Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 8: Seven Luminaries

Chapter 8: Seven Luminaries

Sihle says, "well the Sun Gods Temple, The Water Goddesses Temple and The Moon Goddesses are close to one another in a level ten area. I was researching them during history week because only these three temples have blessings that affect both classes and professions." Sihle is telling the truth but also he is certain of the blessings because these three temples are the holy lands to lifestyle players in Liguria. So much so that player from other continents would make the journey.

These three Gods also represent Spirit, Life and Death respectively. The location is also a spot that Tyr has to make sure they control. The temples are all part of the forgotten city ruins. Tyr has to raise these ruins to prosperity if he ever hopes to control the region.

Rowena ears burn as soon as she hears, 'Sun Gods Temple.' Besides Arch Elementals, True Dragons and some Demigods only True Gods higher elemental affinity and highest amongst them would is The War God Obreth and the Sun God Nguni. "You have to take me with, if you guys go, as a spirit if I change my affinity. To fire it will triple my raw fire damage." Sihle knows what she means, Spiritmage's switch to a limited affinity have high output with their specified element. Thou the downside is weaknesses that process brings. Sihle shakes his head, he can't expect his friends to be S rank professional gamers. Who know how to use crazy builds like Sarah Marshall The infinity Witch.

John says, "Of course we will bring you. We will take everyone!" It's part of his plan to get special jobs, gets special blessings, gets special rewards. He has refined the plan to be this simple since his complex plan only survived until the Rainbow glass.

Raul says, "No ways vato, if I can guide a million souls into my river I will become a baby God." Sihle folds his arms. It's great that Raul has a great idea of how to grow his Styx character. Sihle must help him get a Vessel of Mercy. Lucky for Raul the Moon Goddesses Temple is a gateway to the Underverse and thus she has some benefit for him. A drop from hardcore dungeon found in a level thirteen zone. If only Asa was so lucky her half-giant quests are linked to her homeland. In his old life, this was a major complaint however the company had good reason. Since the ruler of Frostgaurd is a Living God a Rank six existence.

Sihle says, "Can I just have everyone's attention for a moment. It has to do with our Conquer the world plan!" Sihle raises up his arm like a villain. Raul and John look at their crazy friend with smirks on their faces.

Athena says, "As long as it's short we are supposed to be having fun. You have until I finish my pizza." Mei is in firm agreement the trial is a magical training ground for her. Frost giant magic is more a type of creation magic rather than pure destruction magic.

Sihle, "No worries I just need you all to sign here. It's a company I made for us. To protect us from danger." In his past life, many small operations would disappear overnight because they offended a major guild. Or the heir of some family felt like getting revenge.

Asa says, "This is a contract of ownership of a guild. We don't have a guild."

Mei says, "Not yet but if we do this now, it will save us a lot of grief when we get rich."

Raul says, "Rich! Hell yes, let me sign first. As soon as we rich I'm gonna get my Abuelita that kitchen she has always wanted."

Rowena says, "We should just move, with all the actions Baron International has been making in our village. It won't be long before we have to sell our ownership rights."

Athena says, "Fuck Baron! They can get my rights from my corpse. Those fuckers destroyed my family." Like Maria and Sihle, Athena's experience with Baron International has cost on a personal level.

Sihle says, "My thoughts exactly. Let's teach them a lesson." In his past life, he had been too filled with grief after losing his sister to care about ownership rights.

John says, "While of course, I want them to suffer they have the backing of Articus Conglomerate. Which I don't need to remind any of you is one of the big nine."

Sihle says, "By the time they turn their focus to us it will be too late. Our company will shield us. I have already created the shell companies that we use as a buffer. So that our identified are safe. We are not going to be as naive Flint."

John says, "Alright but if anything happens to us. Promise at least my mom will be okay."

Sihle says, "I can't promise that but as a backup plan in case things really go shit. We can always sell to Hyperion Consolidated." The room falls silent. Hyperion is one of the big nine but they are known as the gangster Corp. The methods they use are illegal at best at worst Unthinkable.

Raul says, " Hermano remind me to pray for you and your sister." The gang laughs while it's true getting into bed with Hyperion is bad. Having no defence against a major corporation is worse. The village they live in is an example of what can happen when one doesn't have sponsorship. The illegal toxic dumping has killed many over fifty years.

They all proceed to sign the document. Using basic crypto-companies to form a five later buffer. Sihle even paid for Overwatch cyber defence to further secure it. Soon enough the mood improves and they all laugh at the fact that Sihle is still on the first floor.

He would be embarrassed if not for the fact that he has to basically adjust to having a full body. In his memories, the furthest forward he can remember is waking up in hospital with half his body replaced by Synthoid parts. This is also why he is already ready to sell to Hyperion. He must prevent that from happening at all costs. Hopefully, he will remember the cause and be able to prevent it.

First Floor Trial Tower

Tyr takes a deep breath rubbing his neck, he has been killed over a hundred times. The improvements to his technique are good. His implant is also almost at tier one. Once that happens he should start to see an in-game effect to his regen kick in.

A few hundred deaths later

*Incoming Message: Sky Ocean Hunter*

[On the sixth floor, at least twenty people here...]

-Leave them be john. They must be from a large guild. Stick to the rivers for now.-

[Fine but you know how these corporate guys are like]

-It's okay if they try something we will show them no mercy-

Sihle is confident that they can take on any guild. Raul is a good strategist and Sihle has always been good at PVP. With help, he could be great even. Plus with their parties gains with the unlimited system they should for the most part benefit. Tyr was delighted to learn that all of them improved their implants before him. Ingame it presents as Pristine Body.

System notification, synergy increased tier one benefits unlocked. Pristine Body Acquired!

Inside the Overwatch Hq. A man receives an alert for about the hundredth time today. He is scrambling towards his manager's office.

Drago says, "I know Constantine I have already sent up the ticket about the pain increase. You don't really have to remind me. Medical units are already on stand by and all nations have agreed to pay for therapy for those deeply affected."

Constantine says, "No sir, of the twenty-nine hundred thousand active cases we know. Excluding the several million disconnected for safety. Overwatch has pointed that these hundred have shown improvement. In the Risha-Conversion matrix to the point that some have already purified their bodies and enter the initial phase of the energization."

Drago says, "So it's working then we just need to keep the system as is then with these results we should have active Risha five years ahead of schedule. The general will be most pleased when I present this to him. Finally, we can start showing tangible gains."

Constantine says, "unfortunately at this rate of conversion. The effects will be lethal by the end of the month. We have to patch it as soon as possible to save these subjects and go over the data we have collected so that future scenarios can produce similar results."

Drago says, "I will leave it to you then, your quick actions saved those alpha testers lives. I trust your judgement to not repeat the slaughter of Pardolus. I will ask the director to continue with the current combat modules. We should be able to hold at least a decade."

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