Rebirth Stockpiling: The Little Girl Sweeps Through the Apocalypse

Chapter 24

Yun Xiaoxiao quickly lowered her head as she looked at the fat man before her, concealing the murderous look in her eyes.0

If she was 80% certain before that these were the same people from her previous life, now she was 100% sure. Because this fat, disgusting man was the one who had drained her blood in her past life!0

Even if he turned to ashes, she would remember him!0

"Little sister, come here, let uncle give you a hug~" The fat man smiled lecherously.0

Yun Xiaoxiao felt so nauseated she wanted to vomit. She held back again and again, barely managing not to take action immediately.0

They hadn't reached the group's headquarters yet. It wasn't time to kill them now.0

She wanted to find their base and take them all out at once!0

Besides, she still needed to go there to wait for her big brother.0

In her previous life, her big brother had rescued her from that place.0

Oh right, she almost forgot - her "dear mother" seemed to be there too.0

It had been so long, she really "missed" her!0

She lifted her head, putting on an innocent, clueless smile.0

"Uncle, I can walk by myself. Mommy taught me that I should eat my own food, walk on my own, and not trouble others."0

"Heh, this kid is quite sensible."0

The men burst out laughing.0

In the end, Yun Xiaoxiao followed behind them with her short little legs, getting into their van parked outside.0

They went to several places to scavenge for supplies.0

But the results weren't good, and none of them looked pleased.0

"Damn it, who the hell cleared out all the stuff in this area!"0

"Fucking unlucky, we wasted the whole day for nothing!"0

The men grumbled as they got back into the van.0

By now, it was almost dark.0

Though reluctant, they had no choice but to return to their camp.0

The van drove along the ring road outside the city.0

About an hour later, the vehicle came to a steady stop outside a factory building.0

This place wasn't far from the center of Rong City, located on a side road off a main road leading out of the city.0

As soon as they arrived, someone opened a small peephole in the iron gate and peered out.0

Then, the iron gate was opened from the inside.0

The van drove straight in.0

Yun Xiaoxiao looked out the window, discreetly surveying the place.0

In her previous life, she had woken up locked in a small room, with no idea what the outside looked like.0

When her big brother rescued her, she had been in a daze.0

This time, she was determined to get a good look at this place.0

The compound wasn't very large.0

Looking around, there were two rows of low buildings on both the left and right.0

The row of buildings on the left had no walls at the back, and inside were many black iron cages.0

The cages held many dogs.0

Even before getting close, she could hear a chorus of barking.0

No wonder they had fed her dog food in her previous life - this place was a dog farm!0

The van stopped at the innermost part of the compound.0

Everyone got out one after another, with Yun Xiaoxiao being the last.0

"Thin Man, take her inside," the fat leader said, jerking his chin towards a certain place, gesturing to the man as skinny as a monkey.0

Thin Man immediately understood. "Yes, Fat Brother!"0

He gave Yun Xiaoxiao a push. "Get moving."0

His action was rough, and Yun Xiaoxiao, caught off guard, stumbled and almost fell.0

Just as she was about to take action, a sudden argument broke out ahead.0

"Are you fucking deaf? I said I don't need women. You're not even as good-looking as the dogs outside, yet you dare try to seduce me. Get lost!"0

An enraged roar came from inside a room.0

The next second, a woman with disheveled clothes ran out of the room in a panic.0

Right behind her came a dazzling burst of flames.0

Yun Xiaoxiao raised an eyebrow.0

This was the Fire Element ability!0

She hadn't expected there to be an ability user in this base!0

After the apocalypse, there were many types of abilities. The common natural element abilities included the Metal Element, Wood Element, Water Element, Fire Element, Earth Element, Lightning Element, and Wind Element - these seven major systems.0

Physical element abilities included strength, speed, smell, hearing, and vision.0

Some special abilities included Ice Element, Light Element, Dark Element, psychic powers, spatial manipulation, invisibility, shapeshifting, and toxin production.0

There were also some auxiliary abilities, such as healing and storage within spatial abilities.0

Among all these abilities, the Fire Element was definitely ranked near the top in terms of offensive power.0

Yun Xiaoxiao's eyes darkened a shade.0

She hadn't expected there to be a Fire Element user in this small camp.0

Could there be other ability users as well?0

Yun Xiaoxiao put aside her thoughts of taking immediate action.0

She decided to observe first, to see if there were any other ability users here, or if any of them had a higher ability level than her.0

Although the possibility was small, there was always a chance.0

After the apocalypse, one could never underestimate anyone.0

Because often, the price of underestimating someone was... death!0

Without absolute certainty, one had to lay low.0

Lay low to survive long and prosper.0

Know when to lay low and when to be bold - this was the set of survival rules Yun Xiaoxiao had summarized after the apocalypse.0

"Uncle, who was that person breathing fire just now? He seemed so powerful," Yun Xiaoxiao said, putting on an expression of innocent admiration.0

Thin Man sneered, "He just arrived at the base yesterday. Our leader saw he had some skills, so he's been treating him well with food and drink. But the guy has a nasty temper, picking fights with everyone he sees, flying off the handle at the slightest thing.0

Tch, I say, with that kind of temper, who knows how he'll end up dying.0

Hey, why am I telling all this to a little brat like you?0

Hurry up, don't waste my eating time."0

He impatiently urged her, about to push Yun Xiaoxiao again, but she was a step ahead. Just as his hand was about to reach out, she started walking forward.0

He frowned, withdrawing his hand that was left hanging in mid-air.0

Was it his imagination?0

Had this little brat sensed that he was going to push her, and that's why she walked ahead?0

He shook his head, dismissing the thought.0

How could that be possible? What would a five-year-old girl understand?0

But still...0

He looked at Yun Xiaoxiao's back thoughtfully.0

It had been a month since the apocalypse, and most refugees were starving, pale, and weak. Why did he feel that this little girl's complexion was quite rosy, and she walked with quite a bit of energy?0

"Hey, little girl, why were you alone in that supermarket earlier? Where are your mom and dad?"0

This question sounded familiar. Yun Xiaoxiao smiled sweetly, about to answer, when she caught sight of a familiar figure.0

Not far ahead, Jiang Rui'an was leaning coyly against a man's chest.0

The man must have said something, because Jiang Rui'an laughed and playfully punched his shoulder.0

The two looked very intimate.0

A wicked smile suddenly curved Yun Xiaoxiao's lips.0

She spread her arms wide, broke into a run with her little feet, and cried out while running towards Jiang Rui'an, "Mommy! Why did you leave Daddy and Xiaoxiao behind?"0

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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