Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 195: A knock on the door!

Chapter 195: A knock on the door!

Styx lands back in the hall a better version of himself. With the removal of the curse, his epic item is now active. The Star Soul details immediately cause all the others to be envious of Styx. It only makes him an even stronger player. lux admires his synergy of skills, aptitude, and Species and can see that the guild now really has three powerhouses.

Lux squeezes SKY Ocean Hunter's hand. She wants to be as strong as them she needs to be. She will do anything to make it happen. 

The leaders would celebrate more, but Esame'el comes into the room. She is taking a step back as she can feel Soul Guardian pressure. Styx somehow is now suppressing her void energies. Tyr can see that Styx has no control over his intent and it is clashing with Esame'el's. he adds his own for now it is simply to counteract Styx's. 

"There is a man outside. He won't stop and he has a person from one of the government guilds with him." Esame'el moves closer to SKY Ocean Hunter while sending Raul a message of congratulations on his achievement as his former aide. She still has a soft spot for him in her heart. An odd feeling for her as she is only a year older than Styx, but still thinks of him as a child. 

"Do you know which department they are from?" Styx knows how much trouble a government official can cause. They are notorious for abusing their power. SKY Ocean Hunter is definitely right. If they had the seal from the Human Affairs Department. Harassment like this would never happen unless it is a minister or someone truly powerful.

"No, they are tight-lipped on that. I know they are locals, at least from the Martian Might Party." Everyone's skin crawls at that. The Martian Might party, concerned with identity politics, and believe that Mars should only be for Martians. 

"Girl let them let's hear what they to say." Frey floats around. She is clearly doesn't want them here, and she is itching to put this vile, low immoral politician in their place. 

The two men walk into the impressive and resplendent Typhoon. The upper Garden hall is a miniature version of the Lantian fields, only less filled with flowers and, of course, seawater removed so that other species can enjoy it.

SKY Ocean Hunter has mandated this common area for meeting strangers. Only guild members have access to the inner parts of the submarine. 

The two humans are opposites of each other. The first is a woman of Asian descent with a whisker thin waist and is a lifestyle player. Bureaucrat gameplay is the stuff of legend. Cantos Industries have distilled themselves to perfection and have not iterated on this gameplay for over a hundred years. "I am Wu Yuy," she sits without being invited. 

The puggy man behind her is stiff. He froze as soon as his eyes lock with those of Tyr. Moneybags is still angry about the first meeting and the humiliation he suffered. If he had known that Tyr was part of this guild, he would have come sooner to put this guy in his place. Whit a hiss from miss Wu, Moneybags takes one of the soft seats in the garden. 

His eyes pass over each of the girls slowly. The menagerie of species all in place could be very entertaining. He has never tasted whatever the hell they are. He grabs the first cup of swirl on the table and finally listens once the pleasantry of introductions is over with. 

"What do you want?" Frey basically throwing razors. 

"That depends on how much you're willing to cooperate?" Miss Wu's is more delicate, an immaculate cover of calm on her face. 

"Again, what do you want?" Frey doesn't want nor need to mince words with Miss Wu and her fat bastard Moneybags. 

"So uncultured. Fine, will do it your way. We want this ship. We have prepared a fair compensation package and you need only sign here and we will be on our way." Miss Wu goes further than she wanted but sometimes a child needs to lose their toy to learn their place. She has dealt with many guilds who think themselves superior, but she knows genuine power. She wields life-changing power every day. 

"No," Frey is calm, almost emotionless, a sharp and threatening aura appearing around her. None of the others appear to be taking this seriously. Miss Wu looks around at each of them. 

"Does she speak for all of you?" Miss Wu makes sure is clear and notes that none of them even turn their heads. They continue like she is not even there. 

"I do, and I said no. Now leave." Frey is absolute, and the others pat her on the shoulder in solidarity. 

Miss Wu works on her interface, "Lets how you can hold out with our support." She is supremely confident that after a few weeks, they come begging for help. Moneybag has to follow Miss Wu or incur her wrath. He wants to deliver a scathing word or two to balm his pride. 

"Are you sure about that? They control the local government office. Baron helped them fix our elections by keeping a lot of those who vote against the Martian Might party at work." Esame'el fears that this will affect people in the real world. 

"Yes, I'm sure. Miss Wu and Baron will soon find out they are messing with the wrong one." Frey is also in charge of their world efforts serving as operations officer alongside Styx, who is the only one of them with real-world business experience. 

"What about how will affect the people of your village." She furrows her brow. Not in anger but not in concern either. Esame'el needs to make sure that Frey understands her decision has real-world consequences. 

"What about them? This has been happening to them for a hundred years. Don't lay the crimes of others on my feet. I won't yield to make them comfortable. People too often justify taking shit because they are afraid. They want better lives but are not willing to work on it. They will continue on this route unless we force them to see and even then we might still fail." Frey and the leaders standing behind her in support. She is like their mouthpiece. 

"Shall we, Mi Amor?" With everything set, it's about time they go about their business. Styx takes Esame'el and Frey with him. They are heading deep inside the boat.

"You should be more like that, "Lux rubs SKY Ocean Hunters' chin. An invitation to talk. They head into the captain's cabin to talk. It should take a while. They left Tyr standing with Ninth Immortal and Tatiana. 

Lucky for him Tatiana's mind is on the new sites. She calls her team who are already on the Typhoon the Colossal team. 

"Do you want to come with me? I'm going to level my Mimic and finish my merchant quest." Nineth Immortal spreads her wings and flies away. 

                ---Message from Nineth Immortal---

Have fun leveling, My pet is still temperamental. I'm going to train her some more. I'm borrowing your crossbow until you're back, at least.

                ---End of Message---

Nineth Immortal is high in the sky, looking down on Tyr. She wants with every fiber of her person to go with him. Travel the world as a couple, discover treasures and finally fuck him on top of majestic mountains. She had this orgasmic dream and since then she is sure this mountain with seven waterfalls and three moons. She wants to find this place but also she has to get her pet under control. 

Their bond is still weak. It acts out lashes out violently at others out of jealousy and with the power it has at the moment. She doesn't need it ripping it from another full team of twenty-five players. She is really glad she has a mask of anonymity and was in a random team on the outskirt close to the Silent Sea. 

Way too late, Ori comes running. Tyr's message was simple, "arrive on time." Tyr shaking his head. Maybe he is underestimating Nineth Immortal's emotional control.

"So, do you really plan to help me?" Ori wants qualitatively improve his Booner. 

"More than that, you will be the number one rancher in the world." Tyr slings his arm over Ori's shoulder, who is forcing himself to smile. They go to the opposite end of the pier where Apolita is waiting. The young woman with arms flailing as she sees Tyr and Ori and runs up to them.

"Hey, I got and Poppi said it is on the road to Thy'lek." Apolita, with a wide grin, hands him a small bottle. 

"Good! How's the new ring much better, right?" Tyr carefully guides Aploita on all the new functions of her anchor ring. This powerful tool will help her grow into a better teleporter and protect her from accidentally traveling between realms. 

"Hey I have a new trick to show you get ready." Apolita, waves goodbye to a confused-looking Tyr and Ori.

  1. Someone comment on this thing's name. I can't find where I wrote it down.

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