Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 26: Young master of the Wu family: Wu Chen

Chapter 26: Young master of the Wu family: Wu Chen

Looking at the images being projected onto the wall, Liu Yang was reminiscing about things from his past life.

Although the room was lit up, this did not disrupt the projection, Liu Yang was thinking of taking some more advantages from Hellen while watching the projection.

Picking up a small sofa that was in a corner of the room and placing at a reasonable distance to see the pictures, Liu Yang invites Hellen to sit along with him.

"Miss Hellen, do you know the best way to watch this kind of recording?"

Hellen was in doubt about what Liu Yang just did, but one thing she could understand.

(This rascal is trying to take advantage of me again). It was what Hellen thought to see Liu Yang inviting her to sit beside him.

"Can I know the best way to watch?"

"Sit down and you'll know, is it possible to turn out the lights too?"

Despite being suspicious, Hellen still sat on the couch, but a few inches away from Liu Yang and at the same time extinguished some lights, leaving the room dimly lit.

"What do you think of the environment now?"

Liu Yang asked as he showed a few slices of roast chicken, which he had taken from somewhere.

"What is it?"

Hellen asked about the chicken slices, she smelled a pleasant smell coming from it.

"It's just roasted chicken slices, taste it, I cooked it myself, I brought this to accompany while we see the pictures, could you make some tea to accompany?"

Feeling tempted by the smell, Hellen tried on one of the chicken slices. Giving the first bite, Hellen was in shock, for something common as a simple slice of roasted chicken to be so delicious.

"That's really good!!"

"I'm glad you liked it"

Hellen waves her hand and two glasses and a teapot with tea mingling in front of the sofa, along with a table.

Hellen and Liu Yang watched the recording while they were eating, Hellen was lost with the food of Liu Yang, unaware that he ended up approaching Liu Yang, their bodies ended up touching, while Liu Yang was focused on watching the recording, one time or another Liu Yang glanced at the woman next to him. When he saw that Hellen had finished eating.

Liu Yang raised his arms and stretched, but when he lowered his arms to waist-high Hellen, Liu Yang hugged that thin delicate waist and pulls Hellen to his chest.

(You rascal ... I knew you would do something, but I forgot after I ate those chicken slices, how did that rascal manage to make such delicious food?). That thought crossed Hellen's mind.

Although Liu Yang took some advantage out of it, Hellen let him have some fun, as long as he did not go overboard. For some reason, Hellen did not feel uncomfortable about the situation, on the contrary, she felt extremely comfortable. Because of this fact Hellen felt scared, for some reason that sensation did not come from the body, but from her soul. Hellen had never felt this feeling before. She did not know why, so she began to think about the possible causes.

Toc ... Toc ...

As the two were lost in their own thoughts, the sound of someone knocking on the door sounded in the room, waking Liu Yang and Hellen. Looking at the way they were, Hellen begins to blush, but hearing the yes of the beats, Hellen gets up quickly and with the wave of hands, the whole room comes back the way it was before. This happened very fast, Liu Yang did not even have a chance to speak or do anything.

"Master, young master Shen is here to see you"

A soft feminine voice sounds from the other side of the door.

"Ask him to wait for me in the guest room downstairs"

"All right, Master"

Hellen arrives next to Liu Yang and lightly tweaks his waist.

"Little rascal, have you taken advantage of me all this time, that the subject of having a better way of watching the pictures was just to take advantage of me?"

Despite saying these words, Hellen was rather curious about not bothering about what had happened before.

"So-so, but I made up for those slices of roast chicken, will not you tell me you did not like them? You ate the most "

"Hump ... You only know how to take advantage of pure and innocent girls, tell me, you little rascal, how could you let those simple slices of chicken get so delicious?"

Hearing the words of Hellen, Liu Yang could only scratch his nose. He actually took advantage of two pure innocent girls.

"It's a secret, only my women can know, but in your case, after what happened moments ago, I can prepare you some before I leave"

"Still talking absurd things? Do not mention what happened inside this room to anyone, do you understand? "

Hellen said in a threatening tone, it was pretty cute to see her like that.

"Do not worry, what happened in this room, stay in this room, unless we both do it again in another place"

Realizing that Liu Yang was playing with her again, Hellen sighs and walks toward the door.

"Do not forget what you said before, I want my chicken slices"

Liu Yang did not know if he laughed or cried at this attitude of Hellen, but he did not care, he just took out a small box, after placing it on the table, Liu Yang went towards the door.

Hellen went toward the fourth floor, while Liu Yang went to the transport matrix that leads to the City of the Border. Glancing down at Liu Yang's back down the stairs, Hellen felt a little loss.


Entering the guest room on the fourth floor, Hellen encounters a young man sitting in a chair drinking tea, this young man was about 18 - 20 years old, short hair, thin eyebrows, sharp eyes, straight nose, lean body, there was a sword at his waist, his name was Wu Chen, the young master of the Chen family. The Chen family is considered an influential power within the Silent City.

The moment Hellen entered the room, Wu Chen took a good look at the beautiful figure that appeared, a light of lust and desire appeared in his eyes, something he could not hide whenever he saw this fatal beauty. Looking at the young man in the room, Hellen's expression changed a little, but it was soon covered up. Hellen sits in a chair opposite Wu Chen.

"Good evening young master Wu"

"Good evening Miss Hellen"

"What can I do for the young Master Wu?"

"Can not I just come and pay?"

"I apologize for my rudeness, but I do not think young Master Wu would have time to lose with this humble manager"

Hearing those words, Wu Chen's face went dark because he knew that Hellen was not interested or liked him, and he avoided it whenever he could. His father had said that he should form a good relationship with Hellen, because her background was quite influential, even if his father had not said, Wu Chen would try to make Hellen his, for by the time he saw her, he had already laid that decision, and anyone who tried to stand in his way would be dead.

(Just wait, bitch, when the time comes, you'll be under me and begging for pleasure, I'll play with you every day, and if you're an influential power, you're still just a woman.) That was the thought Wu Chen had when he saw Hellen trying to avoid him again.

Hellen knew the personality of Wu Chen, she had investigated every influential person in the Silent City, so she knew some secrets of each of these figures. So Hellen knew of some things Wu Chen had done, because of these issues, she always tried to avoid him as much as possible, although not afraid of Wu Chen, it is always good to be prevented.

"In fact, I do not have much free time due to the secret location issue, but the purpose of my visit is that our Wu family wants to buy some information"

Realizing that Wu Chen was trying to change the subject, Hellen did not pursue the matter.

"It depends on what kind of information the Wu family would like to buy?"

"The information that the Wu family wants is about the Grand Auction of the Imperial Capital that will take place a few months from now, with the power behind you, I think it is possible to discover the items that will be auctioned beforehand"

"It is possible to get this information, but the price will not be small"

"Fine, as long as it's not absurd, we can pay"

"Come back in a few days, this kind of information will need some time to get"

"Thank you Miss Hellen"

"I thank you for trusting our little Rose with Thorns"

"Sorry to bother you, I'll be going now"

"Good evening"

Wu Chen gets up and leaves, leaving Hellen with a pensive expression.

The real reason for Wu Chen to visit Hellen, was not only about buying information, but about the person who meets Hellen. Whenever Hellen met someone, Wu Chen would send someone to find such a person, if the person was of a greater influence than his or more powerful, he would pretend that nothing happened, but if that person's power or influence is low, he ordered capture and torture to know what was discussed, before dismissing the person. Wu Chen was a very vicious and vindictive person who would do anything to achieve his goals, including sacrificing own family for it.


The moment Liu Yang left the brothel, Xillia Wolf's voice echoed in his mind.

"You are being followed by some people, go to some empty place and take care of these people"

Xillia Wolf guided Liu Yang to a remote area of the Silent City.

In the middle of the night the only sounds that could be heard were the hurried footsteps of people running.

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