Reborn as the Enemy Prince

Chapter 107

Chapter 21. On the other side of the abyss (3)

Early dawn on the last day of the festival, when Dmirea stood next to Calian.

The chirping of birds was unusually loud that day.

And Kalian had an unusually long dream that day.

I’ve never had a dream about when I was Bern, but Calian in my dream was Bern. Looking at the lavender eyes reflected in the mirror, she tied her long bluish-silver hair into one piece. Then, wearing light clothes, I went to Chase as usual.

Chase in the dream smiled at Verne.

Verne said something, but only Chase’s voice was heard in the dream. No other sounds were heard.

I guess it was because I didn’t want to hear anything else.

– You look tired. Get some more rest.

– I am your older brother. I should be worried about you, not you.

It was so good to hear that voice again that I couldn’t pay attention to anything else, and it wasn’t until much later that I realized it.

Chase in the dream had short hair.

It was like that. Chase had never grown his hair out.

This was because their hair color was exactly the same. Because they both resembled Devlan’s face, they both laughed and said that it would be no fun if their hair was long. So Chase always had short hair. I have never grown my hair out.

Why it.

Didn’t you know?

That’s what Chase looked like when he came to visit Kairis.

It looked a lot like Bern.

I came to my senses thinking that I had finally noticed something I should have noticed at a glance.

“…… under.”

Recalling forgotten memories may be memorable to some, but for others, those memories make them hold their breath.

That morning when birds with folded wings cried loudly.

Calian sat up and covered his face with both hands.

“I need to come to my senses…”

The whisper-like voice wavered like a candle.

* * *

The puppy-like face of the servant who said he had come to look for the cat did not look like that of someone who had come to look for the cat. Now I don’t know if he wanted an apology for throwing the knife or if there was something else going on, but he did it anyway.

In short, he was standing with a face like that of a seasoned general about to enter his hundredth battle.

“Prince Planz.”


Plantz, who had sent out only Relic, the servant who had announced Jan’s visit, responded in a voice that was half annoyed and half annoyed.

Then Yan opened his mouth with a face that looked like the sky was going to collapse at any moment.

“The prince’s eyes are red.”

“It’s originally red.”

Are you barking in the morning too, just like your owner?

When I looked at Yan with those eyes, Yan spoke again.

“No. The prince has been feeling low these days.”

…I don’t have any energy.

Around the time yesterday’s story ended, Kirie came out of the training center. My crazy brother saw that and asked me to spar with him, and I agreed. I almost died.

The wound on my neck that healed well overnight still seems to be throbbing.

Plantz, who seemed to have slightly closed his eyes, opened his mouth again with a face that asked Jan, who had no idea what he was swallowing, to wonder if I would have come here.

“Because of that now”

“You. Siegfried.”

Plantz cut off Jan’s words.

Jan had a somewhat stern look on his face. Then he tilted his head slightly and opened his mouth briefly.


Since Siegfried has been called, he answers as the duke’s son.

Plantz chuckled as he saw Yan noticeably change with just one call. Then he went to the sofa, sat down, leaned back, and pointed across. It meant that he had something to say by sitting across from the duke’s son, Siroian, rather than his servant Jan, so Jan sat down without hesitation.

At the same time, Planz’s mouth opened.

“Call me, Duke.”

Jan stared at Planz’s face.

“Do you know what it means for Demirea to come here?”


“Has the situation become so severe that we need to intervene?”

One corner of Plantz’s mouth curled up after hearing Jan’s words. There is no way Plantz doesn’t know who they are and what choices Slayman made when Lemain ascended the throne.

“You sound like you would do something if I asked you to intervene.”

Siegfried is not a man who stands up.

Kalyan also knew this. That’s why, even when he thought he needed the power of a knight, he didn’t look for Count Aizen Aprin, not Slayman.

“You don’t need a sword, so just bring a shield.”

If they wanted to intervene, they would have called for Slayman, not Demirea. Of course I will refuse.

Plantz spoke in his characteristic languid voice.

“My brother doesn’t have the personality to even ask for that.”

Randel’s hand was unusual.

It was not a visible force like the Knights or Wizards. The identity is unknown. The fact that he threatened Calian with such power meant that he had even a full-scale fight in mind.

Therefore, Siegfried needed their ‘name’.

Since Alan Manasil and Vulcan alone could not keep both Tensil and Brissen in check, there had to be another force that stood out.

A large group whose name alone could be enough of a threat to both sides to prevent them from thinking of attacking right away, lest they have to deal with both at once.

Jan, who was looking out the window and thinking about something for a moment, answered.

“This year, the Little Duke also came to Kairisis, so it wouldn’t be difficult to talk about it. But…”

Jan paused for a moment and looked into Planz’s eyes and asked.

“I’m curious why you’re going to this extent to help. I just came here because I wanted to know the reason.”

After hearing those words, Plantz let out a self-deprecating laugh.

– Everything was ruined because of you, so please understand this much.

The cause of this situation was Plantz.

If he hadn’t known that Calian was strong, Randel would have targeted only Briesen and Planz first. Calian should have been out of Randel’s eyes for now. Whether Calian defeated Lennon or created Balkan, he would have left it alone, confident that it would not escape his control.

Calian’s hidden power was revealed to Randel.

In addition, he continued to join hands with Plantz, and this time he even openly interfered with Randel. Both the Knights and the Vulcan were unfinished and the sword was pointed at Randel.

So now Randel’s next target will be Kalian.

If you can’t use it, get rid of it so it doesn’t bother you further.

So in the end, things got crazy because Calian saved Plants. There was no way something like this could have been in Calian’s plan.

However, Plantz was not kind enough to explain it in detail, so he simply answered.

“Because I owe you something.”

“Prince Planz owes me a debt, so why are you asking me to call Dmirea?”

It is clearly visible that he is trying not to pay attention to Chase because he is so focused on Landel and Briesen. There is no time to rest even for a moment. So, he was trying to repay the debt that Calian had given him. I was wondering if I should have debt when I didn’t have anything.

“I think I need some shade from the elephant so I can breathe.”

That was Plantz’s idea.

* * *

Calian was taken aback.

The baby elephant that said it would visit the cat didn’t come back for a while, so another elephant was brought in.

“Where is the cat going?”

“I heard you were sleeping on the bed in the upper room. Cool. Turning over on your stomach. I guess the upper room is more comfortable than the prince’s room.”

Calian chuckled.

“Do we really need to change the cat’s name tag?”

Anyway, after asking about the cat, Kalian looked at the small elephant standing next to him and said hello.

“It’s been a while, Demirea.”

“Yes, prince.”

Only the face is similar to Jan, but the personality is completely different. Jan said she looked like her mother, but Kalian didn’t even know who Jan’s mother was.

Anyway, after exchanging brief greetings, Kalian patted my knee for a moment and began to think about what kind of situation this was. And before long, he pointed to the upper floor with his finger and asked.

“Is this what you think?”

“Yes. I don’t know why he wants to pay his debt to Siegfried.”

“This is so…”

It was a strange feeling to receive Plantz’s help.

Calian also knew that this meant that he would calm his mind for a moment because he would turn Briesen and Randel’s eyes away.

As the situation continued where he couldn’t be distracted even for a moment, Calian kept pretending not to know Chase and putting it off for fear of being shaken further. He gave Calian the opportunity to meet Chase properly.

“You said you wanted to live, but then you tried to save me.”

Calian, who was able to catch his breath thanks to the enemy he had come to love and hate, laughed. And then he spoke to Demirea.

“I won’t bother you for long.”

“It doesn’t matter. I’m different from my father.”

Those words were very meaningful.

Perhaps the day will come when Siegfried will become king for the first time. As Calian thought that, a smile appeared on his lips.

* * *

It was gorgeous.

Kalian’s jacket was also dark gray, as if he had prepared it in advance. The silver buttons sparkled in the light of the chandelier. The end of the dark blue cloak was rimmed with silver thread, and a diamond pendant was swinging from the closure of the cloak.

A diamond that never changes.

The decoration that was changed for the first time this time represents Siegfried, who kept his beliefs. So what could it be but a declaration of complete alliance?

The nobles murmured like that, and Kirie, who heard it, laughed secretly.

‘If you do the same thing every time, it won’t seem like anything.’

Merlin, who was completely in charge of Calian’s clothes, said this.

Calian, who had a good safe, took those words to heart and simply purchased new items that could not be seen as missing. In fact, since the alliance was concluded a few hours ago, there was no time to think about it or prepare clothes and accessories.

Merlin, who had decorated Calian well, tried to add something more to Dmirea, who came back wearing a dress. Of course, Demirea declined.

Dmirea made Calian, who was dressed very extravagantly, laugh by saying that a person’s dignity does not come from ‘things like that’. Calian was equally disgusted when he first saw the robes here.

Anyway, after going through that process, the two entered together and sat together throughout the entire dance.

Since they had sparred and talked a lot throughout the time they were at Sleiman’s mansion, Calian looked very relaxed and talked and laughed.

“You two get along quite well, don’t you think?”

“I didn’t know that Siegfried’s little duke would go all the way out here.”

LeMaine nodded and answered Alan’s question as he watched the scene from afar and smiled.

Alan laughed again.

Looking at Marquis Evan Brissen sitting in front of me.

Evan is probably the most surprised here. Evan asked Slayman with a very shocked look on his face.

“Have you changed your eating habits?”

The question was, why does an elephant get involved in the fight for the crown prince?

Although the voice was quite aggressive, Sleiman answered leisurely.

“Is it any wonder that the heart of a sword wielder goes to a prince who is good at wielding a sword?”

He then showed Lemain the area near his neck.

A very faint but fairly long scar remained. It was a trace of a wound inflicted by Calian’s sword.

“Look at this. Why is your son this rough-edged? I almost got into big trouble!”

While everyone was laughing, only Evan couldn’t help laughing.

In the end, Evan decided to take his eyes off Calian for now. He changed his plan, saying he had to take down Randel first and keep Calian and Siegfried away. I had

no idea that this current situation was set up by Plantz, who told me to get some rest, and that I had no idea what consequences this would lead to.

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