Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 145: A selfish choice

Chapter 145: A selfish choice

A portal appears in the tent town where the Sea Cloud Striders Chapter and NPPC's have built a flock of scaffolding outlining the beginnings of a new city. Out the portal that hums and expands to a whopping seven and a half feet first to step is Boa-Bob. His bulky hardwood armour has had two tusks added by the collar bone making him look even more imposing with his Ebon steel axe. The seven-foot half-Mtimkhulu is followed by four other well-known players. The members of the Sea Cloud Strider Chapter are all abuzz. New players galore are gathering to see the Leaders of the Guild. Lelo is very famous amongst the Sea Cloud Strider because she is the newbie trainer. 

A job she has taken with so much seriousness that the new players have nicknamed her Nacht Mutter which they pronounce as Nacht Murder. This is a play on the most popular ongoing VR show called Star Conflict with over one million episodes and one of the highest participating audience numbers for a VR Show. In Star Conflict the warring sides are part of the Star Church that took over their galaxy ten thousand years ago and is now in an ideological civil war with itself.

By using weaponised faith they gain telekinetic powers that allow them to perform superhuman feats and perform miracles like shooting lightning out of their hands and return as Faith ghosts after death. The thing is that just like Lelo most Forceblade users are Star Conflict fans trying to recreate their experience of star conflict. Lelo is famous for using her psionic [Lock] skill as a method to torture new trainees. Just like a certain Nacht Knight who does something similar and kills a lot of people on the Television. Cantos actually changed the name from FaithBlade to Forceblade to avoid copyright. 

A young girl wielding a similar combination of tools to Tyr says to her friend who is fawning over Lelo, "Look it Tyr he is almost as famous as Tatiana. You see look he has a similar kit to me he must be a spell blade!"

Her friend a Magicsword player says, "No way his passive magic power output is too low are you telling me that you think you are stronger than him. He must be a Bladecaller or maybe even an Etherknight yeah I bet he is one." 

The young girl waves her short spear in front of him and says, " Etherknights don't exist they are a myth just like your skills. I mean if you can't even do a basic inspection on him and tell his class can you even call yourself a proud Strider?"  This is a huge matter of discussion amongst the player of Sunken Reef Guild the top Five players in the guild don't have their classes mentioned. So a lot of people have tried to guess. Given the number of skills that overlap between classes and everybody's general lack of know-how due to only being in Odyessy for less than two months.

He is flanked by Esame'el and Apolita, Apolita is pretty famous for her portals and such but Esame'el is ethereal to the players of Sunken Reef they know she is SKY Ocean Hunters hand but known of them really understand what that means. Still a lot of players gather around to see what the leaders are going to do about the attacking NPC's. Tyr takes a few moments to look at the town. It is clear that the NPPC who is in charge of town layout has some town planning experience. As even the tent town is a pseudo plan of how the town will look once complete. They walk down the main road to the centre of town. In the centre is a massive one-kilometre circular tent with smaller tents attached every two hundred and fifty meters. This is the general administration building for the Tent town. 

Inside one of the smaller sits a delegation from the survivors talking to Azula is trying her best to blow them allow and risk all-out war. Her house was one of the beginnings of buildings that were destroyed. She had gotten a blueprint front the Imakandi Encampment. Now she's wasted her only blueprint and must somehow figure out a plan or get a new blueprint. However, she acts more indignant about the player that died because in less than three minutes the delegation had killed an entire training class of hundred players. Even if they dwarf the players in levels they should have done better. 

Tyr looks at the gentlemen sitting in a Chilunda his white hair and bright yellow eyes make him stand out. Azula stands when she sees Tyr arriving gladly allowing Tyr to take over this talk. Tyr says, " Funny seeing you here, I thought you would fight alongside your mother, Rouglda Roklien Rokethel or do you prefer Cherished one?" Tyr can't forget the arrogance of the lion tiger man they meet outside of the Temples Masters room. When They found who he was Tyr and Styx both made note of him and created separate profiles on the man. 

The white-haired man smiles at the astuteness of the boy. Not any can tell his human form from his normal form. The other member of the delegation nods to herself as if Tyr has validated her somehow. The lion tiger man says, "I prefer my name but seeing as you just butchered it i think you can me Mayor." This is a test on his part. he trying ot figure out how they are really seen by those in charge. The people he had sent before were too emotional and acted rashly lucky for them Supreme Being like the Creator herself cannot be killed. They just come back all part of the natural process of the world. 

Tyr says, " A mayor is elected by the people of the city. There is no city yet. " Tyr of course wants them to join Tent town. It would save them a lot of grief with attracting NPC's plus they have local knowledge which means local missions for the new players. This would help diversify the number of quests available to low-level players. Also, the mayor speaks formally which puts a barrier between them like someone who is only polite. 

The Mayor hopes he is reading this right. Minks has told them that those people she brought are honourable which is why they haven't gone to war to reclaim the land. In all honesty, given their number they only have enough to barely survive. A war would devastate the, he knows the legends of going to battle with the infinite. He just wants to get his people to a safe place. The demons have been hunting down ever since they destroyed the city. "this ground you are on was my home we called it Langra, it means p[aradise under the sun. We love this place even if there is nothing left of it. We, no I would like it if you could allow the remaining of my people to live as part of your society. We are Tranesrian by nature but we can control the change and haven't had a case of anyone being attacked in many years." 

Tyr hears the clearly most people would not think much of what he just but Tyr is plotting how to take advantage of this. The mayor basically told him they have a way to control the change, this means that if players started accepting quests from them one of the rewards could be to become one of them. Players will probably think they are beast men but that is only because they haven't seen real beast men. Tyr says, "We are more than happy to have you here. The lady who just left though will be our liaison and she is passionate at times but she will definitely help you along with it." 

Esame'el nods in satisfaction Tyr is not incompetent after all! Something must have happened that made him fail the negotiations with Adventure Associaton. He understands double-speak and besides missing the fact of how desperate they are. Tyr acted in a proper manner of course she would have pushed for a clearer agreement for them to join the town as part of the community. If they start their own commune inside the town. It could lead to issues down the road. She starts to wonder what could have happened the file on it is light and SKY Ocean hunter refuses for anyone to see the stream from it. SKY Ocean Hunter said to her that he needs his people to form their opinions. It is dangerous to have leaders who all think the same and always agree. She couldn't agree more but often Tyr makes decisions that she can't account for. 

Tyr says, "Now that we have the formalities out of the way. can you tell me why really came here?" The mayor has a strange strain in his eyes and holds his head low. 

  1. Doublespeak can also be used to express something without saying it exactly. it is not only used for lying"Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak" - Sun TzuOne could say after having heart surgery, " We have a streamlined fighting force." what he really means we only have a few fighters remianing
  2. Players gone bad who use their ability as to revive as means game machinc in battle. E,g extended battles with repeated suicide. Plague guilds do this a lot even forcing some of their lower ranks to sacrifice themselves.

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