Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 159: THE OCEAN HIS OCEAN 2

Chapter 159: THE OCEAN HIS OCEAN 2

SKY Ocean Hunters' insistence on taking the waterway means that they spend most of the day swimming. Magmaheart and X2CU are the slowest swimmers and SKY Ocean Hunter needs them confident in this one field if they are to survive the trench at all. Since they are underwater and not deep enough for luminescence. Calypso uses USL or Universal Sign Language which is the ancient language of all Gorgons Spawn.

Calypso signs, "What are we doing? What is the prize?" She signs slow enough that they all understand but also Overwatch does provide auto-captioning which is a Godsend for BABYMAKERXCREAM. Her USL Classes are anything but great she is already repeating the fundamentals of sign. Which is supposedly the easiest of the four courses. All this swimming is also oddly relaxing she hasn't felt this good since she started playing. On the surface she has always felt heavy and sluggish. 

SKY Ocean Hunter signs back he is used to this as already so he signs slowly so that he doesn't have to repeat himself. Also, his Bioluminescent is controllable so he outlines his hand with an alluring shine like a pearl. "We are going to retrieve a family heirloom from the time of Sorrows,"

Magmaheart swims up close curios and signs, "What's the Time Of Sorrow?" SKY Ocean Hunter used it as a pronoun rather than an adjective with the sign for a long time ago. The detail of signs is great she wonders how long he has really known sign for. He signs effortlessly and hard stammers at all like the rest of them. 

BABYMAKERXCREM not being one to be outdone signs, "YEAH! WHAT IS?" She tries to copy what SKY Ocean Hunter Just signed as the sorrow but doesn't quite get it right.

X2CU signs, "You Don't have to shout, lol." Everyone has a chuckle at that as SKY Ocean Hunter explains further. They swim around him as he leads them.

"In the time before, there was only one, sea river lake were all connected. Then the trenches appeared deep into the ocean floor causing a great disaster that separated the Lakes from the sea and The Rivers from the lakes. In Response Then A half Naga-Half Siren hybrid built the first waterways these super-fast currents allowed the ocean to connect to rivers which in turn connected to the lakes. These connections soon become strategic locations and War broke out over their control. This war came to be known as the Time of Sorrows. What was once a single body, become a discord, Riverways were sealed from Lakes separating communities even today. The rivers ways were strictly controlled and guarded by the Sirens and The Ocean spilt along the trenches into seven. No one knows how the Great barriers formed after that but whoever did it never wants the Sea to be River as it once was Lake. That is the Sorrow the division of unity." SKY Ocean Hunter heard the story every day at home for the whole he never once skipped the cut scenes every time the clan Matriarch went into one of her long stories.

Calypso says, "Alright We don't call it but that's a lot. So what's the prize? I mean I don't mind the history but a girl gotta eat."

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "Well we will be using the Drowned Houses to retrieve the Typhoon a Super Submarine that will allow us to fight toe to toe with Frost Empire, Crippling Desert, Avalon and Dargavs. These guilds are our competition and we must defeat them." Everyone looks at one another surprised. The guilds he mentioned are all much stronger than Sunken Reef on the Guild rankings. 

"Why Does your Drowned House have a super-sub, wars are banned in the water." Asks MagmaHeart the first thing all Gorgon spawn are taught is the Stillness which is a treaty that forbids the use of ancient war machines, it specifically mentions the strict use of super subs, Living weapons like the Krakens and Lochness monsters or lake Lavithans amongst others. The Stillness is the only law all gorgon follow.

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "Supreme Beings are except from the law because we are the only ones who can destroy those superweapons. As long as I only use it against other players I should be fine legally speaking." Of course, there are other ways the stillness is enforced that he won't run a fowl of but with the other guilds already getting their naval capacity up 

McQueen signs, " How do you know where it is." Such superweapons are hard to find players have been trying to get their hands on them since the games beta. Hell, the superweapon hunt is one of the great races going on between the high-ranking guilds. They have only found the remanents of a moving mountain base, entire military bases that teleport.  It is insane to her to know that there is someone who strapped an entire factory on a giant ancient elemental.

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "My first mission led me to the Typhoon, my ancestor buried at the base of the trench and the waterway map has a way for me to bring it out. I have confirmed it there but until now did think it was possible to retrieve it.

Mcqueen says, "If we get this won't the balance be affected?" It doesn't seem likely that Overwatch would  allow it." Some players believe Overwatch is a menace and actively working against players. They blame it for their bad luck or poor decision since it is easier than admitting they suck. 

X2CU signs, "I know the answer to that. Seriously Overwatch doesn't work like that, it, she Overwatch is a she in my mind okay. So she creates challenges so that if I find a superweapon another player or players will find their own superweapons. This makes things challenging."

SKY Ocean Hunter signs, "Exactly right, the competition we are in is an example of these Challenges. One of the guilds on the island has something and Overwatch has created a challenge so only the strongest people will keep it" 

BABYMAKERXCREAM signs, " Does that mean we are the ones who found something amazing?"

SKY Ocean Hunter signs, "I don't know we are still investigating the other guilds. But if I was a betting man I would say no. The Dragravs is probably the one as they only have ten players in that guild but they completely dominate their island not even NPCs' live their and all players have been killed." 

"How is that possible? Isn't Purple Orichirum Island bigger than Red Iron Island?" signs McQueen.

Calypso signs, "Come on guys we are here!" They used a shallow current which is free for all to use to arrive at the southern beach. They move towards a large collection of Seaweed kilometres wide and long. They go to the depths of the ocean floor. X2CU is amazed she thought the deepwater lake constructs were amazing but these buildings look artificial grown being too straight to be natural yet they retain that quality of being a natural feature. Scores of prey fish flow in between the Seaweed Mall.

As they get deeper something cool happens, most of them had forgotten about the mushrooms they had eaten early. When they reach a depth of four kilometres the pressure is enough to trigger their chemical reaction. At first, they feel a little lightheaded as the powerful chemicals fill their bloodstream. SKY Ocean Hunter swims around herding them as they are in a daze even Calypso who has some experience but never at this depth. The chemicals need to run through bodies to activate all the transmitters in their bodies. 

Each of them starts to glow light lines appearing, It appears most on the softer scales like their bellies, breast and face though on the face it is much more subdued. The palm is where it is most concentrated as it is needed for advanced forms of communication. The bioluminescent is both an active and passive form of communication. 

Calypso signs, "It worked!" She is first to regain her senses, settle herself, the lights oscillate faster than normal, like a Comb Jellyfish. It can't be helped the natural process take a while to control plus it is exciting. To shine bright like a diamond.

Mcqueen signs, "I thought it would be more varied?" Even with the chemical induction started by SKY Ocean Hunter, the patterns are clear she can make the same swirls of light on SKY Ocean Hunter 

SKY Ocean Hunter signs, "I know but it was necessary. You are all in my pod, it's more personal than you'll think but we can undo it once. I retrieve the Typhoon." They are all just following his led which is amazing he doesn't know them each personally but they seem like good people all things considered. His thoughts roam to Athena this issue of trust is at the forefront of his mind. So SKY Ocean Hunter holds back trying to keep the relationship strictly professional which is the opposite of any pod. It is really doing rounds in his head.

Calypso signs, "You good? You seem a bit distant."

SKY Ocean Hunter signs, "Yeah let's head in we still have to make it home after this."

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