Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 139: Duties of a leader

Chapter 139: Duties of a leader

SKY Ocean Hunter and the Ocean Fang have just entered the Barren Sea swimming under their own power. Leaving behind Tyr and Styx one Red Iron Island to lead Sunken Reef while he will be able to receive messages and they can always log if desperate. Tyr sees it as a chance to push through some unorthodox idea using his future memories. One of the few places where he and Aria could have knowledge was how to grow a guild so that they get the best advantages. This is only possible because for most guild development is the same no matter where the guild is. First, however, he has to deal with Styx. 

Tyr says, " So when are you leaving?" Styx has had a look on his face since his meeting with SKY Ocean Hunter obviously finding a temple related to the God Oberth. Tyr had even translated what he could Oberth uses a lot of cyphers in all his text. He was a powerful warrior and alchemist, from what they found out it is one of his labs. This is why Styx is so desperate to go this could be good for all of them. They still need weapons against the Monarch of Magic for one. Plus Styx still needs to discover his epic. 

Styx says, "Hermano I'm already gone." Styx has been working on his Blood works unlike what he thought the skill is more involved. He got the idea from SKY Ocean Hunter and Tyr each of which has shown greater than normal aptitude with their affinities. Being part of the same pantheon Styx figured he too must be able to do something similar. His blood clone took a lot of research and limited his available blood pool until the fight with Mardok. The [BloodMist] is just a precursor to him creating a clown. Only by absorbing Mardoks' blood did he realise he needs twice as much as is normal to create a full proper clone. Since then he has worked at controlling it and himself at the same time. Tyr looks at him smiling putting a hand on the back bring him into a head bump.

Tyr says, "I trust you like no brother, be careful Oberth very protective of his secrets." The more Tyr learns about their pantheon the more he doubts Lord Nogu identity. In all records, there is no mention of a fire god Nogu. Yet he is clearly part of the same pantheon as the God Of War Oberth, the Moon God, and, Death God Ob'mal. This is also what worries Tyr he has only been able to get these many clues thanks to his tome of knowledge from Nogu. The fact that history has wiped out Nogu and Ob'mal almost completely means the thing responsible for their deaths may still be alive. Since History is Written by Victors.

Styx says, "Good luck Hermano, it won't be easy." The body of Styx is carried away by the wind. He slowly turned to mist with a grin so wide on his face that Tyr knows he will come back with trouble. He will make sure to be as ready as possible. As Styx fades away Tyr sees, Omnicornlyre from the Sea Cloud Strider chapter the half abyssal cousin of Tatiana. Is even more imposing than before as a half-abyssal she like Tatiana at level thirty inherited more features from her abyssal half which means she is now a full seven feet. Which still makes her one of the shortest members of the Sea Cloud Strider Chapter. She has wondrously bright eyes a defining feature amongst Abyssal who is said to be made from Stars by the Creator. Still, though she is soft-spoken even when towering over Tyr and show a decent amount of respect. 

Omnicornlyre says, "I have moved them as you commanded. I would an explanation, I understand you are in charge but you didn't even wait for SKY Ocean Huter to leave before making changes." Omnicornlyre doesn't really care about the changes but Boa-bob and Kora are unhappy about being left behind by Tatiana. This has left them irritable Ommnicornlyre has already to her luck found a workaround as long as she gives them reasons for orders they tend to do it. Also, she has an interest in the person that her cousin is enamelled with. 

Tyr says, " I know it sounds, but it is necessary for them to have space, they are the backbone of the guild." Tyr starts walking to the fields the walk is about thirty minutes long. apparently, Transeria was much closer than they thought it must have used some form of displacement to conceal them from the village. The area that they plan to use for farming is already cleared of most plant life so it is up to them to make it profitable. 

Omnicornlyre says, "You keep saying that but arent we backbone. I mean the competitive players?" Tyr does hold any of the conventional beliefs amongst players. Any competitive player doesn't really consider NPPC as quote-unquote real players. He even treats NPCs' the same as players not that there is anything working with that it's just odd to her. How everyone is essentially equal in his eyes. Tyr is famous in the guild because his chapter is the only one to have NPCs in it. This is something even Tatiana won't do yet. Unlike players NPCs' have roots in Pike and are much less likely to want extreme measures. Tatiana is after all ready to burn down this world to get what she wants. 

Tyr says, " The backbone as you it has many pieces which only work when they are together. Our base must be expanded if we are to ever succeed. SKY Ocean Hunter wants us to be a solar system-wide guild. That means we must do things others do not even think to succeed the guilds at the top are more wealthy and powerful than you can believe. The Ten Glory guilds are our competition make sure to remember that please." Omnicornlyre can't or rather has a very hard time believing that. The Ten Glory Guilds are more powerful than some countries. 

Omnicornlyre was, "Does that mean we will be getting one of those space station bases they have." The top ten glory guilds represent the pinnacle of human achievement in gaming I.R.L. power. Omnicornlyre wonders if he is not crazy that would generations of gaming to do.

Tyr says, "Better than that I want the lastest base reward, I plan to have us win the glory games." Omnicornlyre nearly laughs at that The glory games are pinnacle invitation-only games for the top one hundred guilds. Even if they win the rookie slots the chances of winning the whole thing is impossible. She doesn't know how to even respond to him so she just follows him around. They of course at where she moved most of NPPC, Given Sea Cloud Strider sizes they are given the biggest flat land area. when they arrive at the nonexistent ruins of Tranesria. Omnicornlyre finally asks the question that started them down this path.

Omnicornlyre says, " We have identified several possible dungeons but they're all low level. Uhm what exactly will the NPPC be doing here and how can we help them besides protection?" NPPC are so diverse in interest she doesn't see how they can make a difference. Tyr smiles looking over the fifty square kilometres of flat land. It almost a one of those old Andn if it was a single flat piece. 

Tyr says, "NPPC according to the forum page has a chance to affect our guilds hidden values. mainly besides shopping and entertainment, they mainly play simulations. When we build a transport business, for example, one they will be put in charge of it. Depending on how well they do dictates if upgrading it takes a month or a year. It is also up to us to make them have proper competition think about our farmers. The best of best will be awarded more land to farm. Meaning we will have more food for NPC and production classes. There are countless examples of these types of background industries that need to manage by the guild." Her eyes go wide with wonder as her mind is expanded about what kind of game Odyessy is. She understands a bit how over ninety per cent of the population is somehow involved with Odyessy.

Omnicornlyre says, " Does that mean the chapters all over the island are doing something similar." As part of Sea Cloud Strider CHapters leadership, she and the others are filled on some high-level guild movements. Such certain areas of the map are secured by different chapters. She thought it is a little for guild to operate on an individual level. yet she does know they are all interconnected somehow. 

Tyr says, "Yeah that is it exactly, this land is prime for farming and training newbies, My chapter is at the base of the volcano because of the mines and surrounding events. I plan to have a small manufacturing-focused area there. Sunken Reef is in Rising Reef town as is proper and with Black Ocean also there but in the background. " 

A girl Tyr hasn't seen since the Dungeon run with Ninth Immortal comes running, her tiny Caipora legs rapidly shuffling her along. At least she is not wearing her heavy armour. 

  1. NPPC - None-Participating-Player-Characters

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