Reborn as God: The strongest system

Chapter 141 Unexpected answer

141  Unexpected answer

A feeling?

That can't be right, it was a completely hidden space that even Esdras who was confident in his perception, failed to notice on his own.

If it wasn't for the pharaohs warning and help, he would not have been able to figure out how to pass through the formation anyway even if he found it.

The rock he used to open the formation, looked like any normal rock in the place. Without the relevant knowledge of how to disable, the formation on would need to be extremely lucky.

Somehow Esdras wasn't convinced that Celine was that lucky.

"Celine, I want you to tell me what is going on." Esdras decided to voice his concerns out. "Even if you think it's something unbelievable, I need you to tell me."

Celine looked distraught, she cast her eyes downwards and bit her lips before she looked back at him.

"I don't know what to tell you, it's just… I was feeling that something was going on, and about that deal with the shadow lady. That's when I started having these dreams, warnings and clues that I couldn't understand. But… when they dropped me off close by for the Rite that's when things clicked together."

Celine paused here and looked at Esdras who nodded calmly, he wasn't too surprised. Things like this weren't a big deal to him. Celine continued.

"Some of the things I saw in my dreams were telling me to come here, this is my only chance."

"Chance? To do what?"

"To escape my fate. To fight back. This is the only way before the change happens, it's almost time." Celine answered with determination.

Now this did surprise Esdras, "what change are you talking about?"

Although he had an idea what she was referring to he wasn't sure because the change wouldn't happen soon, there's still time.


"The great change, Esdras. The old powers are awakening, the cold winds are blowing and even things from beyond the stars."

"I do have some idea about what you're talking about but isn't it too soon? Calm down, there's no need to rush."

"Soon, I mean less than a day." Celine said cooly.

Esdras felt goosebumps, "impossible! That can't be right!"

"I thought it was impossible too, but my dream has been coming true so far. The first change will manifest the beginning in Seorie." Celine shook her head with a distant look on her face.

"Seorie… that can't be right. The war is over, Belkazak is dead, the orcs are mostly dead the rest of them are on the run." Esdras denied that possibility, he felt a pit in his stomach.

"I don't know what exactly, the details are all clouded but that doesn't matter. I can't sit and do nothing while the time runs off. Will you help me? I don't know what we will find there yet but it's the last chance."

Esdras felt his head spinning, it was not long ago when he dismissed the Rite of passage as some formality that didn't matter. However he didn't expect that things would take such a wild turn like this.

He composed himself and forced his mind to focus on the task at hand as too many thoughts were threatening to fry his brain.

"I will help you." Esdras nodded, this was the time for action if what Celine said turned out to be true then he had to act quickly, "but you still should have told me all of this when it first started."

"I'm sorry, I thought I was going crazy…" Celine's eyes went red, about to cry, "thank you for believing in me."

Esdras pinched her cheeks red, "ooh, don't think you're getting away with just some scolding, you had me worried about you. Now, let's go do what must be done."

Esdras walked for a bit before he stopped and turned asked, "oh, yeah what was that spell you used?"

"Which spell?… ah, you mean the Shadow cloak? Actually when I came in here I found a bronze plate with many symbols on it, I held it in my hand and suddenly this spell appeared in my head. But the plate them turned to ash. It was only thanks to that spell that I could last against those things."

Celine shuddered as she explained. Clearly it wasn't a good memory for her. But actually it was Esdras who was impressed Celine was much more capable than she seemed. She even killed the first giant spider by herself before Esdras came in.

If this place held the method by which to save Celine then Esdras was ready to do anything to get it.

He felt useless, Esdras had believed that he had more time, that he could grow stronger and then face the challenges head-on but unfortunately things didn't always go as planned.

Life was unpredictable and could take a turn left at any time. There were things that couldn't just be solved so easily.

Esdras and Celine, weary from their intense battle, took a few moments to catch their breath and tend to their injuries. With renewed determination, they cautiously proceeded through the dimly lit hallway, wary of any further dangers or hidden traps that might lie in wait.

The corridor seemed to stretch on for an eternity, each step echoing through the ancient space. The air grew colder, and an eerie silence enveloped them, only heightening their sense of nervous anticipation.

As they reached the end of the hallway, they found themselves standing before a colossal, ancient gate. The sheer size and intricacy of the gate left them in awe. Esdras recognized the intricate carvings and designs as belonging to the ancient elves, a civilization long thought to be lost to time.

The mysterious patterns and strange symbols etched into the gate's surface seemed to dance and shift before their eyes, casting an otherworldly glow that illuminated the darkness surrounding them. The air hummed with an almost palpable energy, as if the very stones themselves held secrets waiting to be unlocked.

Esdras and Celine could not help but feel both wonder and trepidation as they gazed upon the ancient elven gate. They knew that they stood at the threshold of something monumental, something that had remained hidden for centuries. The weight of the discovery hung heavily upon them, as they contemplated the potential dangers and knowledge that lay beyond the gate.

They exchanged a glance, acknowledging the sense of unease that lingered in the air. Cautiously, they inspected the area for any signs of traps or hidden mechanisms that might be triggered by their intrusion. Their hands brushed against the cold, intricately carved stone, each symbol seeming to tell a story long forgotten.

Despite the lingering anxiety, Esdras and Celine could not deny the thrill of uncovering a piece of history that had eluded the world for so long. The prospect of unveiling the secrets held within the ancient gate filled them with excitement and determination. With their resolve steeled, they prepared to venture beyond the threshold, knowing that whatever awaited them, they would face it together.

Despite the breathtaking beauty and intricate design of the ancient elven gate, Esdras and Celine couldn't help but notice the signs of decay and damage that had accumulated over the centuries.

The once-majestic gate bore the weight of the ages, and in places, the stone had cracked and crumbled, revealing gaps where the once-perfect seal had faltered. It was evident that the passage of time had taken its toll, and even the powerful magic of the elves couldn't preserve the gate indefinitely.

The sight of the gate's decay served as a stark reminder of the transience of all things, even the most awe-inspiring works of the ancient elves. Yet, despite its imperfections, the gate continued to exude an aura of mystery and power, a testament to the enduring legacy of the civilization that had created it.

As they carefully inspected the gate, Esdras and Celine searched for a way to open it, mindful of the weakened state it was in. They cautiously navigated the cracks and gaps, wary of causing further damage and potentially triggering any dormant traps or defenses that may have been put in place by the elves.

The duo couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness at the sight of the once-magnificent gate, now marred by the ravages of time.

But this melancholy was tempered by a fierce determination to find what they were looking for here.

With a combination of care and ingenuity, Esdras and Celine finally managed to unlock the gate, the ancient mechanisms groaning in protest as the doors slowly began to part.

As they stepped through the threshold, they couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence for the civilization that had come before them and the indomitable spirit of discovery that had led them to this moment.

Together, they ventured beyond the broken gate and into the unknown, eager to uncover the mysteries that lay hidden within the depths of the ancient elven stronghold.

As Esdras and Celine stepped into the chamber beyond the ancient gate, they found themselves in a large, dimly lit room that appeared to be an ancient elven laboratory. The air was heavy with the scent of dust and long-forgotten magic, and an eerie silence hung over the room, as if time itself had stood still within its walls.

Upon entering the ancient laboratory, Esdras and Celine were immediately struck by the sheer scale and complexity of the room. The high, vaulted ceiling seemed to stretch on endlessly, and the walls were lined with rows upon rows of towering bookshelves, filled to the brim with ancient tomes and scrolls.


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