys walk out already heads down a fetch quest after all parading as a chain quest. Styx says, " Let's just get this done already we should have something to show the girls when they come back. An island sounds like a nice gift." 

All the lads laugh gifting them island while they are out with the Mint will be a very shallow gift. They need would need to produce a kingdom. SKY Ocean Hunter knows what Lux wants she has made it very clear he has to produce results. Strike down an enemy or do something dazzling! He doesn't want to have to contend with her for leadership. Even if she is unlike amongst the leaders the newbies love her almost as much as they love Tatiana War Bringer. 

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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