Reborn as the Enemy Prince

Chapter 463

Chapter 82. As it turned out, I heard a gentle (2)


– Where are you?

I didn’t know when it would happen, so the communication bracelet I borrowed from Jan started to light up. It was a faint light that was hidden under the sleeves of a dark purple shirt and not visible from the outside.

Plantz, who could not see the light but heard the voice, gave the answer.

– you.

– It happened.

-……Conference hall.

– yes.

– when.

– I heard you were there a little while ago and then left. Why do you have to ask? It just happened a while ago.

– okay.

– I was only planning to sleep for one day, but three days have passed.

– My brother doesn’t keep his promises.

– May I apologize?

– what.

– Breaking a promise.

– it’s okay.

– sorry.

– That’s it.

– Because I’m worried.

As always, we had a very dry conversation.

Not much time passed after that. As soon as I opened my eyes, my younger brother came to the conference room and caused a commotion.

In fact, there were many times when Planz threw something. But I never hit anything. I’ve never been pushed. Of course, there has never been a time when the door to the conference room made such a noise that I couldn’t tell if it had been pushed or kicked.

– …You are opening a new horizon for my fame. My brother.

Planz’s dissatisfied red eyes gave off a strange glow. It was a similar sentiment as when I saw Lucy bringing in a huge bee she had hunted at the lakeside and releasing it in her room, or Anne putting down a chicken that had only eaten one bite.

It’s good that my younger brother, who had been sleeping all day and night and thought he was really going to die this time, made a grand reappearance by slamming open the door of the conference room and entering, but it’s embarrassing to welcome this situation where the thing he’s covering up right now is my face. The fact that I was reluctant meant that I felt willing.

I guess it’s hard to just look at what my little brother, that bastard, is doing with my face in a positive light, as I am just happy to see a guy who was sleeping without knowing anything about the world until he came to the conference room and suddenly wakes up and comes dressed neatly. I said I would take responsibility for my brother’s resentment on my own, but I have been diligently creating things for him to be criticized for with my own hands.

“I heard they were whispering about my younger brother… Even though my younger brother asked you about the rumor, I didn’t think you would really believe it. I’m disappointed.”

“Sir. We’re not believing a rumor. We’re not saying we’re going to reveal the matter even if possible. We’re just saying, “We’re

going to cover it up.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Then doesn’t that mean you believed that nonsense? Stupidly.”

Plantz quietly took a deep breath.

Randel, who was sitting next to him and watching what Calian was doing, opened his mouth to Plantz.

“I guess that will ease your worries. You seem to have regained your health.”

“…… yes.”

“It seems like we’ve regained too much.”

“…… yes.”

Plantz, who was irritated by the fact that he was a resident of the upper room, was the one who understood my current mood well and answered without even turning his head towards Randel.

In the meantime, the barking sound that seemed to fill in what was left unfinished while he was sleeping rang again in Plantz’s head.

– Have you ever been this noisy?

– doesn’t exist.

– ah. this.

Calian, who didn’t really like the idea of Plantz being treated like an asshole, but seemed to have no hesitation in using Plantz’s external publicity persona, walked in hurriedly.

The walk is a little different from Kalyan’s, which is always perfectly straight without any error. A step that becomes completely straight only when it is soaked, but is usually slightly wider in front. I walked across the conference hall, imitating Plantz’s gait.

– I misunderstood. I thought you would have done at least this much.

– Because he wasn’t as great a bastard as that king.

– ah. Actually, I never kicked in the door in front of nobles.

ah. You said so.

You didn’t push the door with your hand, you kicked it.

-…… I can’t believe I didn’t do it. Surprisingly.

– There was a time when nobles praised my father in front of Brother Chase by saying, ‘What did the King do in times like this?’ so he broke the pillars of the special banquet hall. I don’t use Auror.

ah. You said so.

Even though you didn’t kick in the door, you did break a pillar. I don’t even use aurors.

– I thought you would have tried this at least before throwing knives without hesitation during meals.

Calian paused for a moment and said these words. Because of this, Plantz once again made a shocked face.

okay. There was a time when I threw a sharp knife. But that’s it.

– Then why did you throw it at Jan?

– If I had thrown it at you, I would have pretended I hit it by accident.

– Did you throw it to Jan so that I could catch it properly so I couldn’t pretend it was a coincidence? I want to check if the contents of my brother and sister have changed.

– okay.

– I hope I don’t catch it.

-You got it.

– What if I didn’t catch it?

– Are you starting a fight as soon as you open your eyes? Or are you scolding me?

– I was suddenly curious.

– what.

– How did you feel at that time?

When I knew it was already too late to keep it.

– suddenly. why.

– Just suddenly. Just suddenly.

-……Speak informally.

-Suddenly I got worried.


Plantz put down his water cup with a little loud noise and turned his head. I looked into Calian’s light green eyes that made me feel like I was looking into a mirror.

– You keep speaking short.

– I think you felt the same way as I did when I lost Aila.

– Kalyan.

– That’s right, Kalyan. I am not someone who will forget who I am just because I have slept for a long time.

– however. why.

– I’m just asking. Isn’t that usually the case? If you lose it without being able to do anything about it… like my brother or me.

After answering this, Kalian raised his eyes. Then he looked around at the nobles sitting around him and opened his mouth.

“Baron Hazel kept a harpy at my brother’s villa… and someone let it loose, and I almost lost my life. Twice. You’re asking me to cover it up.”

Those eyes were different again.

He was different from the ‘Son of Silike’ who first came to this lord’s castle and silenced all the nobles. This is because I was playing a slightly different role this time. Not the planz that Bern had experienced, not the real planz that Calian knew, but the ‘that damn’ planz that Planz had worked so hard to make.

“Were you worried that false rumors about my brother might reach your ears?”

This is not a simple raid.

It was an attempt to murder the crown prince, who was not even a prince.

Therefore, if the instigator of this incident is revealed to be Freyr, Elazar, the knights under Lemain’s direct command, will directly interrogate Freyr face-to-face. However, in the process, Freyre was afraid that Lemaine would hear the strange rumors about Calian because he spoke incorrectly, so he told them to cover it up.

As I was quietly listening to this conversation outside the conference room, a question suddenly occurred to me. Aside from Freyr, what do the other nobles think of Calian? About him.

– Even after hearing that I was a fake, I was curious about my intention to keep this matter buried. Is it because I don’t believe it’s fake, or is it because I actually believe it to be true? That.

– So you bothered the door?

– yes.

So I got angry first.

I made him realize that Planz was not an appendage to Silike, but that didn’t mean he corrected the rumor that Planz was ‘easy to anger’.

– Just because he was looking down at the dessert plate while I was getting angry, he wouldn’t be able to tell that I have a gentle personality… – He talks well, but suddenly he barks


– Because of the external publicity persona that your brother worked so hard to create, they probably think that you are ‘not like Silike, but have a personality that gets angry quickly’. How did you know that and create something perfect to use in times like this?

– Are you not allowed to bark while you sleep?

– Because I don’t dream while I sleep. There was no chance to bark. Anyway, I treated them like ‘those who believed Freyr’s absurd words’, and no one objected.

– Danu.

– ……Why are you suddenly talking about Danu?

– I think Danu informed me.


Calian took another step. Power went into the tips of those feet.

-Why do you think so?

Plantz closed his big red eyes for a moment.

Three days ago.

* * *

Planz suddenly had this thought. I was wondering if I could stop by the elf city for a while.

There was no new reason to meet their elder, nor did I have the courage to meet Danu again, who only did things that were completely incomprehensible by human standards. There was no need to visit their city. But just.

– Saaaaa…….

I wanted to see the sea.

I’m listening to the sound of the wind. Suddenly.

To be exact, I wanted to see the sea that I saw all last winter, but I couldn’t go there. It would be a place he could secretly go to if he pestered Alan, but Plantz, who was not just anyone else, could not go in and out of Secretia without even a proper justification. So what I came up with instead was a city of elves.

I just suddenly wanted to see the sea. Not the sound of the mountains, not the sound of the valley water, not the screams of the harpies. The sound of waves quietly rolling in and then receding away made my ears hungry for no reason.

“You chase after the youngest so much that you start to resemble him.”

And above all.

If you go to the sea, you won’t have to meet that person.

Plantz frowned at the voice he heard as soon as he entered, wearing Calian’s face and Calian’s clothes. Landel, who would not pay any attention to such things, continued.

“Did your watch do the same?”

I beat up Plants, who came again after midnight. Even though he immediately recognized that Kalyan was upset, he didn’t even wonder what was going on and said something uncomfortable first.

“I thought you would open your closed eyes and close your open mouth.”

“I was glad that the etiquette teacher didn’t come anymore. It’s going to be noisy again when I go back.”

“I was glad to have fewer classes with my brother. When I return, I will have to be patient again.”

Now that I was able to face the situation, I thought I would refrain from saying that I resembled someone else, but now I was saying that I resembled Calian, not Silike. The scent of Renieri had disappeared from Randel’s words, but that didn’t mean they didn’t sound like nagging, so he talked back. Then they said they would bring back the etiquette teacher who had completed the course.

So Plantz fought back without losing.

I said you should take that etiquette training too, brother.

– …… Palak.

Landel, who had turned a page of a book that seemed like he had been reading it all day, just lifted his gaze and looked at Plantz. He opened his mouth as he looked into the red eyes of his second brother, who was looking directly at him through the not-so-strong scent of tea.

“This time, I thought the youngest would show up with your face to stop the fight. But he didn’t come.”

“The youngest who was supposed to stop the fight is not feeling well again.”

“So you decorated it like that?”


“They say there’s no one to stop them…”

– Tak!

“Talk to me.”

What should I do when the resident on the 3rd floor, who was supposed to stop the fight between the residents on the 4th and 5th floors of Chermil Palace, is sick? We need to stop fighting and start talking. About the reason why he came disguised as Kalian again.

So Randel closed the book he was reading and pointed to the chair across from him. Plantz walked slowly and sat down, leaning against the back of the chair. And now, I moved my mouth again and spat out the words I really wanted to give me a break.

I explained what I experienced at Calian’s villa a little while ago. I recalled the story Arsene told me when he came to visit me as soon as I laid Calian down in the crown prince’s room.

‘I have something to tell you.’

‘The one lying down is my brother. “Are you mistaken?”

‘I was not mistaken, Sir Plantz.’

‘…… What.’

‘Freyr and Zeon are related. I’m telling you this because I think everyone needs to know right now.’

‘I can’t believe it’s related.’

‘Zeon’s warriors came to assassinate Freyr and they all died.’

‘Why are they saying it was related to the attack?’

‘It seems like Freyr was involved in what brought the prince to this point.’


‘Actually, today, as part of the prince’s errand, I carved an image of Queen Freya and the prince as a child and presented it to Freyr. It was meant as an apology.’

‘…… okay.’

‘I thought that since they were elves, the way they felt emotion might be different from that of humans. Freyr saw the two of you with the same eyes. So, already… I mean.’

‘It’s like seeing someone who isn’t here.’

‘… Yes. That reaction seemed a little unclear, so I asked a question just in case. Your nephew would help you if you told me what was going on.’


‘It was only for a moment, but I saw the bodies of the dead Xeons. And I hid my confusion.’

I couldn’t ask Calian, who was lying down, how to accept Freyr’s actions that Arsene had told me about, so I thought to myself. Even so, I couldn’t come up with an answer, so I ended up getting up. Then, Randel came out of the room of the crown prince, who was lying injured. After heading to the room, he told the story.

Landel, who heard everything Plantz said, put down his teacup.

A quiet voice turned to Plantz.

“They say elves can’t tell lies.”

“That’s right.”

“It’s an elf named Freyr . If the elf hid his confusion in front of the youngest, wouldn’t I have been able to recognize it?” ”


“If that means that the elf didn’t know what the youngest was hiding until he treated the youngest alone.” “I

think so . “I

found out the truth before I met Vice Commander Hertz.”


“I heard about the youngest’s secret within a day and immediately believed it and was confused. That would be the story.”

Plantz remained silent.

This was because he wondered whether someone who had never seen Calian could so easily believe that Calian’s soul had changed. ”

Just pretend to be smart. “Did you come to me because you didn’t know the answer?”

“You acted like I was on top of my own head, pretending to be smart.” “

I would believe it if Danu said it.”

Instead of continuing the argument, Randel said this.

“What the Mother of Elves said. “Is

there something else?”

Yes, it was just one possibility. If Danu had told him what Calian had hidden, Freyr would have no choice but to believe it.

But Danu.


“The youngest said. Didn’t you? “Who do the nobles here resemble?”

said Randel, who was sitting quietly watching Plantz.

Whether they were abandoned or ignored, they are ultimately Danu’s children who cannot escape. Didn’t Calian say that? He

remembered those words . Plantz frowned.

“I will believe what Danu says. But Danu clearly seemed to care about Kalyan. You know that arbitrarily revealing Calian’s identity won’t help him.”

“Did you care about it or did you need it?”

Plantz didn’t answer.

Landel, who put down the teacup with a click, spoke softly. He said,

“If a dog does not recognize its owner and shows its teeth, it will be put on a leash and locked up. But. If a dog that I thought would treat me as its owner shows its teeth only to me and wags its tail to people other than me, what can I do to teach such a dog who his owner is?” Plantz’s eyes narrowed. Randel continued. “Put on a


. Lock them up… and they’ll do the same thing. However, if you force it like that, wouldn’t the people following the dog ask questions? Why do you treat a gentle dog like that? In that case, what will the dog owner do?”

The wind blew.

Plantz said,

“I’ll show you the spot where the bite occurred.”

“Yes. I’ll show you where the bite occurred. This dog is not what you think. My nature is not as gentle as I thought. That’s what they would say. Then, they will obediently agree, and the owner will finally get his hands on the dog that he thought was his.”

Danu tried to get his hands on Kalyan.

Then, he rebelled against Danu. Kalyan.

His foot in the middle. He stopped, but was clearly trying to turn to Danu. He said he would kill all the elves. Calian said this in the forest, where Danu could not have seen it. So Danu informed Freyr of the truth. It was a warning. It continued to go astray like


. If so, I would rather let everyone know your identity and isolate you.

“… Because I must protect my cause. First, after inspecting all the territories…”

Planz took a long breath and opened his mouth.

Then, he faced the abyss of Randel and continued.

“Brother, do you want to go see the sea?”

The elf said . The city.

Blue eyes that seemed to capture the deep sea of that place.

There was a light with life in those eyes.

“It won’t be bad.”

The wind blew and an answer was heard.

* * *


Calian took a step forward. –

I guess that’s why Danu hates you. He’s already holding on to the leash that he’s never let go of.

– My brother barks so much. Shouldn’t he be holding on to it well? He looked at me for a

moment as if thinking about something in front of the nobles. Calian, who had caught the wind, sent a message again:

– Actually, there are a lot of people who know my secret.

– I know.

– But most of them don’t really care who I am. Not only have they never met me before, but they don’t care who the person who will ascend to the throne is. Aren’t they people I won’t use? Even if you and Brother Randel are an exception.

– Yes.

– Then Freyr. The nobles here. Don’t they care too? Even if Danu made them believe what my secret was, I wouldn’t care. Could it be?

– It shouldn’t have been.

– Right. Because they were the people who wanted me to be my mother’s son. Still, they say let’s keep quiet. I don’t know what Freyr thinks of it, but at least that’s how they feel. Plantz didn’t answer. He cherished me so


. I lost ‘Kalian’ without my help… If I had known that fact, I should have been sad, resented the person I am now, kicked him out, or tried to reveal the truth, but I don’t. Why is that? – Doesn’t matter

. …… I don’t have one.

– Yes. I guess that’s what it is.

– Yes.

– When I said not to see me as your mother’s son, I didn’t mean that you shouldn’t care who I am. It’s bitter.

One corner of Kalian’s mouth twitches. I was wrong.

“It wasn’t Whitlin who protected my brother. It wasn’t your yearning. It wasn’t the estate profits and gifts you guys were sending me.”

He said again the words that would never be uttered from this current appearance and face.

“It was me.”

Calian looked at Navia with his light green eyes hardened. Here. He looked around at the nobles sitting on the table and continued,

“Please don’t criticize me as an incompetent person who doesn’t even recognize Brother Randel and His Highness. “If you ever show any doubt about my brother again… Whitlin will have a new name.”

Whatever Danu thought,

Calian delivered a warning to the elves.

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