Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 191: Memnon looks around

Chapter 191: Memnon looks around

Memnon looks around and sees they have drawn too much of a crowd. So he leads them west toward the hidden dungeon.

Memnon says, "Okay let's go kill some monsters." Everyone is caught up the fever that they follow the group north. Mamnon leads them this way until they come across a monster.

[Rabbid Rat]

level 1

HP: 150

Information: A rat corrupted by the power of the Evil God Apostles.

Shokai with his his knights shield and sword goes towards the monster. The rat has bright red eyes. Deep burgundy fur and long claws. Yelling he swings his sword missing the rat. It didn't even dodge he just swing too widely and the tip of sword landed on the ground.

Memnon laughs and says, " Show us the way oh great leader!" Oshun takes out her clerics magic staff. It will help her healing spells by twenty five per cent.

Anubis brings out a pair of daggers. He activates his skill  conceal and he vanishes from sight. Momnon only watches he has not intention of helping Shokai. As the tank of the team he needs to the most experience. The first step is getting over the fear.

Players will soon realize the one of the downsides to realism. The fear one experiences in combat. Most normal people have never been in life and death situations. In mythic everything is dangerous and one needs to learn to live with a knife at their neck.

The rat uses its basic attack. Claw Slash Attacking Shokai, his shield rattles and his arm goes a bit numb. His heart races lucky for him. The claw strike hit his sheild.

Memnon says, "You can do it." Truly its nice to be back. Momnon is waiting for the other players to go about their own business. Then they can leave and go west.

Memnon watches as Shokai tries again. He uses the knight skill Shield Bash. The skill pulls him straight into the monster face. A small damage value appears above its head.

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Shokai says, "Have at me demon!" Suddenly another damage value appears from the rat.

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Anubis reappears his dagger plunged into the rear of the rat. Memnon nods the boy is really good or lucky he used the instant the rat was hit to strike. Ensuring his attack would be a success.

Oshun spins her staff even as a cleric. The staff has an attack value. Its of course not very strong but its something.

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The Rabbid Rat attacks again. This time its attack connects squarely with Shokai.

He stumbles backwards from the pain. Even in armor attacks still feel painful. Sweat fills his brow as the realization of the depth of Mythic.

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Above Shokais' head. As a level one knight he only has one hundred health. I fact all the players start the same at the begin. Only their skills and items differentiate them.

Mythic has two sets of stats. the active stats are Strength, Agility and Intelligence. This govern skills, damage and regeneration.

Then their are the three passive stats that determine, loot out come, NPC interactions and other background calculations. Charm , Luck and Fate. Charm is a the player to the NPCS interaction. Luck is the player to the system interaction and Fate is the system to the player interaction.

Shokai shakes off the attack and yells to hype himself up as he swings his sword this time connecting.



Again Anubis attacks right after Shokai. To many this might just be coincidence but to Memnon. It's a sign of great potential. Then Oshun attacks too again swinging her magic staff.

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The rat squells and shrills swinging its claws at Shokai. Clang a loud thump on his common iron shield. The rattlesand numbing disrupts his train of thought as he has to catch his breath.

Unfortunately Anubis had not predicted that Shokai would be rattled and he attacks the rat.


By the time he is mid swing. Shokai has attacks his attack. lands on Anubis. Anubis yells out in great pain.

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The light leather armor of a rogue is mostly meant to protect the front of a rogue. It is very thin at the back. Memnon watches adversity is important it builds experience. Which is what they need most.

Oshun who also didn't expect this doesn't attack. This allows the rat to strike at Anubis who losses another chuck of his health. Anubis tries to retreat only after losing so much health in quick succession he is slowed. This effect is the same as in a real fight.

As players level up they will be able to mitigate the effects fighting longer and harder battles. Memnon is not a heartless and shouts, "Shokai what should we do?"

Shokai wants to bite Memnons' head off. He thinks to himself. Having spent most of the summer familiarizing himself with combat techniques and raid guides from older MMO's.

Shokai says, " Shit okay, Oshun heal Anubis. Anubis don't attack until I have his aggro back. Memnon attack of something goes wrong again." Shokai hopes this work by making sure the monster focuses on him at the very least. His friends should be able to survive of something goes wrong.

Oshun says, " Kay! I can do that. What's aggro." She moves closer to Anubis. Once she is in range of him she casts Heal A large green light surrounds Anubis. Heal is an instant spell meaning that it heals at once. Also being a level one spell it isn't very strong. Atheist it has a quick regen of only three seconds and an average mana consumption.


Shokai uses an attack skill Mighty Strike the skills doubles damage of the next attack. Shokai who is trying to make sure he doesn't miss again.  He strikes the Rabbid Squarely in the head.

Getting a critical on a double damage attack. The rat heads almost explodes as it brains and blood splatter all over the green grass.

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Memnon tries to go over what they did in the fight so that they can improve. He includes himself pretending that he wasn't sure he would hit the rat.

Oshun says, "What did we get."

Memnon says, " Why don't you go over and find out what we got." Besides the ten experience which is nothing even with the double experience gain from the blessing. Mythic has some of the steepest experience requirements ever  This is because players need to able to bring the best in their characters if they ever wish to raid content higher than level one hundred.

When people saw how poorly they performed against the rat. Others started leveling. While most went back to town to try quest unfortunately. Mythic is not that kind and has minimum of level five to activate any quest.

Memnon is not to concerned where they are going the dungeon isn't linked to any quest. it has a series of puzzles that must be solved. What makes this dungeon special is that it has the legendary items of a mercenary team. According to the lore the explored the world became super famous and placed their worldy items in this tombs for future generations.

Over the years all but two of the treasures have been plundered. Memnon  starts to make them go west. Towards the ruins of Darmok.

Along the way Shokai lead to them fight many more Rabbid Rats, Plagued Dogs and Sickening Fowls. The lands around the Witteberg must be affected by one of the demon princes who are trying to revive the Evil God and reignite the war of heaven.

With a few hints from Memnon the group is able to fight of at least twenty different monsters. They have already become accustomed to the pain and blood that comes with fighting. The fear will take much longer to master. On average they have earned about two hundred experience points after fighting creatures for about a hour.

Leveling with monsters at the same level is the least method of leveling in Mythic. Anubis asks, " So like where are we are going?"

Memnon says, " We are just exploring once we gone to the west. We will head south then east  this way will have a good idea of where everything is. Players will soon learn that they have to learn everything themselves and find out the location of key landmarks and learn the regional map if they wish to succeed here.

The grassland turns into a sort a tree line stacks or marble and destroyed buildings can made out form afar. The monsters in this area are level five. The perfect training monsters Feral Goblins

Shokai looks at the monster trying to gauge their strength. He looks at Memnon and asks, " Are you sure about this."

Memnon says, "Of course not im sure they will wipe the floor with us but so what this is Mythic. I think we have to die learning how to survive in this world." This will be able important lesson as goblins are one the smartest enemies around in the early game.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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