Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 168: The Kings Passage 11

Chapter 168: The Kings Passage 11

Solkor SUN Striker Arrives at his personal, littered amongst his sea of trinkets is Majesty. He glows humbly and she signs, "You failed me?" 

Solkor SUN Striker signs, "I did and beg your forgiveness..." His colours are mute and low. Even his lead is low as the Massive Majesty moves about his trinkets like a thief in the night hardly a sound or a vibration. 

Majesty signs, "By his grace, you live even after all you have done remember that. Here he brought this for you remember that the next your house needs you." The small medallion is handed to him. Solkor SUN Striker is overcome this is no small thing the four moons medal will give him access to the quest of the Lightening Sea God. His colours can't help but explode with joy and hope bright colours. Majesty smiles leaving to him to figure out the riddle written on the two medallions he still has to find the final piece but at least no matter what happens to the house he should be able to protect himself. 

Solkor SUN Striker vows to pay him for this looking for the Keys of Ocean Gods is something he has been unable to do and having the surface leg done means he only has one place to go...

Calypso sits relaxed after long a bonding session in the pod signs, "Are we in a rush?" SKY Ocean Hunter without really looking at her but still somehow able to see what she signed.

SKY Ocean Hunter signs, " Tyr also suggests that a group is better served by cohesion rather than coercion. It doesn't really sound like something he would normally say but he always doesn't do these things whenever he is in a group that lets everyone shine even if it means he dies. It's a really cool thing he does, I often think without him we would be a very different kind of guild." 

Calypso and MagamHeart sign, "How so?" looking at each other and matching inquisitive colours exactly they smile and look to SKY Ocean Hunter.

SKY Ocean Hunter signs, "Look through the beginner guide given to our members and the one was given out. In terms of content, there is no difference except the beginners in our guild all get the one with his notes and thoughts on it. This and many other small policy changes and the like mean our guild feels oddly like a frat house rather than a fifty thousand strong guild. 

X2CU chimes in with and signs, "That's great right?" 

SKY Ocean Hunter signs, "It's stupid really but this is the first time I properly felt like a leader. The others act too independently I'm not saying it is a bad thing but a lot of the time it feels like I'm on automatic pilot. I want to make sure to enjoy the time I have manual control. 

Calypso signs, "So that is why we haven't started the King's Passage?" She is a little annoyed and can't hide it. While she can understand cohesion, it shouldn't take away from the mission..." The mission comes first."

SKY Ocean Hunter signs, " Don't talk like her..." His colour roars pulsing anger..." Our mission is to have fun and live out our fantasies, this is isn't a job or a hobby this is a way of life and you will respect it as such." 

Hakagure signs, "No need to be so aggro boss man," Their talk is diluting their colours and mudding the synergy they have. 

SmittenKitten69 pulses in agreement as she swims around SKY Ocean Hunter tempering his colour. She rolls her body around his then coiling over to Calypso. The others follow her creating a continuous body of Gorgons again. 

SKY Ocean Hunter signs, "I just don't want people thinking about this as a job. Yeah, it's nice to get paid but this guild is about building a place we can all be free and happy." He truly believes this and has made great efforts to curtail many of not all of Raul's policies which would have them run Sunken Reef as a pure corporate guild. Obsessed with securing dungeons and resources and hoarding everything for leadership only. He knows the merit and pitfalls of that system and would rather try something more radical. His way is might yet be yielding results but he sure it will one day speak for itself, caring about others and paying more than fair can only improve them all. he wants his people to be able to have a choice in life and if that means it takes a little longer for them to have millions that is fine with him. 

Calypso signs, "Alright I get you but we should head out soon." 

SKY Ocean Hunter signs, "Not yet she isn't here yet?" SKY Ocean Hunter is connected to the moon and is simply waiting for the midday moon. This can be seen clearly from the ocean floor it is one of those that just happen he hasn't been able to figure out how but he does know it started shortly after the Godsfall.  at the end of the third. He should really get those to Tyr so that he can aline them to the proper relamic age. 

When the midday Moon arrives they have spent another three hours socialising and BABYMAKERXCREAM even had time to log off and handle a small personal emergency. by the time she returned the Moon is shining bright in the midday sky. Everyone is all ready to take the kings passage. The Entrance is a small innocuous trench lined with statues of the Pass Kings of The Barren Ocean. A living history of all the Naga of the barren. Statue weathered by the passage of time still exudes mysterious energy that fills the area with wonder. 

A torrent of Pale sickly looking rushes to block the entrance. The house of Isekal is up to normal shenanigans. MagmaHeart flashes war a strange mix of colours as it is slightly different only because her shield and sword are out. SKY Ocean Hunter sends Calypso to stop. 

BABYMAKERXCREAM Signs, "We can take them easily," SKY Ocean Hunter swims rather calmy letting Calypso bring MagmaHeart. SKY Ocean Hunter has read the past trials victories notes. They don't have specific detail about the trails them but he knows outside in the King's Passage proper no violence is allowed and they are marked by the statues of past kings and enforced by Naga'rhul an order of the ultraorthodox priesthood of naga. 

SKY Ocean Hunter signs, "Let us pass!" The Isekal are splashing vulgar colour at them. His pod swims around him ready to strike at any moment. They flash their own vulgarities at the Isekal, ten proud warriors if a little thin for naga. They look almost possessed and devoid of any real emotion besides anger and hate. 

One of the ten signs is, "We won't pass let you." His sign is sluggish and childish not that of normal Naga his age. 

Calypso signs, "try and stop us," the threat doesn't need to be sign even this dimmed witted oaths should be able to understand the underlying meaning. The Pod swims forward and one they Isekal naga uses a wordless spell. His body glows as he aims at SKY Ocean Hunter.


Five jelly blue and purple Harpoons skewer the Naga. A Poseidon of Naga wearing only his muscles appears from one of the statues. He is magnificent scales polished but the moonlight highlight every part of his body. Eyes bright like eels and teeth like a jagged like a shark. His dorsal fins are ornaments that have gold melted onto them. Along with another fine metal one his arms and jaw that hangs like coral. 

The Isekal who was about to make the stupidest decision yet are stopped by the one who signed. This is the first time the guards had reacted so decisively the first time they only issued a warning. It seems that their patience is very short. With her tongue sticking out and Hakagure signs at the Isekal, "I will see you soon." She uses the real-world sign of running her thumb across the neck to ensure he knows she plans to kill him when they get back. 

The pod swims into the portal a shimmering between two arms outstretched, The Kings Passage is a series of trails. The system notifies SKY Ocean Hunter that he should pick a difficulty. Without hesitation, he picks the hardest difficulty for the trails. Horns blur as they start the trails ahead of them is a massive open seaweed field.

SKY Ocean Hunter signs, "look for any close that cloud tells us this trial. Do not underestimate these trails if you fail, you will die and won't be able to rejoin us. We don't know what we will be facing so no one is allowed to throw away their lives because."

The pod eventually comes across a sea stone plaque written in Pacifia the language of Oceans

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