Reborn as God: The strongest system

Chapter 123 Intense Battle

Belkazack changed his tactics, sending wave after wave of orcs to hammer the walls and test their strength. The defenders hold off the wave long enough denying access to orcs and preventing any further damage.

The orcs rage at the walls, trying to smash them down with no luck. With their failure to breach the walls.

The orc army begins the siege, Belkazak gives the orders to attack and five trolls step forward.

Five imposing figures emerged from the orc army, eyes gleaming with malevolent intent. In the fading light of sunset they exuded an aura of dread and terror.

Standing tall and spreading out from the orcs, their muscular frames were an intimidating sight.

Their bald heads were adorned with black horns, their massive "claws" hinting at their supernatural origins. Their huge tusk-like teeth added to their already frightening visage. Their skin, however, was what truly inspired awe and fear. It glowed an eerie purple and blue, as if some primeval power was emanating from them.

These trolls were the stuff of nightmares, capable of instilling panic and terror in even the bravest of heart. No one Who encountered them ever forgot the experience.

The trolls crash into the walls with heavy stone clubs, boulders and other materials. The weaker parts of the walls start to weaken under the assault, however the city is defended bravely by the guardians on the walls flinging burning pitch, flaming arrows, stones and rocks.

The attacks from the walls take a toll on the orcs, a good number of them fall as they charge at the wall. The orcs also hurl rocks, boulders at the wall and the archers make use of siege engines such as catapults, ballistae and trebuchets.

These siege weapons were ordered to be built by Belkazack in the last two days. It seems like the shamans of the orcs have somehow used their powers to greatly expedite the construction process, and soon Belkazack has multiple towers he can use to launch assaults on the walls.

It was not clear to Esdras what magic they used to make that possible and he couldn't see that far he only heard this from the command unit on the walls, this made him regret not planting a few more Spy eyes outside the city.

But it was already good enough, he didn't have many of them left and he needed them for later. Unfortunately the dungeon was destroyed by the pharaoh and he didn't know where to find more Creepers to increase the supply.

At dusk, Belkazack orders his orcs to use the siege towers to launch catapults at the walls. The citizens of the city take shelter in their homes, as the stones and arrows rain down on the walls with relentless ferocity.

The defenders respond in kind, launching fireballs, earth slabs, and other magical spells in retaliation. After many hours of assault and defense, the walls are still standing and Belkazack is eventually forced to order a retreat.

The citizens cheer and celebrate their victory, and the defenders set to work repairing the damage to the walls. The mages also help restore the magical barriers, ensuring that no future assaults can damage the walls.

This continued for three more days and it was clear both sides were taking damage and growing weary, however this intense attack was proof that Belkazak was not going for a prolonged siege. He wanted the city as soon as possible.

This was actually the best choice as trying to starve the city out was not possible not to mention that reinforcements could come to the city's aid at any time, he was in foreign land and isolated, he was in a corner.

Belkazack is completely stymied in his efforts and is forced to find an alternate means of breaking into the city.

Knowing that his enemy is now well prepared and fortified, he resumed his research of ways to find a magical weakness to the city defenses. Meanwhile, the people of the city work hard to strengthen their walls and fortifications in the event of a future attack.

On the sixth day, the city was covered in a cloud of green smoke that started at dawn.

The orcs brought massive cauldrons and started cooking living humans by the dozen, their screams sent shivers down any man no matter how hardened.

The cauldrons bubbled with a green disgusting liquid and the seven orc shamans led by the great shaman were endlessly chanting. The great shaman was the second in command and the right hand of king Belkazak, he had a remarkable staff adorned with colored skulls and bells.

He was a very important figure in this war and was a high priority target that was part of Belkazak's original tribe before he was king. It was even said that he whispers orders in the ear of the king and he obeys.

This spell was the cause of the green smoke that has engulfed the city.

The mages in the city realized it was not a good idea to let the smoke into the city when it passed through the magic barrier, they tried using wind magic and other methods but nothing worked.

As angry as they were they chose to ignore the provocation of the orcs and didn't make the mistake of opening the gates and attacking on the field again.

The green cloud didn't seem to have any effect at first but the soldiers were growing extremely paranoid and restless while the orcs were cooking and eating human, feasting in plain sight of the walls without ever getting to close or attacking.

Suddenly in the afternoon, the soldiers rebelled.

Well, it wasn't right to call a rebellion as it was not organized in the least, it was a riot. The soldiers and many of the citizens started killing, stealing, raping and burning at random.

Chaos began to consume the city as only a few managed to maintain their sanity. This would have been the perfect time to launch a surprise attack.

Belkazak would have done so but he was not doing so well either.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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