Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 44: Shifting Island Part 3

Chapter 44: Shifting Island Part 3

The Old Man is lucky that his smoking creates enough smoke to prevent others from seeing his lecherous gazes. He even smirks licking and biting on his pipe. Coughing as thoughts dance about in his head about what he could have them do for him. Four heart bubbles fly out of the man's pipe. Tyr shakes his head thinking this old man really is just a pervert.' Giving a four-part quest just because they are women in front of him. Players in his old life found out many years later that the old man hands out better quests to women. At their current level, the most Tyr is willing to risk is a four-part mission. The difficulty is extreme but he can make up the difference.

The old man says, " of course there is but"...cough cough and a small nose bleed..."I need you to investigate these places on Red Iron island.

---Quest Received---

[Red Iron Island Investigation - Common Quest]

Info: Explorer Jackson, has asked you to investigate the Red Iron Island for four resources points.

Description: Find resources lands on Red Iron Island. 0/4 lands found.

Reward: Land Claim.

The entire team accepts the quests. Tyr making his way to the beach.

Sky Ocean hunter twists his tail. He has just met a troublesome youth. A level ten grey-haired human who has the Rancher. A Rancher starts as a rogue then advances into a summoner. They are then able to summon a beast to fight alongside them. This human is a good short sword fighter and his Booner is really strong. The booner has a mix of Madrill and leopard features. At least since they are level ten they are not difficult to deal. The Booner is very smart and works well with Ori.

A twisting slash from above is parried by SKY Ocean Hunter. The Warhammer parried by the Ranchers sword. The Warhammer had demanded it otherwise the Rancher would be defeated. SKY Ocean Hunter laments how easily he agreed to not using skills. The boy probably thought he would win. A beastmaster can store his pets in a special soul space. A Rancher cannot so his pet is always summoned thus technically not a skill.

SKY Ocean Hunter Monarch class has heavy weapon mastery. Which adds a five per cent boost to his Warhammer damage. The Rancher is quite nimble SKY Ocean Hunter whips his tail keeping the Booner back. Its sharp claws are as deadly as any sword. Lux is coming back with the rest of the people. They had already agreed as they all bought the beginner Guide released by the Guild. This is making the guild quite famous in the region. Lux has already received a number of unwanted solicitations from other more established guilds. Even if they don't have a guild in the game. Outside the game, they operate as such.

She smiles seeing SKY Ocean Hunter fight. He is bigger than the Rancher and slower but SKY Ocean Hunter is more skilled. She thinks it might have to do with his high school wrestling. The way the Naga moves his body is something that should take months to master.

Ori thinks to himself, 'I didn't think he would this difficult to fight. I can predict his tail it moves just as fast as a whip. Did I choose wrong I know a beastmasters' Beast link allows for better control a Rancher shouldn't be less weak!' Ori loves PVP and pets he wants to collect as many as possible. The NPC Hounder.

Told Ori, "The main difference between a Rancher and a Beastmaster. Is that a beastmaster can have all his pets in combat. A Rancher has to bring a specialized pet for each scenario from his Ranch. Both have large numbers of pets just used differently."

Ori settles down commanding his big black Booner," Triple slash!" The monkey-like claws appear one after the other. SKY Ocean Hunter lets the Booner attack he focuses on Ori. Ori had stopped moving to make his command. After the flip to dodge SKY Ocean Hunters attacks he had to get his bearing. This lets SKY Ocean Hunter establish his preferred range. The Rancher had been too close limiting how SKY Ocean Hunter could fight.

With this advantage, SKY Ocean Hunter can let loose on the Rancher. The damage from the Booner is wrapped up by his tail. At this distance, the lightly armoured rogue. Can only take several blows before his health falls to zero. With this victory, his team is finally ready. Besides Rancher Ori, his team also has a Siren, Troubadour. Then another human in his advanced class is the Dark Magician.

SKY Ocean Hunter helps Ori off the sandy floor. His Booner stopped fighting because the dual rules prevent. The Booner from fighting alone. Ori is smiling too his world has been opened up a bit more. He was worried that he would not find anyone worthy of fighting. All his earlier fights were against braggarts only.

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "That was a good fight your Booner is really strong. You guys will be a great DPS team." Ori smiles looking at his one-meter tall Booner. Patting it on the back looking at Lux and the other two approach. The Siren catches his eyes she is wearing a thin vale of a dress. She is not as imposing as SKY Ocean Hunter and her top half is mostly human except her reptilian skin, yellow slit eyes, fangs and forked tongue.

SKY Ocean Hunter bellows, the siren tilts her head. Looking at Lux who says, " Brand new Siren babe. One of Styxs' people helped her out. Her name is Cal...something sorry girl I forgot your name." Lux snaps her finger at the Siren.

The Siren female takes a deep breath she is picking up smells she hasn't before. There are no male Sirens and this is her first time meeting a Naga her races' natural sexual partner. Calypso says, "My name is Calypso I'm a Troubadour."

Ori says holding out his hand for a handshake, "I'm Ori! A level Ten Rancher, this is Leaper my Booner." She slithers back almost bumping into the fully robed magician that came with them.

Alistar the human Dark Magician says, "careful you guys I have fragile gems with me." He likes working the gems with his magic. His type of magic requires a lot of gems and focus to use properly.

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "You guys can chit chat on the Raft we are last to leave let's go."

Tyr pilots his raft towards the distant shore line of the Red Iron Island. It has dark clouds surrounding it from the semi-active volcano. The island is about fourteen kilometres off the shore of the Pike. Tyr hums a sea shanty to himself. He has always like pirate movies. The raft pulls a small amount of magic power from all the passengers to power the raft forward. IT moves very slowly but at least they don't have to row it themselves.

The journey takes just under six hours, the speed comes to form the design of the raft. Catamarans are firm and glide through the sea easily. Tyr is sad players will soon learn about the gap in foundation. Between them and the NPC's this is after all their world it makes sense they would take the lead in the expedition. It was after all an adventure team that triggered the Shifting Islands. The Dinghies the other player's side are not only smaller but more expensive to rent they are also slow and hand pedal-powered. By the time they arrive it will night fall and they will have to rest too.

The shore of the Red Iron is littered with small monsters. Being an unexplored land they have will have to fight and establish a beach here. The main type of enemy here is a type of bloated fish man. They have all the external features of a fish but in the body shape of a fat human. There are scores of other teams trying to land on the Island. The various beaches on the Island are easiest to land onto. Being easy they are also the least defensible and far from the resource lands on the island.

Tatiana has gone to the Northern end of the Island, Styx and Frey are coming from the eastern side. While SKY Ocean Hunter will take South beach is the easiest point. As this is where he will set up the guild shop and Raft service. Most lifestyle players will set up here after a few parties clear the area. Poppi is a lifestyle player in the Guild and a shipwright will operate and recruit from the Raft shop.

That leaves the Tyr to assault the Northern side too, as that is where the quest has three of four areas they must investigate. Before setting off Tyr talks with the team.

Tyr says, " Ahoy ye mateys! Avast ye!" He putting on that pirate movie accent pointing at the Jagaard rock of the Northern beach. The pebble beach has squads of monsters on it. Some of those squads even have Blue Crab warriors. The crustation warriors are tougher than Fishmen as they have hard shells. To survive on the ocean floor.

Rena says, "Why are you talking like that?" She even holds back a couple of giggles. She is uncertain about his temperament so for now she is rather shy. Nineth Immortal can't help but remember the jungle gym they had in the Village Park. It was shaped like a ship. They spent a lot of time there even as teenagers. It was probably his favourite place besides the local cinema. 'i might even join in if I knew any pirate talk.' She thinks to herself.

Tyr says waving his hands around, "Aye lass, god blimey"...He thinks he also doesn't know how to say what he wants to say in pirate talk after all besides movies no one actually speaks like this..."ArRR! Okay, I'm done. I just want to organise our group so we know what we are all doing. We have a lack of magic damage and no healer. It should be fine as long you all follow my instruction. We should hurry I want the first clear of that the first Rank 1 dungeon we find.

NIneth Immortal says, "It won't be that simple. The recommended level is fifteen how do you plan to make the difference."

Tyr says, "With tactics for the most part." Tyr would have preferred a well rounded but with his memories he is confident in being able to clear the beach and head into the forest in a reasonable amount of time. His immediate problem is getting onto the beach. The Fishmen will attack as soon as they land with an area of effect spell it's going to be a close-up fight.

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