Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 151: A looting maniac

Chapter 151: A looting maniac

Tyr watches as Esame'el opens the complex series of locks on the damp Crabskin red door. Unlike the minigame before this time, it is a lot more sensitive to faults and has a plethora of trips and false tumblers. In order to be successful, multiple tumblers have to be lifted in a specific order.

Normally she would have failed already. Being a Dryad has its benefits after all. While dwarves have steady hand Dryads can move slow and steady to the point that it is not machine sensitive. This is not a special trait or the same breathing underwater is special for Naga it's normal. This means she can move so slowly that the lock internal will not react to her at all this is especially useful for trips inside the lock. She probably spends a good three and half minutes cutting the wires of all the trips. She doesn't want to get accidentally caught on a tripwire while working on the main lock. 

The false triggers are also a delicate procedure where she has to solder them in place to prevent them from tumbling while she picks at the lock which she doesn't mostly by sound. Right now she can detect essences that let her perceive that the false tumblers.

Esame'el has to use all her skills to not rip any of the magic seals either which are much harder to detect for her. The nature of the seal means they are basically invisible to anything but touch and a delicate one at that. She even quick forgers a magical repeater to keep the signal going between the locking seals while bypassing the central locking mechanism.

The process is a little more complex than she is used to. As she had to change the very essence of her wood into something more akin to fibrous wool. This wood shaving-like variant works like a charm.

She lets out a relieved sigh, her tongue dances outside her mouth as she gets the last lock open by picking at it. She unbinds the first two locks on either side of the main lock. little clicks and flicks the door gets closer to revealing its magnificent bounty. She twists her lock picks Left then right avoiding the signalling mechanism.

She managed to feel it out because everything else in the lock is made of artificial material except the liquid in between the locks. If opened in the wrong order it will release a loud noise like an alarm caused by the pressure of the locks squeezing the liquid.

Her bypass won't last more than an hour so she works as fast as the locks allow.  She plans to be gone from this place by the time that hour runs out hopefully back in Rising Reef Town. The satisfying click of a well-picked lock finally sounds and then to her surprise she levels up twice all in one go. 

Leaving Esame'el to guard the door and process her levelling up twice in one go. Tyr slides open the door to the officer of the chief designer. It is the typical clam chair reef grown table and the likes the documents are kept in groups littered about. It seems this person is the head of his department as he can see seaweed baskets from each of the school's various design courses. The is a basket for Dingys and other small thingys, Accommodating Accommodation Barges, Barging in Supply Barges, Producing a Production Platform, it goes like this for over ten baskets clearly the person in charge has a twisted sense of humour. Tyr believes it's an important sign as this person puts in enough effort to sit and think for hours these silly names for his courses. the basket is the prize though he sees a technical tome which he pockets immediately without a second thought even if it is related to producing miscellaneous offshore products it is complete and his knowledge tome consumes it as soon as it hits his inventory. 

the office has many little trinkets which Tyr pillages in this office he overlooks only the most common items. He almost can't help himself this man is filled with little random things like a whole manufacturing manual for customised anchors. Three volumes of Deeps Sea Drills and parchment of precision bottling. Tyr works as fast as he can everything he takes he wants to be able to use today. 

Finally, he settles behind the desk, he opens a couple of calmed up drawers inside are what he is really looking for Four Immortal Techniques are in front of him these are some of the specialities the Capsizes Angolan offer to its members. The first tome is nothing he wants for his guild not even Slaves, Salvaging and Supership, he has seen a supership before in his old life a pirate guild had built one. The Artositus Guild built the Chinkspicastan it still makes his skin crawl as a key component to build superships is the Risha found in players. Risha or spirit pattern is what allows a player to be reborn endlessly however once destroyed a player can never enter Odyessy again. Not even endgame bosses can destroy Risha that is the realm of Beyounders.  Tyr gets a terrible idea of what he can do with this technique he puts into his inventory a sinister smile as a wicked builds itself in his mind for an enemy he is yet to meet.

The next technique is for Oh crabs that's Massive Cargo, but Tyr has another plan for this he leaves it behind. at this point it might never be the guilds plan to distubrube cargo on a large scale. And their are already mission that award cargo ships. they just have t go do them. 

The Houseboats Immortal Techniques is next to the Sea-ing Buildings a how-to guide on to build under the sea, unfortunately, he soon stumbles upon a problem he had long forgotten about. Certain items are limited to one per person. This is actually an enchantment meant to prevent exactly what he is trying to do which is steal multiple Immortal techniques. Without the right titles when he picks up House but its also a boat Immortal technique it makes him over-encumbered. 

Tyr calls Esame'el and says, After explaining what an immortal technique is and how the guild will benefit. "Which would you pick. I have already taken House on the water! Oh, it's a boat too." The Titles revolve around every few minutes it seems whoever made this couldn't choose a single name so he created an enchantment that always one technique to have as many names as he likes. 

Esame'el reaches for Wars and Wharf reading over the synopsis on the item reader it lists a number of useful if advanced seashore defences. The other one which has to do do with Superships is immediately turned by Tyr she doesn't even get a chance to read the full title as he throws it back in the drawer. Massive Cargo just sounds boring to her plus right now they are not big enough. It's a shame as she knows some guilds spent their first-month developing transport pets and making money doing various boring mundane supply missions. One guy even tried to bribe her to allow to do some mission for Sunken Reef lucky for they have their own player with the drive to drive cargo vessels allover the place. She is sure Tyr plans to do it also but his road trains is too small he could maybe service the region of PIkon with specaility goods. The last one is about contributing under water buildings she grabs it because the iliistration an underwater building that is completely transparent grabsher attention. what makes it even cooler is that is is an underwater port. 

Esame'el says, "Sea-ing a building I like itthe most. " its odd this is how they make a lot of decisions unless someone clearly expresses something they go by gut. Ninth Immoratl says , "if they can't do the right thing do the fun thing. This is a game after all we should try have fun where we can." Esame'el remeerbs it so clearly because it had to with SoulStealer and how they can get himback for his interference. The possibility to use real world influence was sqauwed by Ninth Immortal as unsportsman like conduct while agreed Tatiana made it clear that they are not above using it just in this case it is more fun this way. Which is mind boggling to her as SoulStealer is costing the Guild hundreds of thousand od credit with his petty shots yet the leaders ar happy to let it play out in game only. Even thou SoulSteaelr isn't. 

Tyr says, "fine how much longer i thought Apolita was suppose to come right after she sent everyone through." 

Apolita says, Speak of the devil and she shall appear." She had somehow managed to obscure her portal by placing it on the floor under the seaweed carpet.

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