Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 41: Shifting Island Part 2

Chapter 41: Shifting Island Part 2

SKY Ocean Hunter drips with anticipation. The series of notifications that lit up his hud dazzled and awed him. He didn't know what many of them meant. Tyrs' stupid wide grin must mean something good. From his inventory, he sends out the badges in batches of hundreds to the others. To SKY Ocean Hunter the best reward was the rank up to the guild. As a rank one guild, they have acquired the ability to form chapters. For now, he can form five chapters. SKY Ocean Hunter knew from the alpha how complex the guild system was. He rubs his head as he gets the guild to interface up.

-Assigned as Chapter Chief

Tyr - Infinite Sky Chapter

Nineth Immortal - Infinite SKY Chapter VC

-Assigned as Chapter Chief

Styx - Black Ocean Chapter

Frey - Black Ocean Chapter VC

-Assigned as Chapter Chief

Tatiana - Sea Cloud Strider Chapter

-Assigned as Chapter Chief

SKY Ocean Hunter - Sunken Reef Chapter

Lux - Sunken Reef Chapter

Styx says, "Hermano thanks now my guys can report directly to me no need for the channel." Using the new interface in front of he alters the intersecting Sea reefs symbol into a ball. All members of his chapter receive his badge after being added.

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "No Styx leave it there it's easy for me to monitor all the chapters." The others are all already working. He waves over a plump female. Her brown hair curls in the wind.

Medium Bunz says, "Yes sir?" She bows respectfully. This is her first interaction with a Naga after all she is a little nervous. Tyr walks up to her and put his right leg forward and moves it in a spiral pattern. He shows her to follow.

Tyr does this because while most players will treat the NPC like none living creatures. Tyr knows that courtesy goes a long way. Plus if he can imprint on his followers this behaviour early on it will them. SKY Ocean Hunter places his tail over her spiral pattern. His voice coming out as a grumble.

SKY Ocean Hunter says, " Welcome to Sunken Reef deputy!" For now, he is going to also rely on Tyrs' man to get the economics done. The plan they come with is going well. A guild should have come about level fifteen. This boost will allow them to start a lot of plots early chief amongst them money-making. Medium Bunz eyes are aghast as her breathe stutters.

Medium Bunz says, " Me a Deputy?" She looks at who is letting some spit drip from his mouth. She shakes her head, Tyr nods she shakes her head again. SKY Ocean Hunter slams his tail Medium Bunz jumps and a sheepish yelp escapes. She says, "I don't think I can." Tyr slams his foot turning to Medium Bunz.

Tyr says, "You have too, if we were in his House you would have offended all the Naga already. A small sign that you are part of the water always goes a long way with the Naga. Unless you would prefer to piss in front of him." Medium Bunz is a little bewildered she doesn't understand why they are taking this so serious amongst players. Tyr can see her apprehension of course she would not understand but anyone who did the week would know certain NPC's can only interact once the proper protocol is observed.

At those, even Lux waves her hands. In the ocean, this specific gesture produces bubbles a sign of displeasure. Tyr snaps his fingers he just remembered and says to Medium Bunz, "Tears! Tears will work to you just have to prove you are part water and we can continue." Medium Bunz cries in relief she really didn't want to spit in front of all these people. She is a proper lady after all. A few relief tears later.

SKY Ocean Hunter says, " I want you to start a ferry service taking people to the other minor Islands." SKY Ocean Hunter looks at Styx on the road train he somehow managed to send him a catalogue about the Shifting Islands. The Islands all have different values besides the Main Island which is a level twenty area. The surrounding Islands are the key to the main Island.

Medium Bunz says, "Uhm I'm not sure what you mean by minor island." She really has little idea about the islands. She mostly focused on the rafts and getting her baking skill to beginners.

Lux says, "Dear girls it's simple. See the islands over those without any clouds over them are minor islands." She points at the hills that one has squint at in the ocean. Each hill and island appear and fading.

Medium Bunz wants to retort at being spoken to like a child. The only reason she doesn't is that the Naga, 'SKY Ocean Hunter don't be rude' she thinks to herself. Medium Bunz says, "Thank you dear for the information. At the moment most players are poor. Still thou we already have established trading for raw resources as payment it should be simple to set up. We just don't have enough people to implement."

SKY Ocean Hunter says, " Use each raft as a recruitment device for lifestyle players. They will serve as pilots the players they transport will protect and pay them. They get to keep half of the materials they earn. I would like for each chapter to get its own band of lifestyle players. For now, it's more important we produce a lot of products." This is part of Rauls economic strategy. They will use the ordinary players to supplement their lack of numbers. By making it a true fifty-fifty deal only greedy players will reject. As Raul said during the break, "This will give us a large pool of players who we can work with and allow us to start filtering out none desirables." His Spanish accent made 'desirables' sound really funny sometimes he really rolls his R's.

Tatiana says, "no need to do any of that for me. I will handle my own business." The half-giant blue sends chills to Medium Bunz but she can tell that Tatiana has her own plans. Medium Bunz gets to work the rafts are distributed.

Frey who is standing by the ocean lets lose a bottle in her hand. A five-metre wide wooden catamaran flattop raft appears. It is a stark contrast to the normal dinghy boat. The design allows for players to sit on the soft flattop. The five square metres wide flattop will let the whole group sit.

Tatiana says, "I'm going to get a few players looking for a group for the Red Iron Island." She wants to use this island as a chance to build her chapter. Unfortunately very few none human players are around so for now she has to stick with the humans. Each raft can hold ten players so Tatiana and Nineth Immortal recruit some players. They will work in four teams.

Tyr walks with Nineth Immortal, the teams in fives. Tyr eyes dart about looking for any player that is part artificer. He is familiar with all the advanced classes so it should be simple enough. He doesn't want a pure Artificer because they are too slow right now. The dungeon raids will need mobile players. He also wants the first clear of the rank 1 dungeon. As they walk the beach Nineth Immortal locks arms with him. She points to a couple of strong-looking players which he turns down. Tyr doesn't want Psions right now they are too weak on the damage. A psions strength comes from supporting a strong Guardian. the CNC skill is perfect for the early. Unfortunately, Tyr is a Sovereign Warrior and Nineth Immortal is a Beastmaster. Their squad needs a tank another range damage dealer and a healer. They need to increase their number so they plan to bring players with them run the lower difficulty with them then clear hardcore with the best ten players.

NIneth Immortal walks up to a newly minted Titan. Tyr knows she is one because of the symbol on her heavy armour. A Titan is an Artificer who advances with the guardian aspect. Most people may not notice by to Tyr he can see that her suit of armour is a construct. Its from the people of the soils Innate skill. The people of the soil are all the races that share an affinity to the earth in one way or another. Also, they all tend to be short.

Nineth Immortal says, "Hey would you like to join us?" The young girl has caramel skin and bright green eyes. Her armour nearly consumes her five-foot frame. Tyr looking closer is glad she is a dwarf too. Some classes are a better match for certain races.

---Message from Tyr to Nineth Immortal---

/Tyr - Please also ask her about her lifestyle class.

/Nineth Immortal - OK!

---End Of Message---

She is a rather meek person looking down as she talks, "I and my friends are like you guys we are willing to do a class change if possible." Tyr can already guess what happened. Without a human to mediate most of the services and quests will be unavailable to them. It is why Tyr asked SKY Ocean Hunter to all the way to Sunken House to get the Guild token since only there would his royal status be recognised.

NIneth Immortal says, "Who are your, friends?" Nineth Immortal can't see any none humans around on the sandy beach. Until this girl said she was not a human. Nineth Immortal had thought she was a short human. Soon after a short heavy armoured wave, two more female short people come out. Tyr thinks someone must be playing a prank on him. Nineth Immortal pushes him out of his daze.

Tyr says, "we will take you all into our team." He has stumbled across a fallen team. The three towers sisters. Rose to fame early in the game as being the only team to clear a hardcore mode rank 1 dungeon with only three players.

Nineth Immortal says, "of course it's only a trial basis we at the Infinite Sky Chapter of Sunken Reef guild have a standard to maintain. So go on introduce yourselves" The girls all smile and nods as they have just been saved.

A group of six players pushing people out of the way to get to them. A thin twin balded blonde head boy points at the pair talking to the Tower sisters.

Author Note: They're a one hundred advance classes ask! Yep test me if you want to leave a comment with base classes and I will tell you what they make. Eg Primary base: Guardian + Secondary Base: Cleric = Paladin

These are the ten base classes now: Warrior, Guardian, Rogue, Wizard, Sorcerer, Psion, Summoner, Bard and cleric.

advance class is two basses classes together eg. A player will start as a sorcerer then at level ten add cleric at the end to become a Lich. An interesting thing is that if he started as Cleric then classed into sorcery he would become an Abomination.

In a focused class at level ten, the player chooses the same base. Rogue + Rouge becomes a thief etc

Specialist classes are a variant class of advanced classes. For example: let's say a Sorcerer has a rare element like Ash. When at level ten when they class into Warrior instead of becoming a normal Magic Knight. They become an Ash Knight this is also how a Choas Knight is made. btw Magic Knight is a catch-all term for this class. Certain classes need this as things like elements also affect what kind of advanced class one can achieve.

No more changes will happen to classes. this excludes special classes like Delver which was given by a fan.

I need to do this to make the story last since the beginning is plot thin, I going to chuck in as much lore as possible without dumping. Please vote with power stones and add to library leave a comment if you like. Let's engage third chapter done. Lets get it duuu!

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