Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 153: Blazing glory

Chapter 153: Blazing glory

Tyr laughs maniacally with his face hidden behind a mask and him using a disposable sword, shield and medium armour he is unrecognizable. Especially since the sword and shield are meant for an Augmentor class player. These items can be infused with the users magic power and element giving them unique properties such as a typical Ice Augentor tend to have a slow effect around them. He would always be wearing medium armour set from them but those are still scarce in the guild as a whole. He flares up his glow radiating intense heat. He is feeding as much magic power he has into his item. Unbeknownst to him his mask also lights up covering his eyes in fire and producing tribal patterned flaming scars across his face. 

The rumbling of the alarm fills all the halls but his distraction works better than expected. The academics in the building all go into hiding a few brave ones trying to peek out from behind the doors to see. The activity outside goes into full swing guards coming to the aid of the school they form blockades at key escape routes and slowly lock down the area. A man dressed in a long dripping baby seal skin robe approaches. The guards part like the red sea for him. His skin is exceptional pale and grey like when someone eats too much baby shark. His silver eyes and spirit blue hair dance in the light breeze flowing through the night. One of the guards wearing a heavily decorated shark armour says, "Director we didn't expect you." 

The director looks at him his fingers moving like octopus tentacles. The director is calm on the outside but deep inside he is losing his mind they came here to get away from prying and thieving eyes. One of the Rival Rigs is probably to blame but he can't think about that now he needs to make sure they don't get away. A soldier covered in soot and burn marks comes running out of the academy pain and fear in voice ..." It burns!!!" He runs off the platform plunging himself into the dark depths. Shouts and screams coming from the academy. Bursts of furious fire follow the fear-fueled screams of the guards inside. The director takes a few steps back then says, "Send in your men Captain we must retrieve whatever they have stolen. " 

The captain of the platform guards thinks about it his mind racing. Like any sensible person, he knows the guards inside the academy are stronger than his. They are basically a well-armed police force. Normally he would not need to go in but since a director is here and has issued an order. He must follow it as the Director of the academy crazy as he is. Is still the highest-ranking company member here. Bramuda operates on a strict hierarchy on its personal he has already had to deal with the break out at least there some of the prisoners helped them but here it is different. He can see clouds of steam coming from the building it must be very hot in there to produce such an effect.  The director says, "Now! Captain or else I will feed you to pet hydra!" 

The captain of platform guards kicks himself to into, "Barra, Una and Sordish lead your teams into the academy and capture the intruder. Lord Igerark please go to the eastern district and request reinforcements. The rest of secure the perimeter make sure not a drop of sea salt can get past us." His squads respond twelve people immediately dashing into the academy and The captain also removes the newly added Lord Igerark from the front with this covering his own ass. The director looms over him. 

The director says, "Why are you not sending him to southern it is much closer." The captains mean murmur amongst themselves no one challenges a captain's orders during an operation. The director says again, "Captain Oraraca I asked you a question." Everyone looks between these towering figures the captain is an unsinkable ship to them and the Director is like the Mystical Great Reef. They all wait with bated breath this can become an even more spectacular night. 

Captain Oraraca says through minced teeth, " The south is busy with mop-up operations from the prison break and has doubled the patrols to maintain order and restore confidence in the force. They wouldn't have the numbers we need and Also given a large number of escapees sweeps are done only eastern is unaffected. If you would excuse me, sir! I need to make sure I'm fully accounted for in tomorrows staff meeting." 

The director says, "Indeed the meeting." He has almost forgotten of course the board will call all the senior staff in. Two breaches in such a short time of another some is going to get fired tomorrow. The Director has to make sure it's not him. Tomorrow is also an opportunity. He gets a little more anxious he needs to get into his office. He shouldn't have moved here from the pinnacle tower but how was he supposed to teach from the tower. It only made sense plus who think a chief designers office is important. They probably go to the advanced research labs or even the blueprint template discs for some of the latest designs. The director's mind goes wild thinking about all the treasure in the school the only saving grace is that he did a baby Sea Serpent as a guard. The only thing he can do is wait, pray and hope that they haven't penetrated his personal desk. Only one of the Immortal Techniques in there are irreplaceable his skin is covered with viscous mucus. 

Tyr is a living inferno of death. The campus guards are skilled in hand to hand and detention skills but Tyr is hard to pin down and harder to get close to. Of the four remaining campus guards on the night shift, Alrus is the strongest and he is currently strategically holding himself in reserve so that the other can wear down the flaming Augmentor. Lucky for him one of the platform guard squad arrive. The four of them are led by a woman who questions Alrus. 

Una says, "You report the situation immediately. What in the Trench is going here, where are the rest of the guard."

Alrus says, "Mum! He picks us off one by one. He is terrible this Augmentor is too powerful we need more people." Alrus almost starts sobbing. A loud thundering slap eats his face he whimpers to the ground. 

Una says, with her boot on his neck. Alrus can almost see up her clamshell. "Answer me or becoming fired fish will be the least of your problems." She lifts her boot just enough for him to barely be able to speak. He tries to push her boot up with his arms but she is way stronger than him. He squirms around grasping for what little breath she allows him to eke out tears roll down his face both ashamed and fearful. 

Alrus says, " Please we don't have that many guards here, they are all at the testing grounds providing security for the new frigate.  We are just the reserve mum. Please..." He kicks fighting with all his might she is killing him. She bows down looking at him in the eyes waiting for the light to leave them. Her smile is the last thing Alrus sees. 

Una turns around and says, "You heard him men he said the frigate is trying to be stolen lest go, leave this distraction to the others." her men all over her without batting an eyelid. 

Tyr swings his sword two cross flames fly into the guard in front of him. He is using his skills from previous games where he was a sword user. The guard is battered and burnt he only has ashes of his life remaining. He weaves another water whip sending the gentle stream forward with what little might he has left. Tyr steps forward the man is killed by the burn effect caused by his shield. 

Tyr is thrown by a new gust of air these guards come like mosquitos one after the other. He has been slowly moving toward the snake-like creature using the longest way away from the vault where Apolita and Just needs to buy them time according to Apolita messages she only needs Ten more minutes. 

The guard who tried to use Air bind to trap Tyr is perplexed by what he is seeing the fire is growing much large becoming a typhoon that is now travelling towards him. The guard falls dead defeated by his own skill thrown back at him. A raging firestorm sets the academy alight smouldering through the halls until coming across. Arra and his squad, "let's get him formation delta." 

Tyr smiles he can go all out on these guys as level forty-two guard they should be challenging at least the four of them to work together. 

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