Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 16: Betrayal

Chapter 16: Betrayal

In the Ninth World and some part of the eastern continent, in the emptier part of the City of the Border, inside a House of the Black Wolves. A group of five sat in a circle, there were three men and two women, each one had a serious look on them face.

They were even more tense, when a glass ball shone showing the image of a faery man with thin body, white skin, thin face, short hair, and cloth clothes, appeared to be about 25 - 30 years old, the person who it was Peter, the person the group sent to verify the information, his face showed an excitement that could not be hidden. The group saw the expression and managed to understand the message.

"The information is real, that weird guy did not fool us."

It was the thought each of the group had.

But before they could get excited about the news, someone starts screaming in agony.

"Ah ... Ah ... !!!"

Glancing toward the scream, they saw that his body was writhing and blood was coming out of the seven holes.

"Ross !!!"

Ross was a strong-looking middle-aged man with a scar on his face, he was Saya's friend who had the same problem as her, Ross had a Soul Eater Bug inside him.

"Ross, what happened?!"

The group started to panic, did not know what was going on. Was it an enemy attack or a sickness?

"Kill ... Me ... Kill ... Me ... Quick ... finish ... with ... this ... agony ...

Ross's body was writhing, his skin was ripping and he began to bleed, his face was covered in blood.

Everyone's hearts were twisted when they saw their partner suffer like that, but they could not kill their partner after so many years of being together. Until a silver blade comes up suddenly and cuts off Ross's head.

The blade was of a middle-aged woman, face with several wrinkles, some white hair, their appearance was common. She was walking toward Ross's headless body.

"Jane, why did you do that? Why did you kill him? He was our companion."

The burly man was enraged at what had just happened, Ross was his closest friend, in the group, the two entered the Black Werewolf group together.

"Carter, you do not have to worry about that, because soon all of you will follow."

After saying her words, Jane snapped her fingers, several footsteps are heard, suddenly the small room is full of people dressed in black, it was not possible to identify who these people were since everybody was covered.

"Jane, what are you doing?"

"I am only taking orders from my beloved Lord."

Jane's body begins to shine, her body features begin to change gradually, when the light stopped, what appeared in front of everyone was a beauty, thin face, short hair, big eyes, full chest, waist thin, legs long and round buttocks.

Is that you! You're not Jane, you're Marry, Clark's woman."

Carter knew who this woman was, she was one of the lovers of the leader of the Blood Fangs division of the Black Wolves Group.

"Congratulations on recognizing me, Carter, but what a pity it will be for just a few moments. Thank you for the gift you gave me, our division may have more prestige after I report this to our superiors. And also thank you for the other gift, Saya, that little bitch. Now we can press the division of the Iron Claws."

Carter was startled when he heard Marry's last words.

"Did you knew?"

"Of course we knew, our spies who were infiltrating discovered some things, some of it was about Satou, the Iron Claws division chief having a missing little sister, after discovering her whereabouts and seeing that she was in the same organization, Satou dispatched his trusted subordinates to take care of her. But now she must be suffering some agony like Ross."

Finishing her talk, Marry waves her hands and the people in black make a circle around Carter and his subordinates.

"Formation! Marry, you may have miscalculated some things."

Being protected by his subordinates, Carter takes a deep breath and utters a huge cry.

"I am one of the members of the Iron Claw division of the Black Wolves Group, we are in the City of the Border, me and my subordinates are under attack from our enemies, we have discovered the location of the secret place of it, "who must not be named", but our enemies do not want us to share this information, so before I die, I will provide them with this information, it has already been confirmed by our subordinates. The location is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx !!!"

After screaming, Carter grabs his giant ax and stands in front of his two subordinates. His voice began to echo through the Ninth World.

"I'm sorry, folks, if I'd known it would end like this, I would have refused that agreement."

"Do not worry, captain, things would happen sooner or later, these bastards were chasing little Saya after all."

"That's right, they were just waiting for the chance to kill us, but the information from that stranger advanced their intentions. If we're going to die, then we'll die together in combat."

"I hope that little Saya can be fine, she can avenge us in the future."


It was beside Marry's expectation that Carter would give that shout and warn everyone in the Ninth World. Seeing the advance of Carter and his group, Marry orders.

"Kill them all, then find that bitch."

A bloody killing began inside the small house, 30 against 3.

Carter swings his ax and cuts off one of the black guys, causing the ground to become stained with blood, the other two pulling their swords and following Carter's right and left, killing the advancing foes. Each enemy advancing was killed, the room began to be painted red, the scent of blood began to mingle in the air. Seeing that her subordinates could not defeat those three, Marry makes her move.

Waving her hands, the ground begins to shake and some holes appear, stone spears come out of the holes, flying towards the three, being blocked by numbers, the three can not divert and are hit by the spears and are trapped on the ground.

"Good attempt to resist, but it was all is useless, now you can die."

Before Marry's group could attack, Carter and his subordinates grinned, before their bodies began to shine. Looking at those smiles and that glow, Marry understood what they were trying to do, she started to run, while shouting at her subordinates.

"Shit! Run, they're going to kill themselves, detonating their own bodies!"

This suicidal ability was called Self-Detonation, using the remaining energies of the body to create a human bomb, the user dies totally of body and soul.

Listening to the words Marry and seeing her run fast, her subordinates in black do not hesitate and begin to flee as well. Seeing that everyone has fled, Carter and his two companions look at each other before smiling, each of them picks up a small device and begins to whisper a few words, finishing speaking, each of them closes their eyes before their bodies and souls explode.

Boom ... Boom ... Boom ...

Three large consecutive blasts erupt in the empty part of the Border City raising a lot of dust, alerting the authorities, but thinking of the huge cry that echoed in the Ninth World, the authorities understood some things.

When the dust subsided, the only thing you could see was a huge crater on the ground. Looking at that hole, Marry had a dark face.

"Shit! Those damn! Come with me, hurry! We need to capture that bitch if not, Master Clark will be very angry."

Hearing the orders, the subordinates in black-headed toward the Rose Inn, they were warned in advance and left someone following Saya and Liu Yang. By the time they arrived at the guest lounge, they were greeted by a middle-aged maid, it is the same maid who received Xiao Xi earlier.

"What do you want?"

"Get out of the way, do not you see we're in a hurry? Bitch".

One of the subordinates in black was anxious because if they failed to capture Saya, they would be killed.

"Bitch ... Was that what you called me?"

"Any problem with that? You bitch! Do you know who we are? We are"

Before he could finish speaking, this guy had his head cut off by Marry.

"I apologize miss maid, as you can see, we're in a hurry. Can you tell us which fourth are the two people who came here a few hours ago? She was a young woman and a stranger in a black cloak."

"They are in the luxury room, on the xx floor and number xx."

"I appreciate the information".

After thanking her, Marry tosses a silver card to the maid before taking her subordinates to the room.

The two women did not need words, only the sense of danger and power already explained everything. The maid saw that the group was not common for their clothes and power; Marry saw that the maid was dangerous because of the feeling she gave her.

When the group arrived in front of the room, destroying the door, what they saw was a room with only the furniture, there was no one inside the room.

"Fuck! They fled! Send the news, ask them to dispatch the trackers! Stick with that bitch."

Seeing that of the target has disappeared, the group begins to return quickly.

A small device begins to shine for Marry, looking at it, her face darkening.

"Hello, Master Clark."

Marry hears a heavy voice.

"Come back."

"What? What do you mean, Master? Come back? I was about to complete the mission."

"Do not make me repeat it."

Without giving Marry a chance to speak, the device is turned off by the other side.


Marry leaves the place with a dark and nervous face, for she knew that she would receive her punishment when she returned.

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When Carter gave that cry, he used his innate ability that was Voice in the World, this ability could cause the voice of the user to travel great distances, because of this, many powers were able to listen to his words and transmitted to their headquarters of power in other worlds.

When each of the envoys received the confirmation, they all began to move to the City of the Border. The center of the transportation array was glowing without stopping, more and more people were arriving in the city, whether by the array, land or air travel. Soon the city began to be tumultuous.

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