Reborn as the Enemy Prince

Chapter 109

Chapter 21. On the other side of the abyss (5)

Marquis Evan Briesen’s eyes opened.

Plantz’s words were even more surprising than when Calian entered with Dmirea.

“Holy knights. Are you saying that the first prince really invited them to the palace?”

Plantz also hated repeating the same words as much as Calian. No, it would be more accurate to say that it was not that he was repeating words, but that he was the type of person who found talking itself annoying.

Therefore, instead of saying “really,” Plantz said something else.

“Is Brisen strong?”

Are you strong?

Evan answered with a look of confusion as to why he was saying something so obvious.

“You don’t even know the power of Brisen, so what are you saying all of a sudden?”

“I’m curious. Are you strong?”

“It’s strong. It’s powerful, but isn’t Brisen the place with the greatest influence among the nobles of Kyris?”

When Evan said this and looked at Planz with eyes full of pride, one corner of Plantz’s mouth went up.

“It’s because Seungnyang is doing this.”

Sylike Lennon and Gray Allen’s Peer Calian’s Auror Calian’s alliance with Siegfried, etc. Until now, Evan has been struggling with many things.

“He notices, withdraws his foot, revises his plan, then bites his foot again. He’s been doing this over and over again, but he’s never really stepped forward. He’s a wildcat that can’t even be a lion, let alone a griffin. That’s all he looks like.”

Neither Plants nor Evan had any idea that they were blood relatives. It was a relationship based on necessity, nothing more or less. Therefore, Planz spoke as a prince, and Evan listened as a marquis.

Therefore, Evan frowned after receiving an unexpectedly harsh evaluation from the prince. And as he was about to say something with an unpleasant feeling, Planz cut him off with a low voice.

“My brother thinks more than he breathes.”

Plantz turned his head and looked at Evan.

He then continued speaking with his eyes clearly looking down at a person.

“That’s how I live.”


“Do you think brother Randel is different from my younger brother? Since he asked me if what I said was true, I guess he thought it was funny that he was just looking at flowers every day.”

Evan closed his mouth quietly.

Plantz was right.

A bloodline like Tencil that goes out to the garden every day, takes care of the flowers, and reads books. That is the Randel that Evan sees.

Being the eldest son was of no use in Kairis. So whether it’s Randel, Tensil, or some of the noble forces that support Randel. I didn’t think it was anything like that.

“You say you’re going to deal with those two, but you just talk nonsense.”

“Prince. You talk too much…”

“I assure you, if you keep going like this, Brissen won’t be able to beat Brother Randel, let alone my brother. In that time when you are running a gambling house and hiring a margrave who has no profit to do things. “Shouldn’t we really think about how to put me on the throne?”

A blade appeared in Plantz’s eyes, which were drowsily downcast. Plantz spoke with eyes that looked as if he would pull out his sword at Evan at any moment.

“So now. I hope you come to your senses.”

Of course, only until Landel is taken down.

With words that had a hidden meaning, Plantz was trying to fix Evan’s mentality. As Calian said, he couldn’t stay under Calian’s shadow forever, so he had to properly use the swords of Evan and Brisen against Randel.

Evan’s eyes grew a little more harsh at Plantz’s words.

Anyway, now it is no longer possible to touch other princes besides Plants. Hearing these words from Plantz, who I thought was a fool, made me think that I shouldn’t lose my mind even if it hurt my pride. Now that things have come to this, I have no choice but to make up my mind to give it a try.

“I understand what you mean, prince.”

After hearing Evan’s answer, Plantz felt fortunate that he at least understood. I don’t know how much effort Evan will put into it, but it will be better than before.

By the time I had a few more conversations with Evan and parted ways, the prom was already over. Therefore, Planz also returned to Chermil.

And then I saw a servant standing awkwardly in front of the Chermil Palace. It was Yan, the great attendant who even Calian didn’t know why he was doing here.

Jan, who was facing Plantz, greeted him with a not very happy face. Planz, who was passing in front of Yan, suddenly stopped and opened his mouth.


Since the name Siegfried was not used, this time they called Jan from beginning to end. Therefore, Jan responded in a slightly more polite manner than in the morning.


“Call that maid. Not you.”

Plantz is generally short-spoken and Jan is generally tactful.

Therefore, it can be said that it was inevitable that an expression like ‘Please understand and speak plainly’ appeared on the servant’s face as he looked at the second prince.

Plantz, whose expression clearly showed that he had said something for no reason, looked at Jan with irritated eyes and spoke again.

“Hinara, please leave the maid with me. You go.”

“Is our prince hurt?”

What kind of bastard touched our flower-like prince?

Just before those words came out, Plantz spoke in his place.

“My brother barks a lot, so his servants also want to bark.”

Then he walked back and forth inside as if it didn’t matter whether he understood or not.

* * *

We didn’t talk for a long time.

It was already enough that Chase cut off his hair and Calian visited him, so there was no need to say anything.

In that way, Calian confided a lot to Chase.

Guilt about Chase, memories of the last days, and the many things he had been through.

And all the way to Bern.

Everything was put down in front of Chase.

Chase accepted everything without saying a word.

Ironically, the only person who could fully understand why Calian couldn’t be Bern was Chase.

Chase relaxed his arms holding Calian. From the moment Verne escaped Chase’s embrace, he became Calian again.

I decided to accept that although we could see each other face to face, we could not be brothers.

Calian opened his mouth in a quiet voice.


When everything is done.

at that time.

When it becomes okay for Kalian to have a place to return to.

When it’s okay to let go and believe that you have a place to return to.

When that time comes.


I couldn’t bear to continue the words after that.

Because Calian wasn’t good at lying.

Chase, who understood even that, smiled and answered.

“Go back now, Prince Calian.”

They told me to go back because it was already too late.

In that way, I sent Calian’s steps back.

* * *

Hina, who had come out without knowing why, just let the cat in her arms run into Chermil Palace. It was clear that I was going to the 4th floor anyway, so there was no reason to hold on.

‘You didn’t come back like this because you went somewhere alone.’

Then, feeling a little bored, he quietly waited for Kalyan to come on Jan’s behalf.

After a long time had passed, I was about to hold back the yawn that came out without me realizing it. Suddenly, I saw Calian walking from afar. And then I noticed.


Is it because the power of blessing does not treat swollen eyes, or is it so swollen that it is of no use? Kalian’s eyes were swollen.

Seeing this for the first time, Hina quickly ran to Kalian. A welcome light appeared on Kalian’s face.


And then his expression immediately became embarrassed.

It’s because of the face I don’t want to see.

“Why did you come out? You might catch a cold. Come on in.”

Kalian was unusually kind to Hina.

Hina knew very well that it was not interest in the opposite sex, so she often thought it was funny that the younger Kalian acted like an older brother like this.

Anyway, Kalian, who had been worried about Hina since it was obvious that something was going on, lowered his head slightly and tried to go inside. Hina stopped in front of Kalian for a moment and quickly spoke.

– If you go in, you’ll be in big trouble. Prince’s Eye Toad.

Jan will be worried again.

Calian, who understood all of Hina’s sign language except ‘toad’, nodded and stopped. And Hina took Kalian by the arm and led him to the lakeside of Chermil Palace and made him sit on a rock.

Hina asked, looking at Kalian for a moment with those big eyes.

– Did you all cry?

Calian shook his head and answered ‘yes’. Hina smiled because actions are more honest than words.

– I’ll come back later.

Hina covered Kalian’s eyes with her small hands. And with his free hand, he patted Calian’s back. Now is the time to finally act like an older sister.

Hina was the warmest light in the world.

Tears dripped down Hina’s palms, filled with a peaceful glow.

Since there were no hands left to say anything, Hina just quietly patted Kalian on the back. I didn’t ask anything and just patted him.

A meowing sound was heard for a moment from the window of the Chermil Palace, a little distance away, and then soon moved away.

* * *

The festival commemorating LeMaine’s birthday, where big things always happen, but the main character of the festival is not really involved in them, has ended.

Whatever the intervention, it was clearly Lemain who had spent his birthday.

However, looking at Calian’s face, it seemed as if he had gained age on Lemain’s behalf. That’s why Alan clicked his tongue and said.

“Are you being filial?”

Seeing Kalian not understanding his teacher’s words for a long time, Slayman who was next to him added an explanation.

“The prince’s hard work is showing all on his face!”

Then, he laughed as if he was proud of himself for interpreting Alan’s words, then frowned and clutched his chest. Apparently, this was because Slayman, who had been fine the day before, had a forearm-length stab wound on his spacious chest.

Alan clicked his tongue at Slayman.

“You two just made me look old again.”

Calian couldn’t hold back any longer and laughed softly.

That morning.

Calian, who had managed to get his mind together, was sitting across from Jan and eating breakfast when Arsene came to visit. He then said that he thought he would have to take Hina with him for a while.

Kalian, who until then had no idea that the matter was serious, came to the Wilhelm Pavilion with Hina with the intention of seeing Alan as well.

And then I saw it.

The marble on the floor was horribly broken into pieces, Slayman was sprawled on top of it, and Tailan was sitting next to it, looking fine.

It was unfortunate that Jan, who had a meeting, couldn’t come with us.

‘It doesn’t even tickle this much!’

Sleiman, who was laughing while saying these words, soon fainted.

In the end, Alan stepped forward and moved Slayman’s large body.

It was said that a long time ago, Slayman almost died when he pointed his sword at Teilan. That’s why Slayman said he waited so long for the day to get together with Teilan one more time. Even though I knew I would lose!

Anyway, Slayman, who was like that, felt like he didn’t have enough to drink at the ball yesterday, and ended up spending the night drinking some more in Alan’s office. So in the morning, on my way back home, I ran into Teilan and asked for a game with him as a perfect way to relieve my hangover.

And it happened like this.

Calian sighed deeply after seeing the half-destroyed training ground. Then he spoke to Slayman, who had woken up and sat down a little while ago.

“You will be charged for restoration.”

“Are you saying this of course? I will repay you well, up to the cost of your treatment.”

What was so good about it was that Slayman laughed again with his answer. He said he had no regrets after fighting without a fight and lost, and that seemed to be why he was smiling.

Calian, who was quietly watching Slayman, opened his mouth.

“With something other than money.”

A look of embarrassment flashed across Slayman’s face when he heard those words.

“I have no intention of asking for a sword other than Siegfried’s shield, so you don’t have to worry about that. Demirea’s name alone is enough.”

“Then what do you want me to repay you with?”

Calian lowered his eyes and took a moment to gather his thoughts. Then he nodded as if he had made a decision and then gave his answer to Slayman.

“I will receive permission from Your Majesty, so please lend me the Duke’s mansion.”

“Do you mean Siegfried’s mansion in Kairisis?”


“Can I ask first what you plan to use the mansion for?”

A question appeared on Slayman’s face, and Kalian smiled and said.

“What you’re saying is that you want to hide my knights in the duke’s mansion. Isn’t there a training camp where the knights stay at Duke Siegfried’s residence?”

The knights created by Aizen were, of course, located in Aizen’s territory. What better place for the knights to sneak into Kairisis than Siegfried’s spacious mansion?

“By the prince’s knights, are you talking about those who will replace the royal guards Karen and Raon?”

“you’re right.”

“You are looking for something that is quite expensive for a marble floor.”

“I think it’s a reasonable price.”

Slayman, who was supposed to take charge of the prince’s private army and hide it in return for destroying the training ground floor, grinned.

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