Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 94: Encampment

Chapter 94: Encampment

Rattle feels disoriented, how did she get here? Where is here? There is a thick wet dog smell layered with meats in various stages of decomposition. Wet mud is in her hair. Looking around she is still alive her hud showing no aliment. She stands looking at the strange structures all around her. She hears the rumbling of hooves. A sudden mad howl that seems to be a part laugh. 

This wooing howl menaces her allies as they are roused from their stupor. A crashing noise excited biting and scratching. Woot! A man no a beast. 

Rattle says, " What the hell is that? " in front of her is a man standing with his back to her. The scary thing is that on the back of the man's head. Ahead of the Hyena. Woot! It snarls at them walking backwards like it's perfectly normal. Five cow-sized hyenas crashed into the area. 

The mad wooting gets louder, the hyenas salivating and snapping their jaws at the remaining members of Crippling Desert.

Rattle says, "TO ME! Form up!" Her voice had cracked with fear and uncertainty. However as the only voice of reason, Crippling Desert responded quickly fourteen bodies nervous bodies stood beside her. 

Rattle says, "Report!" The team looks at one another then a thin sickly-looking woman wearing a purple vile swarmed by centipedes. They crawl all over her slinking in out of her clothes and skin.

Her voice is accompanied by the disgusting noise of bugs crawling. " We are still on Red Iron Island. In some sort of camp." She couldn't say any more as she didn't know anymore however she too knows the importance of leadership when in a desperate situation. 

Rattle bite the nail on her thumb thinking, then says, " Analysis " She is sent basic stats of the Kisshin.

[Kisshin squad Leader ]

Level 16

Hp: 1700

Mp: 600

Sp: 400

[Kisshin Scout]

Level 14

Hp: 800

Mp: 800

Sp: 800

[Kisshin Stalker]

Level 15

Hp: 1200

Mp: 600

Sp: 300

A rough-looking thief who has more teeth than brains says, " One leader, two scout and three stalkers."

Rattle says, " Alright we fight if you are going to die at least take an enemy with you. " 

The Kisshin leader responding to her words waves his hand. Three stalkers running forward the large Hyenas. Laugh loudly as they slam in the players. 

Rattle says, "Fight!" The few players with shields shoot forward. Using aggro skills to get the attention of the Stalkers. The man automatically split into uneven groups it is clear that one group of relatively healthy players has formed a squad of six men strong. 

Rattle can't fault them she would probably do the same. It is just that there! Her gaze finds what she has been looking for on top of one of the houses is a Naga with his tail wrapped around the circular roof. SKY Ocean Hunter is observing the going ons'. Rattle mashes her teeth and flips him the middle finger. 

Given his advantageous position, she is sure he has something to do with them arriving here. 

"[Shackle]!" From the ground green throned vines quickly grapple onto the Stalker. The thorns burrowing into its skin as it fights off the spell. It howls madly rising a paw that smacks! The shield of the Warden. He slides back countering with a stab if his spear. A value eighty quickly followed by forty-two is removed from the stalker. Not bad given that shackle should last ten seconds and the bleeding will last at least thirty. 

The Eldritch Witch that had cast shackle hear a whistle. Two whistles actually looking down at her gut an arrow as long as her thigh has hit her. The pain shoots through her body she lets out some blood as she returns and [blast] the Kisshin Scout who had just shot at her. 

The kisshin had shape-shifting into a strange half-human half hyena form. Its arms holding a crusty bow. The blast which is a collection of magic energy slams into the Scout robbing it of hundred and thirty life points. She would be excited but they don't have enough numbers. Her team has the fewest members at only three. One Warden is holding the back and trying his best to cripple the beast before the shackle runs out. The other member is a shaman the Shaman doesn't have a lot of attacking power but what he does have is utility and support right now he is middle of creating a zone. 

The other whistle she had heard had been directed at the biggest party of six players. A hunter is leading the biggest team using his crossbow to support his teammates. They are steadily moving away from the others his hope that they can eventually slip away. Rattle can go to hell he didn't sign for this. His team is made up of attackers which gives him a lot of confidence at getting away. 

They are actually kiting their stalker first the Hard-hitting Panzer attacked first even with her slow movement the others will allow her to retreat without getting left behind. The stalker is struck head-on buckets of blood gushing out of the gaping wound the cannon blast had produced. The stalker moves forward even as two hundred and twenty had been instantly removed. The arrow of the Hunter barely slows it down taking another fifty health points. The Panzer drags her massive cannon with her. Next, the Shadowblade uses [Darkness] to temporarily envelop the Stalker in darkness. This gives him a chance to stab the beast without it being able to counter. However, he jumps back as a thick arrow grazes past his temple. 

Woots are heard as the Kisshin laugh and having failed his teammates' bandit tries [Sneak Attack] with the added darkness he manages to remove three hundred health in a single blow. The stalker though smashes him with a counter. The bandit is thrown into the wooden walls of the alley they are in. 

The Hunter says, "we have it aggroed guys. Let us just keep going, guys!" The Warden use [Natures Wraith] To pull the Stalker closer to them even covered in darkness and thrashing madly it helps their plan by pulling it further away from the others. 

The Hunter uses [Focus shot] the stalker crackles as it is struck by the arrow of the hunter. The darkness quickly disappears. The stalker thrusts at the first thing he sees a monk who uses [Reflect] to return the hundred and sixty damage he just received. 

The Kisshin leader decides to let go of the Stalker being pulled the others will handle them. He howls a thick long-winded woooot! The scouts turn on to the team of four players. They are strongest because also the weakest made up of mostly magically classes.

The Storm caller Rattle, the Plaguer Diamondback, The Smiter Fang and of course there is only physical class in this team Monty the Abomination. Unfortunately, Monty only recently stumbled upon the advanced class Abomination and is still in the process of complete is his defection to a different God. This means he only has his skills relating to being a guardian his healing spells are locked because he has no God at the moment. If he hadn't been summoned he would still be collecting the necessary offering to Lord Baliya.

The scouts aim at the Smiter and Abomination they have the lowest health. With the command from the Kisshin Leader, the scouts have the extra skill [Target weakness]. The arrows fly with such deadly intent that Monty has no time to react as the arrow lodges itself inside his throat. The arrow nearly makes him headless. His blood hugging out like a fountain. Monty manages at least one more [Shield Bash] leaving his head behind as the spell propels his body into the Stalker. 

Fang doesn't fare any better before they arrived in this hell pit. She already had less than ten per cent health. Due to other players Kill stealing she has been able to steal the health of the people she damaged. 

She quickly falls to the ground leaving Rattle and Diamondback in the hands of the Stalker and two ranged scouts. 

Diamondback makes a few calculations, she has to die. That is clear not only is Rattle more important politically speaking as she actually belongs to the main guild. Rattle is also friends with Timor a person Diamondback has been trying to get on the good side of. 

Diamondback says, "Go join Puff and the others I will keep this keep the stalker busy." Diamondback unleashes [Shell Shock] Hundred of tiny bugs explode all around here for ten seconds. 

Rattle sends a message of appreciation. As she flees towards the team of three. Rattle casts fog which creates a dense fog. They choose the second mode which allows people inside the fog to see each other but can't be seen by people outside. This leaves them twenty-second to handle to Stalker before the fog evaporates. 

SKY Ocean Hunter smiles observing the going ons' he most interested in the Female Kisshin hidden behind the Leader...

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