Reborn as the Enemy Prince

Chapter 481

Chapter 85. Meng (2)

Communication within and outside Whitlin’s inner city was almost cut off.

Fortunately, however, contact with Calian who entered the elf city was not lost. This means that if Demirea, who is in the lord’s castle inside the inner castle, talks to Calian, Calian can relay the message to Aela outside the outer castle.

However, neither side used this method. No matter what anyone said, it was never the reason that it was difficult to entrust the role of Jeon Seo-gu to Prince Calian. For Dmirea and Aela, Calian was not an interesting person enough to make them reluctant.

Rather, it would be correct to say that there was no need to use Calian because there were alternatives.

-…… Piing!

A blue flame rose into the sky from the lord’s castle inside Whitlin’s inner city. It was clearly different from the festival fireworks that float with a brilliant light and explode with a roar. It rises straight up without any huge noise or scattered light and then quickly disappears.

After that, three or four times, the flame, which turned red this time, flashed again and again at intervals before fading out without a trace.

– Ping ping!

So, it’s thanks to that flame.

Thanks to that, Kalian didn’t have to act as a warlord. Wouldn’t it be a better way to inform allies of the situation and warn enemies that a wizard is staying?

“Nothing special yet.”

Soon, they heard the Balkan knight staying near the villa giving a short report to the highest-ranking wizard among them.

The Wizard’s Flame is used as a major means of communication not only in Balkan, but also in the armies operated by each lord’s castle in Kairis, the armies of other countries, and even Zeon. Of course, for security purposes, the meaning of the color, shape, and whether or not the firework exploded in the sky was determined differently for each person, but the use of it as a communication method was the same.

And the information about the meaning of their flame was, of course, confidential.

“Is it really true that nothing special happened?”

Therefore, Yan, who did not know the meaning of the red and blue flames that flew up from the castle, opened his mouth with an anxious face. Then, Eila, with a calm expression, nodded her head lightly and answered.

“That’s right. It means there’s nothing wrong.”

“Ah… that’s a relief.”

“Not yet.”

“You mean not yet?”

“I added that they were raising their guard one level. It means that they decided it was time to attack Xeon.”

Eila, who returned to the villa after guiding Hina to the castle, was calm. Even though they said that a fight might soon break out in the castle, I wasn’t too worried. The expressions of Yan and the other two attendants who were with him were noticeably different from the slightly stiff expressions.

“By any chance… did Prince Calian tell you?”

The person who was looking at Aila like that, the Balkan wizard who had received the report a little while ago, asked. But his face was full of caution.

It’s something that can’t be helped. This is because we are faced with a situation that cannot be explained simply by the fact that Aila has been protecting Hina for a long time, and that Balkan members have sparred with Aila several times and exchanged learning with her, or that she is the person who will become a knight of Calian.

“The prince told me a lot of things. I don’t know what he’s talking about.”

“It’s a signal, Sir Bridget. I’m telling you this because you seem to recognize it.”

For example, the situation where it was discovered that Aila had understood the meaning of the fire signal that only some members of Balkan, the leadership, and Calian and Lemaine were supposed to know.

“Can’t I find out?”

“It’s not something you can know.”

“Don’t worry. I’m not the prince who would tell you about such things. I just found out.”

After saying this, Eila slowly stretched out her hand. And now I pick up one of the foods that no one is touching anymore. It was food made by the Balkan knights and Relic himself using ingredients that Jan had prepared in advance and even magically preserved. It was not possible to airlift food and cooks from the castle.

The wizard’s words were heard by Aila, who was savoring the large raw oysters prepared for each meal with a little bit of olive oil mixed with sliced lemon peel, at Yan’s request in case Calian might come.

“So you figured it out yourself?”

“Are you the kind of person, prince, who would entrust the job of asking information to a guy who can’t even crack a code like that? I’m not next to you because I’m pretty.”

That kind of password.

Should we feel fortunate that someone who can talk so lightly about the confidential signaling system is on Kalyan’s side?

While the confused wizard remained silent for a moment, Aela continued speaking.

“The prince will be very disappointed if he finds out that his person is being suspected, so just in case, don’t do that. It would be unfair to be suspected of being competent.”

“I do not doubt it, Sir Bridget.”

“That’s it then.”

Aela answered as if there would be no problem and then looked away from the wizard. He then said, putting his hand back to the almost empty plate of raw oysters.

“If there’s a fight in the castle, we can’t rest either. Eat while you have time.”

Only the orange-haired magician Cain Tess, who did not respond for a moment, nodded. Then we continued with dinner featuring simple recipes. The same was true for the rest of the crew and the three servants, except for those on guard and Siona Hill, who was resting.

Yan, who had finished eating early, turned his head. And as I watched Ayla eagerly eating raw oysters that were mostly untouched, I opened my mouth.

“Do you like raw oysters, Sir Bridget?”

It’s also difficult to hide.

Eila’s plate is filled with empty oyster shells.

“yes I like it.”

Eila nodded and answered.

“When I was at Secretia, I couldn’t eat even on my birthday.”

Because Kalian and Aila did not bother to hide their origins, no one knew that Aila was a Sejak named ‘Blue Warbler’. No, just one person. Randel’s servant Den was there, but it was not because they were hiding it, but because they were indifferent to each other, so there was no reason not to mention Secretia here.

“Do you eat raw oysters on your birthday in Secretia?”

“Just eat what you like.”

I like food because I can’t eat it even on my birthday, but I eat my favorite food on my birthday. The answer was so confusing that it was hard to tell which came first, but Yan didn’t care.

Is the order important?

Whatever it is, if you like it, it’s okay.

“I’m glad. I was worried that you’d be left behind because the prince wasn’t around, but you continued to eat well.”

“Does the prince like raw oysters?”

“Yes. I like it a lot.”

Jan nodded with a round smile and answered.

Eila knew very well how many raw oysters Calian ate while he was in Secretia. However, Kalian just ate a lot of everything. So I didn’t know I liked it more.

But he likes raw oysters. Kalyan is the king.

“You’ll probably like it more than meat.”


Royal families do not normally eat raw food. Because raw food is dangerous. Therefore, the royal chef of Kairis, who does not usually eat seafood, had no chance of serving raw oysters.

The same goes for Secretia. Since it is an expensive ingredient, it is included in dishes for guests, but uncooked oysters are not placed in front of the royal family.

It is said that whether it was Kalian of the past or the king himself, there was no way he would have eaten raw oysters inside the palace. But I like it.

I think I somehow understand the reason.

Is it possible that Kirie, a native of Kairis, would have recommended raw oysters to the king, something he had never seen before in his life? Arianne, whom I had met several times in Secretia, did not even let raw oysters near her. So, either the Emperor came to like it after encountering it when he was wandering around outside the palace.

“I see.”

I like it because I like it.

– Clap!

Eila put down the empty oyster shell and nodded quietly. And then I brought the last remaining oyster to my mouth. It’s an expensive dish that I couldn’t even eat on my birthday, so I figured I should eat it to my heart’s content even on a day like this.

– Peeing! ping! Peeing…!

at that time.

Bright orange and white flames alternately lit up the sky several times before disappearing. Kane, who confirmed this, immediately stood up.

After taking a sip of carbonated water, Aila put her hand into water with lemon in it. And I slowly washed my long, white fingers, which still had a few scar marks.

– Jingle, jingle!

Behind the small sound of water washing hands, the sound of the sword master walking towards this place can be heard.

Eila immediately stood up and quietly turned her head. And then he opened his mouth to Jan and the other two servants who had been talking so far.

“Please stay down.”

The battle for the lord’s castle has begun.

* * *

I didn’t know you liked birds.

Rather, I thought he would be reluctant. Wouldn’t you hate birds because they might try to eat bugs sitting on rose leaves and drop the flowers? That’s all I thought.

“I didn’t know you liked birds.”

“Is there any reason to dislike it?”

“You’re dropping flowers. If you’re careful.”


“Why don’t you drop it?”

“It didn’t shake the flowers as much as the rain and wind did.”

“Is that so.”

Because I did not want to be associated with the elves anymore, I thought that even if I came here again, it would not be a very peaceful visit, and when I came to the sea, I felt suffocated by the thick salt smell.

‘That’s the sea, Raven. Take care too. Now I might never see that place again.’

When I first saw that sea, wasn’t it a sea I thought I would never come back to? That is, until I saw Planz, who had brought out the Balkan crew, raising blue flames over the black sea.

Therefore, a bird was flying over the dark sea that I had never thought that I would end up burying my head in it, let alone setting foot in it again. I saw a bird with neither red feathers, blue feathers, nor white feathers, but dark feathers that were of no particular significance.

“By the way… it’s not a seagull. I don’t know what its name is.”

“Actually, they don’t know my name, so does it really matter?”

“I just wanted to let you know. This and that.”

It was already dark, so it was not time for seagulls to fly. It was a bird of prey, not a seagull or other waterfowl. It looks like it probably lived in the forest out back and came here to hunt.

The blue eyes of the person who I thought would hate the bird that followed it turned towards Kalian.

“I thought you knew birds well, but this was surprising.”

“As for the name of the bird, you can open a bird encyclopedia in the royal palace and roughly search for it, or the person who will become the bird can come up with the name. I’m already busy, so I couldn’t even memorize the appearances of the birds with that name.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. Would life in the royal palace have been different for me? It was just as narrow. At least there were days when I wandered outside the palace, so I learned about trees and grass from the people living outside, but I couldn’t learn about birds.”

“Don’t people outside the royal palace know about birds?”

The bird that went straight into the sea came out of the water. There was no fish tangled in its claws. I guess I wasted a lot of money.

“Many tree fruits and grasses are poisonous, so I have no choice but to memorize their names and appearances. What fruits should not be eaten, how to deal with poisonous plants, what benefits there are if you apply a tree trunk to a wound, etc. But birds “Isn’t that true? There’s no need to go to the trouble of memorizing the names and appearances of things unless you commonly encounter them. If you catch them, they’re all meat. That’s why I couldn’t learn them until then.”

“What you’re saying is that anything is just food for them.”

“In general, yes. It’s probably worse than Tensil.”

Randel nodded.

For commoners, life is about survival. I wonder if they memorize the bird’s name and use it for something.

“Yes. I guess so.”


Pong again. I vaguely heard the sound of water droplets bouncing across the waves. I turned my head toward the sound and saw a silver fish caught in the claws of a bird of prey. “Did you catch it

? I see it.”

Plantz, who was next to Calian’s words, just nodded. Randel looked toward the forest, following the fish caught by the bird, and opened his mouth. “Do you want to celebrate or mourn?” ”


bird and the fish. Are you saying whose side you will take?”

“Yes. Since one lives and one dies, would you celebrate or mourn?”

It’s an interesting question.

“Can’t you do both?”

“If you say you can’t.” “Well, I don’t

know. What should I do?”

It wasn’t a question that was meant to refer to Calian’s situation. If Cornbeard had been harsh enough to say such a thing directly to Calian, Calian would never have thought of putting that guy behind his back, regardless of whether he was a brother or not.

So. Calian got angry or upset, or instead of answering right away, he looked away. He looked at Plantz with his lavender eyes filled with moonlight and asked, “What do you think, brother?” “Not really.” Those words had nothing to do



. Pea, who must have understood just as well, gave an answer that was not at all sincere.

There was nothing I could do.

That was because Pea was upset.

In case you misunderstood, I would like to add that it wasn’t that Pea was hurt, it was just Pea that was upset. Quite a bit. As to why the good mood I felt after meeting a friend for the first time in a long time was soured so quickly, I asked,

‘Aren’t you hungry?’

‘… My brother must have already drank a lot of sea water. I wonder if he still has room to feel hungry.’

‘Is there any use in drinking a lot of salt water? I have to eat a lot of meat and a lot of bread to be as tall as I am now. Being shorter than Kirie is already enough. I don’t have the hobby of looking up at anyone.’

‘It’s not like that.’

‘Then what are you trying to say?’

‘Ride to the sea’

– Jump and jump!

‘I’m back, prince.’

Like this. As

soon as I realized that the guy sitting next to me had turned into my younger brother again, I was thinking of scolding him in earnest, but Kyrie and the resident upstairs came back just in time. So, Plants scolded Calian again this time

. I couldn’t do it. I know that I did something that would get me scolded, so Kalian would have already reflected on it whether he said it out loud or scolded me, but I feel a sense of unfairness. We both did something wrong and both reflected on it in the same way, but I was the only one who got scolded and my younger brother didn’t. .

Calian, who smiled slightly because his intentions were obvious, turned his head in the other direction again and opened his mouth to the tall knight who was sitting across from him. “What do you think, Kirie?” “If you can’t do both, I think it’s right to do neither


” .”

“No congratulations and no mourning?”


“That’s fair.”

Calian nodded and looked at Randel. He watched his

brother sitting on the wet sand without a quality blanket for a long time before opening his mouth. .

“Are you sorry?”


“The fish that was caught dies and disappears, and the bird that ate it lives another day. Do you feel sorry for taking Serjane’s place and having to live another day?”

“Do you see it that way?”

“It does appear that way. To be honest, I was surprised because I thought he wasn’t the type of person to care about such things.” “I

meant you, not Serzane.”

Randel corrected Calian’s misdirected intention.

I didn’t even know he was a person who could feel sorry in the first place. So, it was so surprising that I couldn’t believe that he felt sorry for Calian now.

“Hmm… just a moment. “Excuse me?”

After saying this, Calian raised his hand. Then he tapped his ear with his palm and shook his head. The blue-silver hair that he had tied with a string from Kyrie swayed slightly. “Water got into my ears and I’m dazed… I’m having auditory hallucinations.” I


and hear the sound of wind leaking from the side of the plant.

Since I can hear that sound clearly, I guess I’m deaf. But it’s strange. Why? I hear nonsense.

“You said you never weren’t wary of me, but

it seems like you aren’t anymore.” “Do you like that I feel comfortable with Brother Randel?” “

Is there anything bad?”


I’m hungry, but

there must be a problem. Randel’s words were heard again in Calian’s ears as he mumbled.

“Anyway, I’m talking about you, not Serzane.”

“Brother Randel, are you sorry for me? ”

“If I say no, it would be empty words.”


“I came to life with my brother on my back.”

Calian, who finally understood these words, smiled.

“Brother Randel, did you threaten me by selling my name to become a leader?”

“Negotiation. ”

Did Danu decide to extend his roots to Tensil as well?”


Negotiations were completed by selling Kalian’s name. This means that when Randel ascends to the throne of Tensil, Danu agreed to give his abilities to Tensil as well. In that case, there would be no droughts, no earthquakes, and no diseases.

So, should we congratulate the older brother who sold his younger brother’s name for comfort, or should we pity the younger brother who sold his name for his own comfort? That’s the question. It was

with a feeling of regret underneath.

“The roses will grow well.”

“I guess so.”

“How did you package and sell them?”

“Danu said that the day would come when the Sispanians would attack this place. I said that if that were to happen, I would have you come forward and persuade Sispanian at least once.”

“… Sispanian here.”


Danu cannot see the future.

So Sith The story about Fanian attacking this place was clearly referring to something in the ‘past’. It

wasn’t difficult to try to convince Sispanian. So Calian nodded quietly and opened his mouth.

“I understand. Anyway, ”

– Prince. Are you busy?

But someone’s voice was heard, interrupting Calian’s words.

– I think you need to come save me. Do you want to stay away?

Calian took a quiet breath.

It was Aila.

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