Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 38: Strange Creature

Chapter 38: Strange Creature

While Liu Yang was training inside the Petrified Tree, the other three groups began to split, their members headed toward their chosen elements.


In the group of five members, they began to discuss what the division should be like, the other four were looking at the person who was leading the group.

He was a tall young man, muscular body, short hair, sharp eyes, straight nose, wore a set of shiny armor and a sword at the waist, his name was Li Qing, he is a member of the new generation of the Li family and one of the central disciples of the Solitary Sword Sect.

"You can divide according to the element chosen, as I am someone of the earth element, I could not choose an element, even if I chose, it would not be the right element for me, I will be training in this forest, you can decide what they want to do, stay here and train, or look for this place, but be warned that if you do not have the confidence to fight a bloody battle, do not choose to go look for the place, it would just be suicide"

It cleared their minds, but having to ignore the conditions of victory of the challenge or win a mysterious treasure, was still quite tempting, some successful to suppress the greed, since they knew that their opponents would not be easy to handle, even being also central members of their families and sects, having the best above average equipment and better pills, they were stronger than other normal warriors, but their opponents of that challenge are not the normal warriors, they are the same as them.

They could be arrogant, but they were not stupid. Apart from the fact that there were opponents, there was also another variable, the wild beasts, from what they could see on the map, they were all currently transported to some random spot in this forest, Li Qing's group was far from the middle, wild beasts which were in the edge zone were strong to the point that alone it was difficult enough to defeat it, the wild beasts of the middle zone were more powerful, and those of the central zone was much more powerful.

"I think we should follow what the older brother Li said, get together and train, go to the middle area alone would be dangerous, and there are also other participants, and how much that person was able to find the location of the earth element, we do not know who it is, it can be someone like us or that strange person from the League of Explorers, Indiana Jones "

The person who spoke was a girl who had two small horns coming out of her forehead, short hair, big eyes, thin eyebrows, sharp eyes, straight nose, full lips, wore a leather battle suit that tightened her body, revealing the curves of her slender body, full breasts and big butt, there were two daggers and a whip around her waist, her skin was blue, she was of the demon race. Her name was Huang Ziya, she was the granddaughter of one of the elders of the Huang clan and disciple of the Academy of the Divine Arts.

"I think probably the person who found the location of the earth element is Indiana Jones because, among all the participants who entered this challenge, he is the only one with special training in this area, he must know certain aspects in the exploration of secret places and research "

The person who spoke had a common appearance like any other on the street, carried a large book with him on his back, he was part of the Academy of the Divine Arts, although his ordinary appearance this young man was extremely strong, his name was Gu Meng.

"Gu Meng is right, it may have been this person named Indiana Jones who found this place, but to have arrived at that place so fast, I can only think of two possibilities, first is that it was luck, the second would be that he already knew local. But I may be wrong. " Who spoke was Li Qing.

"I think it was pure luck"

The person who answered Li Qing's assumptions was a young man of the stranger with little aura, if he did not speak, it would be difficult for anyone to realize that he would be there. He wore white clothes, two swords on his waist, his name was Mo Zun, he was part of the Heavenly Sky Academy.

"Why do you think that?". Someone asked.

"You noticed that according to the map the place we are looking for is in the middle area"

"Yes". Everyone answered together.

"The first thing we did after we arrived was to communicate with each other to get together, due to this we left the area near the middle area to the edge area. I put energy marks while walking so as not to get lost on the way after this map appeared, I can see that we actually came from the area near the middle area. This means that all participants were close to the mission site "

Finishing to listen to Mo Zun's words, the four of them were stunned, not because they were near the mission site, but because they wanted to gather help, made them lose a great mysterious treasure and opportunity and complete the fastest challenge.

While the group was stunned, a system sound sounded to them, and letters appeared in the sky.

"Water Place Found"

"Remaining Locations: Fire, Metal and Wood"

"That is"

"I think for the two of our group is the fire element, but you two will want to continue and seek the place? The most that I can do for you two is try help to go to the middle zone, after that, it will be lucky for you to find the place or not before the others.

Li Qing spoke as he looked at Gu Meng and Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked medium-sized, not ugly or handsome, looked like a random person you'd meet on the street.

Gu Meng, Lin Feng, the two had intended to go look for the place, but alone would be suicide. Now that Li Qing proposed the idea of everyone going together, they had more confidence in getting the intermediate zones alive.

Everyone looked at each other, and the group nodded. Everyone agreed to go and search the site and train at the same time.


At the same time as Li Qing and his group were discussing, a group of two young women, one older than the other, each dressed in identical uniforms, the two belonged to a sect called Floating Feather, the sect is composed only of women, there was a special rule in this sect that it was permissible to lose virginity only when the girl reaches a certain level of mastery of the sect's skills because the sect's skills require a virgin body with the purest Yin energy.

The older woman appeared to be 23 - 26 years old, seven feet tall, white hair with a reddish tint that ran down her back, thin face, large eyes, thin eyebrows, two small horns coming out of her forehead, straight nose, lips fleshy, white skin with a red tone, full chest, slender body, thin waist, big butt, long legs and thin, there was a thin sword at her waist. Her name was Mo Qian and belonged to the mixed race of dragons and demons, she was the oldest adopted daughter by the master of Floating Feather Sect of the Ninth World branch.

At her side was a younger girl, who looked as if she was about one meter sixty feet tall, blue hair down to her shoulders, thin eyes, sharp eyebrows, pointed ears, straight nose, thin lips, bluish-white skin, medium-sized breasts, thin waist, medium butt, long legs and thin, there was a blade at her waist. Her name was Mo Qing, she belonged to the mixed race of fairies and demons, she was the youngest daughter adopted by the master of the Floating Feather of the Ninth World branch.

The two of them were talking when the sound of the system emerged, the older sister could only sigh as she looked at the elements because she trained one of the unusual elements, thunder, and her younger sister, she chose the element water.

Looking at the map that appeared, the two realized that they were quite close to the place, it did not take long to arrive. It was quite easy to find the spot because it was exactly the same kind of tree that Liu Yang had found, this time was not petrified but frozen.

The moment they saw the giant tree frozen, they realized that it was what they were looking for. Arriving at the entrance, the younger sister began to hesitate a little.


"Do not be afraid, come in, you can, look at this place with this dense energy of water element, it will be good for your growth"

"I know that, but the older sister is going to be out here, in this dangerous place, I'll be worried"

"Silly girl, your big sister is strong, I would be more worried about you being out here with me, I do not know if I can protect you all the time"

"Eldest sister"

"Do not worry about me, you did not say that if you got stronger, would you protect me? This is an opportunity to get stronger, enjoy "


Mo Qing did not want to part with Mo Qian, but she knew she needed it because to be stronger she would have to move on. The two sisters embraced for some time before Mo Qing entered the tree. Mo Qian saw the door closing, giving a sigh, his eyes that were before with some tear now was resolute. Mo Qian started walking toward the middle zone to train.


Sometime before Liu Yang sit at the stone table and activate the secret mission, the third group formed by three young people. After meeting and walking for some time, they found a common-sized tree, which had some strange fruit the size of a fist of an adult person.

"It's the Fruit of Base Construction !!" one of the young people shouted.

The group looked at that greedy tree with greed, they wanted to run quickly toward the tree and pick the fruit, but they did not, because there was nothing of grace in the world.

They looked around to see if there was nothing wrong with the tree, one of the young people took out a strange item, resembling a compass, this item was called a Tracking Compass.

Tracking Compass - Has the power to locate beings close to the owner.

The compass needle began to spin around, this made the young man intrigued, as it was the first time this had happened. But then he thought it might be a constraint imposed by the challenge. Everyone agreed with this thought.

Despite agreeing, each one took off his arms and walked slowly toward the tree, the compass in the young man's hand continued to spin to all sides. Arriving in front of the tree, the young people did not feel anything wrong, climbing the tree and reaching for the fruit.

At that moment something happens, the compass is broken. Looking at it, the young people finally realized that something was wrong. It was not that there was anything around, they were on top of it all this time.

There was no time to run, suddenly the branches spread at an extremely fast speed, the young did not wait for this attack, no time to react, they are pierced by the branches.

"Ahhhhh !!!!"

Blood begins to flow through the branches and being absorbed, the tree totally absorbs the blood of the three young men, leaving only a body of skin and bone, all three died.

The earth begins to tremble, a creature covered with dirt and mud leaves the ground, making strange gestures, as if it were smelling something, it begins to walk in the specific direction.

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