Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 13: An Aspects

Chapter 13: An Aspects

Tyr quickly realises he has to learn to stabilize the flames to be warm enough to not burn him. This is much easier said than done. The entire time he has to tread water. Tyr muscles are good and stiff when he is not alight but being alight brings its own set of challenges. Tyr tries again. The tingle starting at the feet climbing up his body. covering every inch of him.

The fire bursts out Tyr engulfing him in flames. He shouts as pains melt into one another. He can not fathom the purpose of this test. This is just pure torture. He isn't afraid of pain but pain without purpose is worse. At least if he knew why he had to endure blistering cold, skin peeling heat, stinging cold, eardrum bloating flames, teeth shattering cold. He should be able to muster some kind of resistance.

Through the blood in his ears. Tyr can hear her voice. Looking through eyes filled with fire an image in the flames. He remembers how she used to laugh before all her hair fell out. How they used to play in the yard together. In the middle of rain, she loves the wind. She loves him more than anything in the world. Sihle loves his little sister. She is suffering in a hospital her body destroying itself. She knows true pain. Certain pain that can never be turned off and yet she smiles.

She finds beauty from her hospital bed and makes people around her light up just by talking to her. Through convulsive coughing, bone-breaking treatments she manages to smiles. Her smile is his own piece of mind. An island amidst thundering storms.

His body expels the fire forming a barrier. Holding on to the image of his sister he is able to force the flames to will. Unable to tread water he sinks slowly. Landing on the lake he can see several tomes on the lake floor. Each a treasure similar to the one he is carrying. HE can even see a legendary weapon. In his old life, it was used by Karl Draygo a god-level beast tamer. The rod of obedience not only gives a person an additional unique class it also allows one to capture and breed dragons. Tyr can see only of the tomes is lit up. In his mind thinking of the way he can secure some of the other tomes here for his friends.

Leave the Rod of Obedience aside, there is even a living weapon. The distinctive magic power it emits is as clear as the mid-morning sun. The risks are great if he gets out he will not be able to complete his inheritance. On the other side, any living weapon is as good as a complete legacy. He reaches out for a small ring. This ring was famous in his past life. A berserker could her hands on this ring. while she never explained all its functions. Its power is undeniable. This ring gave her immortality.

A flash of energy warns that what he is about to do is dangerous. The ring is not meant for him. Tyr scratches his head trying to think of everything that has happened to him so far. Only Ramata's words are clues. She had been the one to says that his trial would be one of blood and fire. He never thought she meant it literally. besides that, she also cautioned him that this trial is only for him. Reluctantly he goes towards the lit-up tome. a binder filled with a few pages

[Tome of Fire - Spirit Fragment]

Info: The tome of Fire belonged to Nogu before he ascended to godhood. This tome holds his unstoppable desire. His brother broke his tome into three pieces.


Drops on death

Requirements: Inheritor of Nogu

Tyr waits a moment with nervous anticipation. He expected the two nearly identical tomes to combine or something. Clearly, they are part of a set. A pull pushes his body back a bit. Another tome lights up exactly twelve steps away. The black lake water starts rushing away. Making it difficult to move. Tyr tries to move forward. The water is too strong. He cant move forward.

He can step back and to his left and right. A simple idea jumps into his head. too stupid to really the point. However what else can he do but walk backwards towards the tome. Whenever the water adjusts its flow he turns right or left to counteract and continue walking backwards. Tyr had relied on his sister once more. In order to overcome her kidneys failure. She decided to go back on to super harsh treatment. This meant that she lost what little mobility she had left. However, she bought herself for at least six months according to the doctor. The treatment is so harsh she is in a folded land. This is the modern-day equivalent of putting somebody in a coma. Next week she should come out and Sihle will be able to talk to her.

Tyr is glad that she is around and he plans to keep her around for a long time still. The hundred thousand credits from the Syphon will be in his account tomorrow. This will help get her better treatment. Acadia Planitia where they live is a newly developing district. So he has to import the meds for her. This is extremely costly but at least for a month, he won't have to worry about her body deteriorating further.

The backwards walk doesn't take long at all. going backwards to achieve one's goal is something he needs to remember. At the light, The Tome is held up by a statue of Nogu. He looks younger than when he was in the cottage. his statue seems to be carved a luminescent rock. It is also incredibly lifelike. he feels like the statue must have been sculptured by a truly legendary figure. he admires the work looking at studying it intently. Coming across such artworks is rare in Oydessy.

Nogu says, " Finally you have arrived." Tyr jumps out of his skin. His brown skin flushes blood as he gets the fright of his life. Falling to the ground he crawls backwards. He didn't expect the man to statue to start talking. At least he could have waited until he reaches for the tome or something.

Tyr says, "I am here." Tyr is at a loss for words. His heart is still racing and his thinking is not clear. So he said the only that came to his mind." Nogu starts laughing gently. His laughter is pristine and soothing.

Nogu says, " Alright please listen for a moment." Nogu waves his hand and thin filaments of light turn into a chair. The chair is soft to the touch. Sitting down Tyr can even feel a warmth coming from it. The chair looks to be chip carved Tyr doesn't recognize any of the images displayed.

Tyr says, "Thank you Lord Nogu." Tyr wants to make the NPC he talking to is the Nogu or his brother. At least this way he can get an idea of what they want from. It's clear that he is about to receive an epic item or quest. The dazzling Npc is too special to be a dud. Besides trials and special NPCs are but a few of the methods used to engage special quests.

Nogu says, "Indeed friend, I built this place to pass on my humanity. Being what I am take from a person their very being. I wanted to at least be able to pass on my legacy to someone. You are the only one who is worthy so far."

Tyr smiles he is going to inherit a legacy directly from an NPC. Amongst the special weapons, legacies and inheritances that he thought of getting. this was not one of them. In fact he has no memories of anyone finding a complete legacy. In Odyssey, an inheritance is from a god directly. While legacies are from equally powerful none deities. Other forms of power also exist that can match gods in divinity after all they are the strongest forms of power.

Tyr also knows from his memories that a players power can only take them so far. A true guild needs its own land. Especially because he plans to grow into true power. He will need a few guilds supported by a strong firm. Of all these things none of them is unavailable here in Pike but what is also unique to pike is that the land itself is the treasure and by securing it fully. His guild will have access to unique technology from the Second relamic Empire. A superpower so old there is only legend about it and that is where he will start. Once he is done with this securing the keys to the empire will be a long journey.

Tyr says, "I am glad to thought so highly of by Lord Nogu. May I know what kind of gift you hope to give me." Tyr is being a little cautious rather than assuming he wants Lord Nogu to lead him.

Lord Nogu says handing him the tome..."You have with you one of my three aspects. By accepting it you will Earn my favour and receive my blessing." Tyr tries to go onto one knee so show his willingness..." Please friend listen first. This aspect is but one of three and each must be found if you wish to become my successor." Tyr is a little confused become ones successor is not a term used in Oydessy. Rather one inherits and they are the person they inherit from. It is why Seven-eyed Killer had to change the location he operates from because he inherent KIng Lobos' Conquerer Blade.

Tyr says," Your successor my Lord?" Tyr is curious in his memories Odyssey still held a lot of secrets. One of the reasons he believed it is possible to become a true power. Despite the large amounts of money and people needed is the secret experts' list. This list in his old life is updated once a year it lists powers and people. These powers or people are as strong or stronger than Glory listed guilds. The glory guilds are an existence even Tyr is not sure they overcome he can only build his empire and prepare for them.

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