Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 130: Getting the Crystal

Chapter 130: Getting the Crystal

SKY Ocean Hunter is chasing the Gaint with crystal on its back. The underground dungeon makes it difficult to fight it as it can move perfectly in almost complete darkness. Tyr who is glowing besides sending Fireblastthe demon seems to be able to absorb most of the fire and light in the room. Even As Styx tries to observe it, it is actually a bit darker where it is. The fresh smell of smoke and shit fills the area the demon has kept the area extremely dirty. It uses the roots like shoots and ladders appearing from any one of the many tunnels down here. The boys are trying to get pulled into its rhythm SKY Ocean Hunter has specifically made Styx stay back a bit. without someone like Ninth Immortal or Ori to analyse a monster immediately, they have to do it like this. By allowing it to go through its pattern of behaviour they can better prepare a strategy to kill it. The demons agility is a huge problem and its fear of light and ability to counter has limited Tyr a bit. SKY Ocean Hunter is not sure if there are many other demons in the area.

Styx says, "Primo, we could do the thing we did in Durkee." Styx idea is rather simple and should be followed by the others. By his observation they need to damage the demon then it will trigger the scenario of killing it. The way it moves avoids them and shows up every time they are about to split up and search for it. Plus he is not sure everything is going well the all-out onslaught by the demons seems off to him. They should have gone through several quests before being forced into an all-out war with demons. He has no idea why they are attacking as a mission it seems rushed to him which can't possibly be the case. 

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "As long as you can keep up, Tyr will deal physical damage and I will deal magically. Styx please don't be a hero this guy isn't as simple as he looks. His stats are definitely higher than we think." SKY Ocean Hunter has a sinking in his chest. The spread of demons must have happened before they arrived. If that is the case then the demons should have already won or at least archived some of their goals and this worries him. It's like he playing chess but can his pieces and one pawn. He would much prefer to understand why this is all happening. 

Styx slips away in the shadows he is even better than before. His natural stealth is expanded he can sneak up pretty close to the demon but instead of attack, he gives Tyr the coordinates of the Demon. Tyr throws his spear into the side of the demon causing it to flee again. Strange moans and laughs come off the demon as Styx follows closely behind SKY Ocean Hunter following on the minimap. SKY Ocean Hunter get his chance and thrashes it with a well-placed water blade cutting one in front of it to make sure it turns around. 

Thwap! Tyr spear Rattles again in the demons side it slink backwards climbing onto a route only to have more water blades cut off its path. It sees a gap that it hasn't used in a while and takes it slipping away from the boys. Grabbing on some root swinging around a sharp in its gut. THere is a barely visible spear sticking out. As the demon pulls out the spear, throwing it at Tyr who is blazing below it. A water blast smacks its one-handed grip dropping towards Tyr. Deftly it pushes against the wall flips onto a branch and tries to get away by climbing the prime root to a lower level. It moves like a surfer from one branch to the next. 

With a thundering thump, it arrives on the ground looking around and above to see if the boys followed. Thwap! A deep impaling spear goes into its shoulder the impact is much harder than before and the speatr is hot with deadly intent and fire. The demon moans touching the spear causes its flesh to singe from the heat. It draws in the pain and fire. This time the spear has to be pushed through falling out its shoulder socket. The Demons says, "ULg garth thuIll Urat U Suil Mardok farUm." 

Styx says, "And we are your doom, wail to the those who summoned you here to the land of the living. Fear as I banish to the Locked tomb, your soul will be mine to purify!" He is still hidden in shadow moving like a ghost unseen. His voice bounces of the walls of this place making it impossible to see him. 

Tyr says, "Did you understand him?" Tyr has never studied demonic origins before even in his old life he was filled with the more fantastical aspect of Odyessy, Tyr barely knows the difference between demons and Daemons. He once made the mistake in his old life and thought that Guiders were just a spiritual form of Daemons. Duken a male daemon warlock nearly killed him for that in the middle of a grand quest. For a moment Tyr wonders what his old friend is doing. 

Mardok foams at the mouth his skin blistering with fire and he rushes forward at Tyr. His arms are swinging wildly. He fights like a mad gorilla. From the side a mighty rib-cracking body blow from SKY Ocean Hunter. He had just springboarded himself using his tail and putting his hammer just in front of him. Life points deplete faster than blood dripping from his body like ashes falling from wood. Mardok shakes his head grabbing a piece of root that has long been rotted off. Mardok swings only to blocked! By Tyr and his shield given Mardoks size, Tyr is thrown into a wall losing sixty of his twenty hundred and seventy-five base health. Tyr vomits some blood from the blunt force trauma to his body. Three waves following slow steady hammer shots plough into Mardok. He struggled about as each blow hits him in a soft spot. his entire underside is soft. And the boys avoid attacking I'm from behind. 

Mardok balls him throwing himself into a corner to think and catch his breath. The three boys he is fighting are crazy strong. They remind of some of the Death lords he escaped to come here. Wait his mind goes over the battle. He is sure they are three of them but for some reason, he can't even remember the third attacking him. Mardoks Heart pounds where could he have gone. Only one thing makes sense and he immediately jumps trying to smash the crystal on his back against the wall. He must be there trying to steal the crystal. 

Styx smiles the demon is not as stupid as he looks even if he is wrong. Mardoks hasty decision has left him flying in the air unable to defend himself. Mardok can see magic gathering around the Naga nothings he has seen before compares to this. Mardok looks around hoping for a root or a wall he can climb or twist. HE needs the smallest gap to help dodge this massive attack. Tyr shouts, "WAAA!!!!!!" He pushes all his magic power into one spell clapping his hands he moulds three kinds of fire. His base red fire, his armour-piercing orange and extra hot yellow into a massive that floats just off to his side. The air around him blisters and pops. Mardoks eyes go wide with fear that yellow flame is deadly to him as a lower demon from the depths he hasn't been exposed to all the blazes of hellscape. 

Tyr takes a short before throwing the flaming spear with all his might as the strongest character in the group his physical damage sit around one hundred and seven before any multipliers. This is how he compensates for his low magical damage by making them weapons the system reads them as temporary weapons and applies physical damage to most of his spells. SKY Ocean Hunter on the other hand is more balanced his physical and magic are dam near identical if not for his rings and new pearl SKY Ocean Hunters base strength would surpass his magic stat by thirty points. 

Styx appears first in front of Mardok, who looks a little confused. TO him the little guy should be on his back not twisting his weapon into his gut. Styx has used [Penetrate] while the attack itself doesn't do a lot of damage to ahs a wonderful little effect. For the next ten seconds, all attacks delivered by teammates is doubled and increase the chance of a critical by 13%.  The spear spirals around as Styx uses [Blood Break} to turn himself into a mist of blood allowing Tyr and SKy Ocean Hunter to attack without him having to level the immediate area around Mardok.

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