Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 155: Rogue Rewards

Chapter 155: Rogue Rewards

Apolita is on the ground laughing her arse off exhausted and exhilarated. They had just pulled off a crazy heist on the fly and got away with it twice. First, she and that fine piece of oh my Blackbeard had rescued over a thousand NPCs' who had been captured by the hunters working on the Rig. They managed to even fool the guards now over fifty of their players who stayed behind are about to be able to join the company as students or workers. In a few years, they should be able to open up trade channels with the very same people who robbed them. Then she joined Tyr and the mad, brilliant Esame'el. Apolita always thought Esame'el was unapproachable beautiful, strong and the right hand of the SKY Ocean Hunter even Lux shows her respect. But the gorgeous Dryad is just as crazy and talented as the rest of them. Apolita has been moving from the South Side of the Island to the West. She would always carry her stuff through the portal never once did it occur to her to send her stuff alone. It seems so obvious now that she has done it. Still, the converted meeting of the Kishin on the Southern side main encampment looks much better than when it was captured. for one it doesn't smell anymore. 

Esame'el is looking at their horde. There is thirty, thirty! Different Shelves each has ten rows with ten items in each row which means they have three thousand vessels. That is a fleet besides actual naval guilds they should have the biggest fleet around. Esame'el says, " We can dominate our little corner of the ocean just imagine it boss with these vessels." 

Tyr is also happy and excited but the truth is they are not really a naval power for now. They can change that plus given SKY Ocean Hunters' mission it will make sense to allow Sunken Reef Chapter to focus on the naval aspect. Each chapter is already sort of going in this direction as by design, Infinite SKY chapter has a lot to do with trading and exploration, while Sunken Reef chapter is Diplomacy and warfare, Black Ocean Chapter is Internal and external guild security. Finally, Sea Cloud Striders are in charge of Training and have a large and active production base. Tyr outline these basic roles just because he knows something doesn't mean everyone sees it that plus by putting out the memo he can get thoughts of members inside the chapters through their leaders. 

Tyr says," No we can't even the smallest guilds with only ten thousand members have at least that many ships and at least half are meant for combat. Plus using them would signalling the Company we just robbed, I'm sure they are sending out hunting parties looking for us right now." Tyrs' thoughts are actually skewered by his memories. Bramuda is still becoming the legendary company he knows and as for the players and smaller guilds. Only those who have stood out in some way are mentioned and are in his research. But there are hundreds of guilds with some weak naval forces. That they could incorporate into the guild. Guilds of these sizes appear and disappear every day without so much as a mention. Thaw has perfected this method of assimilating smaller guilds 

Most other guilds believe that Sunken Reef is just a bloated low-level guild that will collapse under its bloating weight. Only guilds who have dealt directly with Sunken Reef have a better idea of how strong the guild truly is. 

Esame'el says," Then are we really going to sell all the ships to The Mint." She too knows that a majority of the ships here are not highly valuable but those that are can really boost the guild one of these shelves must have just warships. She already knows when she picked her frigate that the shelf are curated and each ship on display regardless of quality is exceptional it is why she struggled so much. Her frigate is built for stealth and speed but according to the information. The creator was heavily inspired by natural occurring stealth materials and managed to create a ship with a natural cloak. The only reason she took it is that everyone needs a ship of their own. Hiring NPCS' to crew them is a simple matter. Esame'el can't run a multi-crew ship run by players as she has many responsibilities that could have them not go out to level for a while. naval focused players have to improve themselves and their ships to stay ahead of the curve. That is what worries her about Crippling Desert who apparently have an affiliated guild called Swallowing Sea. Lucky for them Crippling Desert blue crystal island is five days away at standard sail speed which is thirty knots.

Apolita says, "Yeah it seems like a waste there is a wealth of ships here we can use." Tyr looks a the two ladies they don't seem to understand how vast the company is. They just need to get rid of these vessels and the money they get they can build or buy a small fleet to get started then players like Blackbeard can run ocean dungeons. 

Esame'el says, "exactly come on there be some we can keep or at least use a stepping stone for our guild. I'm sure the mint will rip us off and Asrugo is untrustworthy. We are also on the outs with the Adventure Association and don't forget at the Merchant Guild doesn't buy goods without a sales writ. " Tyr feels a little attacked it is true that the conventional paths are still not usable in this instance. Then a thought enters Tyrs mind, 'Aria would do it plus it makes sense it. You could win that war.' 

Tyr says, "Alright alright I going to take stock and in the morning we will discuss a way forward please get some rest. By the time SKY Ocean Hunter returns he will have a navy ready for him. Apolita please get Alexi and Peppa they should be waiting for us. Also, bring Blackbeard I have a task for them." He is going over all the vessels they have stolen it will take a few hours for everyone. He lets them log off working and coordinating until morning with the rest of the guild. Tyr walks early in the morning when his small party of navy builders are about to get started. 

Back on the Capsized Angolan, Inside the Pinnacle Towers' top office. The various heads and directors are meeting with the chief operations officer. The room is overlooking the entire rig and is dead silent the fiasco at the Academy and Independent block must be answered for. People are looking at the two Directors responsible for these areas. 

A soft attendant says, "Director Salmon, is first on today agenda. He will be followed by Director Abalone will follow. Afterwards, we here form our estimated COO and then we will attend to the business of the day. Director Salmon of the Bramuda Naval Construction Institute. The floor is yours." The attend moves into his seat. The Director stands the fiasco is solvable as long as he explains it properly. Nothing of real consequence was taken his initiatives are ahead of schedule and The attend coughs apparently the director was stuck in thought for longer than appropriate. 

Director Salmon says, "First let me start off by greeting the esteemed member of the board..." The director has studied all the board members so he knows exactly who that is..." and our COO Ms. Irukandji. The institute experciend a small break in yesterday. Nothing of real consequence or value was taken The losses of the experimental vessel is nominal as their designs are still in our hands." 

A slimy guppy of a woman with years of vengeance for the Director says, "Impossible outrageous, the nerve of you! Our entire experimental vessel go missing and you say not of value what exactly fo you consider of value. What about the lives lost is that not of value or maybe the immortal techniques taken from your personal office." The director is angered by her outburst but he controls himself she is a small distraction he must not let her get under his skin. 

Director Salmon says, "Lives are worthless those who died are but a blimp on the profit margin. We are at the cutting edge of developing Ships that will be able to independently travel through the realms.  This will boost all our ventures no matter the purpose. As much as we need people those we lost are not that important at least to me. My concern is that our true secret is still and guarded by my personal Sea Serpent. The Immortal Techniques taken were personal copies of my own"...he lies..."The experimental Vessel as you point out is just that experimental they are incomplete for the most part..." he is barely able to keep a straight face while a few of the rows are student-made designs he had to move a lot of ships out of the development lab due to the sheer number vessels they are currently testing..." All the design notes and designers are still alive. While I can't rule out corporate espionage. None of the critical labs were penetrated thanks again in large part to my Sea Serpent. The contents of my office are nothing compared to keeping those endeavours on course. Finally, I would like to add if not for me sending in the Platform guard they have been able to cause more damage."

The meeting continues with the director having masterfully saved his job, unlike Director Abalone. his public removal from the company will be handled by days end. The meeting ended with him promising to complete the supership design in six months or less. 

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